Is this a New - New King James Bible?!!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is the latest on the war against the King James Bible. You will be utterly amazed at what the Jesuits are up to now - in their effort to destroy the King James Bible! Watch this and then make sure that you are reading the "authorized King James Bible"!! The wolves dressed in sheep's clothing are busy today, People! Do the Jesuits ever give up? No!

There's more versions of the authorized Bible than there are Christian denominations. What's "authorized" for some denominations may not be for others. Mormons use a KJV too, does that mean they're as credible as Catholics or Baptists?
There's more versions of the authorized Bible than there are Christian denominations. What's "authorized" for some denominations may not be for others. Mormons use a KJV too, does that mean they're as credible as Catholics or Baptists?

The Jesuits are behind the entire thing, Delta. You need to read up on the history of why they want the Authorized King James Bible to be considered - "outdated'.
You should get the RCC Bible it has more books and , and Esther and the Macc. , without those how do you know what Purim and Hanukah are about. . Get the NABRE 2011 Revised Edition, not the new, and it has wonderful footnotes.
You should get the RCC Bible it has more books and , and Esther and the Macc. , without those how do you know what Purim and Hanukah are about. . Get the NABRE 2011 Revised Edition, not the new, and it has wonderful footnotes.

It's a false bible and not the same as the Authorized King James Bible, Penelope.
Here is the story as told by Jack Chick publications - explaining exactly how it happened. This is the true story behind why the Roman Vatican is behind trying to alter the Word of God. This information was provided by Ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera and Jack Chick credits him with this true story and the information you will read here. It is all true.

Lets begin here:

The Attack



There's more versions of the authorized Bible than there are Christian denominations. What's "authorized" for some denominations may not be for others. Mormons use a KJV too, does that mean they're as credible as Catholics or Baptists?

The Jesuits are behind the entire thing, Delta. You need to read up on the history of why they want the Authorized King James Bible to be considered - "outdated'.

Jeri, I am surprise that Christians use the king James bible

some christian sects refuse to use it because of this

How many folks know that King James (who commissioned the King James Bible and to whom it was dedicated) loved men and had sex with them? At the age of thirteen James fell madly in love with his male cousin Esme Stuart whom he made Duke of Lennox. James deferred to Esme to the consternation of his ministers. In 1582 James was kidnapped and forced to issue a proclamation against his lover and send him back to France.

Later, James fell in love with a poor young Scotsman named Robert Carr. "The king leans on his [Carr's] arm, pinches his cheeks, smooths his ruffled garment, and when he looks upon Carr, directs his speech to others." (Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, in a letter, 1611)

History and Theology King James was Gay
The Jesuits were founded by Ignatius Loyola and he was also the founder of the Illuminati. These men are not Christians. They are sorcerers.
The Roman Vatican teaches that there is no salvation outside of their Catholic Institution - but the Authorized King James Bible which they seek to replace - clearly teaches there is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ. We receive our salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Not the false Roman Catholic Institution. The Scriptures are clear on this and the Scriptures also clearly identify the Roman Catholic Institution as the Whore of Bablyon. Anyone into Catholicism must come out of it and renounce it - they must be born again by faith alone in Jesus Christ.

We are saved by faith. Not works.

We cannot be saved by works. It is by faith alone. Abraham was justified by Faith. Not works.
There is nothing we can do to earn our salvation. It is a gift of God - lest any man should boast and say he earned it! We cannot earn it! Salvation is free. It cannot be bought through indulgences and paying off the pope! It is utter blasphemy that the Roman Vatican has taught people they could buy their way into heaven with filthy lucre! Despicable!

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