If There Is No God, Murder Is Not Wrong

Where are people like you GETTING THIS FROM
that without belief in a PERSONIFIED GOD then anything goes?

Wouldn't the laws of SCIENCE and MATH work consistently
REGARDLESS if you believe "gravity" or "physics" was
"created by a God figure" or if you believe the world ALWAYS
existed without beginning or end, but is just SELF EXISTENT?

I don't get this.

What if GOD means the whole UNIVERSE and ALL EXISTENCE
ALWAYS EXISTED? What if it means the LAWS of LIFE
and NATURE are ETERNAL and will ALWAYS be.

Can't that occur with God not being limited to a personified figure
but God possibly being ALL creation/universe as self-existing and eternal?

So as long as people including Buddhists, Atheists and Naturalists
believe in the SAME UNIVERSAL LAWS governing humanity
and the world/universe (which Christians/Theists call God's laws),
why can't we all agree to follow the same laws
REGARDLESS if we describe the SOURCE of these laws
as a personified God figure or central source, or if
we attribute "God" to mean LIFE/CREATION itself.

Wouldn't the universal laws of nature and creation
still operate the same way? And why can't we agree on
those laws even if we frame God in different ways as the source
of naturally existing laws?

If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

If there is no higher authority, then everyone’s morality is equal. If you say government is the higher authority, I can point to dozens of governments where it was perfectly acceptable to drag you out of your bed, shoot you and rape your daughters.

If you can’t grasp that simple logic then you need to ponder it some more.

Your logic is incoherent.

If morality is merely what humans have created as their best system to advance well-being, then there are objective right and wrong answers using cause and effect analysis to determine the best moral systems.

That's also indicative in reality, and not just philosophically - as we evolve, previously accepted morals have become barbaric, or extinct. That's due to a better cause/effect analysis, as it pertains to well-being.

It's pretty simple shit.

You'll never be the toughest guy on earth...therefore, it's probably not a good idea to let folks Murder, because it would damage your own well-being.

From there, it's a logical chain of "morals" that becomes self evident, in nature alone. No God needed but in FACT, the "God" of the bible is not trust-worthy, as he's ordered genocide, rape, baby killing etc. in one "covenant" and changed his mind in the next. His morals are subjective, not universal or unchanging...and they're also pretty abhorrent, at that.

Secular society has caused almost ALL religions to, COUGH, "reinterpret" their scriptures as we've evolved to thinking that their past interpretations were Barbaric. That's history, fingers in your ears.

Dear G.T. where Weatherman2020 is referring to common truth,
we DO need to AGREE on a common standard of truth and justice
in order not to fight to impose some biased version of this that only helps one group.

If we rely on "man made" justice, this is why our govt and legal/party system gets
corrupted. Because people are biased and will fight to keep what benefits them.
It's like letting Congress vote in their own benefits and pay raises, we know how that goes.

What we need is a policy system that represents EVERYONE EQUALLY
so there is not selfish abuse to hijack the system and only use it to help SOME PEOPLE.

That's the flaw with man made justice.

That's why Equal Justice Under Law requires something higher than
only what we perceive and imagine for ourselves individually.

Together, we can check and balance each other against abuses from selfish biased interests
that leave other people out.

So that UNIVERSAL and INCLUSIVE process that treats ALL PEOPLE AS EQUAL
is what it means to draw on and invoke/compel by "God's Laws" or "Jesus as perfect
Justice" that is ABOVE manmade selfish interests and is truly Truth and Justice for ALL.

That is so perfect, people call it God.
But it means universal truth that applies includes and represents/protects
Absolute nonsense. Every culture has had laws against harming others, whether murder, rape or just assault. There have been social classes that were exempt, but that is more about corruption than about morality.

I have had numerous people tell me that without God people would murder and rape as much as they wanted. I find that laughable. Right now I murder and rape as much as I want.
Those are the most dangerous people. For it is they, whom are held back from such acts only by their belief in God. Take OP for example. He flat out said it. For that reason alone I’m glad many people believe in God...
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If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

I don't need to invent a magic being in order to know that killing another person is wrong in every circumstance but in self defense
Where are people like you GETTING THIS FROM
that without belief in a PERSONIFIED GOD then anything goes?

