If you think it is a religion of peace, rethink that position


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Nov 29, 2008
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I came across this blog this morning. Thought this page written by an Islamist was worth sharing. This is the Google translation of one page of this blog.

SN010 - Amerika Ditatang,Islam Ditentang!

SN010 - United hold it, Islam Opposed!
SN Release 12 November 2010 https://translate.googleusercontent...entang&usg=ALkJrhjHcwCZGEYBGqPeFGMntMCOcoPYXQ


UNITED hold it, ISLAM resisted!
After twice postpone his visit, President Barack Obama finally arrived whatsoever to Indonesia on 9 November. Before his arrival, Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) has launched a massive campaign to reject the presence of the president of the colonial state. HTI has organized a gathering of scholars in major cities in Indonesia where thousands of scholars agreed to reject the presence of Obama because it is against Islam. "Obama is the president of infidel countries muharibah fi'lan (a country at war with the Muslims) can not be accepted as a guest", so says Ustaz Ismail Yusanto, spokesperson HTI. The culmination of an effort to pressure President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to not accept the presence of his counterparts from the US, it is the mass demonstrations conducted by HTI on 7 November with the witness about 15 thousand members and supporters of Hizb ut-Tahrir marched to the front of the National Palace Embassy The US, along with this loud slogans and banners protesting Obama's visit to Indonesia. In Malaysia, about a week earlier, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was on a visit here. It is strange to Hillary visit to Malaysia as major newspapers such as the exact date of his visit hide. The official press only mentioned that Hillary will visit Malaysia and the schedule will be met with Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Hillary-Anwar meeting also is an anomaly, as is usually the official visit of a representative of the country is to meet with the head of the country visited. However, this is understandable because Anwar is absolutely no close relationship with the United States. But when arriving in Malaysia, Hillary suddenly canceled his meeting with Anwar for no reason. Although superficially it seems only normal, but for those who are politically savvy can certainly read that the Malaysian opposition party actually has caught up with Hillary cunning. With no right to publicize the date of arrival and the 'declared' his schedule to meet with Anwar, was Hillary has managed to avoid the 'protest' of Muslims in Malaysia on this visit. We hope to see Malaysia's largest Islamic party held a massive demonstration to reject Hillary (as Condoleeza Rice's visit this week), unfulfilled, just as cunning Hillary who said he wanted to meet with Anwar as leader of the opposition.
Although we believe that the vast majority of Muslims reject the presence of leaders of the kuffar colonialists in the country, but apparently the government (and Indonesia) have managed to get them here! Even the minister is so proud of the visit is the enemy of God and described it as an enhancement of bilateral relations with the superpower it. Such vile Muslim leaders now without shame and without feeling the slightest bit guilty, but rather proud to welcome the head of the terrorist and evil to the country. Muslim leaders have been blind so willing to reconcile with the US which is already very clear that God's enemy must be fought. These leaders laud and balancing like a lift US oil-filled, while Islamic law on jihad heavily opposed and Muslims who want to uphold Islam are labeled as terrorists or extremists. This is essentially a religious leader, as uttered by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Razak who called moderates (moderate) in order to unite the congregation moves to prevent any extremist groups both within or outside the country. He said that, throughout history, Islam has never built or distributed through acts of aggression, violence or terrorism. "If the opinion is received, we indirectly influenced by the propaganda that Islam spread through sword and fight fraud, as well as the fact that the alleged extremists. On the contrary, Islam spread throughout the world, including to countries based on the way we are preaching the Prophet Muhammad as a glorious appearance and admirable character, love, respect, integrity and simplicity, "he [UM 7/11/10].

As-Siyasah Al-Kharijiyyah In Islam

Each country should have as-siyasah al-Kharijiyah (foreign policy) is a distinctive, well it state or country reject Islam. In the context of political Islam, siyasah Kharijiyah a country whose ideology is a matter that must be addressed. US foreign policy as a superpower and a country's current devotees and developers should capitalist ideology was observed by Muslims. Quite simply, one of the most important US foreign policy now is' the fight against terrorists and extremists "and the US worked hard in implementing foreign policy is. In addition, as a capitalist country, the United States (in carrying out its foreign policy) has been invaded and seized all the wealth that exists in Muslim countries. In the name of combating terrorism, the hundreds of thousands of Muslims have been killed by the US in its mission. While the foreign policy of the Muslims now, generally on good terms (peace) with all countries, including the US. And in carrying out this policy, the country's Muslims unbelievers indeed conspiring with the US in the fight against terrorism and extremism. And terrorist or extremist to which the US (and accepted without debate by the leader of Islam) is the 'Muslims' itself.

Indeed, the question of siyasah Kharijiyah in Islam is a matter that is very important as it relates to legislation directly. In Islam, the siyasah Kharijiyah done directly by the state (government). In the Caliphate, there is a structure of its own to deal with this, namely Da'irah al-Kharijiyah (Department of State). Da'irah al-Kharijiyah take care of all the foreign affairs relating to relations with the Khilafah foreign countries / deny, any type and form of foreign relations, both with regard to the political aspects of such a treaty, peace agreement, ceasefire, implementation various consultations, exchange of ambassadors, sending envoys and delegations as well as the establishment of various embassies and consulates. The same applies to matters relating to the economy, agriculture, trade, postal services, telecommunications, transportation, cable, satellite and so on. Prophet Muhammad doing various forms of foreign relations with countries and institutions, other institutions where he had sent Uthman to negotiate with the Quraysh, as he also had to negotiate directly with the Quraysh delegation. Prophet Muhammad also sent a number of messengers to the king, as he also received the envoys of the kings and leaders. He also established various agreements and peace treaties. Similarly, the caliph after the Prophet, they always pass off political relations with countries and other institutions, as they also raised the one who takes care of the problem [Ajhizah al-Khilafah Daula al-Hukm Fi wa al-Idarah, Hizb ut-Tahrir].

Caliph as the head of state or his representative is responsible for delivering the message of Islam is full of goodness, justice and mercy to the world. This policy has nothing to do with the violent whim or confiscation of property belonging to other people. The state is not a state that siyasah Kharijiyah its natural resources belonging to rob other nations and massacred another nation through a war. Siyasah Kharijiyah Khilafah is also not intended to create or find a new market for the products and services it produces. It was not a siyasah Kharijiyah Khilafah State. Siyasah Kharijiyah Khilafah (ever and will re-enforced) is communicating the message (the truth) of Islam to mankind by Quran and Sunnah and eliminate all physical barriers (if any) of the arrival of Islam to them. Muslims have set up a special activity in the implementation of this kharijyah siyasah if there are physical barriers to convey the religion of Allah to mankind for peace. This activity aims to eliminate practically all forms of physical barriers and obstacles that hinder the achievement of the Khilafah State Kharijiyah siyasah very noble. This activity is none other than Jihad in Allah's Cause. In short, siyasah Kharijiyah Khilafah is preaching and jihad.

The verses of the Koran that talk about jihad fell after Islamic State in Madinah stand, not before. In the Qur'an, Allah has commanded jihad with strict instructions and also to determine the reasons for war with clear objectives, namely because of infidelity. Allah Almighty says,

"And fight them (the disbelievers) until there is no more Fitnah (polytheism) and (so) deen is solely for Allah. If they stop (against you), then there is no hostility (again), except for those wrongdoers "[Surah al-Baqarah (2): 193].

