Why doesn't the MSM tout this number...94% of COVID-19 cases in USA survive.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Since 4/12/20 when I started tracking COVID-19 from the below web site BEGAN reporting COVID-19 deaths and cases.

The percentage of COVID-19 people that survive is 94.467%...meaning 9 out of 10 people with COVID-19 weren't hospitalized, didn't DIE.
Again the MSM has presented this as an opportunity to BASH Trump.
And as Rush said today...it is funny, ONLY the Blue states, i.e. Governors... are resisting the re-opening of their states.
In fact here is exactly what Rush said:
But when I see the political people choose a side on this, and I see uniformity in the Democrat Party about
making sure that you stay shut down,
making sure that your business stays shut down,
making sure that your job remains shut down so that you have no income?
When I see total conformity among a political class of people — Democrats, leftists, whatever — folks, I think those people are dangerous.

And so again... where is the MSM telling Americans... 9 out of 10 COVID-19 cases SURVIVE.
Total Cases 840,340 minus minus 46,497 deaths minus leaves 793,843 people with COVID-19 that survived. Not Hospitalized.
WHERE is the MSM? That 9 out 10 people SURVIVE!!!
AGAIN biased MSM a way to NOT tell Americans the WHOLE TRUTH

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Since 4/12/20 when I started tracking COVID-19 from the below web site BEGAN reporting COVID-19 deaths and cases.

The percentage of COVID-19 people that survive is 94.467%...meaning 9 out of 10 people with COVID-19 weren't hospitalized, didn't DIE.
Again the MSM has presented this as an opportunity to BASH Trump.
And as Rush said today...it is funny, ONLY the Blue states, i.e. Governors... are resisting the re-opening of their states.
In fact here is exactly what Rush said:
But when I see the political people choose a side on this, and I see uniformity in the Democrat Party about
making sure that you stay shut down,
making sure that your business stays shut down,
making sure that your job remains shut down so that you have no income?
When I see total conformity among a political class of people — Democrats, leftists, whatever — folks, I think those people are dangerous.

And so again... where is the MSM telling Americans... 9 out of 10 COVID-19 cases SURVIVE.
Total Cases 840,340 minus minus 46,497 deaths minus leaves 793,843 people with COVID-19 that survived. Not Hospitalized.
WHERE is the MSM? That 9 out 10 people SURVIVE!!!
AGAIN biased MSM a way to NOT tell Americans the WHOLE TRUTH

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Why dont the Lame Stream Media report on this and why dickhead Lahkota put a dislike for it, is because this looks good for the President and very very bad for the Libtardos who want to see Joe the groper Biden as their next cowardly president.
Been saying this from the beginning, this is basically the FLU. Granted, its more contagious, but its not exactly the Plague or Ebola. Why this over-reaction? We are destroying the economy here.
The mortality rate has been reported on many times. Unless it changes it's not exactly news.

Apparently some of you are not aware the KIAs and MIAs get attention, and not the majority who are not killed or wounded or even saw combat. The MSM reports news, it doesn't cover up the serious nature of the Pandemic as Fox has been doing for weeks.

Providing death statistics wakes up the people to the dangers and protections reported on the MSM, and not the crap that Hannity and trump and the other jerks conjure up.
Thank your lucky stars this thing does not have a 6% fatality rate.
You idiot..a 6% death rate would mean 18, 000,000 potential deaths in the US. Yeah, thanks for reminding us how serious this virus is.
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The vast majority of Minnesota’s COVID-19 deaths are cases associated with long-term care facilities, health officials said Tuesday as they focused attention on how the state is trying to protect some of its most vulnerable residents.

As of Tuesday, 113 of the 160 Minnesota residents confirmed to have died from the coronavirus were connected one way or another with long-term care facilities such as nursing homes, Coronavirus In Minnesota: COVID-19 Hits Hard At State’s Long-Term Care Facilities Serious if youre old.....not so much otherwise.....
What are you gonna do when cancer claims Rush Limbaugh? What will every rightwing dipshit tune into for their anti-Democrat fix? Is Hannity big enough to fill Rushie's shoes?

How ironic that cancer it going to eat itself.
Since 4/12/20 when I started tracking COVID-19 from the below web site BEGAN reporting COVID-19 deaths and cases.

The percentage of COVID-19 people that survive is 94.467%...meaning 9 out of 10 people with COVID-19 weren't hospitalized, didn't DIE.
Again the MSM has presented this as an opportunity to BASH Trump.
And as Rush said today...it is funny, ONLY the Blue states, i.e. Governors... are resisting the re-opening of their states.
In fact here is exactly what Rush said:
But when I see the political people choose a side on this, and I see uniformity in the Democrat Party about
making sure that you stay shut down,
making sure that your business stays shut down,
making sure that your job remains shut down so that you have no income?
When I see total conformity among a political class of people — Democrats, leftists, whatever — folks, I think those people are dangerous.

And so again... where is the MSM telling Americans... 9 out of 10 COVID-19 cases SURVIVE.
Total Cases 840,340 minus minus 46,497 deaths minus leaves 793,843 people with COVID-19 that survived. Not Hospitalized.
WHERE is the MSM? That 9 out 10 people SURVIVE!!!
AGAIN biased MSM a way to NOT tell Americans the WHOLE TRUTH

View attachment 326765

trump hates people captured or die.

Fuck them
Waay lower than 5% mortality. Testing is showing many times more people already had it and are immune, mild or no symptoms. If all you test are people who are already sick you are going to get an inflated mortality rate. Add to that instructions to tag all deaths COVID even if they are co-morbids (ex. just had a heart attack, in ICU catches pneumonia.)

More like .1% even lower. It's all hype. That's why hospitals are empty. You've been coronad.

The data, if correct, would mean that the county’s fatality rate is lower than originally thought.

The mortality rate has been reported on many times. Unless it changes it's not exactly news.

Apparently some of you are not aware the KIAs and MIAs get attention, and not the majority who are not killed or wounded or even saw combat. The MSM reports news, it doesn't cover up the serious nature of the Pandemic as Fox has been doing for weeks.

Providing death statistics wakes up the people to the dangers and protections reported on the MSM, and not the crap that Hannity and trump and the other jerks conjure up.

So you don't care that 94% of the people survive.
Maybe your concern regarding the dead should also be extended to these 2,099 deaths that occurred today. And every day.
And since the first of the year:267,317.

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