Wouldn't the laws of SCIENCE and MATH work consistently
REGARDLESS if you believe "gravity" or "physics" was
"created by a God figure" or if you believe the world ALWAYS
existed without beginning or end, but is just SELF EXISTENT?

I don't get this.

What if GOD means the whole UNIVERSE and ALL EXISTENCE
ALWAYS EXISTED? What if it means the LAWS of LIFE
and NATURE are ETERNAL and will ALWAYS be.

Can't that occur with God not being limited to a personified figure
but God possibly being ALL creation/universe as self-existing and eternal?

So as long as people including Buddhists, Atheists and Naturalists
believe in the SAME UNIVERSAL LAWS governing humanity
and the world/universe (which Christians/Theists call God's laws),
why can't we all agree to follow the same laws
REGARDLESS if we describe the SOURCE of these laws
as a personified God figure or central source, or if
we attribute "God" to mean LIFE/CREATION itself.

Wouldn't the universal laws of nature and creation
still operate the same way? And why can't we agree on
those laws even if we frame God in different ways as the source
of naturally existing laws?

If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

If there is no higher authority, then everyone’s morality is equal. If you say government is the higher authority, I can point to dozens of governments where it was perfectly acceptable to drag you out of your bed, shoot you and rape your daughters.

If you can’t grasp that simple logic then you need to ponder it some more.

Your logic is incoherent.

If morality is merely what humans have created as their best system to advance well-being, then there are objective right and wrong answers using cause and effect analysis to determine the best moral systems.

That's also indicative in reality, and not just philosophically - as we evolve, previously accepted morals have become barbaric, or extinct. That's due to a better cause/effect analysis, as it pertains to well-being.

It's pretty simple shit.

You'll never be the toughest guy on earth...therefore, it's probably not a good idea to let folks Murder, because it would damage your own well-being.

From there, it's a logical chain of "morals" that becomes self evident, in nature alone. No God needed but in FACT, the "God" of the bible is not trust-worthy, as he's ordered genocide, rape, baby killing etc. in one "covenant" and changed his mind in the next. His morals are subjective, not universal or unchanging...and they're also pretty abhorrent, at that.

Secular society has caused almost ALL religions to, COUGH, "reinterpret" their scriptures as we've evolved to thinking that their past interpretations were Barbaric. That's history, fingers in your ears.

Dear G.T. where Weatherman2020 is referring to common truth,
we DO need to AGREE on a common standard of truth and justice
in order not to fight to impose some biased version of this that only helps one group.

If we rely on "man made" justice, this is why our govt and legal/party system gets
corrupted. Because people are biased and will fight to keep what benefits them.
It's like letting Congress vote in their own benefits and pay raises, we know how that goes.

What we need is a policy system that represents EVERYONE EQUALLY
so there is not selfish abuse to hijack the system and only use it to help SOME PEOPLE.

That's the flaw with man made justice.

That's why Equal Justice Under Law requires something higher than
only what we perceive and imagine for ourselves individually.

Together, we can check and balance each other against abuses from selfish biased interests
that leave other people out.

So that UNIVERSAL and INCLUSIVE process that treats ALL PEOPLE AS EQUAL
is what it means to draw on and invoke/compel by "God's Laws" or "Jesus as perfect
Justice" that is ABOVE manmade selfish interests and is truly Truth and Justice for ALL.

That is so perfect, people call it God.
But it means universal truth that applies includes and represents/protects

Im not reading this diatribe of convolution.

Logic and reason is enough to determine the best set of morals.

No sky daddy, no faux idols necessary.

Cause and effect evaluated against overall well being is enough, and its evident that its all we've ever used...even pulled from to invent the phony religions of the worlds' "moralities."
If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

And yet, "God" is on record ordering murder.
Im not reading this diatribe of convolution.

Logic and reason is enough to determine the best set of morals.

