CDZ Is human life valuable? A conundrum


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Do you value human life but favor the death penalty? Do you value human life but advocate for abortion? Do you value human life but see the need for war when necessary? Do you value human life but want to limit the means by which someone defends themself from a home invader? Do you think human life is so valuable that you are willing to take life to save it?

Can anyone here genuinely say they value human life?

Or is human life nothing but a political tool? A weapon? Do you cheapen human life by using it as a political cudgel?

Is human life valuable or is it not? Truly a conundrum.

To me, human life is valuable, but what you do can either invalue (make it invaluable) or devalue it.

Going on a killing spree? You have not only devalued your victims lives by taking them, you have also devalued your own.

Defending yourself from a home invader bent on harming you? You invalue the lives of your family and find they outweigh that of the home invader.

If the value of human life is truly inestimable, then we can't truly say that human life has no value. What makes one life more valuable than another?

Discuss below.
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It's kind of ambiguous, unless you've got a specific scenario in mind.
So, you're asking if human life has intrinsic value, not just value to others.

That would be difficult to prove.
Do you value human life but favor the death penalty? Do you value human life but advocate for abortion? Do you value human life but see the need for war when necessary? Do you value human life but want to limit the means by which someone defends themself from a home invader? Do you think human life is so valuable that you are willing to take life to save it?

Can anyone here genuinely say they value human life?

Or is human life nothing but a political tool? A weapon? Do you cheapen human life by using it as a political cudgel?

Is human life valuable or is it not? Truly a conundrum.

To me, human life is valuable, but what you do can either invalue (make it invaluable) or devalue it.

Going on a killing spree? You have not only devalued your victims lives by taking them, you have also devalued your own.

Defending yourself from a home invader bent on harming you? You invalue the lives of your family and find they outweigh that of the home invader.

If the value of human life is truly inestimable, then we can't truly say that human life has no value. What makes one life more valuable than another?

Discuss below.
No one advocates for abortion.

Recognizing a woman’s right to privacy and opposing government interference in personal matters likewise doesn’t advocate for abortion.

With regard to the death penalty, the rationale is that one has forfeited the value of his life when he unlawfully takes the life of another person.
Do you value human life but favor the death penalty? Do you value human life but advocate for abortion? Do you value human life but see the need for war when necessary? Do you value human life but want to limit the means by which someone defends themself from a home invader? Do you think human life is so valuable that you are willing to take life to save it?

Can anyone here genuinely say they value human life?

Or is human life nothing but a political tool? A weapon? Do you cheapen human life by using it as a political cudgel?

Is human life valuable or is it not? Truly a conundrum.

To me, human life is valuable, but what you do can either invalue (make it invaluable) or devalue it.

Going on a killing spree? You have not only devalued your victims lives by taking them, you have also devalued your own.

Defending yourself from a home invader bent on harming you? You invalue the lives of your family and find they outweigh that of the home invader.

If the value of human life is truly inestimable, then we can't truly say that human life has no value. What makes one life more valuable than another?

Discuss below.
Over 7 billion people on the planet
Billions more born and died

How valuable is that?

Seems to me at least on this planet human life is the most abundant thing

How valuable is anything when there is so much of it?
It's kind of ambiguous, unless you've got a specific scenario in mind.

The ambiguity is purposeful. I'm trying not to take any sides. I simply want people to state their case.
Human life must be valued beyond a discussion of death and killing – manifestations of racism, bigotry, and misogyny also devalue life.

If we're going down this path, any type of racism, bigotry, or misogyny toward anyone, regardless of political affiliation or viewpoint devalues the life of whomever it is directed towards.

This kind of reasoning is being applied equally is it not?

Or are we placing more value on the lives of those we agree with as opposed to those we don't?
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Do you value human life but favor the death penalty? Do you value human life but advocate for abortion? Do you value human life but see the need for war when necessary? Do you value human life but want to limit the means by which someone defends themself from a home invader? Do you think human life is so valuable that you are willing to take life to save it?

Can anyone here genuinely say they value human life?

Or is human life nothing but a political tool? A weapon? Do you cheapen human life by using it as a political cudgel?

Is human life valuable or is it not? Truly a conundrum.

To me, human life is valuable, but what you do can either invalue (make it invaluable) or devalue it.

Going on a killing spree? You have not only devalued your victims lives by taking them, you have also devalued your own.

Defending yourself from a home invader bent on harming you? You invalue the lives of your family and find they outweigh that of the home invader.

If the value of human life is truly inestimable, then we can't truly say that human life has no value. What makes one life more valuable than another?

Discuss below.
Over 7 billion people on the planet
Billions more born and died

How valuable is that?

Seems to me at least on this planet human life is the most abundant thing

How valuable is anything when there is so much of it?
How valuable will human life be when it becomes scarce? Why should we devalue human life based on its abundance or lack thereof?
Do you value human life but favor the death penalty? Do you value human life but advocate for abortion? Do you value human life but see the need for war when necessary? Do you value human life but want to limit the means by which someone defends themself from a home invader? Do you think human life is so valuable that you are willing to take life to save it?

Can anyone here genuinely say they value human life?

Or is human life nothing but a political tool? A weapon? Do you cheapen human life by using it as a political cudgel?

Is human life valuable or is it not? Truly a conundrum.

To me, human life is valuable, but what you do can either invalue (make it invaluable) or devalue it.

Going on a killing spree? You have not only devalued your victims lives by taking them, you have also devalued your own.

