Inalienable Rights


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
- The Right to face your accusor
- The Right to a fair and speedy trial
- The Right to an attorney
- The Right to remain silent
- The Right to humane treatment

These are the rights our founding fathers fought for. Not some petty grievances because a political party other than your own is in power. Where was the TeaParty when the Government was trampling on basic human rights?
- The Right to face your accusor
- The Right to a fair and speedy trial
- The Right to an attorney
- The Right to remain silent
- The Right to humane treatment

These are the rights our founding fathers fought for. Not some petty grievances because a political party other than your own is in power. Where was the TeaParty when the Government was trampling on basic human rights?

And yet not a single one of those has been violated. By the way? The "right" to Humane treatment was not part of anything the Government originally agreed to.

Clinton approved Courts that meet in secret and remove citizenship from naturalized citizens with out those citizens even knowing they were being tried. Clinton approved Courts that take your money and then require you to prove your innocent to get it back.

You do remember Innocent until proven guilty don't you?

The Patriot act has been approved by Democrats since its inception and Obama has signed it into law as well.
- The Right to face your accusor
- The Right to a fair and speedy trial
- The Right to an attorney
- The Right to remain silent
- The Right to humane treatment

These are the rights our founding fathers fought for. Not some petty grievances because a political party other than your own is in power. Where was the TeaParty when the Government was trampling on basic human rights?

Wasn't it you in another thread who argued that there are no natural rights; that only society can grant and revoke rights?

If I am correct in that recollection, then it shouldn't matter to you if society as defined by government tramples on any so called rights should it?
- The Right to face your accusor
- The Right to a fair and speedy trial
- The Right to an attorney
- The Right to remain silent
- The Right to humane treatment

These are the rights our founding fathers fought for. Not some petty grievances because a political party other than your own is in power. Where was the TeaParty when the Government was trampling on basic human rights?

Wasn't it you in another thread who argued that there are no natural rights; that only society can grant and revoke rights?

If I am correct in that recollection, then it shouldn't matter to you if society as defined by government tramples on any so called rights should it?

You would have to show me a link on that
- The Right to face your accusor
- The Right to a fair and speedy trial
- The Right to an attorney
- The Right to remain silent
- The Right to humane treatment

These are the rights our founding fathers fought for. Not some petty grievances because a political party other than your own is in power. Where was the TeaParty when the Government was trampling on basic human rights?

And yet not a single one of those has been violated. By the way? The "right" to Humane treatment was not part of anything the Government originally agreed to.

Clinton approved Courts that meet in secret and remove citizenship from naturalized citizens with out those citizens even knowing they were being tried. Clinton approved Courts that take your money and then require you to prove your innocent to get it back.

You do remember Innocent until proven guilty don't you?

The Patriot act has been approved by Democrats since its inception and Obama has signed it into law as well.

Those rights were routinely ignored by the previous administration. We still hold men in prison without charges and have not conducted trials in over seven years. These human rights violations make our motives suspect around the world.
The prohibition agqainst cruel and unusual punishment was approved by our founding fathers

Again...where were the TeaBaggers then?
- The Right to face your accusor
- The Right to a fair and speedy trial
- The Right to an attorney
- The Right to remain silent
- The Right to humane treatment

These are the rights our founding fathers fought for. Not some petty grievances because a political party other than your own is in power. Where was the TeaParty when the Government was trampling on basic human rights?

...and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights among them are the right to remain silent...

What a fucking tool you are
No such thing as inalienable rights.

The concept as preposterous as immortality

I defy any of you to show me one of those rights of your that I couldn't entirely alienate from you with a bullet.

Now if you're talking about those rights denied to people in society?

Yeah, sometimes people aren't extended the rights they're theoretically granted by the law.

And yes, I didn't see the TP movement complaining when that was happening to people at GITMO.

But the typical TP participant doesn't give a rat's all about those people, so naturally they were not moved to act.
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- The Right to face your accusor
- The Right to a fair and speedy trial
- The Right to an attorney
- The Right to remain silent
- The Right to humane treatment

These are the rights our founding fathers fought for. Not some petty grievances because a political party other than your own is in power. Where was the TeaParty when the Government was trampling on basic human rights?

...and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights among them are the right to remain silent...

What a fucking tool you are

i'd say you don't really have standing for that criticism, Frankie babe.
- The Right to face your accusor
- The Right to a fair and speedy trial
- The Right to an attorney
- The Right to remain silent
- The Right to humane treatment

These are the rights our founding fathers fought for. Not some petty grievances because a political party other than your own is in power. Where was the TeaParty when the Government was trampling on basic human rights?

...and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights among them are the right to remain silent...

What a fucking tool you are

Which relates to the concept of Liberty...

Something which means more than the fact that teabaggers no longer have their candidates in office anymore
How come you left off the right to Universal health Care, you Liberals cocksuckers eat that up like it was M&M's
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How come you left off the right to Universal health Care, you Liberals cocksuckers eat that up like it was M7M's

I didn't leave it was one of those petty "liberties" being denied the teabaggers.

TPs whine that because they are required to have healthcare (which they already do) that they are the equivalent of our founding fathers.

Slow on the uptake this morning aren't you Frankie?
Wasn't it you in another thread who argued that there are no natural rights; that only society can grant and revoke rights?

If I am correct in that recollection, then it shouldn't matter to you if society as defined by government tramples on any so called rights should it?

I made this claim.............but I'm not sure how you conclude that "it shouldn't matter" part.

Just because I don't believe our rights were granted by "our creator," means I don't care if we have them? How do you get from A to B in that statement? Curious, is all.
How come you left off the right to Universal health Care, you Liberals cocksuckers eat that up like it was M7M's

I didn't leave it was one of those petty "liberties" being denied the teabaggers.

