In Re: Lindsey Graham

Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Lindsey Graham has no cred left: He ran against Trump during the primary & stated facts about Trump that put Trump is a terrible light.

Graham however did a 180 & lost his marbles.

Now (post inauguration) Graham sees fit to kowtow to Trump on basically every issue in an attempt to be Trump's token gay boi attack dog.

I say Trump should keep Lindsey on a pretty tight chain (leash), dress Graham up in some rainbow colored outfits, and allow Graham to sniff at every tree & fire hydrant Graham encounters on their daily walks as they traipse off into the political sunset together ........

The Establishment republicans revealed themselves to be corrupt dogs.

Trump whipped them and Graham has adapted to the new reality.

That you fault him for that is just sour grapes on your part.

Actually, I think it is a case of graham believing the bullshit he was reading, but as time has passed he has come to realize he was lied to. He has changed according to the real facts, and not the lies the MSM continues to peddle, and brainless tards like our dear progs here, suck down with vigor.

So the obvious inference in your post is someone else wrote what Graham was reading.

He has changed? From what? Friends with McCain, and now kissing the ass of Sen. McCain's most vile attacker? In one paragraph you seems to ramble nonsensical tripe, not that I'm surprised.
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Lindsey Graham has no cred left: He ran against Trump during the primary & stated facts about Trump that put Trump is a terrible light.

Graham however did a 180 & lost his marbles.

Now (post inauguration) Graham sees fit to kowtow to Trump on basically every issue in an attempt to be Trump's token gay boi attack dog.

I say Trump should keep Lindsey on a pretty tight chain (leash), dress Graham up in some rainbow colored outfits, and allow Graham to sniff at every tree & fire hydrant Graham encounters on their daily walks as they traipse off into the political sunset together ........

The Establishment republicans revealed themselves to be corrupt dogs.

Trump whipped them and Graham has adapted to the new reality.

That you fault him for that is just sour grapes on your part.

Actually, I think it is a case of graham believing the bullshit he was reading, but as time has passed he has come to realize he was lied to. He has changed according to the real facts, and not the lies the MSM continues to peddle, and brainless tards like our dear progs here, suck down with vigor.

So the obvious inference in your post is someone else wrote what Graham was reading.

He has changed? From what? Friends with McCain, and now kissing the ass of Sen. McCain's most vile attacker? In one paragraph you seems to ramble nonsensical tripe, not that I'm surprised.

Note the use of the words, "he was lied to", instead of anything indicating that he was simply reading something he was given.

That is probably what westwall meant. You know, since that is what he said. Instead of the stuff you just made up.

Just saying.

Hope that clarified things for you. Let me know if you need more stuff explained.
Why, because he's not going to sit back and allow some pious snot to editorialize and smear the AG, when it's her turn to ask him questions?

My topic sentence, "Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years",
had little or nothing to to do with the event today.

I always knew you've had your head up your ass, little did I know when dressed you put it elsewhere:

View attachment 258887

You made a reference to "today" and he guessed at to what specifically you were referring to. He even used a question mark, to make his statement a query, not a definitive statement.

For you to slam him as putting his head in the sand, for that, is not reasonable on your part.
He's not a reasonable person...In fact, he's a borderline sociopath.
Why, because he's not going to sit back and allow some pious snot to editorialize and smear the AG, when it's her turn to ask him questions?

My topic sentence, "Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years",
had little or nothing to to do with the event today.

I always knew you've had your head up your ass, little did I know when dressed you put it elsewhere:

View attachment 258887
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Lindsey Graham has no cred left: He ran against Trump during the primary & stated facts about Trump that put Trump is a terrible light.

Graham however did a 180 & lost his marbles.

Now (post inauguration) Graham sees fit to kowtow to Trump on basically every issue in an attempt to be Trump's token gay boi attack dog.

