Is Trump Really President?


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2015
Is Trump Really President?

'So what we actually got so far from Trump during his first 100 days is government by ‘executive orders’—i.e. repealing environmental protections, gutting immigrants’ rights, going after sanctuary cities, opening up national monuments and parks to mining and cattle exploitation, subsidizing killer coal companies, attacking consumer protection, smoke and mirror changes to H1-B skilled worker import quotas that haven’t changed, gutting K-12 education and shifting funds to private schools from public, opening up offshore drilling, and so on. But elsewhere it’s been a wholesale retreat from his election positions, proposals and promises.'
Is the Pope really Catholic ?!

Do bears really sh!t in the woods ?!

Are ducks' azzes really water-tight ?!
Is Trump Really President?

'So what we actually got so far from Trump during his first 100 days is government by ‘executive orders’—i.e. repealing environmental protections, gutting immigrants’ rights, going after sanctuary cities, opening up national monuments and parks to mining and cattle exploitation, subsidizing killer coal companies, attacking consumer protection, smoke and mirror changes to H1-B skilled worker import quotas that haven’t changed, gutting K-12 education and shifting funds to private schools from public, opening up offshore drilling, and so on. But elsewhere it’s been a wholesale retreat from his election positions, proposals and promises.'
BUT he knows words
He himself has said he is not my president and not the president of much of the country.

His lies indicate that's true.

His support for the so-called R health bill proves his not the prez of those who voted for him.

His support for dictators and attacks on our allies shows whose president he really is.
Is Trump Really President?

'So what we actually got so far from Trump during his first 100 days is government by ‘executive orders’—i.e. repealing environmental protections, gutting immigrants’ rights, going after sanctuary cities, opening up national monuments and parks to mining and cattle exploitation, subsidizing killer coal companies, attacking consumer protection, smoke and mirror changes to H1-B skilled worker import quotas that haven’t changed, gutting K-12 education and shifting funds to private schools from public, opening up offshore drilling, and so on. But elsewhere it’s been a wholesale retreat from his election positions, proposals and promises.'
Gutting immigrants rights? Do you mean gutting ILLEGAL immigrants rights?
He himself has said he is not my president and not the president of much of the country.

His lies indicate that's true.

His support for the so-called R health bill proves his not the prez of those who voted for him.

His support for dictators and attacks on our allies shows whose president he really is.
And has he had one word criticism for his buddy putin?
Are Canadians really back-stabbing socialists? Do the Bills always choke in Superbowls?

Of course Trump is president. God bless him for it. He's the strong willed, non-politician, non-ideologue, successful businessman America and the world needs. Whether you disagree with him or not, warts and all, inexperience and imperfections, he is a world away from the hurt America would have experienced with Clinton and her global donors pulling the strings.

Just consider a few basic and vital facts, then you decide if you are better off: regulations, Supreme Court nominee, TPP, deportation of criminal illegal aliens. These issues alone make Trump a far superior outcome than Clinton. Oddly, I was supportive of TPP, Trump convinced me of how bad it would be for Americans (and Canadians as it were) and when I realized how broad and how much it incorporated low wage nations, I have to agree with him.

God Bless America and God Bless Trump!
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Are Canadians really back-stabbing socialists? Do the Bills always choke in Superbowls?

Of course Trump is president. God bless him for it. He's the strong willed, non-politician, non-ideologie, successful businessman America and the world needs. Whether you disagree with him or not, warts and all, inexperience and imperfections, he is a world away from the hurt America would have experienced with Clinton and her global donors pulling the strings.

God Bless America!
You're FOS I know many Canadiens from Fla who all believe trumph is perfect a perfect AH
The worst are his attacks on the constitution and that RWNJ traitors agree with him wanting to destroy it.

Watch his speeches. Every time he says something that would be unconstitutional, the gullible dummies applaud like crazy.
Whenever liberals criticize Trump, the republican response is always one of the following:

1) "You're butthurt over losing!"

2) "Well at least he's not Hillary derp, derp, derp!"

3) "He gets shit done!" (with executive orders only).

