Impeach Him Again

would be glad if all our medical workers and COVID-19 patients got all the supplies and gear and equipment they needed for keeping the body count down. Seems Donnie can't even do that.

If you tuned into Fox News for his press conferences, you'd know that's exactly what he and his team are doing. But instead, you watch MSM propaganda, and then think he's not doing anything about it.
His press conferences and briefing are lie fests and propaganda events full of misinformation. I watch them sometimes anyway, but they are always three same with one lie after another.
I'd imagine that Trump and the Republicans would love to see this happen.
Well, perhaps we need the body count to get a little higher.

Spoken like a true Socialists. How many dead are you wishing for to take down Trump?
I would be glad if all our medical workers and COVID-19 patients got all the supplies and gear and equipment they needed for keeping the body count down. Seems Donnie can't even do that. He is sending troops out with no ammo and no medics or field hospitals. He is purging his best officers and replacing them with his flunkies and family, the whole time misinforming and lying to the public.

It would be nice if you fucking globalists didn't give all our manufacturing to China. Hey, Bidum, where's that $1 Billion you and your slut son got from them.

Trump has been railing about that shit for years then when reality is shoved in your Socialist face you blame him for the shortcomings you've supported all along.

You have no moral authority to rag on Trump and wish for more deaths thinking it would help you politically.

We know your track record, Socialists/Communists have killed hundreds of millions of people throughout history all to promote the collective.

Too bad it took a horrible disease to out you but it's the wake up call that will reverse the globalist agenda once and for all.
IMPEACH the teacher for making me sit down
IMPEACH the internet for breaking down
IMPEACH the bus driver for being late
etc etc
Impeaching is just a recommendation for firing. It is a way of gathering facts about misconduct, corruption, and incompetence.
Why not? Everyone has plenty of spare time and most are well stocked with TV snacks. America deserves and really needs another chance at getting rid of our incompetent buffoon. It's not like he is doing us any good. Heck, he makes our crisis worse every day.

I've got a better idea, shoot the Communist Chinese controlled democrats in the street as the traitors they are. democrats are enemy combatants acting on behalf of a hostile foreign government that has unleashed a biological weapon against America.

If you traitor vermin hadn't done the last fake impeachment, we wouldn't have been distracted from what your masters were doing. You scum have a LOT of American blood on your hands, not that you mind.

It's getting close to time for you vermin to spill some blood of your own.
would be glad if all our medical workers and COVID-19 patients got all the supplies and gear and equipment they needed for keeping the body count down. Seems Donnie can't even do that.

If you tuned into Fox News for his press conferences, you'd know that's exactly what he and his team are doing. But instead, you watch MSM propaganda, and then think he's not doing anything about it.
His press conferences and briefing are lie fests and propaganda events full of misinformation. I watch them sometimes anyway, but they are always three same with one lie after another.

A lie how, because you call them lies?
IMPEACH the teacher for making me sit down
IMPEACH the internet for breaking down
IMPEACH the bus driver for being late
etc etc
Impeaching is just a recommendation for firing. It is a way of gathering facts about misconduct, corruption, and incompetence.

Glad you feel that way. Next commie President is going to be facing the exact same thing if under a Republican led House.
Why not? Everyone has plenty of spare time and most are well stocked with TV snacks. America deserves and really needs another chance at getting rid of our incompetent buffoon. It's not like he is doing us any good. Heck, he makes our crisis worse every day.

I've got a better idea, shoot the Communist Chinese controlled democrats in the street as the traitors they are. democrats are enemy combatants acting on behalf of a hostile foreign government that has unleashed a biological weapon against America.

If you traitor vermin hadn't done the last fake impeachment, we wouldn't have been distracted from what your masters were doing. You scum have a LOT of American blood on your hands, not that you mind.

It's getting close to time for you vermin to spill some blood of your own.
Hear! Hear!
Maybe someone else can pull up the article by Kimberly Strossel in the wsj. Every place I go you have to subscribe to get it.

kimberly is so good. She describes a whole bunch of things trump has done this week to help the country fight the virus while contrasting that with Nancy Pelosi who spent her week setting up another witch hunt committee headed by Adam Schiff to find more ways to impeach trump. I have not heard a better summation of the contrast between doers and haters.

