Is anyone still confused?

Way to go nutters! You get to add rooting for Russian domination to your list of fucked up things you have been rooting for. You hope for our unemployment rate to go up....for our credit rating to be lowered....for a successful terrorist attack....etc. Now you actively root for Russia to advance on Eastern European nations so you can hope Obama fucks up the response.

Way to go assholes!
Obama has been appeasing Russia since day 1 and now we are seeing the consequences of those actions. Putin will likely take more of eastern Ukraine before he's done and it's very possible that he will go after Estonia also. And don't be surprised if China feels emboldened to take Taiwan. Just throwing those out there. I do believe Russia will take more of the Ukraine before they are done. The others are pure conjecture.

How do any of those actions adversely affect us? What do we lose?
As to why the US must remain technologically and militarily far ahead of the nearest pretender to world leadership/domination? The twin goat fucks of flight 370 and Putin's move on Crimea scream for a leader to take charge...a leader who can solve problems and strike terror into the hearts of potential enemies. Clearly we do not have that leader now...and the thought of a Hillary at the helm is unimaginable.


neat! a partisan thread about how Obama is weak.

You couldnt have just posted this in the 700 other threads about how Obama is weak?

What is partisan about recognizing obama is weak? It's plain as the nose on your face.
The far right and the neo-cons above have offered nothing new or effective.
The old military industrial complex methods as well as those of the neo-cons will not work as our far right envision them.
Obama has been appeasing Russia since day 1 and now we are seeing the consequences of those actions. Putin will likely take more of eastern Ukraine before he's done and it's very possible that he will go after Estonia also. And don't be surprised if China feels emboldened to take Taiwan. Just throwing those out there. I do believe Russia will take more of the Ukraine before they are done. The others are pure conjecture.

It not the first time and no other president in history has tried to stop them or geopolitics in Eastern Europe...

Face it. Obama's weak and Putin has been leading him around by the nose since the start of his presidency. That's what happens when the cult of personality gives us someone with no experience at all. Oh well, 3 more years of this bullshit.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

[Ho Yen-Hsi] I make the enemy see my strengths as weaknesses and my weaknesses as strengths. ...

Everyone is an enemy to the megalomaniac Barack Obama.
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The old military industrial complex methods as well as those of the neo-cons will not work as our far right envision them.

do extrapolate. because so far it has been those very people that have made us a superpower, albeit, with plenty of waste and missteps, but that would be expected of any, including democrats.

i fail to see why you constantly pounce on the far right over issues like this.
As to why the US must remain technologically and militarily far ahead of the nearest pretender to world leadership/domination? The twin goat fucks of flight 370 and Putin's move on Crimea scream for a leader to take charge...a leader who can solve problems and strike terror into the hearts of potential enemies. Clearly we do not have that leader now...and the thought of a Hillary at the helm is unimaginable.


Technology takes scientists and liberals. Republicans are too fucking stupid. Not trying to put them down, just stating a well known fact. Republicans are against education. If America is to lead, we can't follow such dumbfucks.
As to why the US must remain technologically and militarily far ahead of the nearest pretender to world leadership/domination? The twin goat fucks of flight 370 and Putin's move on Crimea scream for a leader to take charge...a leader who can solve problems and strike terror into the hearts of potential enemies. Clearly we do not have that leader now...and the thought of a Hillary at the helm is unimaginable.


Technology takes scientists and liberals. Republicans are too fucking stupid. Not trying to put them down, just stating a well known fact. Republicans are against education. If America is to lead, we can't follow such dumbfucks.

Go to bed Rdean...your battery is on empty.
As to why the US must remain technologically and militarily far ahead of the nearest pretender to world leadership/domination? The twin goat fucks of flight 370 and Putin's move on Crimea scream for a leader to take charge...a leader who can solve problems and strike terror into the hearts of potential enemies. Clearly we do not have that leader now...and the thought of a Hillary at the helm is unimaginable.


Technology takes scientists and liberals. Republicans are too fucking stupid. Not trying to put them down, just stating a well known fact. Republicans are against education. If America is to lead, we can't follow such dumbfucks.

We're the best because of a mixture of good policies, stability and a forward mindset of advancement/investment.

The conservatives are right about the need of reform but way too fucking extreme. In their blind rage they plan to slit the nations throat!

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