I'll tell you why I need an AR-15...

... as soon as you tell me why Rosa Parks needed to sit in front of the bus.

Why do you insist on making white crackers look so dumb?

On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks refused to obey bus driver James F. Blake's order to give up her seat in the colored section to a white passenger, after the white section was filled.
I love my AR. I didn't really need one, but when I shot the one my friend had, I knew I had to have one. They are a blast.
They are half ass at best....They tend to jimmy-jam in sandy areas..Try a little low crawling exercise where you drag the rifle and your forehead in the sand and see how it operates...Now move it maggot...
Why not just admit you can't hit the broad side of a barn? And that a big gun makes you feel like you have the courage that Ms Parks had.

Why shouldn't she sit where she wants to?
Actually an ar15 most of the time uses a .223 caliber(same as an .22long rifle)a very small cartridge, a popular varmint round. It is a very small gun.

Still have not heard what you "think" an assault weapon is??
Or are you going to deflect all the time?
The AK is better for that. Not quite as accurate but you can't jam the damn thing. I had one, I know. Also a more powerful gun with a larger caliber.
The military grade m4s are all but impossible to jam.
Why not just admit you can't hit the broad side of a barn? And that a big gun makes you feel like you have the courage that Ms Parks had.

Why shouldn't she sit where she wants to?
Actually an ar15 most of the time uses a .223 caliber(same as an .22long rifle)a very small cartridge, a popular varmint round. It is a very small gun.

Still have not heard what you "think" an assault weapon is??
Or are you going to deflect all the time?
It was designed with a smaller caliber to allow the troopers to carry more ammunition...Also the bullet tumbles when it is inside of the victim, to do more damage...
Why not just admit you can't hit the broad side of a barn? And that a big gun makes you feel like you have the courage that Ms Parks had.

Why shouldn't she sit where she wants to?
Actually an ar15 most of the time uses a .223 caliber(same as an .22long rifle)a very small cartridge, a popular varmint round. It is a very small gun.

Still have not heard what you "think" an assault weapon is??
Or are you going to deflect all the time?
It was designed with a smaller caliber to allow the troopers to carry more ammunition...Also the bullet tumbles when it is inside of the victim, to do more damage...

That was the old M193 Ball ammo and that was not intended. It just happened because they really didn't know what they were doing. It also made the ammo worthless in jungle fighting because it will deflect off of the tiniest branch which blows the shit out of your accuracy. The modern M4 uses the M855 Ball which is 62 grain and very stable. And most AR's if maintained properly won't have much of an issue with sand. You have to intentionally foul them up to prevent them form working.
Why not just admit you can't hit the broad side of a barn? And that a big gun makes you feel like you have the courage that Ms Parks had.

Why shouldn't she sit where she wants to?
Actually an ar15 most of the time uses a .223 caliber(same as an .22long rifle)a very small cartridge, a popular varmint round. It is a very small gun.

Still have not heard what you "think" an assault weapon is??
Or are you going to deflect all the time?
It was designed with a smaller caliber to allow the troopers to carry more ammunition...Also the bullet tumbles when it is inside of the victim, to do more damage...
Yes, this is true the smaller cartridge saves weight.
No, nothing about it is designed to "tumble" the 5.56 is one of a dozen or more of .22's that act the same as any other varmint round.

The media is making the stupid "tumbling" thing up...
Why not just admit you can't hit the broad side of a barn? And that a big gun makes you feel like you have the courage that Ms Parks had.

Why shouldn't she sit where she wants to?
Actually an ar15 most of the time uses a .223 caliber(same as an .22long rifle)a very small cartridge, a popular varmint round. It is a very small gun.

Still have not heard what you "think" an assault weapon is??
Or are you going to deflect all the time?
It was designed with a smaller caliber to allow the troopers to carry more ammunition...Also the bullet tumbles when it is inside of the victim, to do more damage...

That was the old M193 Ball ammo and that was not intended. It just happened because they really didn't know what they were doing. It also made the ammo worthless in jungle fighting because it will deflect off of the tiniest branch which blows the shit out of your accuracy. The modern M4 uses the M855 Ball which is 62 grain and very stable. And most AR's if maintained properly won't have much of an issue with sand. You have to intentionally foul them up to prevent them form working.
Yeah, most guys that have an AR-15 will not be as rough on it as combat soldiers..So far all I could afford was the M4 BB and pellet dun, but some day i might get a an M-4 firearm.. I would prefer an old M2A-50 machine gun, but that would need a loan...
Why not just admit you can't hit the broad side of a barn? And that a big gun makes you feel like you have the courage that Ms Parks had.

Why shouldn't she sit where she wants to?
Actually an ar15 most of the time uses a .223 caliber(same as an .22long rifle)a very small cartridge, a popular varmint round. It is a very small gun.

Still have not heard what you "think" an assault weapon is??
Or are you going to deflect all the time?
It was designed with a smaller caliber to allow the troopers to carry more ammunition...Also the bullet tumbles when it is inside of the victim, to do more damage...
Yes, this is true the smaller cartridge saves weight.
No, nothing about it is designed to "tumble" the 5.56 is one of a dozen or more of .22's that act the same as any other varmint round.

The media is making the stupid "tumbling" thing up...
Well that is good..The M-16 I had in the Army was a piece of crap in the Army. I would have preferred a Browning 22 cal....

The bottom one is a 6.8 spc .270 or 6.8 mil. fully auto with a surefire suppressor.
Worth about 4500 dollars.
I'll tell you why I need an AR-15...
... as soon as you tell me why Rosa Parks needed to sit in front of the bus.

On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks refused to obey bus driver James F. Blake's order to give up her seat in the colored section to a white passenger, after the white section was filled.
Rosa Parks did not demand to sit in the front of the bus :rofl:

So I guess you meant to say you don't really need your rifle
Why don't these dinks need an AR15 that is full auto?

A bitch that whole law thing eh. Why have laws against full auto weapons, only criminals will have full auto weapons then.

The slippery slope of con brainlessness.
No one needs an AR. Can think of reasons to have an AK though ;)

Drop an AR in the mud and you have a paperweight. Drop an AK in the mud, shake it off and resume firing. One's a defense contractor boondoggle, the other's a weapon.

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