No sky daddy, no faux idols necessary.

Cause and effect evaluated against overall well being is enough, and its evident that its all we've ever used...even pulled from to invent the phony religions of the worlds' "moralities."

I would agree up to that last sentence. Morality reflects the particular society's values and religion simply justifies it. So Christianity was used to support slavery and to oppose it, to support Jim Crow laws and the civil rights movement. That big question of What Would Jesus Do, can typically be answered with "whatever makes me right." It's all just people acting like people.
Where are people like you GETTING THIS FROM
that without belief in a PERSONIFIED GOD then anything goes?

Wouldn't the laws of SCIENCE and MATH work consistently
REGARDLESS if you believe "gravity" or "physics" was
"created by a God figure" or if you believe the world ALWAYS
existed without beginning or end, but is just SELF EXISTENT?

I don't get this.

What if GOD means the whole UNIVERSE and ALL EXISTENCE
ALWAYS EXISTED? What if it means the LAWS of LIFE
and NATURE are ETERNAL and will ALWAYS be.

Can't that occur with God not being limited to a personified figure
but God possibly being ALL creation/universe as self-existing and eternal?

So as long as people including Buddhists, Atheists and Naturalists
believe in the SAME UNIVERSAL LAWS governing humanity
and the world/universe (which Christians/Theists call God's laws),
why can't we all agree to follow the same laws
REGARDLESS if we describe the SOURCE of these laws
as a personified God figure or central source, or if
we attribute "God" to mean LIFE/CREATION itself.

Wouldn't the universal laws of nature and creation
still operate the same way? And why can't we agree on
those laws even if we frame God in different ways as the source
of naturally existing laws?

If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

If there is no higher authority, then everyone’s morality is equal. If you say government is the higher authority, I can point to dozens of governments where it was perfectly acceptable to drag you out of your bed, shoot you and rape your daughters.

If you can’t grasp that simple logic then you need to ponder it some more.

Your logic is incoherent.

If morality is merely what humans have created as their best system to advance well-being, then there are objective right and wrong answers using cause and effect analysis to determine the best moral systems.

That's also indicative in reality, and not just philosophically - as we evolve, previously accepted morals have become barbaric, or extinct. That's due to a better cause/effect analysis, as it pertains to well-being.

It's pretty simple shit.

You'll never be the toughest guy on earth...therefore, it's probably not a good idea to let folks Murder, because it would damage your own well-being.

From there, it's a logical chain of "morals" that becomes self evident, in nature alone. No God needed but in FACT, the "God" of the bible is not trust-worthy, as he's ordered genocide, rape, baby killing etc. in one "covenant" and changed his mind in the next. His morals are subjective, not universal or unchanging...and they're also pretty abhorrent, at that.

Secular society has caused almost ALL religions to, COUGH, "reinterpret" their scriptures as we've evolved to thinking that their past interpretations were Barbaric. That's history, fingers in your ears.

There you go. Morality is OK when it’s defined by YOU. But YOU are just one voice of 3 BILLION voices.

Your inability to grasp the basic logic of who’s going to set rules for behavior is troubling for society. It’s why we are seeing a resurgence of advocates for communism and socialism. You can’t learn basic principles.

Let me help you.

Jeffry Dahmer is just as moral as Mother Teresa if there is no God. Fact. No dancing around it.
If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

And yet, "God" is on record ordering murder.
View attachment 274336

Yep, and they didn’t do it. And a couple of decades later the Amalekites went after David and the families of his men, and two centuries later they tried to exterminate all Jews (Esther).
So, Saul’s incomplete obedience almost resulted in Israel’s destruction. God knew this would occur, so He ordered the extermination of the Amalekites ahead of time.
It is wise to do what God says.
Where are people like you GETTING THIS FROM
that without belief in a PERSONIFIED GOD then anything goes?

Wouldn't the laws of SCIENCE and MATH work consistently
REGARDLESS if you believe "gravity" or "physics" was
"created by a God figure" or if you believe the world ALWAYS
existed without beginning or end, but is just SELF EXISTENT?

