I'm not racist, but black people aren't my problem


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
If one defines racism as hating another group just because of their race, then I am not in fact racist. Despite the attempts of some people in America to label everyone as racist.

But, I must say, I reject the idea that I'm responsible for black people. They can live their life, I'll live mine. In the end, our mortality is 100%. It's not my job to feed, shelter, and look after black people.
If one defines racism as hating another group just because of their race, then I am not in fact racist. Despite the attempts of some people in America to label everyone as racist.

But, I must say, I reject the idea that I'm responsible for black people. They can live their life, I'll live mine. In the end, our mortality is 100%. It's not my job to feed, shelter, and look after black people.
What you say is true, I noticed that many black have a rating system that depends on just how black your skin color is. I think that is being racist isn't it.
If one defines racism as hating another group just because of their race, then I am not in fact racist. Despite the attempts of some people in America to label everyone as racist.

If a dozen random individuals are asked what the word racism means I am certain the range of responses will vary greatly. In fact I once heard a young Black girl who called a talk-radio program say her father is "racist against cats"
The elites, the powers that be...whatever term you want to use keep us divided along so many lines...racial, political, gender, sexual orientation, even state lines. At the end of the day, this divide and conquer strategy developed by the Tavistock Institute and Frankfort School has used these techniques and have it down to a fine art so we never look at the puppet masters pulling the strings. Listen to this song....and I mean REALLY listen to it because the message is powerful but most importantly, it is true.

The elites, the powers that be...whatever term you want to use keep us divided along so many lines...racial, political, gender, sexual orientation, even state lines. At the end of the day, this divide and conquer strategy developed by the Tavistock Institute and Frankfort School has used these techniques and have it down to a fine art so we never look at the puppet masters pulling the strings. Listen to this song....and I mean REALLY listen to it because the message is powerful but most importantly, it is true.

You voted and got what you voted for. Mindless people brain washed and developed by the media to follow the Liberal mindset . Progressive control by what you read watch and hear. Look at the commercial on TV and try to think for yourself, what is the real message. Watch the movies what is the real message and the list goes on. Open boarders, bi racial relationships how you dress, eat think. White men are stupidk black men dangerious and stupid white and black females are smart and sexy Think about Big Bird......LOL We are stupid
You voted and got what you voted for. Mindless people brain washed and developed by the media to follow the Liberal mindset . Progressive control by what you read watch and hear. Look at the commercial on TV and try to think for yourself, what is the real message. Watch the movies what is the real message and the list goes on. Open boarders, bi racial relationships how you dress, eat think. White men are stupid, black men dangerious and stupid, white and black females are smart and sexy Think about Big Bird......LOL We are stupid
I fully agree with your thoughts on the content of some tv programming and (especially) the commercials, many of which are quite obviously intended to subliminally shape the thinking of receptive viewers. In fact, Marshal MacLuhan, in his classic 1960s book, The Medium Is The Message, predicts that television, because of its hypnotic effect, would be used for exactly this purpose by those with the financial ability to control its content.
If one defines racism as hating another group just because of their race, then I am not in fact racist. Despite the attempts of some people in America to label everyone as racist.

But, I must say, I reject the idea that I'm responsible for black people. They can live their life, I'll live mine. In the end, our mortality is 100%. It's not my job to feed, shelter, and look after black people.
Wow. Racism has more to do with the belief that one group of people is superior to another because of the color of their skin, not hating them.

You feel like a lot of other people feel, but our tax dollars feed and shelter many poor white people as well. There are actually many, many black people who work hard and support themselves. You just don't hear as much about them. The media is always very careful to show only what will anger and divide us, not unite us.

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