Is The US Military Being Led By Anti-White Racists??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, picked apart a growing argument from Republicans that the US military has gone "woke" with excessive diversity training. Republicans were asking the Army general, who was chosen for his post by former President Donald Trump, about the role diversity training and "critical race theory" play in the military. "I want to understand white rage – and I'm white," Milley said. "What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out. I want to maintain an open mind here. And I do want to understand that."

Republican talking points often refer to diversity trainings and the academic discipline of critical race theory as "indoctrination." Milley bristled at that accusation,
"Critical race theory was started in Harvard Law School years ago, and it proposed that there were laws in the United States — antebellum laws prior to the Civil War that led to a power differential with African Americans that were three-quarters of a human being when this country was formed," Milley said. "And then we had a Civil War and Emancipation Proclamation to change it, and we brought it up to the Civil Rights Act in 1964. It took another hundred years to change that."

This guy clearly hates both America and white people in general, which means he hates himself. He literally said he reads Mao, Lenin and Karl Marx -- what more proof do you need?? This is the guy that Biden has appointed as our joint chief of staff?? In just 6 months after Trump made our military the best in world history -- Biden and his henchmen have turned over half of our the military into a bunch of anti-white racist soyboy tranny cucks.

One thing I will give the racist Democrats of the past credit for; they knew the dangers of integrating the military and allowing inferior races and creeds to join-- that was back when Democrats loved America....but then they turned around and screwed that up by issuing that commie Executive Order 9981; because of that; all of these inferiors believe they can join our military?? Really?? When we let darkie soldiers go off to fight in wars halfway around the world, dying to liberate someone else -- do you think they complained and whined about how they still had no rights back home? No...they kept quiet and knew their place...It's time these "others" learn that same lesson and keep quiet and know their place....stop trying to remind everyone about this country's not so distant past that we don't like; even tho we still call them good-ole days when America was great.....that's essentially treason
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Now that we are talking about what everyone already knew there seems to be certain people who feel like they will lose something if black people finally get the same thing they have.
For many of those folks.....equality feels like oppression.....

But they have been so privileged that they literally lack the self-awareness to see it
Any asshole that states the need to "understand white rage" is fucking woke.

We are pissed off at the racist, woke shit that the fucking libs are shoving down our throats.

IF you can't figure that out, it's because you are woke and are actively working to ignore it. ANd you are an asshole. And an anti-white racist.

Also, THanks you for you service. And FUCK YOU GEN.

"Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, picked apart a growing argument from Republicans that the US military has gone "woke" with excessive diversity training. Republicans were asking the Army general, who was chosen for his post by former President Donald Trump, about the role diversity training and "critical race theory" play in the military. "I want to understand white rage – and I'm white," Milley said. "What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out. I want to maintain an open mind here. And I do want to understand that."

Republican talking points often refer to diversity trainings and the academic discipline of critical race theory as "indoctrination." Milley bristled at that accusation,
"Critical race theory was started in Harvard Law School years ago, and it proposed that there were laws in the United States — antebellum laws prior to the Civil War that led to a power differential with African Americans that were three-quarters of a human being when this country was formed," Milley said. "And then we had a Civil War and Emancipation Proclamation to change it, and we brought it up to the Civil Rights Act in 1964. It took another hundred years to change that."

This guy clearly hates both America and white people in general, which means he hates himself. He literally said he reads Mao, Lenin and Karl Marx -- what more proof do you need?? This is the guy that Biden has appointed as our joint chief of staff?? In just 6 months after Trump made our military the best in world history -- Biden and his henchmen have turned over half of our the military into a bunch of anti-white racist soyboy tranny cucks.