Defending yourself from a home invader bent on harming you? You invalue the lives of your family and find they outweigh that of the home invader.

If the value of human life is truly inestimable, then we can't truly say that human life has no value. What makes one life more valuable than another?

Discuss below.
I believe you hit the nail on the head with your comment about valuing one life, or lives, above another. But ask yourself, if someone is attacking you or your family and forces you to defend yourself and that defense results in the attacker's loss of life, hasn't the attacker actually devalued his/her own life by attacking others?
Do you value human life but favor the death penalty? Do you value human life but advocate for abortion? Do you value human life but see the need for war when necessary? Do you value human life but want to limit the means by which someone defends themself from a home invader? Do you think human life is so valuable that you are willing to take life to save it?

Can anyone here genuinely say they value human life?

Or is human life nothing but a political tool? A weapon? Do you cheapen human life by using it as a political cudgel?

Is human life valuable or is it not? Truly a conundrum.

To me, human life is valuable, but what you do can either invalue (make it invaluable) or devalue it.

Going on a killing spree? You have not only devalued your victims lives by taking them, you have also devalued your own.

Defending yourself from a home invader bent on harming you? You invalue the lives of your family and find they outweigh that of the home invader.

If the value of human life is truly inestimable, then we can't truly say that human life has no value. What makes one life more valuable than another?

Discuss below.

Shooting someone who is engaging in an act of devaluing life.... does not mean you do not value life.

In fact, doing so, is actually proof that you value human life.

And saving the life of someone who actively destroys human life, does not show you value human life. In fact, it is the height of devaluing human life, when you protect the life of someone who destroys life.

Say you had a mass murderer who happens to be charismatic. He has personally killed dozens of people. But you have him, and you can either execute him, or you can put him in prison. As long as the man is alive, he will actively influence others to kill people for him. If the man escapes or is released, he has made it clear he intends to kill again.

Do you execute him? Or do you protect his life, and allow him to live off the tax money of the people he victimized?

I suggest that placing the highest value on human life, would require that the mass murderer be put to death.
Just an everyday commute as people turn the roads into NASCAR, pretty much shows the majority have no regard for their lives or others.
Until tragedy personally affects them.
Human life is the source of all value. It is what defines value. There is no value absent of a human being. We create value. Creation is what defines humans.
Do you value human life but favor the death penalty? Do you value human life but advocate for abortion? Do you value human life but see the need for war when necessary? Do you value human life but want to limit the means by which someone defends themself from a home invader? Do you think human life is so valuable that you are willing to take life to save it?

Can anyone here genuinely say they value human life?

Or is human life nothing but a political tool? A weapon? Do you cheapen human life by using it as a political cudgel?

Is human life valuable or is it not? Truly a conundrum.

To me, human life is valuable, but what you do can either invalue (make it invaluable) or devalue it.

Going on a killing spree? You have not only devalued your victims lives by taking them, you have also devalued your own.

Defending yourself from a home invader bent on harming you? You invalue the lives of your family and find they outweigh that of the home invader.

If the value of human life is truly inestimable, then we can't truly say that human life has no value. What makes one life more valuable than another?

Discuss below.
Over 7 billion people on the planet
Billions more born and died

How valuable is that?

Seems to me at least on this planet human life is the most abundant thing

How valuable is anything when there is so much of it?
How valuable will human life be when it becomes scarce? Why should we devalue human life based on its abundance or lack thereof?
It is the way we value anything

I get so tired of hearing about the miracle of birth

When something occurs many billions of times it ceases to be a miracle

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The miracle is each human existence. It is not something that happens billions of times. It is the creation of the universe each time, unique and new. The problem is that it is not appreciated as such. We are trained to ignore what we can be in order that limited systems be maintained. In other words, we value excrement over creativity.
The miracle is each human existence. It is not something that happens billions of times. It is the creation of the universe each time, unique and new. The problem is that it is not appreciated as such. We are trained to ignore what we can be in order that limited systems be maintained. In other words, we value excrement over creativity.

A little overblown IMO

I'm all for self improvement but I also realize that the potential for human beings is limited by many factors.

In fact I believe there are things on the universe we will never be able to understand because our brains are incapable of processing the data. The brain is a physical system as like all systems has a limit on it's capacity.

Think of it this way. A dog , cat or mouse cannot do basic math because the brains of these animals is incapable of processing such data
Okay, from the top. I do not favor the death penalty, nor abortions. I do not see the necessity for the death penalty, but neither do I see the necessity for convicted murderers to live in high style either, nor be eligible for parole. Abortions is a tough sell for me, people cry all the time about a woman's right to choose, well what about the baby's right to live? If you chose to have unprotected sex than I'm sorry but you need to deal with the consequences. It's different in cases of rape or incest or if the mother's health is in question, but IMHO we ought be making birth control free instead of abortions.

There could be a need for war, if more lives are saved than lost. Turn the question around, should we allow atrocities to continue unabated? We make alliances hoping to deter aggressors from starting a war in the 1st place, and other options ought to be tried first. But sometimes no other option works, such as with the ISIS caliphate.

I own a .357 Magnum and keep it in our home. If you break into my house, I'm gonna fire the first shot over your head, and bro, that thing sounds like a freakin' cannon it's so loud inside the house. I know cuz I fired it once when nobody else was here and I almost wet myself. So, if the person(s) breaking into my house haven't turned around and started runnin' for the hills then shame on 'em. I valued their lives enough to give 'em a chance to leave, if they don't take it, then it's time for me to value my life and that of my family over theirs.

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