If the Democrats would concentrate on winning elections, instead of stirring up shit all the time, they'd be much better off


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
The Democrats have done everything but throw the kitchen sink at Trump to take him down and all of it has failed.

And yet, they have one real chance to get him out and that's to pick a good candidate to run against him.

And yet, the Democrats chose a man so completely unqualified to be President, Joe Biden, that his defeat is almost a certainty.

Problematically, Biden, as terrible as he is, was the best of a field of 19 terrible candidates.

There are actually millions upon millions of registered Democrats, and had they chosen some random Democrat voter, like a truck driver who lives in Arkansas, they might have ended up with a decent man who might have a shot at defeating Trump.

But the party is led by men and women so bat-shit crazy that it would never occur to them that all they needed to do was choose someone normal and they could beat Trump handily.

It's a sad situation for the Democrats and I'm not sure there's any way to fix it.
The Democrats have done everything but throw the kitchen sink at Trump to take him down and all of it has failed.

And yet, they have one real chance to get him out and that's to pick a good candidate to run against him.

And yet, the Democrats chose a man so completely unqualified to be President, Joe Biden, that his defeat is almost a certainty.

Problematically, Biden, as terrible as he is, was the best of a field of 19 terrible candidates.

There are actually millions upon millions of registered Democrats, and had they chosen some random Democrat voter, like a truck driver who lives in Arkansas, they might have ended up with a decent man who might have a shot at defeating Trump.

But the party is led by men and women so bat-shit crazy that it would never occur to them that all they needed to do was choose someone normal and they could beat Trump handily.

It's a sad situation for the Democrats and I'm not sure there's any way to fix it.
Defund Congress...
The Democrat party has no interest in convincing you to vote for them.

The Democrat party is a domestic terrorist organization that commits acts of terror to scare Americans into supporting them. Tow the DNC/China line or be destroyed.

Democrats are terrorist and riots are their weapon
The JFK assassination, the RFK assassination, the MLK assassination, and the Vietnam War sent a series of shock waves through the Democratic party that threw them further and further to the extreme left.

When so many Southern Democrats abandoned the party they lost all their most reasonable men and women.

Clinton, a Southerner, was the last hold-out of the old moderate wing, but after him the party lurched further to the left and now someone like Clinton could not get the nomination.

What's really amazing to me is that the Democrats know this is a problem but are unable or unwilling to come back to the center because they are afraid of the radicals and the media.
The Democrats have done everything but throw the kitchen sink at Trump to take him down and all of it has failed.

And yet, they have one real chance to get him out and that's to pick a good candidate to run against him.

And yet, the Democrats chose a man so completely unqualified to be President, Joe Biden, that his defeat is almost a certainty.

Problematically, Biden, as terrible as he is, was the best of a field of 19 terrible candidates.

There are actually millions upon millions of registered Democrats, and had they chosen some random Democrat voter, like a truck driver who lives in Arkansas, they might have ended up with a decent man who might have a shot at defeating Trump.

But the party is led by men and women so bat-shit crazy that it would never occur to them that all they needed to do was choose someone normal and they could beat Trump handily.

It's a sad situation for the Democrats and I'm not sure there's any way to fix it.
Obama won twice.
The Democrats have done everything but throw the kitchen sink at Trump to take him down and all of it has failed.

And yet, they have one real chance to get him out and that's to pick a good candidate to run against him.

And yet, the Democrats chose a man so completely unqualified to be President, Joe Biden, that his defeat is almost a certainty.

Problematically, Biden, as terrible as he is, was the best of a field of 19 terrible candidates.

There are actually millions upon millions of registered Democrats, and had they chosen some random Democrat voter, like a truck driver who lives in Arkansas, they might have ended up with a decent man who might have a shot at defeating Trump.

But the party is led by men and women so bat-shit crazy that it would never occur to them that all they needed to do was choose someone normal and they could beat Trump handily.

It's a sad situation for the Democrats and I'm not sure there's any way to fix it.

If Democrats would just sit back and let Donald Trump completely destroy the nation, we wouldn't have all these problems.
The JFK assassination, the RFK assassination, the MLK assassination, and the Vietnam War sent a series of shock waves through the Democratic party that threw them further and further to the extreme left.

When so many Southern Democrats abandoned the party they lost all their most reasonable men and women.

Clinton, a Southerner, was the last hold-out of the old moderate wing, but after him the party lurched further to the left and now someone like Clinton could not get the nomination.

What's really amazing to me is that the Democrats know this is a problem but are unable or unwilling to come back to the center because they are afraid of the radicals and the media.

The Southern Democrats? Like George Wallace?

You're deluded. Democrats were well rid of those scum. Reasonable isn't turning dogs and water hoses on peaceful protestors.
Democrats do concentrate on winning elections, so much so that they cheat. Just ask that jailbird Rod Blagojevich after getting caught with his pay-to-play schemes.
Dimms cannot run and win on policy.

