If The Media Weren't An Arm Of The DNC....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
You might actually see this sort of news.

"Looks Like Trump Was Right About The Coronavirus Fatality Rate

Two new studies suggest that President Trump was right in early March when he guessed the fatality rate for coronavirus is under 1 percent.
APRIL 23, 2020 By David Marcus
In early March, President Donald Trump was lambasted for saying on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show that he had a hunch the coronavirus fatality rate, which the World Health Organization pegged then at 3 to 4 percent, was in fact much lower, under 1 percent.

...as many as 2.7 million people statewide have had the coronavirus. That along with the just over 15,000 deaths that have occurred leads to a fatality rate for the virus of .5 percent according to Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Here is what Trump said on March 4:

“Well, I think the 3.4 percent is really a false number. Now, and this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this. Because a lot people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor.”

He went on to say:

“I think that that number (the WHO number) is very high. I think the number, personally, I would say the number is way under 1 percent.”

Democrats and media pundits blasted Trump for spreading “misinformation.”

On the other hand,....appears that Hillary will win.....
October 25, 2016...NYTimes gave Hillary 93% chance of winning the election.
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?
You might actually see this sort of news.

"Looks Like Trump Was Right About The Coronavirus Fatality Rate

Two new studies suggest that President Trump was right in early March when he guessed the fatality rate for coronavirus is under 1 percent.
APRIL 23, 2020 By David Marcus
In early March, President Donald Trump was lambasted for saying on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show that he had a hunch the coronavirus fatality rate, which the World Health Organization pegged then at 3 to 4 percent, was in fact much lower, under 1 percent.

...as many as 2.7 million people statewide have had the coronavirus. That along with the just over 15,000 deaths that have occurred leads to a fatality rate for the virus of .5 percent according to Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Here is what Trump said on March 4:

“Well, I think the 3.4 percent is really a false number. Now, and this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this. Because a lot people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor.”

He went on to say:

“I think that that number (the WHO number) is very high. I think the number, personally, I would say the number is way under 1 percent.”

Democrats and media pundits blasted Trump for spreading “misinformation.”

On the other hand,....appears that Hillary will win.....
October 25, 2016...NYTimes gave Hillary 93% chance of winning the election.
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?
Thanks for the post, PC.
All you have to do is watch the media dedicated to the Banana Republicans for these talking points.

Everyone knows the cases as well as the deaths are being under reported. We're still in the first quarter of the battle and without a cohesive national testing strategy we will continue to flounder in a sea of uncertainty and partisan propaganda.
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All you have to do is watch the media dedicated to the Banana Republicans for these talking points.

Everyone knows the cases well as the deaths are being under reported. We're still in the first quarter of the battle and without a cohesive national testing strategy we will continue to flounder in a sea of uncertainty and partisan propaganda.
Under-reported by who ?
All you have to do is watch the media dedicated to the Banana Republicans for these talking points.

Everyone knows the cases as well as the deaths are being under reported. We're still in the first quarter of the battle and without a cohesive national testing strategy we will continue to flounder in a sea of uncertainty and partisan propaganda.

Yea, and a certain poster is watching it all happen from St. Petersburg or Moscow, but that's another story….
All you have to do is watch the media dedicated to the Banana Republicans for these talking points.

Everyone knows the cases well as the deaths are being under reported. We're still in the first quarter of the battle and without a cohesive national testing strategy we will continue to flounder in a sea of uncertainty and partisan propaganda.
Under-reported by who ?

The untested.
All you have to do is watch the media dedicated to the Banana Republicans for these talking points.

Everyone knows the cases as well as the deaths are being under reported. We're still in the first quarter of the battle and without a cohesive national testing strategy we will continue to flounder in a sea of uncertainty and partisan propaganda.

There are many more infected than what the official number shows here. How are the deaths being under reported? Everything is being coded covid ID. If anything, the number of deaths is being over-reported.
All you have to do is watch the media dedicated to the Banana Republicans for these talking points.

Everyone knows the cases well as the deaths are being under reported. We're still in the first quarter of the battle and without a cohesive national testing strategy we will continue to flounder in a sea of uncertainty and partisan propaganda.
Under-reported by who ?

The untested.
They are counting deaths of people who were never tested as Chinese Virus deaths.

Over reported.
All you have to do is watch the media dedicated to the Banana Republicans for these talking points.

Everyone knows the cases well as the deaths are being under reported. We're still in the first quarter of the battle and without a cohesive national testing strategy we will continue to flounder in a sea of uncertainty and partisan propaganda.
Under-reported by who ?