In another verse, Allah says, "O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you and let them find harshness in you" [TMQ At-Tawbah (9): 123].

The other word, "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah and those who disbelieve fight in the way taghut Fight therefore against the friends of Satan" [TMQ An-Nisa '(4): 76].

Furthermore, it is stated explicitly in the Hadith that war (qital) is a method to call people to the values of Islam are high. Messenger of Allah said,

"I was ordered to fight the people until they say La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah. When they have done (to convert to Islam or submit to Islamic rule) then preserved blood and their wealth except by way of justice and reckoning of Allah "[Bukhari and Muslim].

The word "fight" as used in this tradition comes from the word "qital" which means "war of physics' (armed combat) and no other meaning other than the meaning of it. The above texts clearly show that the duty to fight for the Muslims. The war in Allah's way as is done with a specific purpose and for the sake of seeking to please God and to spread Islam to all mankind. This is the meaning of Islamic Jihad. Countries have always tried to attack the infidel colonialists 'brains' of the Muslims because the Muslims in terms of adherence to this jihad and they are very hateful to Muslims who want to enforce the law. With full of hypocrisy, the kuffar West accuses jihad as a source of 'violence' and 'terror' while at the same time they devour many people and countries, especially the Muslims, with various wars they create. They destroyed millions of lives in World War I and II. They used various forms of weapons of mass destruction that shatters people and life like in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They do a great massacre in Vietnam, Bosnia, Kashmir, Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine and more by using various forms of weapons of mass destruction to mankind from the beginning until now. This is the foreign policy of Western countries kuffar truth.

Siyasah Kharijiyah in Islam laid down by Allah and His Messenger, clearly and openly, not by hidden or vague and it is a well-known policy, both among Muslims and the kuffar. Has become a fact that can not be refuted by all people in the world that throughout the centuries Islam has spread and they ruled the world through the "preaching and jihad fi sabilillah". The second method is a method of expansion of Islam and Muslims live has held fast to this method because it is a method that comes from revelation. The direct link between jihad and spreading Islam clearly visible in the traditions of the Prophet, which is practically a law which is mandatory for Muslims, especially the authorities. Imam Muslim narrated from Buraydah ibn Sulayman from his father,

"When the Prophet shows a leader (amir) of a team or an expedition (war), he always stressed to him to fear Allah and do good to the Muslims who were with him. Then he saw would give the following advice: "Fight in the name of Allah in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Fight and do not transgress, do not cheat, do not mutilate the enemy and do not kill children. When meeting the enemy from among the polytheists, then invite them to three (optional) and whatever they choose as the answer for the offer, accept and stop fighting them. (First) Invite them to (for entry) Islam and when they receive the call, then accept it and stop fighting them. Then call on them to move from their territory to the territory of the immigrants (Darul Islam). Pass on the news that when they receive these calls, they enjoy the same rights and privileges received by the immigrants and have the same obligations with obligations Emigrants. If they refuse to migrate (to the latter), tell them that (position) the same as a Muslim Bedouin subject to the law of the believers, but they were not part of fai 'and booty, unless they want to fight with the Muslims. (II) If they refuse (to Islam), commanded them to pay the jizya, and when they accept this call (pay tribute), receive them and stop fighting them. (Third) If they still refuse (to pay jizya), then seek help from Allah and went out against them. "

Hadith above the law provisions of a special nature as an explanation to the generality of the verses of the Qur'an on jihad. Based on this hadith, the Prophet has explained the reason (reason) to do battle at the same time the ways and rules of jihad. With so many verses of Al-Quran and Hadith, which touches on the duties of preaching and jihad, indeed, wrong and misleading to say that Islam does not grow by the sword or battle. All this is aimed at understanding misguided Muslims to flee from jihad and jihad to abolish the law itself, according to the will of the West. Only once, it should be understood that Muslims were not allowed to fight people before Islam came to them amicably in advance.


O Muslims! We repeat once again that in Islam there is a law about siyasah Kharijiyah and siyasah Kharijiyah fil Islam is preaching and jihad. However, prior to launch jihad, humanity must be called first to convert to Islam, without coercion. When they accept this call to become Muslim, the law adopted by the Islamic State would happen to them. The people of the area where they live and be part of the Islamic State. When they refused the call to Islam, then they are ordered to pay the jizya, which is a form of retribution against citizens of the Islamic State of non-Muslim. Willingness to pay tribute indirectly represent a form of expression that area where they live has become part of the Islamic State. So since then Islamic law in public affairs imposed on them and they along with other Islamic citizens enjoy the blessings of justice and Islamic life. If they still refused to do so, the system refused to live in the shadow of Islam, the Islamic State had to use military means to get rid of all obstacles that hinder application of the law of physics Islam to themselves. This business is conducted solely in order that humanity lives in the shadow of the law and justice of Islam. This is the purpose of the implementation of Kharijiyah siyasah Islam, namely to remove the disbelievers (and those Muslims who live in countries Kufr) from black darkness of unbelief into the light of Islam wonderful glitter and God willing, siyasah Kharijiyah full of grace and blessing will be executed when the Caliphate back up again very soon.

And Allah knows best.

Dr Krum

The Rise of The Caliphate

SN016 - Tunisia Need Khilafah, Not Just Leaders Exchange
SN Release January 21, 2011



[SN016] Government of Tunisia under the regime of President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali finally collapsed. This brutal government has finally disappeared after can not stem the massive demonstrations by people demanding his resignation. Ben Ali, who initially tried to oppose the demonstration by dozens of lives since it erupted, finally had to give in. Failure Ben Ali welfare of the people and coupled with the government's repressive regime has so far made were undone by a popular uprising. Dictator who has ruled for 23 years was reported to have fled to Saudi Arabia on 14 January this year. Continue reading →

Dr. Krum
SN016 - Tunisia Need Khilafah, Not Just Leaders Exchange
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SN015 - Muhasabah Islamic Movement Toward Recognizing Evil System
SN Release January 7, 2011



[SN015] After the destruction of the Caliphate in 1924, many harakah (movement) Islam who has appeared and risen to fight to restore the glory of Islam. Various Islamic harakah this fight with a purpose, idea and their methods of struggle. Although the path taken by the Islamic harakah vary, but God willing it all gets a reward from Allah for which they sincerely fight for Islam and to follow the right path. However, not all these struggles are relevant to qadhiyah masiriyah (main problems) Muslims or in accordance with the teachings of Islam in the conduct of change (change). So, 'sincere' sincerity alone is not enough though charity is the fundamental demands of the struggle. Sincerity must be accompanied by an understanding and implementation of Islamic law correctly in order to make the changes required by the legislation. Permission will only be achieved when we guided to the texts (Qur'an and Sunnah), rather than to the intellect. Continue reading →

Dr. Krum
SN015 - Muhasabah Islamic Movement Toward Recognizing Evil System
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[SN017] After Tunisia, now Egypt are seething with protest from citizens on a large scale since 25 January to topple the regime of dictator Hosni Mubarak. So far hundreds of people have been killed in a series of protests and more than 1,000 others have been arrested by Egyptian security forces. The Egyptian revolution is said to be inspired from the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia that toppled the Tunisian President, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, after ruling for 23 years. The same inspiration has also spread to Algeria, Yemen and Jordan and it is not impossible will also spread to Syria, Libya, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and other countries. Continue reading →

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SN019 - Preparing set Thalabun Nusrah for power
SN Release February 25, 2011



[SN019] After Tunisia and Egypt, the world is now witnessing a domino effect (domino effect) of the uprisings on a large scale that hit other Arab countries such as Yemen, Bahrain, Morocco and the growing now, Libya. The massive rise of this happening are deemed to be 'people power' (people power), one thing we can not deny is the existence of 'military power' in determining the success of the revolution and the national government. Surely people will not be able to topple a regime, if not the support of the army, as we have seen in Tunisia, Egypt, Indonesia and others. In the struggle, the Hizb ut-Tahrir (Hizb) has explained in detail the importance of the military position as a party who must be prosecuted aid (thalabun nusrah) in order to gain power.