TPs whine that because they are required to have healthcare (which they already do) that they are the equivalent of our founding fathers.

Slow on the uptake this morning aren't you Frankie?

Did you read your own OP or did someone else wrote it for you?

Someone wrote, "(Insert stupid list) ...These are the rights our founding fathers fought for. Not some petty grievances because a political party other than your own is in power. Where was the TeaParty when the Government was trampling on basic human rights?"

But the monkey that typed the OP neglected to put Universal Health Care on the list as an "Inalienable right"
Did you read your own OP or did someone else wrote it for you?

Someone wrote, "(Insert stupid list) ...These are the rights our founding fathers fought for. Not some petty grievances because a political party other than your own is in power. Where was the TeaParty when the Government was trampling on basic human rights?"

But the monkey that typed the OP neglected to put Universal Health Care on the list as an "Inalienable right"

I'd call it humane treatment.
Wasn't it you in another thread who argued that there are no natural rights; that only society can grant and revoke rights?

If I am correct in that recollection, then it shouldn't matter to you if society as defined by government tramples on any so called rights should it?

I made this claim.............but I'm not sure how you conclude that "it shouldn't matter" part.

Just because I don't believe our rights were granted by "our creator," means I don't care if we have them? How do you get from A to B in that statement? Curious, is all.

Actually, others have also made this claim here.

And I don't believe in the creator part either as I am an atheist. It's a simple matter to acknowledge inherent rights without a creator involved.
Wasn't it you in another thread who argued that there are no natural rights; that only society can grant and revoke rights?

If I am correct in that recollection, then it shouldn't matter to you if society as defined by government tramples on any so called rights should it?

I made this claim.............but I'm not sure how you conclude that "it shouldn't matter" part.

Just because I don't believe our rights were granted by "our creator," means I don't care if we have them? How do you get from A to B in that statement? Curious, is all.

Actually, others have also made this claim here.

And I don't believe in the creator part either as I am an atheist. It's a simple matter to acknowledge inherent rights without a creator involved.

And my claim, is that they're only "inherent" because Men have decided so. I can't see proof of otherwise.
I made this claim.............but I'm not sure how you conclude that "it shouldn't matter" part.

Just because I don't believe our rights were granted by "our creator," means I don't care if we have them? How do you get from A to B in that statement? Curious, is all.

Actually, others have also made this claim here.

And I don't believe in the creator part either as I am an atheist. It's a simple matter to acknowledge inherent rights without a creator involved.

And my claim, is that they're only "inherent" because Men have decided so. I can't see proof of otherwise.

There does not have to be proof. What matters is whether those rights agreed to be inherent can be changed because a government wants to exercise more control over the peoples' liberties.
There does not have to be proof. What matters is whether those rights agreed to be inherent can be changed because a government wants to exercise more control over the peoples' liberties.

Assuming you agree with them....... that they're inherent, I guess. I don't agree with them that have agreed they're inherent. That doesn't mean I don't support them as rights, though.
- The Right to face your accusor
- The Right to a fair and speedy trial
- The Right to an attorney
- The Right to remain silent
- The Right to humane treatment

These are the rights our founding fathers fought for. Not some petty grievances because a political party other than your own is in power. Where was the TeaParty when the Government was trampling on basic human rights?

And yet not a single one of those has been violated. By the way? The "right" to Humane treatment was not part of anything the Government originally agreed to.

Clinton approved Courts that meet in secret and remove citizenship from naturalized citizens with out those citizens even knowing they were being tried. Clinton approved Courts that take your money and then require you to prove your innocent to get it back.

You do remember Innocent until proven guilty don't you?

The Patriot act has been approved by Democrats since its inception and Obama has signed it into law as well.

Those rights were routinely ignored by the previous administration. We still hold men in prison without charges and have not conducted trials in over seven years. These human rights violations make our motives suspect around the world.
The prohibition agqainst cruel and unusual punishment was approved by our founding fathers

Again...where were the TeaBaggers then?

Well, if we're still holding men in prison why aren't you griping about the Obama Administration? Don't we still have a prison facility at Gitmo, despite Obama's promise over a year ago that he would close it? What's wrong here?

FDR held Germans as POWs indefinintely as well. He never charged them. THey never had a trial. They weren't given their rights. WHere was your outrage then?
And yet not a single one of those has been violated. By the way? The "right" to Humane treatment was not part of anything the Government originally agreed to.

Clinton approved Courts that meet in secret and remove citizenship from naturalized citizens with out those citizens even knowing they were being tried. Clinton approved Courts that take your money and then require you to prove your innocent to get it back.

You do remember Innocent until proven guilty don't you?

The Patriot act has been approved by Democrats since its inception and Obama has signed it into law as well.

Those rights were routinely ignored by the previous administration. We still hold men in prison without charges and have not conducted trials in over seven years. These human rights violations make our motives suspect around the world.
The prohibition agqainst cruel and unusual punishment was approved by our founding fathers

Again...where were the TeaBaggers then?

Well, if we're still holding men in prison why aren't you griping about the Obama Administration? Don't we still have a prison facility at Gitmo, despite Obama's promise over a year ago that he would close it? What's wrong here?

FDR held Germans as POWs indefinintely as well. He never charged them. THey never had a trial. They weren't given their rights. WHere was your outrage then?

That is all different. These dumb asses can not grasp the concept we are at war with a vicious immoral enemy that will do anything, say anything, kill anyone that furthers their own aims.

These people murder women and children. They specifically TARGET them.

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