The untested.
They are counting deaths of people who were never tested as Chinese Virus deaths.

Over reported.
If anyone's under-reporting fatalities it's China.
Does anyone honestly believe the US has 10 times more deaths than them ?
All you have to do is watch the media dedicated to the Banana Republicans for these talking points.

Everyone knows the cases as well as the deaths are being under reported. We're still in the first quarter of the battle and without a cohesive national testing strategy we will continue to flounder in a sea of uncertainty and partisan propaganda.

There are many more infected than what the official number shows here. How are the deaths being under reported? Everything is being coded covid ID. If anything, the number of deaths is being over-reported.

"Pneumonia and influenza deaths are included to provide context for understanding the completeness of COVID-19 mortality data and related trends. Deaths due to COVID-19 may be misclassified as pneumonia or influenza deaths in the absence of positive test results, and these conditions may appear on death certificates as a comorbid condition. Thus, increases in pneumonia or influenza deaths may be an indicator of excess COVID-19-related mortality. Additionally, estimates of completeness for influenza or pneumonia deaths may provide context for understanding the lag in reporting for COVID-19 deaths, as it is anticipated that these causes would have similar delays in reporting, processing, and coding. However, it is possible that reporting of COVID-19 mortality may be slower or faster than for other causes of death, and that the delay may change over time. Analyses to better understand and quantify reporting delays for COVID-19 deaths and related causes are underway. "

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If the media wasn't an arm of the DNC is as much wishing the DNC wasn't an arm of the PRC. That makes the media an arm of the PRC.
Which "media" are you talking about? Fox? CNN? Breitbart? NBC? Gateway Pundit? The Hill? BBC? Huffington Post? Christian Broadcasting? The "media" as a conglomeration of companies that compete against each other.
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All you have to do is watch the media dedicated to the Banana Republicans for these talking points.

Everyone knows the cases well as the deaths are being under reported. We're still in the first quarter of the battle and without a cohesive national testing strategy we will continue to flounder in a sea of uncertainty and partisan propaganda.
Under-reported by who ?

The untested.
They are counting deaths of people who were never tested as Chinese Virus deaths.

Over reported.

The CDC is reporting 73,358 deaths with Pneumonia, Influenza, or COVID-19

All you have to do is watch the media dedicated to the Banana Republicans for these talking points.

Everyone knows the cases as well as the deaths are being under reported. We're still in the first quarter of the battle and without a cohesive national testing strategy we will continue to flounder in a sea of uncertainty and partisan propaganda.

"Everyone knows the cases as well as the deaths are being under reported."

As usual, you are a blatant liar.

Let's prove it:

You and the lying media claim ever....EVERY.....death is due to the virus.

“The underlying cause depends upon what and where conditions are reported on the death certificate. However, the rules for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID- 19 being the underlying cause more often than not,” the guidelines read.

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.

“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”
Is The Number of Deaths Due To COVID-19 Being Inflated, And, If So, Why? | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

"As we have yet to reach the total death rate reported in 2019 for the same time period (January 1st and April 9th), it appears that there is something seriously wrong with the way this pandemic has been reported and handled by the medical community, the media, and the politicians.

Pathetically, it most likely isn’t going to get better when as of April 8, 2020, all patients with coronavirus are now being classified as “Death due to COVID-19,” regardless of the real cause of death. This draconian method of manipulating data to conform to your hypothesis is pure evil. It allows the medical community, the media, and politicians to cover up their errors, distort their miscalculations, and falsify their reports so that they can justify even further measures that will attempt to control, manipulate, and profit from those who don’t understand the importance of “statistical significance”. Statistically Significant: Why It Makes a Difference - Tom McFie

"Questions remain about the death of a Hartford infant, despite governor’s claim death was linked to coronavirus

An official cause of death remains outstanding pending toxicology results, and officials said it is possible the child died not from the virus but from an underlying condition, sudden infant death syndrome or positional asphyxiation.
In the absence of that official determination Friday, Lamont and Connecticut State Epidemiologist Matthew Cartter retreated from directly connecting the cause of the infant’s death to the virus.

[Democrat] "...Lamont presented the baby’s death as specifically caused by the virus, even though Chief Medical Examiner James Gill’s official cause of death finding is still outstanding."

