Impeach Him Again

Why not? Everyone has plenty of spare time and most are well stocked with TV snacks. America deserves and really needs another chance at getting rid of our incompetent buffoon. It's not like he is doing us any good. Heck, he makes our crisis worse every day.
The first one worked out really well for ya, huh Moron.

Trump‘s approval has been rising since you clowns started that debacle.
Bullshit. Even Rasmussen has him down with a 9 point difference between approval and disapproval. You Trumper's live on delusions and lies.
It has never crossed their minds. That just shows how delusional you are. You worry about politics. trump supporters worry about people.
Oh I'm thinking those GOP Senators are thinking more about the survival of the nation and the competence of it's Leader right about now
Deplorable senators were fine with trump's attack to our institutions, and constitution, committing fraud, even stealing money from charity, his admission of being a serial sexual offender, the constant lies, the failed policies, the incoherent. demented and delusional rants, collusion and extortion, quid pro quo etc., but now that he is responsible for the biggest outbreak in the world, resulting in thousands of deaths, and the worst economy in a century, do they not regret not removing such abomination?
Deplorable senators were fine with trump's attack to our institutions, and constitution, committing fraud, even stealing money from charity, his admission of being a serial sexual offender, the constant lies, the failed policies, the incoherent. demented and delusional rants, collusion and extortion, quid pro quo etc., but now that he is responsible for the biggest outbreak in the world, resulting in thousands of deaths, and the worst economy in a century, do they not regret not removing such abomination?
Have you ever had a coherent thought. Son you should at least ask your mom if you can post such foolishness on her computer
Why not? Everyone has plenty of spare time and most are well stocked with TV snacks. America deserves and really needs another chance at getting rid of our incompetent buffoon. It's not like he is doing us any good. Heck, he makes our crisis worse every day.
The first one worked out really well for ya, huh Moron.

Trump‘s approval has been rising since you clowns started that debacle.
Bullshit. Even Rasmussen has him down with a 9 point difference between approval and disapproval. You Trumper's live on delusions and lies.
Learn to read you moron. Trump’s approval is up since you clowns began your impeachment farce.
Not a single one. The only regret I have is that he's had to undergo a constant barrage of harassment from the left, starting on the first day of his presidency.

Had it been Hillary Clinton who was tasked with the sheer pressure of this pandemic, we'd all be as dead as those four Americans she left to die in Benghazi, and she'd be sitting on a big pile of Chinese money right now.
Deplorable senators were fine with trump's attack to our institutions, and constitution, committing fraud, even stealing money from charity, his admission of being a serial sexual offender, the constant lies, the failed policies, the incoherent. demented and delusional rants, collusion and extortion, quid pro quo etc., but now that he is responsible for the biggest outbreak in the world, resulting in thousands of deaths, and the worst economy in a century, do they not regret not removing such abomination?
Do the nurses take you for walks?
Deplorable senators were fine with trump's attack to our institutions, and constitution, committing fraud, even stealing money from charity, his admission of being a serial sexual offender, the constant lies, the failed policies, the incoherent. demented and delusional rants, collusion and extortion, quid pro quo etc., but now that he is responsible for the biggest outbreak in the world, resulting in thousands of deaths, and the worst economy in a century, do they not regret not removing such abomination?
Tests positive for Movid20...
Should Andrew Cuomo have quarantined New York on his own? Do you agree with Cuomo pushing back on President Trump's consideration of quarantining New York?
I expect our new Trump hater will ignore my questions and keep reading off the Trump hater song sheet.
What in the world makes you say that? :abgg2q.jpg:
Yeah, I regret that the USA is not having the squalid failures of France, Spain, Italy, etc because I just love it when people die enmasse.

Deplorable senators were fine with trump's attack to our institutions, and constitution, committing fraud, even stealing money from charity, his admission of being a serial sexual offender, the constant lies, the failed policies, the incoherent. demented and delusional rants, collusion and extortion, quid pro quo etc., but now that he is responsible for the biggest outbreak in the world, resulting in thousands of deaths, and the worst economy in a century, do they not regret not removing such abomination?

Before you go any further please identify yourself for the purpose of transparency and to help us understand your motive.
Which of the following class would you categorize yourself with?
Pole puffing faggots
Rug munching dikes
Chicks with a dicks
White guilt whackos
Drug users
Weirdo degenerates
Bottom feeding welfare filth
Deplorable senators were fine with trump's attack to our institutions, and constitution, committing fraud, even stealing money from charity, his admission of being a serial sexual offender, the constant lies, the failed policies, the incoherent. demented and delusional rants, collusion and extortion, quid pro quo etc., but now that he is responsible for the biggest outbreak in the world, resulting in thousands of deaths, and the worst economy in a century, do they not regret not removing such abomination?
Tests positive for Movid20...
I may not have the wisdom of people like you, and my cortico-subcortical connections may not be as sharp, but when I see a delusional orange guy that is supposed to be in charge, say he is not responsible for destroying our capabilities for early response to a pandemic, denied existence of a problem for 8 weeks, while calling it a hoax, and celebrated like a child with wilbur ross the economic bonanza coming to America due to the despair in "ghina", I call that very, very, very poor judgement, as a result now we have the largest # of cases in the world, thousands of innocents dead, and worst economy in history....
Deplorable senators were fine with trump's attack to our institutions, and constitution, committing fraud, even stealing money from charity, his admission of being a serial sexual offender, the constant lies, the failed policies, the incoherent. demented and delusional rants, collusion and extortion, quid pro quo etc., but now that he is responsible for the biggest outbreak in the world, resulting in thousands of deaths, and the worst economy in a century, do they not regret not removing such abomination?
Tests positive for Movid20...
I may not have the wisdom of people like you, and my cortico-subcortical connections may not be as sharp, but when I see a delusional orange guy that is supposed to be in charge, say he is not responsible for destroying our capabilities for early response to a pandemic, denied existence of a problem for 8 weeks, while calling it a hoax, and celebrated like a child with wilbur ross the economic bonanza coming to America due to the despair in "ghina", I call that very, very, very poor judgement, as a result now we have the largest # of cases in the world, thousands of innocents dead, and worst economy in history....
Gifted progressive status confirmed. You may go now. But before you do, why didn't we shut the country down for this?



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