In Re: Lindsey Graham

Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Either way, I like it. I just wonder where it was a couple years ago when he was opposing DT?
The Progs will probably use that on him at some point.
I wish they would, but they don't have the cohones to do that.
All that is going to happen is that when a Prog President is elected there is going to be something we see now by the Repubs. All of the agendas that will be pushed will cause wild variations in our economy and not for the best. Even if there is short term gains. Many Reoub voters suspected Grahman of being gay. It was his RINO votes at times that bothered them. He is powerful in his home state. His family is powerful there.
You cannot have a discussion about Sweet Lindsay w/o discussing his in-the-closet status.

Especially considering his voting record.

It truly is amazing how bigoted you progressives are.
You cannot have a discussion about Sweet Lindsay w/o discussing his in-the-closet status.

Especially considering his voting record.

You are the first person I have ever heard care about the sex life of Lindsay Graham.

Your issue, what ever it is, none of us care about. You are oversharing and none of us care about your issues.

Stop it.

He's just like any other Trog Prog, they can't take losing and even gaining a few seats in the House they've won NOTHING. And they're not going to win anything with Mueller, taxes, financial records or more snipe hunts in Congress. And they sense with Biden another bitter loss next year. They all know that now so it comes down to bitter dregs and strawman arguments about their own toilet fantasizes. Lindsay's going to make these new Dim investigations HAPPEN.
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Lindsey Graham has no cred left: He ran against Trump during the primary & stated facts about Trump that put Trump is a terrible light.

Graham however did a 180 & lost his marbles.

Now (post inauguration) Graham sees fit to kowtow to Trump on basically every issue in an attempt to be Trump's token gay boi attack dog.

I say Trump should keep Lindsey on a pretty tight chain (leash), dress Graham up in some rainbow colored outfits, and allow Graham to sniff at every tree & fire hydrant Graham encounters on their daily walks as they traipse off into the political sunset together ........
Like I said, utterly clueless.
Like I said, just the mere fact of somebody on a forum stating something about someone else, doesn't make it so.

Well, that is correct.

It was your inability to understand why your homophobic use of accusations of homosexuality, was bigoted, that demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are utterly clueless.
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Lindsey Graham has no cred left: He ran against Trump during the primary & stated facts about Trump that put Trump is a terrible light.

Graham however did a 180 & lost his marbles.

Now (post inauguration) Graham sees fit to kowtow to Trump on basically every issue in an attempt to be Trump's token gay boi attack dog.

I say Trump should keep Lindsey on a pretty tight chain (leash), dress Graham up in some rainbow colored outfits, and allow Graham to sniff at every tree & fire hydrant Graham encounters on their daily walks as they traipse off into the political sunset together ........

The Establishment republicans revealed themselves to be corrupt dogs.

Trump whipped them and Graham has adapted to the new reality.

That you fault him for that is just sour grapes on your part.
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Lindsey Graham has no cred left: He ran against Trump during the primary & stated facts about Trump that put Trump is a terrible light.

Graham however did a 180 & lost his marbles.

Now (post inauguration) Graham sees fit to kowtow to Trump on basically every issue in an attempt to be Trump's token gay boi attack dog.

I say Trump should keep Lindsey on a pretty tight chain (leash), dress Graham up in some rainbow colored outfits, and allow Graham to sniff at every tree & fire hydrant Graham encounters on their daily walks as they traipse off into the political sunset together ........

The Establishment republicans revealed themselves to be corrupt dogs.

Trump whipped them and Graham has adapted to the new reality.

That you fault him for that is just sour grapes on your part.

Actually, I think it is a case of graham believing the bullshit he was reading, but as time has passed he has come to realize he was lied to. He has changed according to the real facts, and not the lies the MSM continues to peddle, and brainless tards like our dear progs here, suck down with vigor.
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Lindsey Graham has no cred left: He ran against Trump during the primary & stated facts about Trump that put Trump is a terrible light.

Graham however did a 180 & lost his marbles.

Now (post inauguration) Graham sees fit to kowtow to Trump on basically every issue in an attempt to be Trump's token gay boi attack dog.

I say Trump should keep Lindsey on a pretty tight chain (leash), dress Graham up in some rainbow colored outfits, and allow Graham to sniff at every tree & fire hydrant Graham encounters on their daily walks as they traipse off into the political sunset together ........

The Establishment republicans revealed themselves to be corrupt dogs.

Trump whipped them and Graham has adapted to the new reality.

That you fault him for that is just sour grapes on your part.

Actually, I think it is a case of graham believing the bullshit he was reading, but as time has passed he has come to realize he was lied to. He has changed according to the real facts, and not the lies the MSM continues to peddle, and brainless tards like our dear progs here, suck down with vigor.

Perhaps. I was very unhappy to see big name republicans standing against the wished of the republican voters so blatantly.
Why, because he's not going to sit back and allow some pious snot to editorialize and smear the AG, when it's her turn to ask him questions?

My topic sentence, "Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years",
had little or nothing to to do with the event today.

I always knew you've had your head up your ass, little did I know when dressed you put it elsewhere:

Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?
The only thing I see Sweet Lindsay as, is a bottom.

He's somebody's bottom bitch.

Seem's like he's getting his kicks from taking it in the rear from Trump.

He likes it.

Ha, does Lindsay have a "husband" like the Butterbutt bitch? Didn't think so. Thanks for playing.

Once upon a time, L. Graham was tossed under the bus as a RINO, and the New Right Republicans (back then) wanted Lindsey to come out of the closet.
Watching those Democrat assholes and their Trump Derangement Syndrome and Mueller Denial Syndrome mental illness. Scumbags all.

Only a moron would voted to elected those shitheads to the Senate.

Of course we all know Democrat voters are pretty well the dumbass scum of this country, don't we?

Of topic, and nothing more than an ad hominem, and one not original. Flash simply echoes what other RW Hacks spew.
Why, because he's not going to sit back and allow some pious snot to editorialize and smear the AG, when it's her turn to ask him questions?

My topic sentence, "Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years",
had little or nothing to to do with the event today.

I always knew you've had your head up your ass, little did I know when dressed you put it elsewhere:

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You made a reference to "today" and he guessed at to what specifically you were referring to. He even used a question mark, to make his statement a query, not a definitive statement.

For you to slam him as putting his head in the sand, for that, is not reasonable on your part.

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