Questions remain about the death of a Hartford infant, despite governor’s claim death was linked to coronavirus

Despite Gov. Ned Lamont's announcement this week that a six-week-old infant in Hartford was the youngest fatality of the coronavirus pandemic, medical examiners still have not officially ruled the virus played any role in the child's death.

The death toll is inflated to weaponize it against the current administration.

Sadly, I don't believe that any medication will cure your prevarications.
All you have to do is watch the media dedicated to the Banana Republicans for these talking points.

Everyone knows the cases as well as the deaths are being under reported. We're still in the first quarter of the battle and without a cohesive national testing strategy we will continue to flounder in a sea of uncertainty and partisan propaganda.

Yea, and a certain poster is watching it all happen from St. Petersburg or Moscow, but that's another story….

To appear as though you were an adult, first and foremost.....drop any reference to Putin and Russia.

That plot was exploded by the Mueller fiasco.

If there was any doubt who Putin favored as President….the dossier was a Russian attempt to sink the Trump campaign.

Second.....you, being as ignorant as you are, don't realize that the Democrat Party is the one that supported, shielded, and took orders from the Soviets for 70 years, and Obama made a quid pro quo with Putin.....here:

Third,....the Democrat Party today stands for all of the aims of the Communist Party.

Succinctly put.....rules #1 and #2

Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
All you have to do is watch the media dedicated to the Banana Republicans for these talking points.

Everyone knows the cases well as the deaths are being under reported. We're still in the first quarter of the battle and without a cohesive national testing strategy we will continue to flounder in a sea of uncertainty and partisan propaganda.
Under-reported by who ?

The untested.

"While this data is preliminary, it is backed up by another study in Los Angeles that found 40 times more people had carried the virus then were previously known. This dropped the fatality rate in LA from 4.5 percent to .1-.3 percent.

It is difficult to stress how important these findings are. The 5-week lockdown that has destroyed the American economy was put in place by contemplating what looks to be rather absurd numbers by the WHO."
You put a lot of wasted energy in to the misguided notion a guess about the mortality rate is more important to people than not preventing the death of their friends and relatives by acting sooner.
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You and the lying media claim ever....EVERY.....death is due to the virus.

The CDC is reporting 73,358 deaths with Pneumonia, Influenza, or COVID-19. as of 24th of April, yet the networks are reporting just over 50,000 Covid-19 deaths.

As usual you are spreading misinformation.

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All you have to do is watch the media dedicated to the Banana Republicans for these talking points.

Everyone knows the cases as well as the deaths are being under reported. We're still in the first quarter of the battle and without a cohesive national testing strategy we will continue to flounder in a sea of uncertainty and partisan propaganda.

There are many more infected than what the official number shows here. How are the deaths being under reported? Everything is being coded covid ID. If anything, the number of deaths is being over-reported.

"Pneumonia and influenza deaths are included to provide context for understanding the completeness of COVID-19 mortality data and related trends. Deaths due to COVID-19 may be misclassified as pneumonia or influenza deaths in the absence of positive test results, and these conditions may appear on death certificates as a comorbid condition. Thus, increases in pneumonia or influenza deaths may be an indicator of excess COVID-19-related mortality. Additionally, estimates of completeness for influenza or pneumonia deaths may provide context for understanding the lag in reporting for COVID-19 deaths, as it is anticipated that these causes would have similar delays in reporting, processing, and coding. However, it is possible that reporting of COVID-19 mortality may be slower or faster than for other causes of death, and that the delay may change over time. Analyses to better understand and quantify reporting delays for COVID-19 deaths and related causes are underway. "

Here are some supporting data, reported by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), which mathematically and scientifically back up this bold hypothesis.

Out of 327.2 million people, there were 501,444 total deaths in the United States from January 1, through April 8th this year

4,065 of those deaths were from COVID-19

4,467 of those deaths were from the flu

35,230 of those deaths were from pneumonia

1,879 of these pneumonia cases also had COVID-19

Here we have some data that we use to calculate some scientific mathematical facts, not propaganda.

0.153% of the US population died between January 1 and April 4, 2020

0.81% of those deaths (0.001242% of the population) were due to COVID-19

0.89% of those deaths (0.001352% of the population) were due to the flu

766.67% more deaths have occurred from pneumonia than from COVID-19

Statistically Significant: Why It Makes a Difference - Tom McFie
Second.....you, being as ignorant as you are, don't realize that the Democrat Party is the one that supported, shielded, and took orders from the Soviets for 70 years, and Obama made a quid pro quo with Putin.....here:
I caught you in another lie. Have you no shame?


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