I don't get this.

What if GOD means the whole UNIVERSE and ALL EXISTENCE
ALWAYS EXISTED? What if it means the LAWS of LIFE
and NATURE are ETERNAL and will ALWAYS be.

Can't that occur with God not being limited to a personified figure
but God possibly being ALL creation/universe as self-existing and eternal?

So as long as people including Buddhists, Atheists and Naturalists
believe in the SAME UNIVERSAL LAWS governing humanity
and the world/universe (which Christians/Theists call God's laws),
why can't we all agree to follow the same laws
REGARDLESS if we describe the SOURCE of these laws
as a personified God figure or central source, or if
we attribute "God" to mean LIFE/CREATION itself.

Wouldn't the universal laws of nature and creation
still operate the same way? And why can't we agree on
those laws even if we frame God in different ways as the source
of naturally existing laws?

If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

If there is no higher authority, then everyone’s morality is equal. If you say government is the higher authority, I can point to dozens of governments where it was perfectly acceptable to drag you out of your bed, shoot you and rape your daughters.

If you can’t grasp that simple logic then you need to ponder it some more.

Your logic is incoherent.

If morality is merely what humans have created as their best system to advance well-being, then there are objective right and wrong answers using cause and effect analysis to determine the best moral systems.

That's also indicative in reality, and not just philosophically - as we evolve, previously accepted morals have become barbaric, or extinct. That's due to a better cause/effect analysis, as it pertains to well-being.

It's pretty simple shit.

You'll never be the toughest guy on earth...therefore, it's probably not a good idea to let folks Murder, because it would damage your own well-being.

From there, it's a logical chain of "morals" that becomes self evident, in nature alone. No God needed but in FACT, the "God" of the bible is not trust-worthy, as he's ordered genocide, rape, baby killing etc. in one "covenant" and changed his mind in the next. His morals are subjective, not universal or unchanging...and they're also pretty abhorrent, at that.

Secular society has caused almost ALL religions to, COUGH, "reinterpret" their scriptures as we've evolved to thinking that their past interpretations were Barbaric. That's history, fingers in your ears.

Dear G.T. where Weatherman2020 is referring to common truth,
we DO need to AGREE on a common standard of truth and justice
in order not to fight to impose some biased version of this that only helps one group.

If we rely on "man made" justice, this is why our govt and legal/party system gets
corrupted. Because people are biased and will fight to keep what benefits them.
It's like letting Congress vote in their own benefits and pay raises, we know how that goes.

What we need is a policy system that represents EVERYONE EQUALLY
so there is not selfish abuse to hijack the system and only use it to help SOME PEOPLE.

That's the flaw with man made justice.

That's why Equal Justice Under Law requires something higher than
only what we perceive and imagine for ourselves individually.

Together, we can check and balance each other against abuses from selfish biased interests
that leave other people out.

So that UNIVERSAL and INCLUSIVE process that treats ALL PEOPLE AS EQUAL
is what it means to draw on and invoke/compel by "God's Laws" or "Jesus as perfect
Justice" that is ABOVE manmade selfish interests and is truly Truth and Justice for ALL.

That is so perfect, people call it God.
But it means universal truth that applies includes and represents/protects

Im not reading this diatribe of convolution.

Logic and reason is enough to determine the best set of morals.

No sky daddy, no faux idols necessary.

Cause and effect evaluated against overall well being is enough, and its evident that its all we've ever used...even pulled from to invent the phony religions of the worlds' "moralities."

So you agree that Pol Pot is just as moral as you are.
If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

Thank you for the glimpse into your horrible morality. You only think murder is wrong because you are told to think it is wrong. That's special.

Your morality is equal to Charles Manson’s.

Sorry, that makes no sense. You are the one telling everyone you only believe murder is wrong because you want to save your own, imaginary soul. How immoral.
Those are the most dangerous people. For it is they, whom are held back from such acts only by their belief in God. Take OP for example. He flat out said it. For that reason alone I’m glad many people believe in God...
Nah. I may be giving him a hard time over his childish, simpleton rhetoric, but these cafeteria christians generally get their morality from society, not from their silly book of iron aged fiction.
If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

Thank you for the glimpse into your horrible morality. You only think murder is wrong because you are told to think it is wrong. That's special.

