Interested to hear definitions for "Alt-Right"

"We're the platform for the alt-right," Bannon told me proudly when I interviewed him at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July. Though disavowed by every other major conservative news outlet, the alt-right has been Bannon's target audience ever since he took over Breitbart News from its late founder, Andrew Breitbart, four years ago.

How Donald Trump's campaign chief created an online haven for white nationalists

As the Mother Jones article says, Bannon rejects your characterization of alt right. I think he would agree with my analogy;

Punk Rock emerged as an alternative music genre during the 1970s. It rejected corporate rock, sell-outs to the music industry. Essentially, it was anti-establishment. One of the subgenres of punk happened to be Nazi Punk.

Under the umbrella of alt right there exists a subgenre which is ethno-nationalist. Ethno-nationalists share the same anti-globalist, anti-establishment, free speech defending ideals of the entire genre.

So if you created an online platform about punk rock, it would likely attract a subset of Nazi punkers who share some of the same interests. But it would be unfair to paint the entire genre according to guilt by association.
Nice try, but you have it completely backwards. Alt Right are White Nationalists, and proud of it. They are not a subset of Breitbart.

The useful idiots who parrot whatever Breitbart tells them to have no idea their strings are being pulled by the Alt Right. This forum is overflowing with such useful idiots.

As with the Nazis in Germany and the marxists in Russia, a small minority group of less than five percent controls and steers the wider mass who for the most part are too stupid to know where things are designed to go. Here in the US, the pseudocons are being steered by the Alt Right.

These string pullers absolutely count on the stupidity, credulity, and historical ignorance of the rube herd. These dumb fucks are so ignorant, they bleev Nazis are left wing and that the KKK was solely a Democratic operation. :lol:

Fool Me A Thousand Times

Well Bannon is only the Executive Chairman. He doesn't control the content on the website.

Andrew Breitbart was a Jew. The CEO who was the co founder is a Jew. The upper echelon of Breitbart including the editor Joel Pollak are Jews.

And you are claiming that this Jewish organization are Alt Right and white nationalists. You want to throw in anti Semetic as well?

Interested to hear definitions for "Alt-Right"
It's a new term floating around, so thought to ask what your opinion is for an accurate definition.

it's a media created term that is a ham handed attempt at linking actual white nationalists to any non-traditional conservative to the right of Mitt Romney.
It's a new term floating around, so thought to ask what your opinion is for an accurate definition.

Ask them:

To put it simple - the next generation of White Nationalist (whites only America) and White Supremacists.

I think most would agree, they are sick people, racist bigots and xenophobes, however this new generation cleans up its appearance and finds like-minded "humans" via internet and social media.
If alt.right is the opposite of libtard, count me in.

It's the opposite of America. Always has been, always will be. They are the enemy with in.

When their resentments fester and turn to rage, they become this guy --


Or these "people"...


and when those assholes max out the fuckwitometer you get these guys.


and they're worse than even these guys...


When it comes to violent, insane, soulless mass murderers, leftwing despots and servile pukes like you MIGHT come in second to all the demons in hell when it comes to what utterly dark evil shit human beings have ever done.

You fuckin malignant parasite.

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Here's a twist. I belong to a "group" called the Alt-right. The left made it up, and we're the result (ha!). Our only goal is to entertain the notion there is such a conspiracy, which is no more than leftist fabrication as form of projection. We also discuss the far left spectacle. For instance, liberal narratives designed to reduce this country to weakness consistent with socialism, and propaganda strung by those who detest America, such as Soros.
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