Is anyone still confused?

cite one republican against education. give the cite and the quote.

i predict you never will because you know you're a lying.

When you run on cutting back on teachers, you are cutting back on education.

so you couldn't find a single republican who actually is against education.

thanks for proving, yet again, what a liar you are.

Depends on how you define education.

Have you read the GOP Texas party platform? Perhaps you should.

Read the GOP's "thoughts" on teaching children "critical thinking skills and then say Republicans are FOR education

I'm always surprised at the number of Republicans in the base who know nothing about their party. Imagine telling someone to prove Republicans are against education and there it is in the Texas Republican Party Platform. It's like they're a "party of tards".
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Did I say anything about kicking Putin's ass? I couldn't give a fuck less about Crimea. I'll never live there. If it becomes a humanitarian crisis, then an international effort needs to be made to cripple Russia. But the US does not have the legal or moral authority anymore to tell anyone on Earth to respect human rights laws.

The US is not going to remain #1 for much longer because of the war in Afghanistan. The CIA trained the Mujaheddin in guerrilla warfare specifically with the intention of being able to bog down a more powerful invading force in a costly, unwinnable conflict. The Soviet Union threw money and resources into Afghanistan, trying to maintain some semblance of control, but without success. Afghanistan has since been an endless nightmare because of the religious fervor of radical Islam combined with the CIA's advanced guerrilla tactics adopted from the Viet Cong.

After ten years in Afghanistan, the Soviet Union collapsed. The US is now ten years in Afghanistan, and American cities are filing for bankruptcy, unemployment is still high, the debt keeps rising, military spending is through the roof while our bridges, schools, and even private charities are ridiculously underfunded and outdated, the nation came very close to going into default, and there is still not a single hint at victory.

Is anyone still confused? The US has spent $2b every week in Afghanistan for over ten years. Does anyone wonder why the economy sucks?

I must have misread you. my mistake.

but we need to make a distinction between miliitary spending for fiascos like viet nam, afghanistan, iraq, korea, and kosovo and the need to keep this country strong and able to defend itself from any and all would-be attackers.

is there waste in the DOD budget? of course, there is waste in every element of government spending.

What they should have done is gone after Bin Laden, killed him and left that as a warning to the next person or group that attacks the US.

Only a tiny fraction of what was spent on Iraq and Afghanistan would have decimated al Qaeda and scared anyone who harbored them.

Remember, McCain and the GOP called Obama "an experienced community organizer" when he said he would go after Bin Laden no matter where he was. And he did. And what did Republicans do besides calling him mulatto and Kenyan? They tried to and are still trying to take credit for what he did when they were calling him "an experienced community organizer", oh, and a man-child and a "boi". Which we know what that code was for.

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