A Crisis For Every Month: The Worst Debacles, Disgraces, And (Literal) Train Wrecks Of Biden’s Third Year


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

A Crisis For Every Month: The Worst Debacles, Disgraces, And (Literal) Train Wrecks Of Biden’s Third Year

If you’re as overwhelmed by all the incompetence as Joe is by a set of stairs, here’s your refresher course for year No. 3.
26 Jan 2024 ~~ By Elle Purnell

Congratulations, America — you’ve survived your third year of being bossed around by Joe “Big Guy” Dementia Biden. You might be poorer, more depressed, and more likely to end up drafted for a foreign war than you were when he hobbled into the White House three years ago last Saturday, but you’ve finally made it to the year you get to vote him out, if you’re smart enough.
In January 2022, we brought you “A Scandal For Every Month: The Biggest Botches, Failures, And Mess-Ups Of Joe Biden’s First 12 Months In Office.” Last January, there was another year of disasters to catalog. If you’re like me, you’re probably losing track of all the scandals and which ones happened when. If it’s making your head spin, just think how confused poor Joe is!
If you’re as overwhelmed by all the incompetence as Joe is by a set of stairs, here’s your refresher course for year No. 3.

January: Classified Documents Scandal: It’s been a long year, but remember when classified documents were found in insecure locations everywhere from Biden’s office at the Penn Biden Center to next to the Corvette in his garage?
February: Biden Snubs East Palestine After Train Disaster:
Biden Admin Sympathizes with Transgender School Shooter":
April: Biden’s Secretary of State Revealed to Be Behind Infamous Laptop ‘Disinfo’ Letter:
May: Biden Rejects His 4-Year-Old Grandchild.
June: Whistleblowers and FD-1023 Accuse Bidens of Influence-Peddling, Bribery.
July: Cocaine in the White House.
August: Biden Sunburns at the Beach After Maui’s Beaches Burn.
September: Biden’s Border Crisis Breaks New Record (Again).
October: Biden’s Party Shows Itself to Be Full of Antisemitic Terrorist Sympathizers.
November: $40,000 Discovered from Communist China to Joe’s Bank Account.
December: Impeachment Inquiry Kicks Off.

I apologize for the brevity of the post. Please read it in its entirety at the URL.
All in all, each month of Joe Biden's administration has been punctuated with one sort or another scandal each of which is the sole making of the Biden family and/or his appointed staff.
Americans of all stripes cannot wait to vote in November to remove Mr. Biden and his cabal from office.
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Please note. The author never mentioned the Vorder Crisis, 9.6 million illegal aliens, or the massive drug overdose deaths due to Bai Dungs abdication of responsibllity to keep Americans safe.

A Crisis For Every Month: The Worst Debacles, Disgraces, And (Literal) Train Wrecks Of Biden’s Third Year

If you’re as overwhelmed by all the incompetence as Joe is by a set of stairs, here’s your refresher course for year No. 3.
26 Jan 2024 ~~ By Elle Purnell

Congratulations, America — you’ve survived your third year of being bossed around by Joe “Big Guy” Dementia Biden. You might be poorer, more depressed, and more likely to end up drafted for a foreign war than you were when he hobbled into the White House three years ago last Saturday, but you’ve finally made it to the year you get to vote him out, if you’re smart enough.
In January 2022, we brought you “A Scandal For Every Month: The Biggest Botches, Failures, And Mess-Ups Of Joe Biden’s First 12 Months In Office.” Last January, there was another year of disasters to catalog. If you’re like me, you’re probably losing track of all the scandals and which ones happened when. If it’s making your head spin, just think how confused poor Joe is!
If you’re as overwhelmed by all the incompetence as Joe is by a set of stairs, here’s your refresher course for year No. 3.
Classified Documents Scandal: It’s been a long year, but remember when classified documents were found in insecure locations everywhere from Biden’s office at the Penn Biden Center to next to the Corvette in his garage?
Biden Snubs East Palestine After Train Disaster:

Biden Admin Sympathizes with Transgender School Shooter":
April: Biden’s Secretary of State Revealed to Be Behind Infamous Laptop ‘Disinfo’ Letter:
May: Biden Rejects His 4-Year-Old Grandchild.
June: Whistleblowers and FD-1023 Accuse Bidens of Influence-Peddling, Bribery.
July: Cocaine in the White House.
August: Biden Sunburns at the Beach After Maui’s Beaches Burn.
September: Biden’s Border Crisis Breaks New Record (Again).
October: Biden’s Party Shows Itself to Be Full of Antisemitic Terrorist Sympathizers.
November: $40,000 Discovered from Communist China to Joe’s Bank Account.
December: Impeachment Inquiry Kicks Off.