This is the 'final stage' of the Hizb continues to explain that came to power through a military thalabun nusrah of Ahlul quwwah (those with power). In this regard, Hizb also often asked, when people will be able to successfully take power and establish the Khilafah Islamiyah through the activities of Hizb thalabun nusrah discuss? In this limited space, Sautun Nahdhah this time trying to explain this issue in terms of atmosphere should exist or be prepared by Hizb or any motion whatsoever before the statute came to power through Caliphate.

Understanding Thalabun Nusrah

In the context of thalabun nusrah, there are some important things that must be understood by the developers of the message of Islam, namely: -

(I) Definition of thalabun nusrah for lughah (language) or syar'i

(Ii) How thalabun nusrah atmosphere in Madinah Al-Munawara prepared and the atmosphere is like that prepared the present

(Iii) The reality of Muslims today, in terms of whether they have had the preparation (ready) to accept this great thing or not?

(Iv) How thalabun nusrah to enhance the ability to bring about a significant transfer of power?

In language, an-nusrah and al-munasarah have meaning I'anah 'ala al-amr (help on a problem) [Ibn Mandzur, p. 210]. In syar'i, is thalabun nusrah groans activities carried out by those who have authority (amir) to those who have power for the purposes of the transfer of power and the rule Daulah Islamiyah or for other purposes relating to support for missionary For example: -

(I) to protect the developers missionary in the lands of the Muslims so that they can convey the meaning and purpose of their mission in the midst of society

(Ii) to eliminate the disadvantages of various kinds, whether that will happen or what has happened to the developers of mission, for example, ask for help from characters who have the influence that the authorities did not arrest and imprison developers stand by preaching or propaganda developers when they do activities preaching

(Iii) to introduce and demonstrate the power of Hizb the community with the support and cooperation of the people who have power and influence, after they surrender (if not Islam) and qana'ah (sure) to the thoughts and purposes of propaganda Hizb.

The thalabun nusrah aimed at istilam al-hukm (applying power) and the enforcement of Islamic Caliphate, this requires a number of conditions and requirements vary with the form thalabun nusrah described above. The conditions to be met are as follows: -

(I) The establishment of al-'ām ra'yu (public opinion / public opinion) about Islam and sourced from wa'yu Hizb al-'ām (public awareness) in a country of Muslims

(Ii) fulfillment of specific conditions in a country where nusrah would be obtained in which the country must have the ability to protect the existence and continuity of the Daulah Islamiyah. The country also should be able to provide protection against the Daulah Islamiyah independent and not under the protection of another country or controlled directly by other countries

(Iii) sincerity in helping the missionary Ahlul quwwah, perfect their acceptance of Islam and Daulah Islamiyah and the absence of doubts and fears in their hearts against other forces or other countries or to other Islamist groups or groups of non-Muslims who have goals in contrast to the real purpose of Islam.

Thalabun nusrah for power is closely connected with Islamic law and methods to power. Handover of power will not happen without thalabun nusrah activities and the fulfillment of the above conditions, whether the handover of power by the Ahlul quwwah or requested from Ahlul quwwah.

Preparing set Nusrah

Anyone who studies the history of Prophet Muhammad would see that he was doing some important and continuous activity before preparing a nusrah and istilam al-hukm in Madinah. The first step to do is find his delegation visiting the Khazraj tribe of Mecca and asked them to convert to Islam. After converting to Islam, he ordered them back to Medina to preach Islam to their people. On arrival in Medina, they disclose their Islamic credentials and invite their people to convert to Islam. The number of Muslims, then continue to grow. The following year, they went back to the Prophet Muhammad in which their number when it is 12 people. Prophet received them and sent Mus'ab bin Umair him to be their teacher in Medina. Finally, through the hands of Mus'ab bin Umair ra, Auz and Khazraj chiefs converted to Islam and showing their support and loyalty of the powerful against Islam.

After seeing the willingness of the people of Madina, which appear in conversion to Islam and his officials Auz am ra'yul Khazraj and the formation of the birth of Islam wa'yul am a resident of Madinah, the Prophet asked them to meet him at the Hajj season. From this it can be concluded that the reality of Madinah before the Baiat Aqabah II (allegiance that marks the handover of power in Madinah) is a reality that has been prepared for the establishment of ra'yul am to defend Islam by force. That is, Madinah was prepared such that Islam accepted by the majority of the people of Medina and became ra'yul am capable of dominating the other religions in Medina. Not only that, ra'yul am is also aimed at people of Medina were willing to defend the new leadership, the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad. Ra'yul am to defend Islam was born out of the general wa'yul majority Medina and his nobles, the essence of Islam and the Prophet himself in his capacity as a prophet and leader takattul (groups) Friends.

Prophet Muhammad was not ready to accept nusrah istilam li al-hukm except when circumstances beyond belief with the willingness manifest and the people of Medina. Having confidence in the willingness of the people of Medina to accept and defend the rule of Islam, the Prophet asked the people of Medina, accompanied by representatives of Mus'ab bin Umair see him in Bukit Aqabah. The purpose of the meeting is requested nusrah from Medina to give up their power in Madinah to him and asked for their willingness to defend his property, children, wife and their lives. Nusrah thalabun activities in Bukit Aqabah (as Muqaddimah istilam al-hukm) be perfect after the Prophet arrived in Madinah and there Daulah Islamiyah enforce.

The formation ra'yul am born of wa'yul am an absolute requirement to be met by a country to be found thalabun nusrah istilam li al-hukm. The country also must have the ability to protect the existence and continuity of the Daulah Islamiyah independently and not under the influence or domination of another country. Ra'yul am to defend Islam, Hizb and his followers to be born of wa'yul am to defend Islam and Hizb. If this is not met, then the country is not likely to happen thalabun activities nusrah istilaam li al-hukm both syar'i or 'aqli. If enforced also nusrah activities in the country, besides violating the provisions of the Sharia in the context thalabun nusrah, these activities may also ended in failure and ruin.

As is the ra'yul am in the present context is, the desire to be regulated and governed by the rule of Islam on the Muslims who are the majority in a country which is worth doing thalabun nusrah. The desire is also to appear in a Ahlul-quwwah (military commanders, powerful tribal leaders and the like) and not enough to just show up at the majority of the Muslims alone. As is the wa'y al-'ām is public awareness of some of the things that is -

(I) about Islam, especially the idea of the Caliphate and government

(Ii) the hostility and efforts made deception of the infidels to stop the Khilafah

(Iii) awareness among Muslims that they will never be out of the question unless they free themselves from the rule of applying the laws of Kufr

(Iv) awareness of deception and political game of the infidels to turn people away from the right path. In addition, in the midst of the people also have to grow awareness of the Hizb and the sincerity of its members in freeing people from the domination of unbelievers, and willingness Hizb system to do this terrible thing.