Republicans can't be objective and honest about Trump because they lack the emotional maturity that most adults have. There is never any nuance to what they say about him. They just pretend he's awesome based on no actual evidence supporting such a claim. At the very least they could say "well, for the most part I like him but yes the leftwing is right when they say x y and z."
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Are Canadians really back-stabbing socialists? Do the Bills always choke in Superbowls?

Of course Trump is president. God bless him for it. He's the strong willed, non-politician, non-ideologie, successful businessman America and the world needs. Whether you disagree with him or not, warts and all, inexperience and imperfections, he is a world away from the hurt America would have experienced with Clinton and her global donors pulling the strings.

God Bless America!
You're FOS I know many Canadiens from Fla who all believe trumph is perfect a perfect AH
Are Canadians really back-stabbing socialists? Do the Bills always choke in Superbowls?

Of course Trump is president. God bless him for it. He's the strong willed, non-politician, non-ideologie, successful businessman America and the world needs. Whether you disagree with him or not, warts and all, inexperience and imperfections, he is a world away from the hurt America would have experienced with Clinton and her global donors pulling the strings.

God Bless America!
You're FOS I know many Canadiens from Fla who all believe trumph is perfect a perfect AH

Ask your Canadian pals if they care to explain how 85% of B.C citizens have their names in an RCMP database. Or how a cop in Toronto can pop a kid on a bus with 9 bullets, kill him, get charged with attempted murder and a 5 year sentence and 3 years later he still hasn't spent a day in prison, sitting at home with his family all this time WITH FULL PAY! Or how the Commissioner of the OPP refuses to do a simple DNA test on pants found in the same river a teenager died two decades ago, torturing their family and avoiding questions from the media.

Sorry. Unless your Canadian Comrades are going to be honest (if they aren't too naive, former Canadian state employees or ignorant), they will tell you there is a reason besides the weather that they are in Florida and not Canada.

A quick piece of advise to you, don't fall victim to their cult.
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Whenever liberals criticize Trump, the republican response is always one of the following:

1) "You're butthurt over losing!"

2) "Well at least he's not Hillary derp, derp, derp!"

3) "He gets shit done!" (with executive orders only).

Republicans can't be objective and honest about Trump because they lack the emotional maturity that most adults have. There is never any nuance to what they say about him. They just pretend he's awesome based on no actual evidence supporting such a claim. At the very least they could say "well, for the most part I like him but yes the left is right when they say x y and z."
You're butthurt over losing!

Well at least he's not Hillary!

He gets shit done!

America is being made great again.
Whenever liberals criticize Trump, the republican response is always one of the following:

1) "You're butthurt over losing!"

2) "Well at least he's not Hillary derp, derp, derp!"

3) "He gets shit done!" (with executive orders only).

Republicans can't be objective and honest about Trump because they lack the emotional maturity that most adults have. There is never any nuance to what they say about him. They just pretend he's awesome based on no actual evidence supporting such a claim. At the very least they could say "well, for the most part I like him but yes the left is right when they say x y and z."
As opposed to the lefts defense of Obama, RACIST. Every defense was to claim anyone that disagreed with Obama was racist. No defense of his actual policies or positions just that the person that disagreed had to be racist to criticize Obama. So nuanced and adult of you.
Are Canadians really back-stabbing socialists? Do the Bills always choke in Superbowls?

Of course Trump is president. God bless him for it. He's the strong willed, non-politician, non-ideologie, successful businessman America and the world needs. Whether you disagree with him or not, warts and all, inexperience and imperfections, he is a world away from the hurt America would have experienced with Clinton and her global donors pulling the strings.

God Bless America!
You're FOS I know many Canadiens from Fla who all believe trumph is perfect a perfect AH
Are Canadians really back-stabbing socialists? Do the Bills always choke in Superbowls?

Of course Trump is president. God bless him for it. He's the strong willed, non-politician, non-ideologie, successful businessman America and the world needs. Whether you disagree with him or not, warts and all, inexperience and imperfections, he is a world away from the hurt America would have experienced with Clinton and her global donors pulling the strings.