What they don't realize is they are just giving Trump more ammo for his gun. It's almost like they're begging people to vote for DJT.
would be glad if all our medical workers and COVID-19 patients got all the supplies and gear and equipment they needed for keeping the body count down. Seems Donnie can't even do that.

If you tuned into Fox News for his press conferences, you'd know that's exactly what he and his team are doing. But instead, you watch MSM propaganda, and then think he's not doing anything about it.
His press conferences and briefing are lie fests and propaganda events full of misinformation. I watch them sometimes anyway, but they are always three same with one lie after another.
not nice to talk about Obama like that
would be glad if all our medical workers and COVID-19 patients got all the supplies and gear and equipment they needed for keeping the body count down. Seems Donnie can't even do that.

If you tuned into Fox News for his press conferences, you'd know that's exactly what he and his team are doing. But instead, you watch MSM propaganda, and then think he's not doing anything about it.
His press conferences and briefing are lie fests and propaganda events full of misinformation. I watch them sometimes anyway, but they are always three same with one lie after another.

A lie how, because you call them lies?
No, because things he says are proven to be falsehoods and untrue. l like claiming anyone who needs or wants a test for CoVID-19 can get one. It was a lie weeks ago and is still a lie.
would be glad if all our medical workers and COVID-19 patients got all the supplies and gear and equipment they needed for keeping the body count down. Seems Donnie can't even do that.

If you tuned into Fox News for his press conferences, you'd know that's exactly what he and his team are doing. But instead, you watch MSM propaganda, and then think he's not doing anything about it.
Lol, i know they stopped running them, because it was making Trump look good.

Actually it was because President Trump was listing the dozens of things he and his team are doing. Speaking of which, notice how he always gives credit to the people involved unlike DumBama. When the fake media asks a question about certain things, the President steps away from the podium and lets the person involved answer the question instead of himself.
IMPEACH the teacher for making me sit down
IMPEACH the internet for breaking down
IMPEACH the bus driver for being late
etc etc
Impeaching is just a recommendation for firing. It is a way of gathering facts about misconduct, corruption, and incompetence.
IMPEACH USMB mods for this for that etc
you've been whining about Mr Trump since 2016!!!!!!!!!
whine whine whine I said, you people don't realize how idiotic and childish you look
would be glad if all our medical workers and COVID-19 patients got all the supplies and gear and equipment they needed for keeping the body count down. Seems Donnie can't even do that.

If you tuned into Fox News for his press conferences, you'd know that's exactly what he and his team are doing. But instead, you watch MSM propaganda, and then think he's not doing anything about it.
His press conferences and briefing are lie fests and propaganda events full of misinformation. I watch them sometimes anyway, but they are always three same with one lie after another.

A lie how, because you call them lies?
No, because things he says are proven to be falsehoods and untrue. l like claiming anyone who needs or wants a test for CoVID-19 can get one. It was a lie weeks ago and is still a lie.

Because we thought we hand ample supply. The CDC had the tests; the only tests that had FDA approval. When they started using them, they found out they were defective. Not really Trump's fault.
would be glad if all our medical workers and COVID-19 patients got all the supplies and gear and equipment they needed for keeping the body count down. Seems Donnie can't even do that.

If you tuned into Fox News for his press conferences, you'd know that's exactly what he and his team are doing. But instead, you watch MSM propaganda, and then think he's not doing anything about it.
His press conferences and briefing are lie fests and propaganda events full of misinformation. I watch them sometimes anyway, but they are always three same with one lie after another.

So comrade traitor, Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci are "liars," then? We should ONLY believe Beijing?
IMPEACH him and Pelosi and Putin and god and Old Yeller etc etc
is that the only word you know???
IMPEACH the teacher for making me sit down
IMPEACH the internet for breaking down
IMPEACH the bus driver for being late
etc etc
Impeaching is just a recommendation for firing. It is a way of gathering facts about misconduct, corruption, and incompetence.

Shooting is a recommendation for dealing with traitors.

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