Incivility from the Right to catch up with them


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
"Baby killer" shouter steps forward, highlights internal GOP dilemma - Yahoo! News

But the "Baby killer!" furor highlights a far more serious, long-term political dilemma for the Republicans: how to appear to be a respectable party capable of governing while also providing political shelter for the highly motivated, though vocally disruptive, protest wing of the party associated with the Tea Party movement. While many commentators are forecasting trouble ahead for Democrats identified with the health care bill, the GOP faces some major issues of its own.

Just look at the past weekend: Thousands of Tea Party protesters descended on Washington in an attempt to "kill the bill." It was an impressive turnout for a quickly organized protest—but coverage of the event soon was dominated by reports that some demonstrators had hurled racial and homophobic epithets at Democratic lawmakers as they entered the Capitol.

How can anyone take the Republicans seriously while they repeatedly surrender to right wing hate rhetoric?
You liberals used to encourage vocal and passionate protests when you were pissed off about something the "man" was doing to you... The 60's ring a bell with you? The "Bush is Hitler" years?

Now you want civility?

Why the change?

How many of them were running a political party at the time?
You liberals used to encourage vocal and passionate protests when you were pissed off about something the "man" was doing to you... The 60's ring a bell with you? The "Bush is Hitler" years?

Now you want civility?

Why the change?

How many of them were running a political party at the time?

So you only want civility when a Democratic controls the WH/Senate/House?
I disagree with you.....******, ******, ******

I disagree with you I will SPIT on you

I disagree with you are a FAGGOT

I disagree with you you are a BABY KILLER

I disagree with you so you are a COMMUNIST, MUSLIM, NAZI

This is the Right Wing of America today. Every time it happens it is an "isolated incident" "it's not us" "it was someone else" Meanwhile the right wing incites these morons on a daily basis and then shrugs their shoulders when these idiots do what they think their mentors want.
Think Progress GOP Rep. Nunes Excuses Racist, Homophobic Tea Partier Slurs As A Response To ?Totalitarian Tactics?

This morning on C-Span’s Washington Journal, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) justified the disturbing racist and homophobic epitaphs that angry tea baggers hurled yesterday at Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), and other House Democrats. Nunes insisted that everyone has a right to “smear” whoever they want and that the tea baggers’ behavior was understandable given the “crazy totalitarian tactics” that he alleges Democrats are engaged in:

SCULLY: A lot of angry comments aimed at a couple of your colleagues, including Barney Frank and Congressman John Lewis, using the “n” word as some of the protesters jeered at him as he walked through the halls of the Capitol.

NUNES: Yeah, well I think that when you use totalitarian tactics, people, you know, begin to act crazy. I think, you know, there’s people that have every right to say what they want. If they want to smear someone, they can do it. It’s not appropriate. And I think I would stop short of characterizing the 20,000 people protesting, that all of them were doing that –

SCULLY: — those are just some of the stories.

NUNES: Of course. I think the left loves to play a couple of incidents here or there.
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Oh nose, another day another outrage. all over WORDS.

I guess we have BEEN WARNED.:lol:
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Man, when did Yahoo News become a propaganda arm for the Progressive party.

what friggen crapola spewed in that article.

another media outlet to WRITE off.

Remember folks, most of the Media has now become a ENEMY to us American citizens.

get you news elsewhere.
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Oh nose, another day another outrage. all over WORDS.

I guess we have BEEN WARNED.:lol:

Yes Stephanie....WORDS


Those are the words that are defining your party
I disagree with you.....******, ******, ******

I disagree with you I will SPIT on you

I disagree with you are a FAGGOT

I disagree with you you are a BABY KILLER

I disagree with you so you are a COMMUNIST, MUSLIM, NAZI

This is the Right Wing of America today. Every time it happens it is an "isolated incident" "it's not us" "it was someone else" Meanwhile the right wing incites these morons on a daily basis and then shrugs their shoulders when these idiots do what they think their mentors want.

And it was the left wing of two years ago... your point is?

Oh and look where the left wing is today!

how to appear to be a respectable party capable of governing while also providing political shelter for the highly motivated, though vocally disruptive, protest wing of the party associated with the Tea Party movement.

Republicans have been sent into exile due to their poor performance while they were in office. Now they proudly expect to be accepted back. How do they expect America to forgive their past sins when they tolerate and excuse this type of behavior?
Oh nose, another day another outrage. all over WORDS.

I guess we have BEEN WARNED.:lol:

Yes Stephanie....WORDS


Those are the words that are defining your party

oh I know, love, kindness and caring describes you party.
we saw that last night when your party ran over the people in this country for their OWN POWER. but don't let that get in the way of your la la land dreams.
"Baby killer" shouter steps forward, highlights internal GOP dilemma - Yahoo! News

But the "Baby killer!" furor highlights a far more serious, long-term political dilemma for the Republicans: how to appear to be a respectable party capable of governing while also providing political shelter for the highly motivated, though vocally disruptive, protest wing of the party associated with the Tea Party movement. While many commentators are forecasting trouble ahead for Democrats identified with the health care bill, the GOP faces some major issues of its own.

Just look at the past weekend: Thousands of Tea Party protesters descended on Washington in an attempt to "kill the bill." It was an impressive turnout for a quickly organized protest—but coverage of the event soon was dominated by reports that some demonstrators had hurled racial and homophobic epithets at Democratic lawmakers as they entered the Capitol.

How can anyone take the Republicans seriously while they repeatedly surrender to right wing hate rhetoric?

The issue is whether or not the Democrats are smart enough to capitalize on this.

They probably aren't.
You liberals used to encourage vocal and passionate protests when you were pissed off about something the "man" was doing to you... The 60's ring a bell with you? The "Bush is Hitler" years?

Now you want civility?

Why the change?

How many of them were running a political party at the time?

So you only want civility when a Democratic controls the WH/Senate/House?

B i n g o and bingo was his nameo
We should treat Dems the same way they treat Sarah Palin and Tea Party protesters
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go ahead, capitalize away, I don't think the majority of people in this country give a shit about your constant whining of "civility.
We experienced your all civility all during the Bush years, so you don't get to make the rules for others.
we are not going away, we are still here and ready to fight.

you think you all can frame the way the game is going to be played, not.
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Im shocked. Shocked i tell you. Rightwinger has a problem with people who are uncivil. I cant imagine why anyone would be uncivil towards someone so full of charity towards his fellow men.

Sarcasm aside, you are one of the most uncivil people on the board. Maybe you should focus on yourself and not others.
Im shocked. Shocked i tell you. Rightwinger has a problem with people who are uncivil. I cant imagine why anyone would be uncivil towards someone so full of charity towards his fellow men.

Sarcasm aside, you are one of the most uncivil people on the board. Maybe you should focus on yourself and not others.


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