God Bless America!
You're FOS I know many Canadiens from Fla who all believe trumph is perfect a perfect AH

Ask your Canadian pals if they care to explain how 85% of B.C citizens have their names in an RCMP database. Or how a cop in Toronto can pop a kid on a bus with 9 bullets, kill him, get charged with attempted murder and a 5 year sentence and 3 years later he still hasn't spend a day on prison. Or how the Commissioner of the OPP refuses to do a simple DNA test on pants found in the same river a teenager died two decades ago, torturing their family and avoiding questions from the media.

Sorry. Unless your Canadian Comrades are going to be honest (if they aren't too naive, former Canadian state employees or ignorant), they will tell you there is a reason besides the weather that they are in Florida and not Canada.

A quick piece of advise to you, don't fall victim to their cult.
You really want to go to cops popping kids ? Here cops murder kids and rarely spend a day in jail and in Fla cops are batshit crazy
Whenever liberals criticize Trump, the republican response is always one of the following:

1) "You're butthurt over losing!"

2) "Well at least he's not Hillary derp, derp, derp!"

3) "He gets shit done!" (with executive orders only).

Republicans can't be objective and honest about Trump because they lack the emotional maturity that most adults have. There is never any nuance to what they say about him. They just pretend he's awesome based on no actual evidence supporting such a claim. At the very least they could say "well, for the most part I like him but yes the left is right when they say x y and z."
As opposed to the lefts defense of Obama, RACIST. Every defense was to claim anyone that disagreed with Obama was racist. No defense of his actual policies or positions just that the person that disagreed had to be racist to criticize Obama. So nuanced and adult of you.
No, see you just pretend liberals say "racist" at this because it fits into your emotional worldview. I and many other liberals have criticized Obama on this board several times.
Are Canadians really back-stabbing socialists? Do the Bills always choke in Superbowls?

Of course Trump is president. God bless him for it. He's the strong willed, non-politician, non-ideologie, successful businessman America and the world needs. Whether you disagree with him or not, warts and all, inexperience and imperfections, he is a world away from the hurt America would have experienced with Clinton and her global donors pulling the strings.

God Bless America!
You're FOS I know many Canadiens from Fla who all believe trumph is perfect a perfect AH
Are Canadians really back-stabbing socialists? Do the Bills always choke in Superbowls?

Of course Trump is president. God bless him for it. He's the strong willed, non-politician, non-ideologie, successful businessman America and the world needs. Whether you disagree with him or not, warts and all, inexperience and imperfections, he is a world away from the hurt America would have experienced with Clinton and her global donors pulling the strings.

God Bless America!
You're FOS I know many Canadiens from Fla who all believe trumph is perfect a perfect AH

Ask your Canadian pals if they care to explain how 85% of B.C citizens have their names in an RCMP database. Or how a cop in Toronto can pop a kid on a bus with 9 bullets, kill him, get charged with attempted murder and a 5 year sentence and 3 years later he still hasn't spend a day on prison. Or how the Commissioner of the OPP refuses to do a simple DNA test on pants found in the same river a teenager died two decades ago, torturing their family and avoiding questions from the media.

Sorry. Unless your Canadian Comrades are going to be honest (if they aren't too naive, former Canadian state employees or ignorant), they will tell you there is a reason besides the weather that they are in Florida and not Canada.

A quick piece of advise to you, don't fall victim to their cult.
You really want to go to cops popping kids ? Here cops murder kids and rarely spend a day in jail and in Fla cops are batshit crazy

Are they in Canadian corporations spreading unions? Or violating foreign business rights? Let me tell you, Canadian police are definitely doing this on behalf of the state in Canada, guess who is getting hammered? American businesses, their shareholders and their reputations.

I don't mean to sound offensive, but I know quite well of American police abuses, because your media covers it extensively. I'd say 90% of them are due to foolish people who don't just follow instructions, which startles me when you have a gun pointed at you, but I digress. In America, if they are guilty, they will be charged and do time. They certainly won't remain police if their peers find them guilty.

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