Is anybody old enough to remember?

And, of course, none of these tried and true antisemitic tropes have anytbing to do wirh the subject of this thread - the invention of a Palestinian people in the latter half of the 20th century.
No American boys are dying in Israel.

you are simply a lowlife who hates Jews.

They're dying in the middle east because the Zionists have convinced people in Washington they need to.

While, for sure, there are Active Duty assigned to the Office of the Defense Attaché, I do not know of any unit that is on the ground, engaged or likely to be engaged, with the pro-Hostile Terrorist Arab Palestinian Consortium.

Is someone claiming there are Active Duty assigned there?

Okay, if you want to live in the fantasy land that the Zionists didn't instigate the Iraq War and the Persian Gulf War, you can.

It's a major theme in European history.. No one in your class described Jews as "troublemakers getting constantly evicted" did they?

Of course not. They'd have the various groups protesting that professor and demanding his tenure be yanked.

I'm waiting for the day when America is run by Americans again. It's a dream I have.
And, of course, none of these tried and true antisemitic tropes have anytbing to do wirh the subject of this thread - the invention of a Palestinian people in the latter half of the 20th century.

By that logic, there are whole lot of "nations" that didn't exist until the 20th century... but the people did.

This is a method by Zionists to hid the fundemental lie of Zionism.

"A Land without a People for a People without a Land".

There were people there. They were forcibly displaced by a Colonial Aggressor.
And, of course, none of these tried and true antisemitic tropes have anytbing to do wirh the subject of this thread - the invention of a Palestinian people in the latter half of the 20th century.

By that logic, there are whole lot of "nations" that didn't exist until the 20th century... but the people did.

This is a method by Zionists to hid the fundemental lie of Zionism.

"A Land without a People for a People without a Land".

There were people there. They were forcibly displaced by a Colonial Aggressor.

There were people there. They were forcibly displaced by a Colonial Aggressor.

But enough about the Muslims.
And, of course, none of these tried and true antisemitic tropes have anytbing to do wirh the subject of this thread - the invention of a Palestinian people in the latter half of the 20th century.

By that logic, there are whole lot of "nations" that didn't exist until the 20th century... but the people did.

This is a method by Zionists to hid the fundemental lie of Zionism.

"A Land without a People for a People without a Land".

There were people there. They were forcibly displaced by a Colonial Aggressor.

Colonial aggressor. I see.

So, let's recap what we have so far. Jews arose in Europe and decided to "colonize" land controlled by "Palestinians" for some yet unnamed colonial power. The Palestinians, for their part, anticipated this colonial aggressor by giving Jerusalem a Jewish name, planting Jewish artifacts all over the place and somehow going back in time for centuries and centuries writing about Jewish origins there that did not actually exist.

THis is very interesting to me, but I do still have one question to ask you, Mr. history major.

Does the sanitarium you live in have a name?
They're dying in the middle east because the Zionists have convinced people in Washington they need to.

You still flying that tattered old "no blood for oil" flag? What's more PRINCIPLED a position based in reality is that America never LEARNED it's lesson.. Only country stupid enough to get burned on the stove a half dozen times.. Got ZIP itty doo to do with Zionists. We bombed damn near every country in the Arab/mideast world at one time or another on the BELIEF that democracy would bloom.. When all along it was perfectly clear that Arab states NEEDED strongman dictatorship to keep the blood shed down from tribal/familial disputes..

We just never learned UNTIL maybe Syria.. And THAT could have been about our 7th mistake..
No expertise on this issue, please correct me if am wrong. Those who win the wars get to make the decisions about who has control of the land yes? Because of a whole world war it was decided to give some (at the time not so great land to the Jews) Jews got moving quickly to improve this land, to make there home, other people either wanted the land or did not want jews to have the land? they fought a war to keep it. then built a very nice country on this land, we being very nice( Or) because it was the only Democratic state in the area. We helped arm them.( I think that was a good thing) and I admired & respected them for most of my life. not so much any more. like most every where else in this world today we have lost some core value, maybe it was always an allusion.

Why would anyone be afraid of that primitive, murderous cult?

That's a good question, but you guys seem to pee yourself about them every day.

Yeah, it's not like they hack infidels to death or mutilate little girls or beat women who expose their face or hair in public. No honor killing or tossing gays off buildings or enslaving Africans in the present day. No siree, no reason to fear that barbaric cult. They're just as good as the rest of us, eh?
, if you want to live in the fantasy land that the Zionists didn't instigate the Iraq War and the Persian Gulf War, you can
Why Zionists and not say Hinduists? There is a version that the Iraq War was inspired by military and oil industries' lobbyists. Why not?

waiting for the day when America is run by Americans again. It's a dream I have
American Jews are not Americans for you, it seems. Who is to decide which one is a real American?
Colonial aggressor. I see.