People Readiness

The general state of the Muslims now shows that they successfully complete the atmosphere nusrah and istilam al-hukm. This can be seen from the following realities: -

1. General view of defending Islam

In many countries, ra'yul am to defend Islam and the desire to live in the shadow of the Daulah Islamiyah has been formed by mass (mass) in the majority of the population. This situation can be seen in Algeria, Turkey, Sudan, Egypt, Jordan and Pakistan. The amount ra'yul am in these countries can be seen from the results of the elections and the number of masirah (peaceful demonstrations) made by Islamic groups who publicly called for the enforcement of symbols and rituals of Islam.

2. The process of forming ra'yul am to defend the party in several Muslim countries

Ra'yul formation of defending Hizb am on the revenue side of the people against the ideas of Hizb like the idea of the Caliphate and political views, has worked out pretty well. In some countries such as Indonesia, Turkey, Sudan and Pakistan, Hizb has managed to gather people so that they are willing to help and defend against Hizb the roller coaster world of the infidels. Just unfortunately, ra'yul am to defend the Hizb had to deal with a number of obstacles that still does not allow for the Hizb to lead the people and to take power from them. Factors barrier is: -

(I) distortion of facts made by the rulers of the Hizb as portrayed opinion that Hizb is a terrorist movement, distorted, perverted and so on

(Ii) misleading opinion conducted by scholars who become employees of the wicked and unjust rulers to attack Hizb, his sincerity and his views, for example, they develop ideas about possible there are many leaders in the countries of Islam, the caliphate is an illusion, duties accept democracy and so on

(Iii) parties and movements that have links with the authorities or with the imperialist countries are constantly up against Hizb and sincerity.

However, denial and deception efforts facts or attacks carried out by these groups, little by little began to unfold. As a result, people are increasingly confident and keikhlasahan Hizb leadership in championing the rights of the people. Ra'yul am to defend Islam, Hizb and its activists are increasingly strengthened and grew rapidly in almost all the countries of the Muslims.

Enhance Nusrah

Activities thalabun nusrah for power of the people can only be perfect when ra'yul am born of wa'yul am to defend Islam and Hizb was born in the midst of the people for many in a country to be upheld Daulah Islamiyah in it. However, the enemies of the infidel imperialist propaganda and especially the rulers of the imperialist agents are constantly working to prevent the realization of the general ra'yul by attacking the views of Hizb, the sincerity of its members and the method adopted by Hizb change. This is done by the evil ruler in order ra'yul am about Islam and Hizb wa'yul am born to defend Islam and Hizb, do not grow in the midst of society. On this basis, the main task is to maintain consistency Hizb him to cling on to the idea and vision of authentic and sincere struggle to keep from all forms of deception the world. From this it can be concluded that the main task of Hizb at present in the context of the completion of nusrah atmosphere, is holding fast to the Word '(ideology) Islam without leaving the slightest sincerity from him and keep his fight all forms of deviation and temporal trends.

The activities to be carried out by Hizb and any groups that stick to the method of propagation of the Prophet in their efforts to realize the things above are: -

First, maintain sincerity and devotion to God by nurturing loyalty and closeness to Him in all aspects. This is because, He will never give up this religious trusts except to those who fear Allah, sincere and close to Him [TMQ An-Nur (24): 55].

Second, always eager to make sacrifices and perform the duties of preaching in earnest. The infidel imperialist forces seeking to destroy the Hizb through their staff from among the Muslim rulers. Therefore, when Hizb managed to gain the support of massively reject and guard against system as was the case in Uzbekistan, the authorities immediately declared war against activists and supporters of the Hizb. In these circumstances, the Muslim activists may not be withdrawn or loosen the struggle, but they have to devote significant effort and sacrifices to uphold the cause of Islam that straight and pure.

Third, increase energy and activity that is intended to be a 'fortress' for the people. This is because the enemies of Islam strive constantly to put before the people of various kinds of lies, deception and treason against Hizb, thoughts and views. The effort was made to keep the people of Hizb-activists and activists. Therefore, the activists missionary must increase energy and activity to keep people focused on all forms of deception, denial and this treason, as well as to destroy the wall of deception put before the people [Surah at-Tawbah (9): 105].

Fourth, the activists missionary should highlight the character himself as a sincere believer in always practicing and always entered with sharia law and diligent in worship and draw closer to Allah SWT. These activities will be closer and activists of Hizb propaganda to nusrah (help) when Hizb Allah be on Dawr tafa'ul ma'a al-ummah. (Stage interacting with people).
And Allah knows best.

[Edited by Tahayya 'al-Ajwa' Li thalab an-Nusrah, Abu al-Mustasim, magazine al-Wa'ie (Arabic) No. 282-283 Rajab, Sha'ban 1431, Beirut.]

Who was that for? No one's gonna read a post that long you know.

Only religion of peace I know of is pacifism. Everything else makes allowances for violence in the name of their god or religion. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, even Buddhism.
Another blog translated by Google for those who are interested this one appears to be in India;

Kritik Terhadap Konsep Tholabun Nusrah Hizbut Tahrir | Catatan Anak Mushola Di Pontianak

