Is the US a democracy?

What conflict exactly would that be?

A Republic is small limited government, where the people are served rather than regulated, represented rather that ruled.

A Democracy is a large government, with entitlements to the people and where the people and businesses are regulated.

As Plato warned in his Republic that as a rule, tyranny arises from democracy.

We need to get away from the Democracy that we have become and get back to the Republic, that we are suppose to be.

The conflict is - Republic-small government and Democracy - large government.
The romans were a mix of both. Dangerous, and unprincipled...geared toward keeping the masses happy, and the elites in charge...unless they were murdered...even the Caesars.

Plato was Greek
Romans were a Autocratic Republic without a constitution, for the people.
Greece moved from their Republic to a Democracy and look at where they are at now.
A Republic is small limited government, where the people are served rather than regulated, represented rather that ruled.

No. A republic is a representative government of some kind, in which governing officials are chosen by the votes of constituents. It may be large or it may be small, and the people may or may not be served. The Soviet Union was a republic, but it was also a big government in which the people had little voice.

A Democracy is a large government, with entitlements to the people and where the people and businesses are regulated.

No. A democracy is a government in which all citizens participate by majority vote, either directly (as in ancient Athens) or through representatives (as in the United States today).

Actually, your definitions have nothing to do with the usual and normal meanings of either word.
One of my favorite quotes from Jefferson: “Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms (of government) those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny”

We would be wise to remember this one.

one of the reasons there should a time limit on how long someone can be in Congress or State Government.............
Yes there is [a conflict between republic and democracy]. No doubt.

What conflict exactly would that be?

A Republic is small limited government, where the people are served rather than regulated, represented rather that ruled.

A Democracy is a large government, with entitlements to the people and where the people and businesses are regulated.

absolutely incorrect as to both. read and learn:

re·pub·lic   [ri-puhb-lik] Show IPA
a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.
any body of persons viewed as a commonwealth.
a state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state.

Republic | Define Republic at

de·moc·ra·cy noun \di-ˈmä-krə-sē\
plural de·moc·ra·cies

Definition of DEMOCRACY

a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority
b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
: a political unit that has a democratic government
capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the United States <from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy — C. M. Roberts>
: the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority
: the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges

Democracy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

When tossing words around you should really know what they mean instead of making them up so that they suit your rightwing ideology. Believe it or not words actually matter. You sound silly.


The conflict is - Republic-small government and Democracy - large government.

you haven't a clue what you're talking about.
A Republic is small limited government, where the people are served rather than regulated, represented rather that ruled.

No. A republic is a representative government of some kind, in which governing officials are chosen by the votes of constituents. It may be large or it may be small, and the people may or may not be served. The Soviet Union was a republic, but it was also a big government in which the people had little voice.

A Democracy is a large government, with entitlements to the people and where the people and businesses are regulated.

No. A democracy is a government in which all citizens participate by majority vote, either directly (as in ancient Athens) or through representatives (as in the United States today).

Actually, your definitions have nothing to do with the usual and normal meanings of either word.

I thought you realized We are talking about America.
After all the thread was -is the U.S. a Democracy.
My definitions are about why America is a Republic and not a Democracy,as explained by our Founders words and was taught by our schools.
I thought you realized We are talking about America.
After all the thread was -is the U.S. a Democracy.
My definitions are about why America is a Republic and not a Democracy,as explained by our Founders words and was taught by our schools.

Of course I realize we're talking about America, but what does that have to do with the price of beer? Your definitions have nothing to do with real life republics or democracies anywhere in the world, including here.

Actually, you just defined "republic" as "the type of government I approve of" and "democracy" as "a type of government that conflicts with my ideology."

Those are not the usual definitions.
Liability eloquently answered it HERE.

He's on my ignore list. If you want to use his words, that's fine, but quote them, don't just link them.


The alternative is for Baboon to stop being such a pussy and take people OFF "ignore."

My ignore list is pretty fucking short. Mr. Sheman because of his abuse of fonts, colors, sizing, centering (and did I mention color?) make his posts nauseating.

There were a couple of others, but not anymore. Mr. Sheman's visual style is just too bothersome.
Our Founder's words in their letters and their papers taught us what type of Republic we are suppose to be.
You can get them at the library of Congress anytime on the web.
Don't take my word for it, this is the Founders words.
If you study our U.S. History you would see this. It is not a right wing anything, it's our actual history.
This is why America was different. We are suppose to be a Republic with a Constitution for the people and a Federal Government that gives us God given rights not man's rights.
Like all of our Founders said a limited Republic Federal Government.

What you approve of Dragon is what our founders gave us.
It's how we ran this Nation until the early 1900's.
Liability eloquently answered it HERE.

