Independent panel concludes Bush engaged in torture

this is just more proof that the ciurrent republican party is the sociopathic party.

No facts are accepted that they dont find pleasing.

They just lie without any qualms
I would like for TV to produce a televison reality program called; Torture or Not Torture. Or something like that.

On the program, participants would be subjected to the very same techniques used by the CIA and the military.

Then Americans can call in and vote for the method used and decide if it is torture or not. The participants would also get a say as to whether they thought they were being tortured.

The participant that can take the most aggressive form of torture and not give in and call it torture would be the winner.

Reality programming at its finest. Any rethugs want to volunteer for waterboarding?

I know the details are slim; but the TV producers can work the details out. Sure to be the next Dancing With the Stars. Us Americans will love it.

I've been waterboarded in SERE and audited by the IRS. Guess which I'd rather do again?
perhaps if we forced them to accept facts and called them out publically when they LIE then they would crawl back under the rock they came from
What ever.

If Obama believes that he can take my guns to "save just one life" then three Terrorists can undergo 3 minutes of waterboarding to save "just one American Life".
Bush tortured.

this we all already knew.

now it is yet again comfirmed he tortured people.

what do you fact adverse lying sacks of rat shit do?

deny the facts yet again.

Bad info in means

bad choices out.

People who do nothing but spout lies and deny facts are worthless.

they do make good rock stands though
This report is obviously a "hit" piece. It is no secret that the Bush Administration used "enhanced interrogation techniques," which had three salient characteristics (1) they produced no permanent harm or disfigurement to the persons interrogated, (2) they frequently provided useful information, and (3) they were overwhelmingly supported by the U.S. population, to the extent they made US citizens safer, either here or abroad.

Liberal morons (sorry for the redundancy) frequently like to make the vacuous claim that "torture doesn't work," which is like saying "bullets don't kill." Clearly, sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. It depends on the subject, the method, what he actually knows, and so on. But to make a blanket statement that it doesn't work is....stupid.

Move along. Nothing happening here.
I would like for TV to produce a televison reality program called; Torture or Not Torture. Or something like that.

On the program, participants would be subjected to the very same techniques used by the CIA and the military.

Then Americans can call in and vote for the method used and decide if it is torture or not. The participants would also get a say as to whether they thought they were being tortured.

The participant that can take the most aggressive form of torture and not give in and call it torture would be the winner.

Reality programming at its finest. Any rethugs want to volunteer for waterboarding?

I know the details are slim; but the TV producers can work the details out. Sure to be the next Dancing With the Stars. Us Americans will love it.

We are still waiting for Hannity to be waterboarded
I would like for TV to produce a televison reality program called; Torture or Not Torture. Or something like that.

On the program, participants would be subjected to the very same techniques used by the CIA and the military.

Then Americans can call in and vote for the method used and decide if it is torture or not. The participants would also get a say as to whether they thought they were being tortured.

The participant that can take the most aggressive form of torture and not give in and call it torture would be the winner.

Reality programming at its finest. Any rethugs want to volunteer for waterboarding?

I know the details are slim; but the TV producers can work the details out. Sure to be the next Dancing With the Stars. Us Americans will love it.

We are still waiting for Hannity to be waterboarded

Yes we are. The true living definition of the word chickenhawk.

Look we KNOW the Bush administration authorized torture. We knew it a long time ago. They didn't even deny it energetically at all. They counted on folks being so scared that they would willingly trade the ideals and principles this nation was founded on (and that so many have died to uphold) for scrapes of inaccurate information.

Judging from some of the posts I've seen on this thread - they were at least partially right about that.

Chickenhawks - just like Hannity. Lotta talk, lotta bluster, but when you get right down to it they are cowards. Terrorists LOVE them - they are so easy to manipulate.
It's so much better to use drones to kill people outright, including collateral damage children, instead of catching terrorists and trying to find out information about planned attacks.

Yep, so much better.
obama owes Bush torture a debt since obama used the information obtained for his signature achievement. He got Bin Laden. And is not letting the man who REALLY got Bin Laden die being tortured in prison.
Thank God, hope he enjoyed doing it to. We should torture more often.

Bush Tortured Whiners + Clinton Slept w/Intern Whiners = P.U.S.S.I.E.S.
Two wrongs make a right?

Besides, at least if a civilian get hits by a drone (or a conventionally fired round for that matter) - that's accidential. Torture is willful.

side note: Do you have a link to any data that compares civilian casualties in drone strikes to civilian casualties in conventional strikes? I would appreciate the oppotunity to take a look at it. Thanks.
Bush-era torture use 'indisputable,' Guantanamo must close, task force finds - U.S. News

An independent task force issued a damning review of Bush-era interrogation practices on Tuesday, saying the highest U.S. officials bore ultimate responsibility for the "indisputable" use of torture, and it urged President Barack Obama to close the Guantanamo detention camp by the end of 2014.

In one of the most comprehensive studies of U.S. treatment of terrorism suspects, the panel concluded that never before had there been "the kind of considered and detailed discussions that occurred after 9/11 directly involving a president and his top advisers on the wisdom, propriety and legality of inflicting pain and torment on some detainees in our custody."

"It is indisputable that the United States engaged in the practice of torture," the 11-member task force, assembled by the nonpartisan Constitution Project think tank, said in their 577-page report

The panel, which included leading politicians from both parties, two U.S. retired generals and legal and ethics scholars, spent two years examining the U.S. treatment of suspected militants detained after the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Panel members interviewed former Clinton, Bush and Obama administration officials, military officers and former prisoners, and the investigation looked at U.S. practices at Guantanamo, in Afghanistan and Iraq and at the CIA's former secret prisons overseas.

The task force was chaired by Asa Hutchinson, a Republican former congressman and undersecretary of the Department of Homeland Security during the George W. Bush administration, and James Jones, a Democratic former congressman who served as U.S. ambassador to Mexico.

and yet, during the rest of his Pres, there were 0 terror attacks on our soil.

obamas record?

times square

and then some
I am really sorry that the mean ol' terrorists made so many of you soil your panties. Nut up - this is the United States of America. We took a bunch of farmers and whipped the dominate military power of the era without using torture. But you think today's military is so inept that they need it to deal with a well-funded street gang?
Oh ye of little faith.

And if you are so eager to turn tail on America's ideals and principles when you get nervous - you have no right to say a word about gun control. Doing so just makes you a hypocrite.
You almost gotta laugh. The radical left and the media got to re-define the word "torture". So-called "water-boarding" was in the Psy-Ops manual for years and American Troops from elite units even went through it in training. Personally I think listening to Barney Fwank give a speech was torture but that's just me. When they get into power you can always count on democrats to act like 3rd world regimes and try to indict former leaders as a distraction while the freaking Country is going down the tubes.

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