Your morality is equal to Charles Manson’s.

Sorry, that makes no sense. You are the one telling everyone you only believe murder is wrong because you want to save your own, imaginary soul. How immoral.

Of course simple logic makes no sense to you. That’s why you’re into socialism and communism.

YOU don’t set the rules on morality. I do. No, Joe does. Mary says she does.

Who sets the rules?
Where are people like you GETTING THIS FROM
that without belief in a PERSONIFIED GOD then anything goes?

Wouldn't the laws of SCIENCE and MATH work consistently
REGARDLESS if you believe "gravity" or "physics" was
"created by a God figure" or if you believe the world ALWAYS
existed without beginning or end, but is just SELF EXISTENT?

I don't get this.

What if GOD means the whole UNIVERSE and ALL EXISTENCE
ALWAYS EXISTED? What if it means the LAWS of LIFE
and NATURE are ETERNAL and will ALWAYS be.

Can't that occur with God not being limited to a personified figure
but God possibly being ALL creation/universe as self-existing and eternal?

So as long as people including Buddhists, Atheists and Naturalists
believe in the SAME UNIVERSAL LAWS governing humanity
and the world/universe (which Christians/Theists call God's laws),
why can't we all agree to follow the same laws
REGARDLESS if we describe the SOURCE of these laws
as a personified God figure or central source, or if
we attribute "God" to mean LIFE/CREATION itself.

Wouldn't the universal laws of nature and creation
still operate the same way? And why can't we agree on
those laws even if we frame God in different ways as the source
of naturally existing laws?

If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

If there is no higher authority, then everyone’s morality is equal. If you say government is the higher authority, I can point to dozens of governments where it was perfectly acceptable to drag you out of your bed, shoot you and rape your daughters.

If you can’t grasp that simple logic then you need to ponder it some more.

Your logic is incoherent.

If morality is merely what humans have created as their best system to advance well-being, then there are objective right and wrong answers using cause and effect analysis to determine the best moral systems.

That's also indicative in reality, and not just philosophically - as we evolve, previously accepted morals have become barbaric, or extinct. That's due to a better cause/effect analysis, as it pertains to well-being.

It's pretty simple shit.

You'll never be the toughest guy on earth...therefore, it's probably not a good idea to let folks Murder, because it would damage your own well-being.

From there, it's a logical chain of "morals" that becomes self evident, in nature alone. No God needed but in FACT, the "God" of the bible is not trust-worthy, as he's ordered genocide, rape, baby killing etc. in one "covenant" and changed his mind in the next. His morals are subjective, not universal or unchanging...and they're also pretty abhorrent, at that.

Secular society has caused almost ALL religions to, COUGH, "reinterpret" their scriptures as we've evolved to thinking that their past interpretations were Barbaric. That's history, fingers in your ears.

There you go. Morality is OK when it’s defined by YOU. But YOU are just one voice of 3 BILLION voices.

Your inability to grasp the basic logic of who’s going to set rules for behavior is troubling for society. It’s why we are seeing a resurgence of advocates for communism and socialism. You can’t learn basic principles.

Let me help you.

Jeffry Dahmer is just as moral as Mother Teresa if there is no God. Fact. No dancing around it.

Morality is not some magical thing bestowed upon us. Its a mere name we have given to our ethical systems. The argument youre having with yourself presupposes that its magical. Its not. Its apparent survival ethics. Cause and effect. Easy concepts.
Where are people like you GETTING THIS FROM
that without belief in a PERSONIFIED GOD then anything goes?

Wouldn't the laws of SCIENCE and MATH work consistently
REGARDLESS if you believe "gravity" or "physics" was
"created by a God figure" or if you believe the world ALWAYS
existed without beginning or end, but is just SELF EXISTENT?

I don't get this.

