Into the Deep - Ripe for Judgment

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is the hour of John 15. Because Judgment begins in the House of the LORD, then it falls on America. Watch this! This brother is about to tell you what time it is here!

Into the Deep

When man loses the ability to blush he has lost the ability to be shamed. When man not only loses the ability to be shamed but revels in the lawlessness to which he has surrendered his heart, darkness has attained permanence.

I don’t know about you but nothing really shocks me anymore. It’s sort of sad. I lament this inability to be stunned because the reality of its absence compels me to acknowledge I no longer possess the innocence I once did.

The world we live in and the utter abandon with which the godless chase after their own destruction has jaded us even if we refuse to acknowledge it to ourselves. Things which would have shocked us to wakefulness no less than a dozen years ago don’t even manage to get a shoulder shrug today, most having given in to the constant flow dragging them further into the deep.

It is with sad resignation that we stand witness to the inevitability of where this nation is headed, and the judgment which will soon be poured out as consequence of its rebellion. Even those who once laughed and rolled their eyes saying ‘it’s not that bad and it’s never going to get that bad’ now realize God’s judgment is justified in all its depth and ferocity. It is justified!

No rational, thinking human being still in possession of a moral compass can honestly say God is not justified in His judgment any longer.

As far as the church is concerned, well, I for one believe the moment the church stopped preaching righteousness and holiness, the moment the church stopped preaching Christ and the cross, the moment the church started preaching excess and prosperity and foolish, childish doctrines that have no root within God’s holy Word, it lost its moral authority in regards to anything happening around it.

There can be no selective outrage when it comes to sin, rebellion, and compromise. Either you hate and despise all sin with equal measure, either you hate and despise all rebellion and compromise with equal measure, or you are a hypocrite who coddles his pet vice but judges others for coddling theirs. This is why the preaching of righteousness is necessary in every church and every service without fail!

The fuse has been lit and the world is about to boil over in unprecedented turmoil. The cup is full, and God’s judgment is about to descend like a thunderclap on an unsuspecting church, and the best way I can describe what is about to happen is that what we call the church today will be gutted from the inside, and everything causing harm to the true Body will be done away with as it ought.

It must be thus, for only when what is impure has been cast asunder can what remains stand unmoved in the face of the enemies of the Cross as they become more vocal, more boisterous, and eventually violent to the point of bloodshed.

Darkness will not be content until light is no more. Putrefaction will not be content until the salt has lost its flavor completely, overpowering it until it becomes unrecognizable.

The endgame of the godless is the utter ruin and annihilation of the godly, and because we’ve fallen asleep, because we got distracted by the things of the world, because we compromised those things which ought never to have been compromised, inch by inch, foot by foot, evil has gained ground, and advanced steadily.

This is where we are now. Where we will be in a little while will make where we are now seem like a longed for and pleasant ideal. The more naïve among us will continue to wait for the pendulum to swing back toward the center, but the pendulum is broken. It will not swing back toward any semblance of morality.

So what are we to do? Do we go along to get along? Do we jump on the bandwagon of trying to justify the most obscene of perversions as somehow being God’s intent all along?

Do we become as those vile ones who in search of profit sell out the God they purport to serve?

No, we do none of these things. We do what the Word of God has commanded us to do. We gird up the loins of our mind, we continue to be sober, and we hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

It will not be an easy time nor will it be a time absent casualties, but those who have purposed in their hearts not to defile themselves will see the glory of God manifest in their lives in ways heretofore unseen.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.,+12:00+pm <-----webite for Michael Boldea Jr and Dumitru Duduman Ministry
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I found this message today. I know this is true. I remember reading Ezekiels vision of the call to the six men & the man in the linen robe sent by God - who moved among the mourners who wept over the sins of Israel and he marked their foreheads as ones who were to be spared in the slaughter. Then the day came and the enemy came and slaughtered them all except for those with the mark upon their foreheads. These ones were not touched.

Here it comes again....... that same one in the linen robe is moving among the people today - marking the foreheads of those who weep and sigh over the sins of the nation - for the abominations that are done in the midst here in America - read it for yourselves - Ezekiel 9:1 -11. It is at the door for both America and Israel right now. Watch and see what is left once this thing is finished. Remnant Indeed!!!

If people have never repented to the Lord for their sins, now is the time. If people have never accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. Now is the time. If people have never wept over this nation and the sins of this nation? Now is the time! It is time to repent. This judgment is going to begin in the House of the Lord. God is warning us - it is time to get right with Him. John 15 is the branches who never bore any fruit - God has been patient but still has not seen fruit from many. Only the fruit of selfishness, greed, pride, religious dead works, lusting after the things of this world, the pride of life, seeking after the praises of men rather than the praise of Our God for a job well done. It is time to repent.

There is a separation happening, people! If the Lord has told you to depart from the church you are a member of - LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. You do not need to explain yourself to anyone, you don't need to answer to anyone - but the LORD! Obey Him. He'll lead you to a group of believers who have not departed from His Word and are not Denying Him. The Laodicean church is at the door of John 15. It is a very frightening message but one that must be given nevertheless. America is in the mess she is in because of a lukewarm church that preached a false gospel.