Do Tholabun Nushroh it?
Tholabun Nushroh in language understanding is seek help. This term is used by Hizb ut-Tahrir as a missionary activity in a stage of propaganda. As an illustration purpose Tholabun term Nushroh according to Hizb, is mentioned as follows:
"Thalabun-nushrah are looking for protection and control of activity by political parties at the end of the second stage of Islamic propaganda, namely the stage interacting with the people (at-tafa'ul ma'a al-umma). Thalabun-nushrah not a stage (Marhalah) propaganda, but a charity (activity) in a stage of propaganda propaganda. Thalabun-nushrah done at the community, especially its leaders, rejected the application of Islam in the life of the state and the case of repressive measures such as the persecution of political party activists who strive to uphold Khilafah (M. Husain Abdullah, Ath-Thariqah ash-Syar'iyah li Isti ' naf al-hayah al-Islamiya, p. 90).
Thalabun-nushrah has two purposes: First, to obtain protection (himayah) for the individual bearer of the message and preaching activities.
For example, the Prophet. protection of his uncle (Abu Talib), or the Prophet. received security guarantees from Mut'im bin Adi return from Ta'if. Second, to gain power (al-hukm) to uphold the law of God in the Khilafah state. For example, the first Prophet. receives power from the Ansar so that he can then enforce the Daulah Islamiyah in Medina (Manhaj Hizb 2009, p. 49; M. Khayr Haykal, Al-Jihad wa al-qital, I / 409) "
is thariqah (method) that is fixed and must be carried out to establish the Khilafah. So, thalabun-nushrah not uslub (way) that legal permissible which can vary according to the circumstances. (Ahmad Al-Mahmoud, Ad-Da'wah ila al-Islam, p. 34).
The only valid method to gain power and establish the Khilafah is thalabun-nushrah; not by other means such as establishing mosques, hospitals, schools; or helping the needy, poor and encourage the good moral. This is all pious charity, but not the method of enforcing Caliphate ... (Ahmad al-Mahmud, Ad-Da'wah ila al-Islam, p. 37).
Law 'Tholabun Nusroh'
Tholabun Nusroh in the sense of asking help to people who can provide strong protection is a method that had done the Prophet. in order to spread the teachings of Tawheed. This method is used Hizb in order to establish the caliphate. Although not obtained scholars in any schools that require Tholabun Nushroh and no talks were discussed Tholabun Nushroh law in the books of jurisprudence, the Hizb consider it mandatory, even thought the only way that is prescribed to establish a caliphate. Hizb should not be used in other ways, including -padahal violence is a consequence of jihad fi sabilillah-.
The argument of the necessity of Tholabun Nushroh -according to them- is because this act is done the Prophet. continuously - when in fact only within a period of less than two years -. Therefore, need to be addressed even if briefly, the position of the Prophet deed. in the science of jurisprudence.
Ulama Usul divide deeds of the Prophet. is divided into two parts:
  1. Especially for him alone
  2. This could also apply to his own people. The second part is divided into 3 types:
  • mandatory, either 'ain and kifayah
  • mandub (sunnah)
  • mubah
To determine which actions of the Prophet. that must be imitated his people, which mandub and what is permissible, certainly needed a special proposition.
About tholabun Nusroh carried the Prophet., Found no proof that indicates that it must be done his own people. Not found in history or hadith, that the Companions of the Prophet. participate in the activities of this Nusroh Tholabun. This indicates that the act 'Tholabun Nusroh' is specific to him alone, and not mandatory for his people.
Berterus-throughs of the Prophet. in Tholabun Nusroh and not switch to another method in less than two years can not be used as the argument of the necessity of taking the method for his people. The reason:
  • The first, a lot of the deeds of the Prophet. that he kerjkan continuously, even just two years, but the law is not mandatory for his people. For example two rokaat dawn and pray Witr.
  • second, if the 'Tholabun Nusroh' obligatory for the people of the Prophet, of course, he explains it to the Companions, especially at times when they really need help as a result of pressure by the Quraish. When moved to Habasyah, the Companions are also not obliged to 'Tholabun Nusroh' to the King Najasyi. Though the Prophet. said about him, "No one didholimi in its territory". That is, the king is potentially a 'Ahlun Nusroh'.
From this it can be concluded that the legal position 'Tholabun Nusroh' merely permissible, not the method (thoriqoh) that must, moreover be used as a condition of lawful establishment of the caliphate. As things are permissible, certainly should be done in accordance with the needs. Prophet. own stop bertholabun Nushroh when 70 people of Yathrib pledged to him.
The question is, should we bertholabun Nushroh in the body when people of many strong fighters against the enemies of Allah? Did not they are 'Ahlul Quwwah' whose existence is guaranteed by Allah until the Day of Judgement?
Should Hizb bertholabun Nushroh, when members throughout the world to reach hundreds of thousands of claims -according to them-? Had their young men trained and armed-and this as well as to fulfill the obligation that Allah i'dad perintahkan-, it was enough to help the establishment of a caliphate, without air-tholabun Nushroh to the secular military.
But unfortunately, be adopted Hizb does not allow it ...
Practice 'Tholabun Nusroh', the difference then and now!
Prophet. do 'Tholabun Nushroh' only within a period of less than two years. At that time the number of his congregation a little, so it can not be of sufficient strength to help dien assigned. Therefore, he bertholabun nushroh the idolatrous tribes as well as invite them to Islam. Once there were 70 people of Yathrib were pledged to him, as well as a plot of land ready to be used as a hijra, the Prophet. stop doing 'Tholabun Nushroh'. He is content with people who came from the tribe of Aus and the Khazraj. That is, the adequacy of the content of this makes him no longer air-Tholabun Nushroh. Prophet. also told the Companions to move to a plot of land, which he later named as Madinatur Apostles. The area previously called Yathrib. Of land that is futuhaat to countries around begins.
In contrast to what the Prophet., Hizb has bertholabun Nusroh more than 50 years and is still bertholabun Nushroh. Hizb -according to them- the claims consists of hundreds of thousands of people, but it still bertholabun Nushroh. People who are asked nushrohnya was not idolaters like ahlul nushrohnya Quwwah requested by the Prophet. first, but the Muslims who are already converted to Islam. When the people and the Mujahideen in Chechnya Afghonistan and want enforcement of Islamic law -and this nushroh of their intrinsic to the deen of Allah, and their country is ready to be a place to move and i'dad, what Hizb?
Instead of accepting their nushroh, emigrated and had moved to the area-as do the Prophet. first to Yathrib / Madinah-, Hizb instead kept bertholabun Nushroh in secular countries, even to the military support of the secular government became very clear and hostility towards Islam and loyalty to the leaders of infidelity.
Is this the meaning of following in the footsteps of the Prophet. as they claim?
When the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under the control Tholiban upright with God's permission nushroh thanks to its people, then the Islamic Emirate Chechnya, and it still exists Islamic State of Iraq were established mujahideen, what attitude shown Hizb?
In fact, in the book titled Hizb page 44, stated: "That the Hizb does not use physical force to defend himself or to fight the ruling then it is a matter unrelated to jihad. As for jihad, then he remains upright until doomsday. If there is an enemy attack on a Muslim country then it is obligatory for Muslims who live there to drive them. Activists of Hizb ut-Tahrir as part of the Muslims who live in the country, then they bear the obligations assumed by the Muslims in the country to fight the enemy because of their status as Muslims. And if there are Muslim leaders who organized the jihad to elevate the word of Allah, and ask for help to man, then Syabab Hizb meet such calls as part of the Muslims who live in the country were asked to help it. "
then what attitude?
What is clear, is not heard from their support of the group managed to uphold God's laws ..
Then Islamic rule as to whether they want? Do caliphate principles and thoughts aligned with Hizb?
Is it because of lack of support founders of the Islamic Emirate Mujahideen which is not air-be adopted by them to be adopted?
There are indications -even this is perceived by looking realilta-there, that 'Tholabun Nushrah' is kaimatu haqqin yuradu inner bihil .'Tholabun Nushroh 'used as the only methodology of so abort jihad and increase members who accept the principles and ideas Hizb, or create a caliphate in the form that has been outlined and defined Hizb, although there is not in accordance with what is shown texts shari'ah.
Tholabun Nushroh Could Be Haram!
Prophet. said: "Jihad (still) lasts until the Day of Judgement"
One thing that is permissible, if the cause disobedience or abandonment of a liability, the law turned into unlawful. In fact, the mandub deeds (Sunnah) though, if the cause of the abandonment of obligatory deeds, will be transformed into illegal anyway.
That is, the practices shall not be invalidated by reason of doing deeds sunnah, especially mubah ..
Jihad is an obligation that continues until the end of time. .. As shown texts of the Qur'an and hadith,
In fact he became manhaj 'Thoifah Mashuroh' that continue to exist in every age, until the latter part of the fight against the Dajjal and they later got a victory from Allah. Prophet. He said:
لا تزال طائفة من أمتي يقاتلون على الحق ظاهرين على من ناوأهم حتى يقاتل آخرهم المسيح الدجال
This means:
Always there sekompok of my people fighting over haq, ahead of those who fight against them until the end of their fight against Al-Masih Dajjal ..
Jihad is obligatory until the Day of Judgment together amir, whether good or fajir, when there is the Islamic State and no. This is an agreement Ahlussunnah.
In the book 'Dirosaat fil Fikril Islamiy' chapter jihad is mentioned:
الجهاد واجب على المسلمين في جميع الأحوال, في حال وجود الدولة الإسلامية, أو في حال عدم وجودها, فهو ماض إلى يوم القيامة مع كل أمير برا كان أو فاجرا. , ,
Jihad is obligatory on Muslims throughout the state, when there is an Islamic country and no. He (still) lasts until the Day of Judgment together every amir, whether good or fajir ...