I say Trump should keep Lindsey on a pretty tight chain (leash), dress Graham up in some rainbow colored outfits, and allow Graham to sniff at every tree & fire hydrant Graham encounters on their daily walks as they traipse off into the political sunset together ........

The Establishment republicans revealed themselves to be corrupt dogs.

Trump whipped them and Graham has adapted to the new reality.

That you fault him for that is just sour grapes on your part.

Actually, I think it is a case of graham believing the bullshit he was reading, but as time has passed he has come to realize he was lied to. He has changed according to the real facts, and not the lies the MSM continues to peddle, and brainless tards like our dear progs here, suck down with vigor.

So the obvious inference in your post is someone else wrote what Graham was reading.

He has changed? From what? Friends with McCain, and now kissing the ass of Sen. McCain's most vile attacker? In one paragraph you seems to ramble nonsensical tripe, not that I'm surprised.

I did not infer that someone else wrote Graham's verbiage; you may have taken it as such.

Graham has changed; he is now sucking on the tiny phallus of Trump, and he seems to enjoy it.
Lindsay is coming around. He realizes that Trump is a work-in-progress, but sees the benefits of a GOP president. I hope the rest of the never-Trumpers wise up too for 2020, Trump is going to need every vote.
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Lindsey Graham has no cred left: He ran against Trump during the primary & stated facts about Trump that put Trump is a terrible light.

Graham however did a 180 & lost his marbles.

Now (post inauguration) Graham sees fit to kowtow to Trump on basically every issue in an attempt to be Trump's token gay boi attack dog.

I say Trump should keep Lindsey on a pretty tight chain (leash), dress Graham up in some rainbow colored outfits, and allow Graham to sniff at every tree & fire hydrant Graham encounters on their daily walks as they traipse off into the political sunset together ........

The Establishment republicans revealed themselves to be corrupt dogs.

Trump whipped them and Graham has adapted to the new reality.

That you fault him for that is just sour grapes on your part.

Actually, I think it is a case of graham believing the bullshit he was reading, but as time has passed he has come to realize he was lied to. He has changed according to the real facts, and not the lies the MSM continues to peddle, and brainless tards like our dear progs here, suck down with vigor.

So the obvious inference in your post is someone else wrote what Graham was reading.

He has changed? From what? Friends with McCain, and now kissing the ass of Sen. McCain's most vile attacker? In one paragraph you seems to ramble nonsensical tripe, not that I'm surprised.

I did not infer that someone else wrote Graham's verbiage; you may have taken it as such.

Graham has changed; he is now sucking on the tiny phallus of Trump, and he seems to enjoy it.

Your need to characterize the accepting of a defeat and adapting to change, as a sexual act, is all on you, and has nothing to do with Sen. Graham or President Trump or any republicans at all.

Your little weird fantasies are all about you, and the inside of YOUR head, and have nothing to do with US.

You freak.
LOL! CADDO was voted least likely to have "truck nuts" them if you don't know what they are...

why in Hell have 'fake' balls dangling off the rear bumper of a vehicle?

Fake nuts are for folks that put dumb ass bumper stickers on their vehicle; kinda like that 'fake' bomber guy in Florida that sent 'fake' bombs to all the Democrats; he had Trump stickers plastered ALL OVER HIS MAGA WHITE VAN ...........

I have real ballz .............
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Trump's VP will be Pence, same as before.

That Graham is sometimes showing some spine, is all to the good.
Anyone with any integrity would cringe at the thought of defending Trump who's been a slimeball his entire life. And nothing changed on 1/20/17. Trump must really have the goods on these fuckers.
LOL! CADDO was voted least likely to have "truck nuts" them if you don't know what they are...

why in Hell have 'fake' balls dangling off the rear bumper of a vehicle?

Fake nuts are for folks that put dumb ass bumper stickers on their vehicle; kinda like that 'fake' bomber guy in Florida that sent 'fake' bombs to all the Democrats; he had Trump stickers plastered ALL OVER HIS MAGA WHITE VAN ...........

