Lesson from George Bush: Stupidity invites Liberalism


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Lesson from George Bush: Stupidity invites Liberalism - RINO's can twist it any way they like, but Obama did not run against America, he ran against a Republican. And while many conservatives suggest that people like me who did not bother to vote for republicans lately are stupid, I have to inform them that I already lived 8 years under a republican president in North Philadelphia, which was literally a thrash can, where welfare was being given away to unemployed who were never required to clean up their neighborhoods, and the president was more pre occupied about bringing stability to the Middle East - and now they are blaming the lack of it on Obama. - I no longer wonder, if republicans are democrats in disguise.
Lesson from George Bush: Stupidity invites Liberalism - RINO's can twist it any way they like, but Obama did not run against America, he ran against a Republican. And while many conservatives suggest that people like me who did not bother to vote for republicans lately are stupid, I have to inform them that I already lived 8 years under a republican president in North Philadelphia, which was literally a thrash can, where welfare was being given away to unemployed who were never required to clean up their neighborhoods, and the president was more pre occupied about bringing stability to the Middle East - and now they are blaming the lack of it on Obama. - I no longer wonder, if republicans are democrats in disguise.

i agree to an extent, but phily is a heavy d area and youre goin to see alot of it. I lived in memphis, same issues. We need someone to take on the elite, maybe rand paul or someone else that can get shit done and tell the press to fuck off

and yes there are alot of rinos out there.

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