So, let's recap what we have so far. Jews arose in Europe and decided to "colonize" land controlled by "Palestinians" for some yet unnamed colonial power.

Naw, buddy, I kind of explained this to you. The BRITISH wanted to colonize Palestine, so they encouraged the Jews to move there. Most of them weren't too keen on it until Hitler started turning them into lampshades and bars of soap. Then they started showing up en masse.

The Palestinians, for their part, anticipated this colonial aggressor by giving Jerusalem a Jewish name, planting Jewish artifacts all over the place and somehow going back in time for centuries and centuries writing about Jewish origins there that did not actually exist.

Guy, if anything, the archaeology indicates a lot of different groups lived in the region, and really, you are just as likely to find artifacts of Dagon and Moloch as Yahweh...

But the Judeans have nothing to so with the European Jews, other than sharing a bastardized version of their religion. So are Christianity and Islam. It's why Zionism will fail just as the Crusades eventually failed.

You still flying that tattered old "no blood for oil" flag? What's more PRINCIPLED a position based in reality is that America never LEARNED it's lesson.. Only country stupid enough to get burned on the stove a half dozen times.. Got ZIP itty doo to do with Zionists. We bombed damn near every country in the Arab/mideast world at one time or another on the BELIEF that democracy would bloom.. When all along it was perfectly clear that Arab states NEEDED strongman dictatorship to keep the blood shed down from tribal/familial disputes..

Here's kind of the problem. The people making these bad decisions in Washington are Jewish. Kissinger, Feith, Kushner... all these guys who INSIST we need to have yet another war against whoever the Zionists are scared of this week. I'm sure this is just a coincidence.

Why Zionists and not say Hinduists? There is a version that the Iraq War was inspired by military and oil industries' lobbyists. Why not?

Well, mostly because you don't see Hindus insisting on a Hindu state. India is majority Hindu, but they have Muslims, Sikhs, Jain, Buddhists all able to practice their religion. At least until Trump's Pal Modi got in there, anyway. That's not going to end well.

American Jews are not Americans for you, it seems. Who is to decide which one is a real American?

Okay, here's how I decide. Willing to put AMERICA's interests in front of Israel's. That's what make them Americans for me.
ell, mostly because you don't see Hindus insisting on a Hindu state. India is majority Hindu, but they have Muslims, Sikhs, Jain, Buddhists all able to practice their religion. At least until Trump's Pal Modi got in there, anyway. That's not going to end well
Israel also has Muslim, Christian and Bachai minorities. And I haven't heard someone was persecuted there for religion affiliation.

, here's how I decide. Willing to put AMERICA's interests in front of Israel's. That's what make them Americans for me
Good point. And what America's interests in foreign relations? Middle East specifically?
Israel also has Muslim, Christian and Bachai minorities. And I haven't heard someone was persecuted there for religion affiliation.

You mean other than the Paletinians being kept behind walls and forced to go through checkpoints? Israel is an apartheid state.

Good point. And what America's interests in foreign relations? Middle East specifically?

As far as I'm concerned, we have none. If we took the money we spend every year playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East and spent it on alternative energy and infrastructure, we wouldn't need to do anything at all.

Instead, we keep getting into wars because the Zionists instigate them or because that wonderful guy who was going to kill the bad guys for us turned their guns on us. (Saddam, Bin Laden, the Rebels in Libya... waiting for the Kurds to start shooting us.)
mean other than the Paletinians being kept behind walls and forced to go through checkpoints? Israel is an apartheid state
More than 20% of Israel's population are Muslims. They have one of the biggest factions in the Knesset.

The Palestinians consider themselves as a separate state, so why is it a wonder they should be subjected to security measures at the border checkpoints?

as I'm concerned, we have none. If we took the money we spend every year playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East and spent it on alternative energy and infrastructure, we wouldn't need to do anything at all.

Instead, we keep getting into wars because the Zionists instigate them or because that wonderful guy who was going to kill the bad guys for us turned their guns on us. (Saddam, Bin Laden, the Rebels in Libya... waiting for the Kurds to start shooting us.
You can't live without foreign relations, especially in our highly mobile and economically and technologically interdependent epoch. It is utopia. And having these relations automatically leads to treaties and alliances.

About Zionists... Maybe some of them were among the ones developing the US foreign policy, but I doubt their cause was primary in training and equipment advance of some groups in Afghanistan that later became known as Al Qaida, in Saddam invading Iraq and American response on that, in the Iraqi War and so on.
More than 20% of Israel's population are Muslims. They have one of the biggest factions in the Knesset.

Uh, no. Actually, HALF of Israel's population is Muslim, and they are largely disenfranchised...

One Person, One Vote... No more Zionist Entity and the world would be better off for it.
Where did you get this statistic? It contradicts the official data. Or you included all West Bank into Israel?

One person, one vote? It is a reasonable demand, but it would be somewhat hilarious to hear that from the country which has the Electoral College.

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