What if GOD means the whole UNIVERSE and ALL EXISTENCE
ALWAYS EXISTED? What if it means the LAWS of LIFE
and NATURE are ETERNAL and will ALWAYS be.

Can't that occur with God not being limited to a personified figure
but God possibly being ALL creation/universe as self-existing and eternal?

So as long as people including Buddhists, Atheists and Naturalists
believe in the SAME UNIVERSAL LAWS governing humanity
and the world/universe (which Christians/Theists call God's laws),
why can't we all agree to follow the same laws
REGARDLESS if we describe the SOURCE of these laws
as a personified God figure or central source, or if
we attribute "God" to mean LIFE/CREATION itself.

Wouldn't the universal laws of nature and creation
still operate the same way? And why can't we agree on
those laws even if we frame God in different ways as the source
of naturally existing laws?

If there is no higher authority, then everyone’s morality is equal. If you say government is the higher authority, I can point to dozens of governments where it was perfectly acceptable to drag you out of your bed, shoot you and rape your daughters.

If you can’t grasp that simple logic then you need to ponder it some more.
Your logic is incoherent.

If morality is merely what humans have created as their best system to advance well-being, then there are objective right and wrong answers using cause and effect analysis to determine the best moral systems.

That's also indicative in reality, and not just philosophically - as we evolve, previously accepted morals have become barbaric, or extinct. That's due to a better cause/effect analysis, as it pertains to well-being.

It's pretty simple shit.

You'll never be the toughest guy on earth...therefore, it's probably not a good idea to let folks Murder, because it would damage your own well-being.

From there, it's a logical chain of "morals" that becomes self evident, in nature alone. No God needed but in FACT, the "God" of the bible is not trust-worthy, as he's ordered genocide, rape, baby killing etc. in one "covenant" and changed his mind in the next. His morals are subjective, not universal or unchanging...and they're also pretty abhorrent, at that.

Secular society has caused almost ALL religions to, COUGH, "reinterpret" their scriptures as we've evolved to thinking that their past interpretations were Barbaric. That's history, fingers in your ears.
Dear G.T. where Weatherman2020 is referring to common truth,
we DO need to AGREE on a common standard of truth and justice
in order not to fight to impose some biased version of this that only helps one group.

If we rely on "man made" justice, this is why our govt and legal/party system gets
corrupted. Because people are biased and will fight to keep what benefits them.
It's like letting Congress vote in their own benefits and pay raises, we know how that goes.

What we need is a policy system that represents EVERYONE EQUALLY
so there is not selfish abuse to hijack the system and only use it to help SOME PEOPLE.

That's the flaw with man made justice.

That's why Equal Justice Under Law requires something higher than
only what we perceive and imagine for ourselves individually.

Together, we can check and balance each other against abuses from selfish biased interests
that leave other people out.

So that UNIVERSAL and INCLUSIVE process that treats ALL PEOPLE AS EQUAL
is what it means to draw on and invoke/compel by "God's Laws" or "Jesus as perfect
Justice" that is ABOVE manmade selfish interests and is truly Truth and Justice for ALL.

That is so perfect, people call it God.
But it means universal truth that applies includes and represents/protects
Im not reading this diatribe of convolution.

Logic and reason is enough to determine the best set of morals.

No sky daddy, no faux idols necessary.

Cause and effect evaluated against overall well being is enough, and its evident that its all we've ever used...even pulled from to invent the phony religions of the worlds' "moralities."
So you agree that Pol Pot is just as moral as you are.
No, I define morals as the ethical system based on well being. That would be retarded to consider pol pot moral, and your arguments are bankrupt.
Where are people like you GETTING THIS FROM
that without belief in a PERSONIFIED GOD then anything goes?

Wouldn't the laws of SCIENCE and MATH work consistently
REGARDLESS if you believe "gravity" or "physics" was
"created by a God figure" or if you believe the world ALWAYS
existed without beginning or end, but is just SELF EXISTENT?

I don't get this.

What if GOD means the whole UNIVERSE and ALL EXISTENCE
ALWAYS EXISTED? What if it means the LAWS of LIFE
and NATURE are ETERNAL and will ALWAYS be.