And it also diadospsi by An Nabhani, In الشخصية الإسلامية book chapters II, An Nabhani said:
الجهاد فرض مطلق, ليس مقيدا بشيء, و لا مشروطا بشيء فالآية فيه مطلقة. فوجود الخليفة لا دخل له في فرض الجهاد, بل الجهاد فرض سواء كان هناك خليفة للمسلمين أم لم يكن
Jihad is an obligation that muthlaq, not bound by anything and not required by any, the following verse in which there are laws that muthlaq (كتب علسكم القتال) on your -diwajibkan-war. hence, the presence of kholifah not associated with the obligation of jihad, will continue jihad is compulsory, whether Muslims have a caliph or not. (asy shakhsiyyah Al Islamliyyah Juz II, p 151)
If jihad is already a mandatory practice even though there is no Islamic state, or caliphate, can he fall because things are permissible as 'Tholabun Nushroh'? Of course not. If 'Tholabun Nushroh' made a manhaj disyari'atkan in making changes, but with this obligation of jihad aborted -until the kholifah-, then what can we say about Tholabun Nushroh?
Certainly 'Tholabun Nushoh' origin mubah be illegitimate done ..

A message given to their brothers fighting in Burma;

Muslims-Moslem, Faithful-Mukminat matter where you are.

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah wabarakaatuh.

Rahimakumullah brother, in the last year our country, especially on the West Coast of Sumatra, many guests arrival of Rohingya Muslims. They were expelled from the country after experiencing massacres, murder, genocide, massive expulsion by Buddhists in Myanmar (Burma). In order to save themselves, their families, and their lives traveling the seas were very dangerous. Alhamdulillah, partly up in Indonesia, there are up in Aceh, North Sumatra, and others.

The fate of our brothers Rohingya was very tragic. In the country they were killed, expelled, so the target brutality. When entering into the territory of Bangladesh, the government there is also unfriendly. Perhaps because of equally poor, the Banggali not received an influx of Rohingya. Then they were stranded in the ocean, there were drowning, starvation, died on the road, and so on.

Surprisingly, when they enter our country, with the aim to Australia; we are not being nice to the guests of this Prophet. Because they are Muslim, indigent, poor, expelled from the country, have been delayed due to follow his religion. Prophet is very attentive to the fate of his people, despite their religious are still minimal. At least they are Muslims, victims of violence because of their religion, and they are in SAFAR (as Ibnu Sabil).

We Muslims do not accept them, do not give bekalan and assistance for their suffering. We do not protect them. Our country is as rich do not have anything to share with the Rohingya Muslims. The wealth of this country is luck and the grace of God, but we seemed to monopolize it. Why do not we give aid, provide supplies, or provide protection to them? At least, if we do not want to accept them, do not complicate their way to make a living on this earth.

It is sad when we allow Muslim Rohingya, holding them so as not to go on the sea, while our own do not want to help them. What future will we say to the Prophet when he was asked about Muslim Rohingyas? They are a part of, he said: ummati, ummati, ummati (my community).

Every believer is bound mutual mutual assistance to each other. Allah the Exalted says: "innamal mukminuna wal mukminati ba'dhuhum auliya'u ba'dhin" (that the faithful believers men and women, each other mutual assistance).

Prophet also said: "Al Muslimu akhul Muslimi, yazhlimuhu wa laa laa yuslimuhu" (The Muslim Muslim brother to another, should not menzhaliminya or let dizhalimi).

Prophet also said: "Allaah fi 'aunil servant idza kaanal' abdu fi 'auni akhih" (and God will always overshadow the slave for the slave overshadow his brother).

We remind Muslims to urge the central government and local governments, including the government authorities in Aceh, so that they help the Rohingya, provide food and medical assistance; give shelter and temporary shelter to them; and let them go on, if they intend towards other countries; or help them return to their country, if we are really unable to help.

We will not die by sharing riszki to the Rohingya; we will not help the poor by giving them food and medicines; we will not be destroyed by giving them shelter and protection (asylum).

Suppose we ignore them, we apply zhalim on them, and how soon we will face Allah Almighty and His Messenger testimony Shallallah 'Alaihi Wasallam?


In addition we need to continue to call for the dissolution gaungkan Detachment 88 (adzabullahu peace be wa li kulli ansharihim), supporting the struggle of Ahlus Sunnah in Syria; we also need to give attention and support to the needy and poor Muslim Rohingyas. Show them, that we are brothers and help one another under the banner: Laa ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah.

Brother, suppose we do not want to help them, because so curmudgeonly her heart and soul; at least, let them (Rohingya) is free to find a way to anywhere they want to go. God's earth is vast, that in Indonesia they can not livelihood, God willing, in other places they will receive God's grace. Amin yes Mujibas sa'ilin.

Do not let your grabber to help; but rather distressing them, merely to satisfy the feelings of the disbelievers who do not want their arrival in the country.

Allahummanshur Rohingya aina maa hum. Allahummanshurhum 'ala kulli' aduwwihim wa musykilati hayatihim. Allahummarzuq lahum wa Salama 'Afiyah min kulli zhulmi facade wal wal wal Harabah qatlil kuffar. Yassir allahumma lahum umurahum, warzuq lahum rizqan hasana nashran mubina wa wa hayat Sa'idah. Allahumma dammir 'alal kuffari budhisiyah fi Myanmar tadmira, zalzil hayatahum zilzalan abada abada, wa farriq ahzabahum firoqatan katsira, wa wa anzil lahum hizyun syadid buka'un alim. Allahummaqtha 'kulli zhalimina fihim' ala aidihim wa laa rijlaihim Hatta yastathi'una kasabin syai'in bi fi hadzihi hayatid dunya. Amen amen yes Mujibas sa'ilin cor. Shallallah wa 'ala Rasulillah Muhammad wa' ala wa alihi ashabihi ajma'in.

Help Rohingya, so God help your life. They were a Prophet in our country.

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullah wabarakaatuh.
(Abu Muhammad Waskito)
Too much to read, who is this Krum, not a scholar but a thinker. One mans opinion, do you have his bio anywhere in English.
Too much to read, who is this Krum, not a scholar but a thinker. One mans opinion, do you have his bio anywhere in English.
No just came across it and reading up on some of the phrases. I was actually looking at the pathology of pancreas diseases. Then wondering what some of the links were and what they meant I went to Google. As I read through it all it kind of looked about right the way things have moved across the countries over there.
This blog has September 2015 writings for anyone interested in looking. You can use Google search also to get google to translate the pages for you. It appears as though Assad is their target for the desired fall of America.

