ISIS in Control of Hillarys Libya


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
MISURATA, Libya — Iraqi commanders have been arriving from Syria, and the first public beheadings have started. The local radio stations no longer play music but instead extol the greatness of the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

When the Libyan arm of the Islamic State first raised the group’s black flag over the coastal city of Surt almost one year ago, it was just a bunch of local militants trying to look tough.

Today Surt is an actively managed colony of the central Islamic State, crowded with foreign fighters from around the region, according to residents, local militia leaders and hostages recently released from the city’s main prison.

And why isn't Obama bombing the hell out of Surt?
Pretty obvious why.
So which is it?

First you say its Hillary's fault (stupid and wrong)
Then you say its Obama's fault (stupid and wrong)
Then you say he should bomb Surt (stupid and wrong)

We'll never learn, will we.

Or at least, RWNJs will never learn.
So which is it?

First you say its Hillary's fault (stupid and wrong)
Then you say its Obama's fault (stupid and wrong)
Then you say he should bomb Surt (stupid and wrong)

We'll never learn, will we.

Or at least, RWNJs will never learn.
You really are naive.

Clinton on Qaddafi: "We came, we saw, he died" - CBS News

Obama's do-over on his message to Americans about ISIS -
And you really are an idiot.
So which is it?

First you say its Hillary's fault (stupid and wrong)
Then you say its Obama's fault (stupid and wrong)
Then you say he should bomb Surt (stupid and wrong)

We'll never learn, will we.

Or at least, RWNJs will never learn.
You really are naive.

Clinton on Qaddafi: "We came, we saw, he died" - CBS News

Obama's do-over on his message to Americans about ISIS -
And you really are an idiot.

Let me know when your debate skills reach second grade.
Mebbe dey just got tired o' fightin' alla time?...

Libya hopes for peace as warring factions agree on unity government
Thursday 17th December, 2015 - Libya's warring factions have signed a UN-brokered agreement to form a national unity government aimed at ending years of chaos and civil war.
Negotiations over the agreement were underway for more than a year. It was finalized after intense diplomacy by Western nations, including the United States, and motivated by concerns about the growing strength of a Libyan branch of the Islamic State. Chants of "Libya! Libya!" went up as representatives from both parliaments signed the accord along with local councils and political parties in the Moroccan coastal town of Skhirat. The accord calls for unity between the two rival governments -- a self-declared, Islamist-leaning one in the capital Tripoli, and an internationally-recognized one in the east, based in Tobruk.

UN officials call it a historic day -- as well as the beginning of a difficult journey for the North African nation. "Today, participants in the Libyan political dialogue have turned a page in the history of Libya," said Martin Kobler, special representative for the secretary general, in a statement. "After a period of political divisions and conflict, Libya is restarting its political transition. The agreement puts in place a single set of legitimate institutions -- essential building blocks towards a peaceful, secure and prosperous Libya." "The doors remain wide open to those who are not here today," Kobler said at the ceremony, attended by regional foreign ministers. "The signing of the political agreement is only the first step."

Western officials believe the war fatigue, promises of foreign aid, the strain on Libya's oil economy and the common threat of Islamic State will help to build momentum for the national government and bring opponents on board. A nine-member presidential council will form a government, with the current, eastern-based House of Representatives as the main legislature, and a State Council as a second, consultative chamber. The presidential council will name a new government in a month and a UN Security Council resolution will endorse it. "There are some people who want to hold on to little kingdoms, but very, very small kingdoms, little tiny patches where they hold authority, but Libya's going to move on," US envoy to Libya Jonathan Winer told Reuters. "Ultimately, Libyans have to be responsible for Libya."

Libya whuppin' up onna ISIS jihadis with help from American special forces...

US Special Ops Troops in Libya's Sirte: Report
Aug 10, 2016 - American special operations troops have for the first time started directly supporting Libyan forces battling the Islamic State group in their key stronghold of Sirte, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.
US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Post the commandos were working from a joint operations center on the outskirts of Sirte. The Pentagon last week announced it had started an air campaign in Sirte following a request for help from the Libyan Government of National Accord. The Post said the US forces are operating alongside British troops, and are helping to coordinate American airstrikes and providing intelligence to partner forces.