These men you see on television who are so adored today - even the world loves them and speaks well of them! Why is this? Did Jesus not say that if you are His the world will hate you? That a servant is not above his master? Then why is the world so enamored with these men and women who prophesy smooth sayings and refuse to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ?

The church today is like Samson! Samson laid his own head in the lap of the world and when the enemy was upon him? He found he had no power left!!! Imagine it! He did not know that compromise with the world, falling in love with the world ( Delilah is a type of the world folks - seducing many and taking them straight to hell! ) would lead to his own captivity and later - DEATH. He thought he was invinsible! Untouchable!

Yes, today the biggest churches in America who preach the money gospel have become like Samson - and like Samson - their day is coming! If you are one God has marked for protection do not be like Lots wife who turned back to have one more look at Sodom & Gomorrah as it burned! She didn't make and neither will you. The Lord is telling me to warn people, DO NOT LOOK BACK!!! DON'T DO IT!
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This is the hour of John 15. Because Judgment begins in the House of the LORD, then it falls on America. Watch this! This brother is about to tell you what time it is here!

Into the Deep

When man loses the ability to blush he has lost the ability to be shamed. When man not only loses the ability to be shamed but revels in the lawlessness to which he has surrendered his heart, darkness has attained permanence.

I don’t know about you but nothing really shocks me anymore. It’s sort of sad. I lament this inability to be stunned because the reality of its absence compels me to acknowledge I no longer possess the innocence I once did.

The world we live in and the utter abandon with which the godless chase after their own destruction has jaded us even if we refuse to acknowledge it to ourselves. Things which would have shocked us to wakefulness no less than a dozen years ago don’t even manage to get a shoulder shrug today, most having given in to the constant flow dragging them further into the deep.

It is with sad resignation that we stand witness to the inevitability of where this nation is headed, and the judgment which will soon be poured out as consequence of its rebellion. Even those who once laughed and rolled their eyes saying ‘it’s not that bad and it’s never going to get that bad’ now realize God’s judgment is justified in all its depth and ferocity. It is justified!

No rational, thinking human being still in possession of a moral compass can honestly say God is not justified in His judgment any longer.

As far as the church is concerned, well, I for one believe the moment the church stopped preaching righteousness and holiness, the moment the church stopped preaching Christ and the cross, the moment the church started preaching excess and prosperity and foolish, childish doctrines that have no root within God’s holy Word, it lost its moral authority in regards to anything happening around it.

There can be no selective outrage when it comes to sin, rebellion, and compromise. Either you hate and despise all sin with equal measure, either you hate and despise all rebellion and compromise with equal measure, or you are a hypocrite who coddles his pet vice but judges others for coddling theirs. This is why the preaching of righteousness is necessary in every church and every service without fail!

The fuse has been lit and the world is about to boil over in unprecedented turmoil. The cup is full, and God’s judgment is about to descend like a thunderclap on an unsuspecting church, and the best way I can describe what is about to happen is that what we call the church today will be gutted from the inside, and everything causing harm to the true Body will be done away with as it ought.

It must be thus, for only when what is impure has been cast asunder can what remains stand unmoved in the face of the enemies of the Cross as they become more vocal, more boisterous, and eventually violent to the point of bloodshed.

Darkness will not be content until light is no more. Putrefaction will not be content until the salt has lost its flavor completely, overpowering it until it becomes unrecognizable.

The endgame of the godless is the utter ruin and annihilation of the godly, and because we’ve fallen asleep, because we got distracted by the things of the world, because we compromised those things which ought never to have been compromised, inch by inch, foot by foot, evil has gained ground, and advanced steadily.

This is where we are now. Where we will be in a little while will make where we are now seem like a longed for and pleasant ideal. The more naïve among us will continue to wait for the pendulum to swing back toward the center, but the pendulum is broken. It will not swing back toward any semblance of morality.

So what are we to do? Do we go along to get along? Do we jump on the bandwagon of trying to justify the most obscene of perversions as somehow being God’s intent all along?

Do we become as those vile ones who in search of profit sell out the God they purport to serve?

No, we do none of these things. We do what the Word of God has commanded us to do. We gird up the loins of our mind, we continue to be sober, and we hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

It will not be an easy time nor will it be a time absent casualties, but those who have purposed in their hearts not to defile themselves will see the glory of God manifest in their lives in ways heretofore unseen.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

Hand of Help Ministries <-----webite for Michael Boldea Jr and Dumitru Duduman Ministry

Every single Christian has been defiled by not obeying God's commandments. Christians worship false gods which is disobedient to God's first commandment.

Christians worship take the name of the Lord in vain because they do not know our true Creator who created ALL things.

Christians steal the words written by the prophets and saints who knew God and then, use them for their own selfish purpose.

Christians kill in battle with their neighbors who they are supposed to love instead.

Christians cannot honor their Father and Mother because they don't realize our true Father is our Creator and our true Mother is the Holy Spirit ( Christ ).

Christians covet land, silver, gold, and anything that they desire in this world. This was how they stole all the land and possessions of the native americans.

Christians only love those who love them and join their false religion called Christianity. This means they can't love their neighbors as themselves. If they can't love their neighbors, they certainly can't love the Lord who created their neighbors.

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