Can't that occur with God not being limited to a personified figure
but God possibly being ALL creation/universe as self-existing and eternal?

So as long as people including Buddhists, Atheists and Naturalists
believe in the SAME UNIVERSAL LAWS governing humanity
and the world/universe (which Christians/Theists call God's laws),
why can't we all agree to follow the same laws
REGARDLESS if we describe the SOURCE of these laws
as a personified God figure or central source, or if
we attribute "God" to mean LIFE/CREATION itself.

Wouldn't the universal laws of nature and creation
still operate the same way? And why can't we agree on
those laws even if we frame God in different ways as the source
of naturally existing laws?

If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

If there is no higher authority, then everyone’s morality is equal. If you say government is the higher authority, I can point to dozens of governments where it was perfectly acceptable to drag you out of your bed, shoot you and rape your daughters.

If you can’t grasp that simple logic then you need to ponder it some more.

Your logic is incoherent.

If morality is merely what humans have created as their best system to advance well-being, then there are objective right and wrong answers using cause and effect analysis to determine the best moral systems.

That's also indicative in reality, and not just philosophically - as we evolve, previously accepted morals have become barbaric, or extinct. That's due to a better cause/effect analysis, as it pertains to well-being.

It's pretty simple shit.

You'll never be the toughest guy on earth...therefore, it's probably not a good idea to let folks Murder, because it would damage your own well-being.

From there, it's a logical chain of "morals" that becomes self evident, in nature alone. No God needed but in FACT, the "God" of the bible is not trust-worthy, as he's ordered genocide, rape, baby killing etc. in one "covenant" and changed his mind in the next. His morals are subjective, not universal or unchanging...and they're also pretty abhorrent, at that.

Secular society has caused almost ALL religions to, COUGH, "reinterpret" their scriptures as we've evolved to thinking that their past interpretations were Barbaric. That's history, fingers in your ears.

There you go. Morality is OK when it’s defined by YOU. But YOU are just one voice of 3 BILLION voices.

Your inability to grasp the basic logic of who’s going to set rules for behavior is troubling for society. It’s why we are seeing a resurgence of advocates for communism and socialism. You can’t learn basic principles.

Let me help you.

Jeffry Dahmer is just as moral as Mother Teresa if there is no God. Fact. No dancing around it.

Morality is not some magical thing bestowed upon us. Its a mere name we have given to our ethical systems. The argument youre having with yourself presupposes that its magical. Its not. Its apparent survival ethics. Cause and effect. Easy concepts.

We are just animals and kill for pleasure as well as for food.

It’s only natural to shoot children.
Where are people like you GETTING THIS FROM
that without belief in a PERSONIFIED GOD then anything goes?

Wouldn't the laws of SCIENCE and MATH work consistently
REGARDLESS if you believe "gravity" or "physics" was
"created by a God figure" or if you believe the world ALWAYS
existed without beginning or end, but is just SELF EXISTENT?

I don't get this.

What if GOD means the whole UNIVERSE and ALL EXISTENCE
ALWAYS EXISTED? What if it means the LAWS of LIFE
and NATURE are ETERNAL and will ALWAYS be.

Can't that occur with God not being limited to a personified figure
but God possibly being ALL creation/universe as self-existing and eternal?

So as long as people including Buddhists, Atheists and Naturalists
believe in the SAME UNIVERSAL LAWS governing humanity
and the world/universe (which Christians/Theists call God's laws),
why can't we all agree to follow the same laws
REGARDLESS if we describe the SOURCE of these laws
as a personified God figure or central source, or if
we attribute "God" to mean LIFE/CREATION itself.

Wouldn't the universal laws of nature and creation
still operate the same way? And why can't we agree on
those laws even if we frame God in different ways as the source
of naturally existing laws?

If there is no higher authority, then everyone’s morality is equal. If you say government is the higher authority, I can point to dozens of governments where it was perfectly acceptable to drag you out of your bed, shoot you and rape your daughters.