He's on my ignore list. If you want to use his words, that's fine, but quote them, don't just link them.


The alternative is for Baboon to stop being such a pussy and take people OFF "ignore."

My ignore list is pretty fucking short. Mr. Sheman because of his abuse of fonts, colors, sizing, centering (and did I mention color?) make his posts nauseating.

There were a couple of others, but not anymore. Mr. Sheman's visual style is just too bothersome.

The raging Commie doesn't KNOW that you may peek at an ignored member's post.

I smell *Cop Out*

A Republic is small limited government, where the people are served rather than regulated, represented rather that ruled.

No. A republic is a representative government of some kind, in which governing officials are chosen by the votes of constituents. It may be large or it may be small, and the people may or may not be served. The Soviet Union was a republic, but it was also a big government in which the people had little voice.

A Democracy is a large government, with entitlements to the people and where the people and businesses are regulated.

No. A democracy is a government in which all citizens participate by majority vote, either directly (as in ancient Athens) or through representatives (as in the United States today).

Actually, your definitions have nothing to do with the usual and normal meanings of either word.

I thought you realized We are talking about America.
After all the thread was -is the U.S. a Democracy.
My definitions are about why America is a Republic and not a Democracy,as explained by our Founders words and was taught by our schools.

The USSR called themselves a Republic, that in no way makes them a republic. He cannot see that it appears.
This is why your party will fail.

You LIE about the obvious.

We are a democracy and that is right from the founders mouths

Is Jillian a Republican?

don't make me come over there and hurt you.

:eek: I merely asked because TruffMocker's appears to suggest that you are, indeed, a Republican. Or should that be republican - small r?

On the entertaining side, she provides one snippet from one of the Founders, and attributes that to a common view held by all the Founders. As you and I both know - because we have IQs over that of a house plant - that the Founders had many views - and not one of them supported a direct democracy.... or.... mob rule, as it actually is. :eusa_angel:
Is Jillian a Republican?

don't make me come over there and hurt you.

:eek: I merely asked because TruffMocker's appears to suggest that you are, indeed, a Republican. Or should that be republican - small r?

On the entertaining side, she provides one snippet from one of the Founders, and attributes that to a common view held by all the Founders. As you and I both know - because we have IQs over that of a house plant - that the Founders had many views - and not one of them supported a direct democracy.... or.... mob rule, as it actually is. :eusa_angel:
Maybe the more PC RINO would have served?:lol:
No. A republic is a representative government of some kind, in which governing officials are chosen by the votes of constituents. It may be large or it may be small, and the people may or may not be served. The Soviet Union was a republic, but it was also a big government in which the people had little voice.

No. A democracy is a government in which all citizens participate by majority vote, either directly (as in ancient Athens) or through representatives (as in the United States today).

Actually, your definitions have nothing to do with the usual and normal meanings of either word.

I thought you realized We are talking about America.
After all the thread was -is the U.S. a Democracy.
My definitions are about why America is a Republic and not a Democracy,as explained by our Founders words and was taught by our schools.

The USSR called themselves a Republic, that in no way makes them a republic. He cannot see that it appears.

The term DEMOCRACY can be defined to include a republican form of representation.

Democracy. That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation, as distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy. Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, pp. 388-389.
No. A republic is a representative government of some kind, in which governing officials are chosen by the votes of constituents. It may be large or it may be small, and the people may or may not be served. The Soviet Union was a republic, but it was also a big government in which the people had little voice.

No. A democracy is a government in which all citizens participate by majority vote, either directly (as in ancient Athens) or through representatives (as in the United States today).

Actually, your definitions have nothing to do with the usual and normal meanings of either word.

I thought you realized We are talking about America.
After all the thread was -is the U.S. a Democracy.
My definitions are about why America is a Republic and not a Democracy,as explained by our Founders words and was taught by our schools.

The USSR called themselves a Republic, that in no way makes them a republic. He cannot see that it appears.
China also calls itself a Republic, as did the old GDR...and the Democratic people's Republic Of North Korea...

A Rose smothered by yaksqueeze smells the very same...

YOU are correct.
Is Jillian a Republican?

don't make me come over there and hurt you.

:eek: I merely asked because TruffMocker's appears to suggest that you are, indeed, a Republican. Or should that be republican - small r?

On the entertaining side, she provides one snippet from one of the Founders, and attributes that to a common view held by all the Founders. As you and I both know - because we have IQs over that of a house plant - that the Founders had many views - and not one of them supported a direct democracy.... or.... mob rule, as it actually is. :eusa_angel:

TM put up a letter from Thomas Jefferson and then she took off the last sentence of it, where it says Republic.

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