'Instead of blaming Trump, Obama should consider what led to 2016'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The former leader of the party of 'Open Anti-Semitism' demonstrates in an upcoming memoir that he still hates America, hates any American who does not embrace his radical agenda/ideology, still only knows how to DIVIDE Americans, not bring them together, and still only knows how to blame others for his and his party's failures:

In excerpts released to numerous publications, including the Washington Examiner, Obama contended, essentially, that Donald Trump's election to the presidency was caused by an unreasonable reaction to his own presidency. Specifically, he blamed former Alaska governor and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin of making racist attitudes toward his presidency mainstream.

"Through Palin, it seemed as if the dark spirits that had long been lurking on the edges of the modern Republican Party — xenophobia, anti intellectualism, paranoid conspiracy theories, an antipathy toward Black and brown folks — were finding their way to center stage," Obama wrote.

In response, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (R) said:

"What a ridiculous message. Obama had 8 years, including 2 with full control of Congress. He sent our jobs to China, left our healthcare system in disarray, our foreign policy in shambles & our people divided. Instead of blaming Trump, Obama should consider what led to 2016."

For 12 years now, Obama has blamed Bush for all of his failures, and for 4 years he has attempted to claim all of Trump's successes as his own.

I wonder what Obama’s theory is as to why more Blacks voted for Trump in 2016 than they did for Bush, McCain, or Romney and why Trump received more votes from non-whites in 2020 for GOP Presidential contender since 1950?

It is amazing how much narcism can be squeezed into Obama. He has an excuse for all of his failures and shortcomings and feels entitled to take other peoples’ successes.
The whole Democratic Party should be honestly looking at 2016, and the reasons for why so many people voted for Trump. They should also be looking at two weeks ago, when the assumed Blue Wave didn't happen. And the GOP won't be honestly looking at 2018 or Trump's loss, either. The key reasons would not be hard to find. But neither party will do it.

Neither party has yet gotten through its thick skull that a majority of the country is somewhere in the middle of the two whacked out ends, and that it wants the two parties to get the fuck over themselves and start working together as if they were actually adults.

For those who are so intellectually lazy that they lack the capacity to work with those who dare to disagree with them, maybe you could go find another fucking hobby somewhere. This country is in real trouble right now, and we really don't need children getting in the way.
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The former leader of the party of 'Open Anti-Semitism' demonstrates in an upcoming memoir that he still hates America, hates any American who does not embrace his radical agenda/ideology, still only knows how to DIVIDE Americans, not bring them together, and still only knows how to blame others for his and his party's failures:

In excerpts released to numerous publications, including the Washington Examiner, Obama contended, essentially, that Donald Trump's election to the presidency was caused by an unreasonable reaction to his own presidency. Specifically, he blamed former Alaska governor and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin of making racist attitudes toward his presidency mainstream.

"Through Palin, it seemed as if the dark spirits that had long been lurking on the edges of the modern Republican Party — xenophobia, anti intellectualism, paranoid conspiracy theories, an antipathy toward Black and brown folks — were finding their way to center stage," Obama wrote.

In response, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (R) said:

"What a ridiculous message. Obama had 8 years, including 2 with full control of Congress. He sent our jobs to China, left our healthcare system in disarray, our foreign policy in shambles & our people divided. Instead of blaming Trump, Obama should consider what led to 2016."

For 12 years now, Obama has blamed Bush for all of his failures, and for 4 years he has attempted to claim all of Trump's successes as his own.

Hillary being a poor candidate is what lead to Trump winning.
2016 happened because the right freaked out over a black man in the white house and refused to participate in running the government and then their voters complained they had been forgotten and blamed the democrats.
The former leader of the party of 'Open Anti-Semitism' demonstrates in an upcoming memoir that he still hates America, hates any American who does not embrace his radical agenda/ideology, still only knows how to DIVIDE Americans, not bring them together, and still only knows how to blame others for his and his party's failures:

In excerpts released to numerous publications, including the Washington Examiner, Obama contended, essentially, that Donald Trump's election to the presidency was caused by an unreasonable reaction to his own presidency. Specifically, he blamed former Alaska governor and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin of making racist attitudes toward his presidency mainstream.