One thing I will give the racist Democrats of the past credit for; they knew the dangers of integrating the military and allowing inferior races and creeds to join-- that was back when Democrats loved America....but then they turned around and screwed that up by issuing that commie Executive Order 9981; because of that; all of these inferiors believe they can join our military?? Really?? When we let darkie soldiers go off to fight in wars halfway around the world, dying to liberate someone else -- do you think they complained and whined about how they still had no rights back home? No...they kept quiet and knew their place...It's time these "others" learn that same lesson and keep quiet and know their place....stop trying to remind everyone about this country's not so distant past that we don't like; even tho we still call them good-ole days when America was great.....that's essentially treason

Everyone appointed/promoted by homO fits that description....

With additional qualifications....

1. Must have 0 patriotism to america - Milley is Jewwy.
2. Must support having homos in control
3. Must regard the act of opening homO's closet door as grounds for murder
4. Must insist to all blacks in the military that they do not have the right,because they are black, to disagree with the democrat party.....
Now that we are talking about what everyone already knew there seems to be certain people who feel like they will lose something if black people finally get the same thing they have.
For many of those folks.....equality feels like oppression.....

But they have been so privileged that they literally lack the self-awareness to see it
Then quit trying to oppress people and calling it "equality".
Now that we are talking about what everyone already knew there seems to be certain people who feel like they will lose something if black people finally get the same thing they have.

The way you have lie about our complaints, instead of actually addressing what we say?

1. Is your brain dealing with the fact that it can see that you are clearly wrong.

2. and tips us off to how much you plan to fuck us.

"Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, picked apart a growing argument from Republicans that the US military has gone "woke" with excessive diversity training. Republicans were asking the Army general, who was chosen for his post by former President Donald Trump, about the role diversity training and "critical race theory" play in the military. "I want to understand white rage – and I'm white," Milley said. "What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out. I want to maintain an open mind here. And I do want to understand that."

Republican talking points often refer to diversity trainings and the academic discipline of critical race theory as "indoctrination." Milley bristled at that accusation,
"Critical race theory was started in Harvard Law School years ago, and it proposed that there were laws in the United States — antebellum laws prior to the Civil War that led to a power differential with African Americans that were three-quarters of a human being when this country was formed," Milley said. "And then we had a Civil War and Emancipation Proclamation to change it, and we brought it up to the Civil Rights Act in 1964. It took another hundred years to change that."

This guy clearly hates both America and white people in general, which means he hates himself. He literally said he reads Mao, Lenin and Karl Marx -- what more proof do you need?? This is the guy that Biden has appointed as our joint chief of staff?? In just 6 months after Trump made our military the best in world history -- Biden and his henchmen have turned over half of our the military into a bunch of anti-white racist soyboy tranny cucks.

One thing I will give the racist Democrats of the past credit for; they knew the dangers of integrating the military and allowing inferior races and creeds to join-- that was back when Democrats loved America....but then they turned around and screwed that up by issuing that commie Executive Order 9981; because of that; all of these inferiors believe they can join our military?? Really?? When we let darkie soldiers go off to fight in wars halfway around the world, dying to liberate someone else -- do you think they complained and whined about how they still had no rights back home? No...they kept quiet and knew their place...It's time these "others" learn that same lesson and keep quiet and know their place....stop trying to remind everyone about this country's not so distant past that we don't like; even tho we still call them good-ole days when America was great.....that's essentially treason

Thank you future man for breaking the code of silence you swore to uphold in order to warn us:

"A SUPPOSED time traveller from the year 2030 has broken his vow of silence to warn humanity of an impending alien invasion just 10 years from now. But the most shocking part of the bizarre claim is that some of the aliens are already here among us."​

Now that we are talking about what everyone already knew there seems to be certain people who feel like they will lose something if black people finally get the same thing they have.
For many of those folks.....equality feels like oppression.....

But they have been so privileged that they literally lack the self-awareness to see it
Then quit trying to oppress people and calling it "equality".
Tell me how you are oppressed....

Then tell me if you are oppressed -- wouldn't that make this country a racist country??

I'll wait while you continue to look stupid
Now that we are talking about what everyone already knew there seems to be certain people who feel like they will lose something if black people finally get the same thing they have.
For many of those folks.....equality feels like oppression.....

