Is freedom in the U.S. really greater compared to freedom in Europe?


Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2014
Consider this:

Police Killing Citizens

More people were shot dead by police in America last month than in 95 years in the UK
A total of 1,063 people were killed by US police this year
More people were shot dead by police in America last month than in 95 years in the UK

US Police kill there own citizens at this rate. Does this really sound like freer society?

Prison Rates

Then look at real taking of freedom. Prison rates:
Comparison of United States incarceration rate with other countries - Wikipedia

US puts its citizens in Prison at 5–6 times what the other first world countries do.

There are many examples of more and less freedom. A number of people will say US is more dangerous or something else… Really? US is so dangerious the cops have to kill 100 US citizens to every one UK Citizen…

Would any of this be down to the perception people have crime in US compared to the rest world?

How about not blaming the other side on this discussing this like adults...

How can US say they are freer when faced these statistics?
Thanks to the Leftest shits in the US we have lost a lot of our freedom and we will never get it back.

The US was once a great country. Now it is an oppressive Banana Republic. You can't even protest against a stolen election. The filthy ass government will brand you as a potential terrorist if you a veteran that owns firearms and goes to church.

We have no more freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the goddamn asshole Leftest are systematically taking away the right to keep and bear arms. God help you if you are an opponent of the ruling Leftest political elitists.

We can kiss the once great US goodbye. That ship of Liberty sailed away to never return.
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If your freedom is defined by your ability to watch the idiot box, I’m not sure you deserve actual freedom.
If you don't think those commercials are absolutely dystopian... I'm not sure you deserve actual freedom.

A government that would go to such lengths for something so simple... imagine what they are capable of with something they deem more serious.
His point being a TV license is just a tax. You paying it via the cable company doesn’t seem all that different.
It's not a tax. It's not taxing the purchase price of a cable or paid TV plan (or internet or phone service), it's not taxing consumption etc. It's an annual license, similar to license plates for an auto, regardless if you have paid TV plan, or even if you watch TV at all.
If you don't think those commercials are absolutely dystopian... I'm not sure you deserve actual freedom.

A government that would go to such lengths for something so simple... imagine what they are capable of with something they deem more serious.
What? A government going to great lengths to collect taxes? Shocking i tell you. Sorry but watching reruns of Friends or the Office isn’t the key factor in my gauge of freedom…
It's not a tax. It's not taxing the purchase price of a cable or paid TV plan (or internet or phone service), it's not taxing consumption etc. It's an annual license, similar to license plates for an auto, regardless if you have paid TV plan, or even if you watch TV at all.
Of course it’s a tax. Just like car registration. Have you heard of property taxes?
Consider this:

Police Killing Citizens

More people were shot dead by police in America last month than in 95 years in the UK
A total of 1,063 people were killed by US police this year
More people were shot dead by police in America last month than in 95 years in the UK

US Police kill there own citizens at this rate. Does this really sound like freer society?

Prison Rates

Then look at real taking of freedom. Prison rates:
Comparison of United States incarceration rate with other countries - Wikipedia

US puts its citizens in Prison at 5–6 times what the other first world countries do.

There are many examples of more and less freedom. A number of people will say US is more dangerous or something else… Really? US is so dangerious the cops have to kill 100 US citizens to every one UK Citizen…

Would any of this be down to the perception people have crime in US compared to the rest world?

How about not blaming the other side on this discussing this like adults...

How can US say they are freer when faced these statistics?


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