Armed Misrata fighters loyal to the unity government on the main street of Sirte, Libya.​

The Pentagon would not comment on the specifics of the Post story, but has previously acknowledged small US teams are helping gather intelligence in Libya. "The US is providing unique capabilities -- notably intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and precision strikes -- that will help enable GNA-aligned forces to make a decisive, strategic advance," Pentagon spokeswoman Henrietta Levin said in a statement. "A small number of US forces have gone in and out of Libya to exchange information with local forces, and they will continue to do so as we strengthen the fight against ISIL and other terrorist organizations," she added, using another acronym for the IS group. The Pentagon said the Libyan government has established joint operations rooms, but stressed they are away from the front lines.

Citing unnamed officers allied with the Libyan government and Western security officials, the Post also said American and British "personnel" in body armor and wearing military fatigues had been seen in Sirte several times. French President Francois Hollande last month announced that three French troops had died in a helicopter accident while taking part in "dangerous intelligence operations" in an undisclosed location in Libya. Libyan sources said the aircraft had been shot down. The troubled North African nation spiraled into chaos after longtime dictator Moamer Kadhafi was ousted and killed in October 2011, with two governments vying for power and armed groups battling to control vast energy resources. Exploiting Libya's power vacuum, IS jihadists established a foothold in Libya, especially in Sirte. The Pentagon estimates fewer than 1,000 IS fighters are in Sirte.

US Special Ops Troops in Libya's Sirte: Report |

See also:

US-backed Libyan Forces Takeover ISIS Headquarters in Sirte
Aug 10, 2016 — U.S.-backed Libyan forces said on Wednesday they have taken over the Islamic State group's headquarters in Sirte, the militants' final bastion in Libya, breaking a weeks-long stalemate with the help of U.S. airstrikes.
The fighters said that they had seized control of the sprawling convention center that was used as IS's headquarters in the coastal city. The fighters, who are mainly from the nearby city of Misrata, launched their offensive against IS in June. They also said that they had seized the city's main hospital of Ibn Sina from IS militants. A statement posted on the forces' Facebook page declared that "Sirte is returning to Libya." The government-supported operation, known as al-Bonyan al-Marsous, also said that it lost contact with one of its warplanes and the pilot. In an online statement, IS claimed responsibility for shooting down the plane and killing the pilot.


Armed Misrata fighters loyal to the unity government on the main street of Sirte.​

Mohammed Shamia, a spokesman for the operation, posted on his Facebook page a list of 14 anti-IS fighters who have been killed in the past 24 hours. Since Aug. 1, U.S. warplanes have launched a series of airstrikes targeting IS positions in the city. The US Africa Command (AFRICOM) said in a press release on Tuesday that the total number of strikes has reached 29 and added, "these actions, and those we have taken previously, will help deny Daesh a safe haven in Libya from which it could attack the United States and our allies." It used an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group. The air support came in response to a request for assistance from Libya's U.N.-brokered government after battles in Sirte stalled.

IS militants seized control of the city, the hometown of Libya's former dictator Muammar Gadhafi, in 2015. Libya descended into chaos following Gadhafi's ouster in 2011. The country has been divided between warring parliaments and governments, with each backed by a loose array of militias and tribes. In December last year, the United Nations struck a deal to unify the country's rival governments and created a third unity government led by Fayez Serraj, who still needs a crucial vote of confidence from the eastern-based parliament. The forces fighting IS in Sirte are under the command of Serraj's government.

US-backed Libyan Forces Takeover ISIS Headquarters in Sirte |
So which is it?

First you say its Hillary's fault (stupid and wrong)
Then you say its Obama's fault (stupid and wrong)
Then you say he should bomb Surt (stupid and wrong)

We'll never learn, will we.

Or at least, RWNJs will never learn.
You really are naive.

Clinton on Qaddafi: "We came, we saw, he died" - CBS News

Obama's do-over on his message to Americans about ISIS -
And you really are an idiot.
2431 and we are STILL waiting on something substantial from you.
Getting tired of waiting bro.. maybe you should just stop..

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