Rep Jasmine Crockett (D) Thinks She's Smarter Than Any Trump Supporter

And just like a typical troll, you just keep repeating right wing talking points.
And just like a Democrat you stupidly ignore. LOL
Trump wants to make America a place that is great for all Americans regardless of race, religion, or ethnicity. He understands we’re not a nation of victims. We’re a nation that claws its way back when the chips are down. Each and every one of us has a deep-seated belief in American exceptionalism and it’s that deep-seated belief that binds us together.
What do you believe in? troll
How is that possible when federal officers do not work in state courts?

Who is this person and where is your link to prove it?
"Even though Matthew Colangelo is only now sitting in a courtroom formally opposing the former president, his work has for years involved investigating Trump and his businesses, despite working for different prosecutorial offices at varying levels of government. Colangelo's sudden switch from top DOJ official to a role with the DA's office in the Big Apple has particularly raised eyebrows.

"It's very odd. It’s usually the other way around. . . . And frankly, that sounds to me like somebody who thought, 'Ah, here's an opportunity to go and get Donald Trump,'" attorney and former member of the Federal Election Commission, Hans von Spakovsky, told Fox News Digital in a phone interview this month.

It's rare to see successful, ambitious attorneys willingly climb several steps down the career ladder, experts note.

"It is a little unusual," Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow Zack Smith said of Colangelo’s career moves. "Particularly, the position he had at the Justice Department was a fairly high ranking one . . . he spent some time in the New York Attorney General's office, he also spent some time as a career staffer in the DOJ Civil Rights Division. He was in leadership in the Justice Department, and then immediately from that leadership position - an acting leadership position - went to the DA’s office.""
That op-ed is from Fox News, but you can verify the facts on any main-stream media site. Colangelo was the number three man at the DOJ and quit to take lower paying and far lower status jobs working to convict Trump. He has worked at every office that is now attemopting ot prosecute Trump for anything.
It's easy to figure out why Jasmine Crockett thinks she can get away with being stuck-up and rude. She really thinks (by virtue of her political views) that she's smarter than any Trump supporter. All it does is make her come off like an a**.

This is how brainwashing works on the mentally impaired. They actually believe the hogwash that passes for ideology on the left. It's literally the mindless cult that the left keeps accusing MAGA of. A belief that your politics raises your I.Q. and makes you mentally superior to any other political dogma.

The way she talks she must have taken classes in sounding like Kamala. Lots of words that mean nothing.

This woman is a racist. She thinks that systemic racism allows her to be a rude, despicable bore.

Any thoughts?

She is smarter than Maga.
Syllogism: Joey is not smarter than a cat, and also mad as a March hare.
They just are. Your average Democrat is stupid

Marjorie Green started the shit. But I guess that's OK because white trump supporters can do whatever they want.

So now we have another target for the racists here to rant about.
Speaking of "racists here to rant about.";
You do such to no end! :rolleyes:
I'm not a racist and it's just time you right wimg stooges stopped trying to create a false equivalence to the response to racism and being taught that you are superior because you are white.

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