I apologize for the brevity of the post. Please read it in its entirety at the URL.
All in all, each month of Joe Biden's administration has been punctuated with one sort or another scandal each of which is the sole making of the Biden family and/or his appointed staff.
Americans of all stripes cannot wait to vote in November to remove Mr. Biden and his cabal from office.
The level of corruption aimed @ both the Biden administration & the Biden family, IF all accusations could be positively proved would @ least match the Nixon administration & even quite possibly the Johnson administration. Getting a decent American with strong positive constitutionally based values voted into office after president Biden's term is over will be difficult to acquire, due to possibly more voter fraud. The left is desperately trying their best to advance their global warming/climate change(used to be global cooling 60's/70's) fraud as that is the ONLY leg they have to stand upon. With 60+ years of 100% failed eco-doomsday predictions ever more folks are now looking @ the "warmies" more & more as quack kooks @ best.

This upcoming election is "Do or Die" for the marxist warmies ESPECIALLY if former President Trump lands the executive office. With the EPA increasingly being viewed as a marxist front for a "one world without borders" scam the EPA may find itself in the crosshairs comes budget cutting time.
Please note. The author never mentioned the Vorder Crisis, 9.6 million illegal aliens, or the massive drug overdose deaths due to Bai Dungs abdication of responsibllity to keep Americans safe.
Please note you never mentioned the Vorder Crisis, 9.6 million illegal aliens, or the massive drug overdose deaths due to your blob's abdication of responsibllity to keep Americans safe either.
Please note. The author never mentioned the Vorder Crisis, 9.6 million illegal aliens, or the massive drug overdose deaths due to Bai Dungs abdication of responsibllity to keep Americans safe.
Sorry for the typo. Vorder was really "Border"
Seems Candy accepted the word without question in an attept to change the fact that this has occurred under her totalitarian idol Joey Xi Bai Dung. aka Joe Biden.
These MAGATS are getting comedic.

1 million people died because of trumps incompetence, and this fool is talking about a Biden train wreck.
Aux Contraire::
That doesn't include the nearly 400,000 Americans between the ages of 15 to 35 that died of Fentanyl overdosing during the BaiDung open border crisis. One wonders if Joey gets 10% off the top from the Naeco profits.
See more:
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We have a good economy, better health, and an exposed criminal MAGA.

And the excaliburs and docs are not in government. Life is good.

A Crisis For Every Month: The Worst Debacles, Disgraces, And (Literal) Train Wrecks Of Biden’s Third Year

If you’re as overwhelmed by all the incompetence as Joe is by a set of stairs, here’s your refresher course for year No. 3.
26 Jan 2024 ~~ By Elle Purnell

Congratulations, America — you’ve survived your third year of being bossed around by Joe “Big Guy” Dementia Biden. You might be poorer, more depressed, and more likely to end up drafted for a foreign war than you were when he hobbled into the White House three years ago last Saturday, but you’ve finally made it to the year you get to vote him out, if you’re smart enough.
In January 2022, we brought you “A Scandal For Every Month: The Biggest Botches, Failures, And Mess-Ups Of Joe Biden’s First 12 Months In Office.” Last January, there was another year of disasters to catalog. If you’re like me, you’re probably losing track of all the scandals and which ones happened when. If it’s making your head spin, just think how confused poor Joe is!
If you’re as overwhelmed by all the incompetence as Joe is by a set of stairs, here’s your refresher course for year No. 3.

January: Classified Documents Scandal: It’s been a long year, but remember when classified documents were found in insecure locations everywhere from Biden’s office at the Penn Biden Center to next to the Corvette in his garage?
February: Biden Snubs East Palestine After Train Disaster:
Biden Admin Sympathizes with Transgender School Shooter":
April: Biden’s Secretary of State Revealed to Be Behind Infamous Laptop ‘Disinfo’ Letter:
May: Biden Rejects His 4-Year-Old Grandchild.
June: Whistleblowers and FD-1023 Accuse Bidens of Influence-Peddling, Bribery.
July: Cocaine in the White House.
August: Biden Sunburns at the Beach After Maui’s Beaches Burn.
September: Biden’s Border Crisis Breaks New Record (Again).
October: Biden’s Party Shows Itself to Be Full of Antisemitic Terrorist Sympathizers.
November: $40,000 Discovered from Communist China to Joe’s Bank Account.
December: Impeachment Inquiry Kicks Off.

I apologize for the brevity of the post. Please read it in its entirety at the URL.
All in all, each month of Joe Biden's administration has been punctuated with one sort or another scandal each of which is the sole making of the Biden family and/or his appointed staff.
Americans of all stripes cannot wait to vote in November to remove Mr. Biden and his cabal from office.
You would think by reading the leftist trolls in here, that Democrats are lock step behind Biden...That's why I say we are dealing with Dems in here, rather brainwashed trolls, that come in here to regurgitate the latest from MSNBC....
We have a good economy, better health, and an exposed criminal MAGA.

And the excaliburs and docs are not in government. Life is good.
Wrong on all accounts....

Grocery prices remain about 20% to 30% inflated. Suicide rates and depression are up.
As far as MAGA is concerned, labeling people with that is a source of pride...Because, they understand that America was a Great country, that you DSP dems are trying to tear down in favor of socialism in a borderless territory that will never work...

As far as excalibur, and Doc, I give them credit, because they annoy you. Meaning that your purpose here seems to be to try and shut down dissent from your preferred narrative, and to that I say FU....

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