Inside Biden’s decision to ‘take care of’ the Chinese balloon


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The spin is on!

What POTUS needed to wait until the ballon traversed a large swath of CONUS? An incompetent one, that is who. Who do they think they're fooling with the spin?

When US President Joe Biden learned a suspected Chinese spy balloon was drifting through the stratosphere 60,000 feet above Montana, his first inclination was to take it down.​
This time, however, the balloon kept going: high over Alaska, into Canada and back toward the US, attracting little attention from anyone looking up from the ground.​
“We’ve seen them and monitored them, briefed Congress on the capabilities they can bring to the table,” another US official told CNN. “But we’ve never seen something as brazen as this.”
It would take seven days from when the balloon first entered US airspace before an F-22 fighter jet fired a heat-seeking missile into the balloon on the opposite end of the country, sending its equipment and machinery tumbling into the Atlantic Ocean.​
The balloon’s week-long American journey, from the remote Aleutian Islands to the Carolina coast, left a wake of shattered diplomacy, furious reprisals from Biden’s political rivals and a preview of a new era of escalating military strain between the world’s two largest economies.​
It’s also raised questions about why it wasn’t shot down sooner and what information, if any, it scooped up along its path.​

He attempted to cover it up, this is far more serious than folks can possibly understand, he allowed that fucking thing to literally transit the entire interior of the nation, initially with the intent of doing absolutely nothing at all, ostensibly so Blinken's trip would not be interfered with!

Do you understand, they had no idea what was contained within the device, it easily could have salted the entire United States with Variola virus, Ebola, anything, and he made absolutely no attempt at interdicting it until the public itself discovered the fucking thing, then they finally splash it "after" it has traversed the entire continent from coast to coast!

It’s also raised questions about why it wasn’t shot down sooner and what information, if any, it scooped up along its path.
  1. Admitting the US military, the most expensive in the world by far, could not detect nor stop a simple balloon flying over us is an embarrassing admission to the taxpayers of this country, to the world, and to the rest of our enemies. That alone could have been the mission of its flight, to test us!
  2. Knowing something about electronics, everyone assumes this thing was a camera taking pictures, but what if the thing was doing electronic eavesdropping? There is a TON of vital information about who is doing what and the general condition and nature of our electronic transmissions, detection, and general condition and network that the Chinese might have collected that could be very valuable to them in the future. For instance, if you wanted to know just WHERE to explode an EMP, how high and at what strength?
In any 1st world country, such a military invasion by a hostile foreign power would have been dealt with immediately, shot down with as little damage as reasonable, warning people to avoid an area, leave or stay out of the way for a few hours to minimize harm, but IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SHOT DOWN.

And not days later out over the ocean after the damage was already done.

Stolen elections have consequences.


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