RAJA COPAST: Resiko Kejatuhan Bashar al-Assad Bagi Kepentingan Amerika, Rusia, dan Sekutunya.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
(voa-islam.com) -Belum have occurred throughout history, the merging of the major powers and global powers, after World War I, 11, and the Cold War. It's become such a necessity when faced with ISIS, and never understood anyone.
The existence of an agreement between Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama, Iran, and allies-kutunya, that ISIS had to be defeated. Putin and Obama asked multilarel legitimacy of United Nations agencies, and provide the basic design of which will be the policy of combating ISIS.
Iranian President Hasan Rouhani who have entered within the Western allies, and support its nuclear program when talks in Vienna, Austria, clearly, when a speech in New York, said that no attempt to weaken the power of Bashar al-Assad.
Why now, facing ISIS, so merging the power of the West Block, East, and sebaian Islamists 'moderate', they unite to combat ISIS and ISIS must be exterminated from the face of the earth? What is his background? Is it really ISIS as a force that would threaten global security?
The most frightening risks for Russia, US, Iran, and its allies, that the weakening of Bashar al-Assad, and his fall would memilliki dapak on global order. This is a risk which is now at stake around the main force and global, when Assad falls.
Russia will lose its military base in Tartus, which is the largest base of Russia in the Middle East. It may not be left. Because of Tartus, a city on the waterfront, has geostratragi and geopolitics are very important, and is not allowed by the Russians fell into the hands of ISIS.
The main strength and global, such as Russia, Russia, Iran and its allies, if Assad falls and Syria ruled by militant ISIS, the entire Middle East, which is the source of life West, East, and its allies will be destroyed, and as the 'city pandora '. Collapsed.
Hegemony Russia, America, and Iran, which now becomes a new coalition faced a new strength as it moves, the militants and Islamic fundamentalism, or jihadists, who represented ISIS, it becomes no longer important. Fremasonry entire global order will be destroyed.
A leading journalist CNN, Chistiane Amanpour, who conducted the interview with President Hasan Rouhani, said Bashar al-Assad should be maintained, and should not fall. Because of the fall of Bashar al-Assad was a bad dream.
An expert in strategic international security, said Assad's fall into the hands of Islamic militants ISIS, would have a direct impact on the Zionist-Israeli keamanann. Thus, it is impossible to let Bashar al-Assad falls. Because of the risk of very big will happen.
Egyptian President Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, said that the fall of Bashar al-Assad will simply create disasters throughout the Middle East, and the Middle East will fall into the hands of militants ISIS. So, let Bashar al-Assad's fall would only destroy the Middle East, said al-Sisi.
The core of power in Syria, which is a power of a very repressive military oligarchy. Without the space given to the freedom of its people. Syrian military to 'card' troop anyone. Neither Russia, US, Iran, and other countries. Bashar Assad to defeat militant Islam, not desired by the major powers and global as well as its allies.
For America and Europe, the fall of Bashar al-Assad, it will mean the collapse of the entire structure and the strength of US allies in the Middle East, and would have followed the collapse of the power of kings who is now an advocate keperntingan America in the Arab world.
Thus, all refused to accept the new order model of Islam. Daulah Islamiyah is now a concern in the Islamic world, and spread around the globe will not be tolerated. The seed that grows in Egypt, the Brotherhood and Mursi victory, immediately dipupus, and not allowed to continue to grow. That is the essence of a new war in the Middle East or the Arab world.
However, movements of Islam and jihad will find his own way. As long as they are sincere, and its purpose is only to help the religion of Allah, surely Allah will help their cause. No one can beat him, even though the entire taghouts & kafir leaders united want to beat them. Wallahu'alam.
Battle of Ahzab recur ..
"Look where the direction of the arrows fall of the enemies of Allah ,, there you will find the Truth .."
[Imam Shafi'i rahimahullah]
"Which number is look crowded classes and class distinguish them the least and most foreigners (despised enemy of god).
Islam came in a foreign state .. And foreigners will return as kedatangannya..Maka lucky people who are foreigners ..
[Hadith Muslim History]
Look. In that fight lined IS was no Shiite, crusader, communists, Jews, atheists and smua millah Kufr attempt to destroy her.
Here they orang2 anti daulah Islamiyya / IS / ISIS ... !!
Without realizing when you denounce IS then you help them remedy sbenarnya center in destroying the power of the largest Islamic ummah today ..

RAJA COPAST: Perbedaan Thalabun Nusrah Rasulullah Dengan HTI
I found this one sort of interesting. It looks like encouragement for the wearied fighters of ISSI. September 30, 2015


Islam Post UNITED STATES FUNDS squander 119.7 BILLION PER DAY FOR Fight Daulah Islamiyah
Just as the BBC quoted Indonesi,
United States spent more than $ 9 million, equivalent to Rp119,7 billion per day to fight the militia group ISIS
There are an additional US $ 2.7 billion, or 35.9 trillion disbursed exclusively for the bombings in Syria and Iraq since last August.
Details of the cost spent on the US military the US Department of Defense released when the parliament approved the budget expenditures for the defense fund of US $ 579 billion.
ISIS funds to fight will not stop flowing unless the US Congress passed legislation to halt military action.
air Force
The US military operating costs have soared since the armed corps start their action in Iraq in August 2014 ago. Of millions of dollars are spent every day, as much as two-thirds flows into the Air Force.
That is because the US President Barack Obama decided not to send infantry troops to Iraq and Syria.
Military operations then focused on the action of air strikes and sending 3,500 military personnel to train Iraqi soldiers
On Thursday (11/06), Commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey said the role of the Air Force will still be reliable in operation in Iraq and Syria to fight against future ISIS.
He also raises the possibility of creating a network of training camps for Iraqi troops in the northern part of the country.
If these numbers hold out for the next five years, the US will dipastika economic crisis, given the depletion of the state budget, while the largest US earnings so far only from the production of weapons and war equipment only.
إن الذين كفروا ينفقون أموالهم ليصدوا عن سبيل الله فسينفقونها ثم تكون عليهم حسرة ثم يغلبون والذين كفروا إلى جهنم يحشرون
Surely those who disbelieve spend their wealth to hinder (men) from the Path of Allah. They will spend the treasure, then become a regret for them, and they will be defeated. And into Jahannamlah those who disbelieve will be gathered (QS. Al-Anfal: 36).
I came across this blog this morning.

[Edited by Tahayya 'al-Ajwa' Li thalab an-Nusrah, Abu al-Mustasim, magazine al-Wa'ie (Arabic) No. 282-283 Rajab, Sha'ban 1431, Beirut.]

Rodishi------I think that this stuff is new to you-------it is not new to me. I have intereacted with muslims for
more than the past 45 years-------actual EDUCATED muslims-----as well as lesser so-----but it was from
educated muslims (not necessarily adherent-----but kinda INCULCATED) that I learned about islam.
Today's "western world" consists of the children of the 1960's-----not willing to recognize the fact that
INDONESIA and MALAYSIA are both shariah shit holes------adulating the principles of Imperialist genocidal
maniacs from arabia. Baathism is simply an appendage of the same filth
I came across this blog this morning.

[Edited by Tahayya 'al-Ajwa' Li thalab an-Nusrah, Abu al-Mustasim, magazine al-Wa'ie (Arabic) No. 282-283 Rajab, Sha'ban 1431, Beirut.]

Rodishi------I think that this stuff is new to you-------it is not new to me. I have intereacted with muslims for
more than the past 45 years-------actual EDUCATED muslims-----as well as lesser so-----but it was from
educated muslims (not necessarily adherent-----but kinda INCULCATED) that I learned about islam.
Today's "western world" consists of the children of the 1960's-----not willing to recognize the fact that
INDONESIA and MALAYSIA are both shariah shit holes------adulating the principles of Imperialist genocidal
maniacs from arabia. Baathism is simply an appendage of the same filth
Well it is new to a lot of people irosie91, that is why I shared the links for those who may want to read some of what is written by these guys for themselves.
I came across this blog this morning.

