Zone1 Interesting verse. What say ye?


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
What do you Bible students make of this?

Matthew 26:17 KJV

"Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover?"
What do you Bible students make of this?

Matthew 26:17 KJV

"Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover?"
"Hey Jesus, whatcha doin' fer Passover this year? We wanna hang. Covered dishes pot luck cool? Any special requests?
Where you wanna lay out the spread?"
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Speak to God... he hears us... he hears you... you don't have to recite some prayer although that's good too... just talk to him...
It introduces the new covenant, and being held in a private home is a rejection of the Temple cult's Passover tradition, for one. Do you mean the entire passage or just that verse alone? Jesus is himself to symbolize 'the slain Lamb', i.e. he is himself the sacrifice this time.

It is part of a Chaismus with the central axis) Mat 26:26-30, Take eat; this is My body/ drink; this is My blood of the new covenant;

It ends the practice of animal sacrifices for Christians.

There is also the matter of feast dates.

And, to add another level of study, there is the relation to Deuteronomy 26:17 and the Covenant.

This would constitute a ratification and restatement of Israel’s covenant with God with this second generation to leave Egypt, after the first generation had died (Deuteronomy 2:16). Moses asks the people to once again affirm God’s covenant with them, and the people agree, and reaffirm their contract with God. This occurs in Deuteronomy 26:16-17.

Then Moses recounts that the people agreed with the covenant, and committed to follow God’s commands, and keep their part of the contract (or covenant) between God, as Israel’s Suzerain Ruler and gracious Provider (Deuteronomy 26:18–19).

The book of Mathew is heavily linked to the Old Testament. A big chunk of it would disappear if the references were removed.
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What do you Bible students make of this?

Matthew 26:17 KJV

"Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover?"
This has been solved so many times !!!! Ferdinand Prat SJ for one. Msgr Giusseppe Ricciotti also.And within the last 10 years by Warren Carroll, the historian who helped found Christendom College
This has been solved so many times !!!! Ferdinand Prat SJ for one. Msgr Giusseppe Ricciotti also.And within the last 10 years by Warren Carroll, the historian who helped found Christendom College
Now if we can just finish the job and finally conclude that Jesus died on (our) Wednesday and rose on (our) Saturday, understanding that the Good Friday/Easter thing is an invention of the Romans, and accepted by most of Christendom since.
This has been solved so many times !!!! Ferdinand Prat SJ for one. Msgr Giusseppe Ricciotti also.And within the last 10 years by Warren Carroll, the historian who helped found Christendom College
If widely revealed in the churches I think the timing of Jesus' death and resurrection would also be examined. This would threaten the "Good Friday/Easter Sunday" narrative.
If widely revealed in the churches I think the timing of Jesus' death and resurrection would also be examined. This would threaten the "Good Friday/Easter Sunday" narrative.

I don't see the importance of the actual days for celebrations, so I leave it to the Christians to handle their own disagreements re that sort of thing. Doesn't matter to me which day of the week anything falls. Some do church on Saturdays, some on Sundays, and no riots are breaking out.
I don't see the importance of the actual days for celebrations, so I leave it to the Christians to handle their own disagreements re that sort of thing. Doesn't matter to me which day of the week anything falls. Some do church on Saturdays, some on Sundays, and no riots are breaking out.
True. Those ritual holy days have been mostly fulfilled anyway, although Trumpets, Tabernacles, and Last Great Day represent future events.

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