I have real ballz .............

LOL!! I thought you'd like that!
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Trump's VP will be Pence, same as before.

That Graham is sometimes showing some spine, is all to the good.
Anyone with any integrity would cringe at the thought of defending Trump who's been a slimeball his entire life. And nothing changed on 1/20/17. Trump must really have the goods on these fuckers.

He spoke for those who had been ignored by the system for far too long.

You hate him because you hate those he spoke for.

You are the hater here.
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Lindsey Graham has no cred left: He ran against Trump during the primary & stated facts about Trump that put Trump is a terrible light.

Graham however did a 180 & lost his marbles.

Now (post inauguration) Graham sees fit to kowtow to Trump on basically every issue in an attempt to be Trump's token gay boi attack dog.

I say Trump should keep Lindsey on a pretty tight chain (leash), dress Graham up in some rainbow colored outfits, and allow Graham to sniff at every tree & fire hydrant Graham encounters on their daily walks as they traipse off into the political sunset together ........

The Establishment republicans revealed themselves to be corrupt dogs.

Trump whipped them and Graham has adapted to the new reality.

That you fault him for that is just sour grapes on your part.

Oh really? Thanks so much for your opinion, it is so valuable I can't come up with any means to reward you.

Why, because he's not going to sit back and allow some pious snot to editorialize and smear the AG, when it's her turn to ask him questions?

She cant help it. All the pineapple and spam went to the dumb sluts head.
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Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Graham schooled that chamber today....

Quite honestly, never saw that in this guy until he kicked ass in the Kavanaugh hearings! Made the DUMS look silly today with those 10 points......after that, it was all downhill for the DUMS. He was laughing his ass off on Fox tonight while 236 people were tuning into CNN
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Graham did well today,

Tell me, do you think it's right that Sen. Hirono rapes and tortures small children and animals?
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Nope. I see someone who is justifiably pissed off at the corruption being exposed at the highest levels of our DOJ, and government. Fascists, like you, don't care about that, but REAL Americans, do.

What makes you claim to be a real American, and claim I'm not? Why aren't you pissed off that the swamp Trump claimed is even more toxic than that of Reagan's and Nixon's?

When did you enlist in the military (me, 1967)?
How many years did you volunteer and coach little league, Pony League, CYO basketball and AYSO (Me, in the aggregate 18 years)?
How many years did you volunteer at your kids public school (Me, K-5 twice)?
How many times have you divorced (me, never, married for the past 45 years)?
How many dogs have I owned (two), cats (two)?
How many years were you employed in your career (me, 32, and retired at age 57)?
How many family vans have you owned (me, four: Chevy, Plymouth, Dodge, Honda [2])?
How many homes have you purchased (me, three, all in the same county)?
How many times have you been arrested and jailed (me, never)?
Why, because he's not going to sit back and allow some pious snot to editorialize and smear the AG, when it's her turn to ask him questions?

My topic sentence, "Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years",
had little or nothing to to do with the event today.

I always knew you've had your head up your ass, little did I know when dressed you put it elsewhere:

View attachment 258887

You made a reference to "today" and he guessed at to what specifically you were referring to. He even used a question mark, to make his statement a query, not a definitive statement.

For you to slam him as putting his head in the sand, for that, is not reasonable on your part.

Mea culpa, the photo of him with his head in the sand is a metaphor for his lack of honesty, lack of integrity and career as an idiot-gram tagger. His head is always up his ass.
Why, because he's not going to sit back and allow some pious snot to editorialize and smear the AG, when it's her turn to ask him questions?

My topic sentence, "Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years",
had little or nothing to to do with the event today.

I always knew you've had your head up your ass, little did I know when dressed you put it elsewhere:

View attachment 258887
View attachment 258908

Oops, odd dude's feeling's were hurt - it must really hurt when the truth is exposed.

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