"Through Palin, it seemed as if the dark spirits that had long been lurking on the edges of the modern Republican Party — xenophobia, anti intellectualism, paranoid conspiracy theories, an antipathy toward Black and brown folks — were finding their way to center stage," Obama wrote.

In response, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (R) said:

"What a ridiculous message. Obama had 8 years, including 2 with full control of Congress. He sent our jobs to China, left our healthcare system in disarray, our foreign policy in shambles & our people divided. Instead of blaming Trump, Obama should consider what led to 2016."

For 12 years now, Obama has blamed Bush for all of his failures, and for 4 years he has attempted to claim all of Trump's successes as his own.

Hillary being a poor candidate is what lead to Trump winning.
No , it goes way farther back
2016 happened because the right freaked out over a black man in the white house and refused to participate in running the government and then their voters complained they had been forgotten and blamed the democrats.
Liar , clarence thomas
2016 happened because the right freaked out over a black man in the white house and refused to participate in running the government and then their voters complained they had been forgotten and blamed the democrats.
Liar , clarence thomas
It was, of course, more complicated then that but I boiled it down to an elementary school level of simplicity just for you.
2016 happened because the right freaked out over a black man in the white house and refused to participate in running the government and then their voters complained they had been forgotten and blamed the democrats.
Liar , clarence thomas
It was, of course, more complicated then that but I boiled it down to an elementary school level of simplicity just for you.
Clarence Thomas..

You ignorant fool
2016 happened because the right freaked out over a black man in the white house and refused to participate in running the government and then their voters complained they had been forgotten and blamed the democrats.
Liar , clarence thomas
It was, of course, more complicated then that but I boiled it down to an elementary school level of simplicity just for you.
Clarence Thomas..

You ignorant fool
What is the worst supreme court justice? Do I win Alex?
I wonder what Obama’s theory is as to why more Blacks voted for Trump in 2016 than they did for Bush, McCain, or Romney and why Trump received more votes from non-whites in 2020 for GOP Presidential contender since 1950?

That it isn't true?

First, we don't have final figures in for what the black vote was, but it is thought that he got about 8-10% of it, which is pretty pathetic. While it is better than McCain or Romney (Who were actually running against a black guy) it is not as good as Bush (who got 9% in 2000 and 11% in 2004)

The "more votes" only comes in when you realize that this election had record numbers of ALL voters.

As far as going back to 1950, that's crap. in 1960, 35% of blacks voted for Richard Nixon, and Ike did about the same. now, keep in mind, most blacks didn't vote because of all the voter suppression going on. Republicans only really lost the black vote after LBJ supported civil rights and Barry "Deep Down you Know he's Nuts" Goldwater thought your rights as an American should depend on what state you lived in.

The thing is, they ONLY started counting Hispanics as a separate voting block in the 1970's.

Here, again, we don't have complete numbers. Initially, it looks like Trump gained because we counted Cubans in Florida before counting Chicanos in California. So in the early tallies, it looks like Trump "gained" with Hispanics, but when the final numbers are tallied up, not so much. It's actually looking like Biden did better with Hispanics overall than Hillary did.
The whole Democratic Party should be honestly looking at 2016, and the reasons for why so many people voted for Trump. They should also be looking at two weeks ago, when the assumed Blue Wave didn't happen. And the GOP won't be honestly looking at 2018 or Trump's loss, either. The key reasons would not be hard to find. But neither party will do it.

Oh, Stormy, wrong again about everything, it's so cute.

Let's be realistic about what happened two weeks ago. It's what always happens, undecideds broke for the incumbent because change is scary.