But they have been so privileged that they literally lack the self-awareness to see it
Then quit trying to oppress people and calling it "equality".
Tell me how you are oppressed....

Then tell me if you are oppressed -- wouldn't that make this country a racist country??

I'll wait while you continue to look stupid

Any more stupid questions?
Now that we are talking about what everyone already knew there seems to be certain people who feel like they will lose something if black people finally get the same thing they have.
For many of those folks.....equality feels like oppression.....

But they have been so privileged that they literally lack the self-awareness to see it
Then quit trying to oppress people and calling it "equality".
Tell me how you are oppressed....

Then tell me if you are oppressed -- wouldn't that make this country a racist country??

I'll wait while you continue to look stupid

Any more stupid questions? does that oppress you

Did a bank deny you a loan you were qualified for because of it??

Are you more likely to be charged more harshly for a crime than others charged with that SAME crime because of it??

Tell me how a legal course started by a Harvard professor 40 yrs ago is oppressing you today??

I'll wait while you keep looking stupid
Hate to break it to you reactionary right-wingers...

But republican strategists gave the game away about all of this CRT fearmongering weeks ago.....


They literally admit that they will just make CRT be anything they don't matter if it has anything to do with CRT or not..which is why you goofy morons never tell anyone what CRT is.....just your feelings about everything in life that triggers you....and the strategists know it....

Which is why Lindsey himself said this:
Now that we are talking about what everyone already knew there seems to be certain people who feel like they will lose something if black people finally get the same thing they have.
For many of those folks.....equality feels like oppression.....

But they have been so privileged that they literally lack the self-awareness to see it
Then quit trying to oppress people and calling it "equality".
Tell me how you are oppressed....

Then tell me if you are oppressed -- wouldn't that make this country a racist country??

I'll wait while you continue to look stupid

Any more stupid questions? does that oppress you

Did a bank deny you a loan you were qualified for because of it??

Are you more likely to be charged more harshly for a crime than others charged with that SAME crime because of it??

Tell me how a legal course started by a Harvard professor 40 yrs ago is oppressing you today??

I'll wait while you keep looking stupid
Is there anything I could say that would cause you to reevaluate your position, and acknowledge that CRT declares all whites as inherently racist and is therefore, nothing but racist crap itself?

No right?

You will never be swayed by anything I say, you are too committed to your own biases to give them up because of something like logic, or reason, or even right and wrong.

So tell me, why should I waste time with you?
Now that we are talking about what everyone already knew there seems to be certain people who feel like they will lose something if black people finally get the same thing they have.
For many of those folks.....equality feels like oppression.....

But they have been so privileged that they literally lack the self-awareness to see it
Then quit trying to oppress people and calling it "equality".
Tell me how you are oppressed....

Then tell me if you are oppressed -- wouldn't that make this country a racist country??

I'll wait while you continue to look stupid

Any more stupid questions? does that oppress you

Did a bank deny you a loan you were qualified for because of it??

Are you more likely to be charged more harshly for a crime than others charged with that SAME crime because of it??

Tell me how a legal course started by a Harvard professor 40 yrs ago is oppressing you today??

I'll wait while you keep looking stupid
Is there anything I could say that would cause you to reevaluate your position, and acknowledge that CRT declares all whites as inherently racist and is therefore, nothing but racist crap itself?

No right?

You will never be swayed by anything I say, you are too committed to your own biases to give them up because of something like logic, or reason, or even right and wrong.

So tell me, why should I waste time with you?
It's ok to admit you don't know what CRT is...

But you think simply saying "CRT" is supposed to explain to me how you are oppressed....
Now that we are talking about what everyone already knew there seems to be certain people who feel like they will lose something if black people finally get the same thing they have.
For many of those folks.....equality feels like oppression.....

But they have been so privileged that they literally lack the self-awareness to see it
Then quit trying to oppress people and calling it "equality".
Tell me how you are oppressed....

Then tell me if you are oppressed -- wouldn't that make this country a racist country??