If you can’t grasp that simple logic then you need to ponder it some more.
Your logic is incoherent.

If morality is merely what humans have created as their best system to advance well-being, then there are objective right and wrong answers using cause and effect analysis to determine the best moral systems.

That's also indicative in reality, and not just philosophically - as we evolve, previously accepted morals have become barbaric, or extinct. That's due to a better cause/effect analysis, as it pertains to well-being.

It's pretty simple shit.

You'll never be the toughest guy on earth...therefore, it's probably not a good idea to let folks Murder, because it would damage your own well-being.

From there, it's a logical chain of "morals" that becomes self evident, in nature alone. No God needed but in FACT, the "God" of the bible is not trust-worthy, as he's ordered genocide, rape, baby killing etc. in one "covenant" and changed his mind in the next. His morals are subjective, not universal or unchanging...and they're also pretty abhorrent, at that.

Secular society has caused almost ALL religions to, COUGH, "reinterpret" their scriptures as we've evolved to thinking that their past interpretations were Barbaric. That's history, fingers in your ears.
There you go. Morality is OK when it’s defined by YOU. But YOU are just one voice of 3 BILLION voices.

Your inability to grasp the basic logic of who’s going to set rules for behavior is troubling for society. It’s why we are seeing a resurgence of advocates for communism and socialism. You can’t learn basic principles.

Let me help you.

Jeffry Dahmer is just as moral as Mother Teresa if there is no God. Fact. No dancing around it.
Morality is not some magical thing bestowed upon us. Its a mere name we have given to our ethical systems. The argument youre having with yourself presupposes that its magical. Its not. Its apparent survival ethics. Cause and effect. Easy concepts.
We are just animals and kill for pleasure as well as for food.

It’s only natural to shoot children.
According to you.

What I see is that humans form social communes and they've elevated us to the fittest species on earth.
If there is no higher authority, then everyone’s morality is equal. If you say government is the higher authority, I can point to dozens of governments where it was perfectly acceptable to drag you out of your bed, shoot you and rape your daughters.

If you can’t grasp that simple logic then you need to ponder it some more.
Your logic is incoherent.

If morality is merely what humans have created as their best system to advance well-being, then there are objective right and wrong answers using cause and effect analysis to determine the best moral systems.

That's also indicative in reality, and not just philosophically - as we evolve, previously accepted morals have become barbaric, or extinct. That's due to a better cause/effect analysis, as it pertains to well-being.

It's pretty simple shit.

You'll never be the toughest guy on earth...therefore, it's probably not a good idea to let folks Murder, because it would damage your own well-being.

From there, it's a logical chain of "morals" that becomes self evident, in nature alone. No God needed but in FACT, the "God" of the bible is not trust-worthy, as he's ordered genocide, rape, baby killing etc. in one "covenant" and changed his mind in the next. His morals are subjective, not universal or unchanging...and they're also pretty abhorrent, at that.

Secular society has caused almost ALL religions to, COUGH, "reinterpret" their scriptures as we've evolved to thinking that their past interpretations were Barbaric. That's history, fingers in your ears.
There you go. Morality is OK when it’s defined by YOU. But YOU are just one voice of 3 BILLION voices.

Your inability to grasp the basic logic of who’s going to set rules for behavior is troubling for society. It’s why we are seeing a resurgence of advocates for communism and socialism. You can’t learn basic principles.

Let me help you.

Jeffry Dahmer is just as moral as Mother Teresa if there is no God. Fact. No dancing around it.
Morality is not some magical thing bestowed upon us. Its a mere name we have given to our ethical systems. The argument youre having with yourself presupposes that its magical. Its not. Its apparent survival ethics. Cause and effect. Easy concepts.
We are just animals and kill for pleasure as well as for food.

It’s only natural to shoot children.
According to you.

What I see is that humans form social communes and they've elevated us to the fittest species on earth.
Ah, humans form social communities for morality!

Like the community that took hundreds of thousands of babies by the feet and bashed their brains out against this tree.


Perfectly acceptable and unacceptable for you to push your twisted beliefs upon them.

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