[Edited by Tahayya 'al-Ajwa' Li thalab an-Nusrah, Abu al-Mustasim, magazine al-Wa'ie (Arabic) No. 282-283 Rajab, Sha'ban 1431, Beirut.]

Rodishi------I think that this stuff is new to you-------it is not new to me. I have intereacted with muslims for
more than the past 45 years-------actual EDUCATED muslims-----as well as lesser so-----but it was from
educated muslims (not necessarily adherent-----but kinda INCULCATED) that I learned about islam.
Today's "western world" consists of the children of the 1960's-----not willing to recognize the fact that
INDONESIA and MALAYSIA are both shariah shit holes------adulating the principles of Imperialist genocidal
maniacs from arabia. Baathism is simply an appendage of the same filth
Well it is new to a lot of people irosie91, that is why I shared the links for those who may want to read some of what is written by these guys for themselves.

try doing shorter posts-------the people who are so unconscious that they do not know the Islamic
agenda do not have the attention span your post requires
I came across this blog this morning.

[Edited by Tahayya 'al-Ajwa' Li thalab an-Nusrah, Abu al-Mustasim, magazine al-Wa'ie (Arabic) No. 282-283 Rajab, Sha'ban 1431, Beirut.]

Rodishi------I think that this stuff is new to you-------it is not new to me. I have intereacted with muslims for
more than the past 45 years-------actual EDUCATED muslims-----as well as lesser so-----but it was from
educated muslims (not necessarily adherent-----but kinda INCULCATED) that I learned about islam.
Today's "western world" consists of the children of the 1960's-----not willing to recognize the fact that
INDONESIA and MALAYSIA are both shariah shit holes------adulating the principles of Imperialist genocidal
maniacs from arabia. Baathism is simply an appendage of the same filth
Well it is new to a lot of people irosie91, that is why I shared the links for those who may want to read some of what is written by these guys for themselves.

try doing shorter posts-------the people who are so unconscious that they do not know the Islamic
agenda do not have the attention span your post requires
Its a personal problem if they are to lazy to read it or go to the links. Like I said just thought some people may want to take a look for themselves at it all.
I came across this blog this morning.

[Edited by Tahayya 'al-Ajwa' Li thalab an-Nusrah, Abu al-Mustasim, magazine al-Wa'ie (Arabic) No. 282-283 Rajab, Sha'ban 1431, Beirut.]

Rodishi------I think that this stuff is new to you-------it is not new to me. I have intereacted with muslims for
more than the past 45 years-------actual EDUCATED muslims-----as well as lesser so-----but it was from
educated muslims (not necessarily adherent-----but kinda INCULCATED) that I learned about islam.
Today's "western world" consists of the children of the 1960's-----not willing to recognize the fact that
INDONESIA and MALAYSIA are both shariah shit holes------adulating the principles of Imperialist genocidal
maniacs from arabia. Baathism is simply an appendage of the same filth
Well it is new to a lot of people irosie91, that is why I shared the links for those who may want to read some of what is written by these guys for themselves.

try doing shorter posts-------the people who are so unconscious that they do not know the Islamic
agenda do not have the attention span your post requires
Its a personal problem if they are to lazy to read it or go to the links. Like I said just thought some people may want to take a look for themselves at it all.

yes----it is an EXCELLENT article (s) but long------consider your poor beset audience
I came across this blog this morning.

[Edited by Tahayya 'al-Ajwa' Li thalab an-Nusrah, Abu al-Mustasim, magazine al-Wa'ie (Arabic) No. 282-283 Rajab, Sha'ban 1431, Beirut.]

Rodishi------I think that this stuff is new to you-------it is not new to me. I have intereacted with muslims for
more than the past 45 years-------actual EDUCATED muslims-----as well as lesser so-----but it was from
educated muslims (not necessarily adherent-----but kinda INCULCATED) that I learned about islam.
Today's "western world" consists of the children of the 1960's-----not willing to recognize the fact that
INDONESIA and MALAYSIA are both shariah shit holes------adulating the principles of Imperialist genocidal
maniacs from arabia. Baathism is simply an appendage of the same filth
Well it is new to a lot of people irosie91, that is why I shared the links for those who may want to read some of what is written by these guys for themselves.

try doing shorter posts-------the people who are so unconscious that they do not know the Islamic
agenda do not have the attention span your post requires
Its a personal problem if they are to lazy to read it or go to the links. Like I said just thought some people may want to take a look for themselves at it all.

yes----it is an EXCELLENT article (s) but long------consider your poor beset audience
Sorry irosie91, I have a large screen to read from. Did not consider posting information on USMB for others to read as having an audience :cool-45:.
Rodishi------I think that this stuff is new to you-------it is not new to me. I have intereacted with muslims for
more than the past 45 years-------actual EDUCATED muslims-----as well as lesser so-----but it was from
educated muslims (not necessarily adherent-----but kinda INCULCATED) that I learned about islam.
Today's "western world" consists of the children of the 1960's-----not willing to recognize the fact that
INDONESIA and MALAYSIA are both shariah shit holes------adulating the principles of Imperialist genocidal
maniacs from arabia. Baathism is simply an appendage of the same filth
Well it is new to a lot of people irosie91, that is why I shared the links for those who may want to read some of what is written by these guys for themselves.

try doing shorter posts-------the people who are so unconscious that they do not know the Islamic
agenda do not have the attention span your post requires
Its a personal problem if they are to lazy to read it or go to the links. Like I said just thought some people may want to take a look for themselves at it all.

yes----it is an EXCELLENT article (s) but long------consider your poor beset audience
Sorry irosie91, I have a large screen to read from. Did not consider posting information on USMB for others to read as having an audience :cool-45:.

ok ok -------consider your -----ADMIRERS
Well it is new to a lot of people irosie91, that is why I shared the links for those who may want to read some of what is written by these guys for themselves.

try doing shorter posts-------the people who are so unconscious that they do not know the Islamic
agenda do not have the attention span your post requires
Its a personal problem if they are to lazy to read it or go to the links. Like I said just thought some people may want to take a look for themselves at it all.

yes----it is an EXCELLENT article (s) but long------consider your poor beset audience
Sorry irosie91, I have a large screen to read from. Did not consider posting information on USMB for others to read as having an audience :cool-45:.

ok ok -------consider your -----ADMIRERS

OH GOODY----Let's re-do THE SEVENTH SEAL (I must learn how to play chess)

who did that silly painting-------it is very unlikely that the "money changers" were a bunch scantily clad girls. Back then Roman "LADIES" were all but veiled in public--------and as were jewish women-----and
neither did "money changing" -------well ---ok ARTISTIC LICENSE

who did that silly painting-------it is very unlikely that the "money changers" were a bunch scantily clad girls. Back then Roman "LADIES" were all but veiled in public--------and as were jewish women-----and
neither did "money changing" -------well ---ok ARTISTIC LICENSE
The point is Jesus Christ grabbed a whip, drove them out, and pretty much wrecked the place. It's time for another Crusade to beat back the Mohammadian murdering hordes.
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