I'll wait while you continue to look stupid

Any more stupid questions? does that oppress you

Did a bank deny you a loan you were qualified for because of it??

Are you more likely to be charged more harshly for a crime than others charged with that SAME crime because of it??

Tell me how a legal course started by a Harvard professor 40 yrs ago is oppressing you today??

I'll wait while you keep looking stupid
Is there anything I could say that would cause you to reevaluate your position, and acknowledge that CRT declares all whites as inherently racist and is therefore, nothing but racist crap itself?

No right?

You will never be swayed by anything I say, you are too committed to your own biases to give them up because of something like logic, or reason, or even right and wrong.

So tell me, why should I waste time with you?
It's ok to admit you don't know what CRT is...

But you think simply saying "CRT" is supposed to explain to me how you are oppressed....
If you were a thinking person, it would.
Now that we are talking about what everyone already knew there seems to be certain people who feel like they will lose something if black people finally get the same thing they have.
For many of those folks.....equality feels like oppression.....

But they have been so privileged that they literally lack the self-awareness to see it
Then quit trying to oppress people and calling it "equality".
Tell me how you are oppressed....

Then tell me if you are oppressed -- wouldn't that make this country a racist country??

I'll wait while you continue to look stupid

Any more stupid questions? does that oppress you

Did a bank deny you a loan you were qualified for because of it??

Are you more likely to be charged more harshly for a crime than others charged with that SAME crime because of it??

Tell me how a legal course started by a Harvard professor 40 yrs ago is oppressing you today??

I'll wait while you keep looking stupid
Is there anything I could say that would cause you to reevaluate your position, and acknowledge that CRT declares all whites as inherently racist and is therefore, nothing but racist crap itself?

No right?

You will never be swayed by anything I say, you are too committed to your own biases to give them up because of something like logic, or reason, or even right and wrong.

So tell me, why should I waste time with you?
It's ok to admit you don't know what CRT is...

But you think simply saying "CRT" is supposed to explain to me how you are oppressed....
If you were a thinking person, it would.
In other words.....

"I got nothing"

In other words...

And I'm not oppressed, because I frankly ignore most of what the government tries to coerce me into doing..... but that doesn't mean no one is trying to oppress me and people like me.

Bottom line, the state hates free people..... it always has and it always will.
And I'm not oppressed, because I frankly ignore most of what the government tries to coerce me into doing..... but that doesn't mean no one is trying to oppress me and people like me.

Bottom line, the state hates free people..... it always has and it always will.
So when you said earlier you were oppressed -- you were lying??

Got it
Now that we are talking about what everyone already knew there seems to be certain people who feel like they will lose something if black people finally get the same thing they have.
For many of those folks.....equality feels like oppression.....

But they have been so privileged that they literally lack the self-awareness to see it
Then quit trying to oppress people and calling it "equality".
Tell me how you are oppressed....

Then tell me if you are oppressed -- wouldn't that make this country a racist country??

I'll wait while you continue to look stupid

Any more stupid questions? does that oppress you

Did a bank deny you a loan you were qualified for because of it??

Are you more likely to be charged more harshly for a crime than others charged with that SAME crime because of it??

Tell me how a legal course started by a Harvard professor 40 yrs ago is oppressing you today??

I'll wait while you keep looking stupid
Is there anything I could say that would cause you to reevaluate your position, and acknowledge that CRT declares all whites as inherently racist and is therefore, nothing but racist crap itself?

No right?

You will never be swayed by anything I say, you are too committed to your own biases to give them up because of something like logic, or reason, or even right and wrong.

So tell me, why should I waste time with you?
It's ok to admit you don't know what CRT is...

But you think simply saying "CRT" is supposed to explain to me how you are oppressed....
He defined CRT perfectly. It is nothing more than claiming all whites and any other non-blacks as racist when in fact CRT is in itself completely RACIST and manipulative meant to create white guilt to justify robbing taxpayers and abusing non-whites.

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