Than an incumbent is defeated at all is amazing in and of itself. It's only happened six times in the last 120 years. Three of those times (Taft, Carter and Bush-41) a third party split the incumbent's base. In another case (Hoover) a crushing recession that lasted four years caused a major political realignment that lasted nearly 40 years, when Blacks and Northern Whites joined Southern Whites to create a Democratic Majority.

Another case might be the most instructive, and that is the case of Jerry Ford. Jerry was running against the headwinds of Watergate, Gas lines, Hyperinflation, a humiliating defeat in Vietnam.....


... and he did himself no favors by tripping over stuff and pardoning Nixon. It didn't help that old Jerry had never been on a national ticket, having elevated by the twin resignations of Agnew and Nixon. Everyone predicted a "Blue Wave" then, too, after strong democratic showings in 1974. Instead, Jimmy Carter only barely won 50% to 48%. The Democrats lost a Senate Seat and only gained one house seat. It was- kind of pathetic, all things considered.

Neither party has yet gotten through its thick skull that a majority of the country is somewhere in the middle of the two whacked out ends, and that it wants the two parties to get the fuck over themselves and start working together as if they were actually adults.

Sigh. This again. Let's leave aside that Democrats did EXACTLY what you wanted, they nominated the most milquetoast moderate they could fine. But there is this HUGE middle just waiting to be set free by... um. no.

In the Six Elections between 2000 and 2020, the Democrat has placed in a range of 48% to 54%. Biden got 51.
In the Six Elections between 2000 and 2020, the Republican has placed in a range of 45% to 51%. Trump got 47.

AT BEST, you are looking at maybe 7% of the electorate that is flexible. And frankly, that 7% votes based on who they'd like to have a beer with more than any policy consideration.

Mitch McConnel has no incentive to work with Biden, and Pelosi has no incentive to work with McConnell. Their base, the ones who make the decisions on candidate because they show up for primaries, won't have it.

For those who are so intellectually lazy that they lack the capacity to work with those who dare to disagree with them, maybe you could go find another fucking hobby somewhere. This country is in real trouble right now, and we really don't need children getting in the way.

Again, buddy, everyone has their stance. Your stance is you think we need two Republican Parties doing the bidding of Wall Street. The one thing you should have gotten out of the Trump years is how hated your investor class really is. Trump ran against the investor class. He managed to wrap it in the juicy bacon of racism, attacking Chinese and those H1B holders from India, but at the end of the day, it was the same garbage of fooling the Working Class into voting against it's own economic interests.

The biggest fear you guys should have is that white person suddenly realizing the Hispanic Lesbian working next to him is really in the same boat he's in.
I wonder what Obama’s theory is as to why more Blacks voted for Trump in 2016 than they did for Bush, McCain, or Romney and why Trump received more votes from non-whites in 2020 for GOP Presidential contender since 1950?

That it isn't true?

First, we don't have final figures in for what the black vote was, but it is thought that he got about 8-10% of it, which is pretty pathetic. While it is better than McCain or Romney (Who were actually running against a black guy) it is not as good as Bush (who got 9% in 2000 and 11% in 2004)

The "more votes" only comes in when you realize that this election had record numbers of ALL voters.

As far as going back to 1950, that's crap. in 1960, 35% of blacks voted for Richard Nixon, and Ike did about the same. now, keep in mind, most blacks didn't vote because of all the voter suppression going on. Republicans only really lost the black vote after LBJ supported civil rights and Barry "Deep Down you Know he's Nuts" Goldwater thought your rights as an American should depend on what state you lived in.

The thing is, they ONLY started counting Hispanics as a separate voting block in the 1970's.

Here, again, we don't have complete numbers. Initially, it looks like Trump gained because we counted Cubans in Florida before counting Chicanos in California. So in the early tallies, it looks like Trump "gained" with Hispanics, but when the final numbers are tallied up, not so much. It's actually looking like Biden did better with Hispanics overall than Hillary did.

Once the final numbers are in, Trump will have done better among Blacks in ‘20 than he did in ‘16 which was already higher than McCain and Romney. You note that they did not do as well “because they were running against a Black man”. That’s funny because Liberals will go bat shit crazy and fling their racist cards at anyone who suggests Blacks automatically voted for Obama because he is Black.
In excerpts released to numerous publications, including the Washington Examiner, Obama contended, essentially, that Donald Trump's election to the presidency was caused by an unreasonable reaction to his own presidency.

I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama promised. I supported 10% of what President Obama did.

I voted for Jill Stein not because of race but because she was more trustworthy and honest than Obama or Hillary.(Or Trump)

Don't constantly lie to me and then still expect me to vote for you.
Obama is every bit as narcissistic as Trump. He already has like 4 memoirs? This latest one is like 800 pages?

He was a shit President who abused his power to an insane degree. Among the worst Presidents of all time.
Once the final numbers are in, Trump will have done better among Blacks in ‘20 than he did in ‘16 which was already higher than McCain and Romney.

Probably not... in terms of percentages, anyway.

I'm not sure why you guys thinking losing the black vote by 86% instead of 88% is an accomplishment, exactly.

You note that they did not do as well “because they were running against a Black man”. That’s funny because Liberals will go bat shit crazy and fling their racist cards at anyone who suggests Blacks automatically voted for Obama because he is Black.

Not sure who "liberals" are, exactly. I've said all along that Obama was an inspiration the the black community and that's why he did so well. I can see why a lot of them stayed home in 2016 when after 8 years, the country turned out to be even more racist than they thought it was.

That said, it was black turnout in Milwaukee, Philly, Detroit and Pittsburgh that put Biden over the top. Deal with it.
Once the final numbers are in, Trump will have done better among Blacks in ‘20 than he did in ‘16 which was already higher than McCain and Romney.

Probably not... in terms of percentages, anyway.

I'm not sure why you guys thinking losing the black vote by 86% instead of 88% is an accomplishment, exactly.

You note that they did not do as well “because they were running against a Black man”. That’s funny because Liberals will go bat shit crazy and fling their racist cards at anyone who suggests Blacks automatically voted for Obama because he is Black.

Not sure who "liberals" are, exactly. I've said all along that Obama was an inspiration the the black community and that's why he did so well. I can see why a lot of them stayed home in 2016 when after 8 years, the country turned out to be even more racist than they thought it was.

That said, it was black turnout in Milwaukee, Philly, Detroit and Pittsburgh that put Biden over the top. Deal with it.

It’s being dealt with.
It’s being dealt with.

Guy, you are letting Trump scam you one last time.

Watch what happens today when Trump doesn't pony up the 7 million to do a recount in Wisconsin. That will show he's just been shaking you guys for money one last time before he leaves.

You are thinking one way, one path and one outcome. I don’t expect Trump to emerge as the victor towards a second term but I do expect the process to be vetted for integrity sake.
Once the final numbers are in, Trump will have done better among Blacks in ‘20 than he did in ‘16 which was already higher than McCain and Romney.

Probably not... in terms of percentages, anyway.

I'm not sure why you guys thinking losing the black vote by 86% instead of 88% is an accomplishment, exactly.

You note that they did not do as well “because they were running against a Black man”. That’s funny because Liberals will go bat shit crazy and fling their racist cards at anyone who suggests Blacks automatically voted for Obama because he is Black.

Not sure who "liberals" are, exactly. I've said all along that Obama was an inspiration the the black community and that's why he did so well. I can see why a lot of them stayed home in 2016 when after 8 years, the country turned out to be even more racist than they thought it was.

That said, it was black turnout in Milwaukee, Philly, Detroit and Pittsburgh that put Biden over the top. Deal with it.

It’s being dealt with.

By acting just like the Hillary supporters you made fun of in 2016 did.

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