Especially since it is:
1) Open Borders
2) Defund Police
3) Bow down to and Blow China
Dimms cannot run and win on policy.

Especially since it is:
1) Open Borders
2) Defund Police
3) Bow down to and Blow China
What about livable wages for American Workers? Unless you're making north of $23.50/hr and work 40 hours per week you are fucked.

Open Borders is what employers want so they can hire illegals. Ask your skidmark, he did so.

De-fund police is completely Libertarian.

Bow down to and Blow China (Asia) is what Nixon did. Today it's Corporate America for the added 5% profit they make from Chinese products.
Dimms cannot run and win on policy.

Especially since it is:
1) Open Borders
2) Defund Police
3) Bow down to and Blow China

Well that's why Democrats aren't running on a policy like that. They're running on:

1. Enforcing immigration laws against employers who hire illegals, and ensuring a fair and reasonable immigration policy, and actually DEPORTING illegals. Not locking them up for years with no due process, to enrich the "for profit prisons:

2. If violent crime is at it's lowest levels in 50 years, and you have all of these modern forensics to help solve cases, why do police forces need to expand? Are are all other municipal departments, including fire and medical, facing budget cuts, but police forces are not.

Similarly, if the USA isn't going to be the "world's policeman" anymore, why to do you need a standing army of more than a million men and women, and military bases all over the world? Why are you spending twice as much money as the rest of the world combined, on your military? Wouldn't the money be better spent on education, health care and infrastructure?

3. The only person to bow down and blow China was Donald Trump. He's been praising Xi since the day he was elected. Not to mention that his trade war has been a total disaster. American imports from China have continued to rise unabated, because the USA has no manufacturing capacity for most of this stuff, and American businesses aren't building any. China, on the other hand has two years to get back to the 2016 purchasing levels of American farm products. Four years of pain and suffering by American farmers to get back to where they started. In the meantime, family farms continue to go bankrupt, and foreign corporations continue to buy their land.

China has stopped investing the USA, and is now investing in businesses and property is South America, and Silk Road infrastructure in Africa. Prices for high end real estate in New York and the West Coast have dropped as a result. China was also funding American university programs and research. Those funds are now going elsewhere as well.

111,000 dead, nearly 2 million sick, highest unemployment since the Great Depression, economy cratered, millions of people protesting in the street.

And Donald Trump's hiding out in a bunker in Fortress White House! Shitting his tighty whiteys over his poll numbers.
Dimms cannot run and win on policy.

Especially since it is:
1) Open Borders
2) Defund Police
3) Bow down to and Blow China

Well that's why Democrats aren't running on a policy like that. They're running on:

1. Enforcing immigration laws against employers who hire illegals, and ensuring a fair and reasonable immigration policy, and actually DEPORTING illegals. Not locking them up for years with no due process, to enrich the "for profit prisons:

2. If violent crime is at it's lowest levels in 50 years, and you have all of these modern forensics to help solve cases, why do police forces need to expand? Are are all other municipal departments, including fire and medical, facing budget cuts, but police forces are not.

Similarly, if the USA isn't going to be the "world's policeman" anymore, why to do you need a standing army of more than a million men and women, and military bases all over the world? Why are you spending twice as much money as the rest of the world combined, on your military? Wouldn't the money be better spent on education, health care and infrastructure?

3. The only person to bow down and blow China was Donald Trump. He's been praising Xi since the day he was elected. Not to mention that his trade war has been a total disaster. American imports from China have continued to rise unabated, because the USA has no manufacturing capacity for most of this stuff, and American businesses aren't building any. China, on the other hand has two years to get back to the 2016 purchasing levels of American farm products. Four years of pain and suffering by American farmers to get back to where they started. In the meantime, family farms continue to go bankrupt, and foreign corporations continue to buy their land.

China has stopped investing the USA, and is now investing in businesses and property is South America, and Silk Road infrastructure in Africa. Prices for high end real estate in New York and the West Coast have dropped as a result. China was also funding American university programs and research. Those funds are now going elsewhere as well.

111,000 dead, nearly 2 million sick, highest unemployment since the Great Depression, economy cratered, millions of people protesting in the street.

And Donald Trump's hiding out in a bunker in Fortress White House! Shitting his tighty whiteys over his poll numbers.

Liberal poppycock!
Dimms cannot run and win on policy.

Especially since it is:
1) Open Borders
2) Defund Police
3) Bow down to and Blow China
What about livable wages for American Workers? Unless you're making north of $23.50/hr and work 40 hours per week you are fucked.

Open Borders is what employers want so they can hire illegals. Ask your skidmark, he did so.

De-fund police is completely Libertarian.

Bow down to and Blow China (Asia) is what Nixon did. Today it's Corporate America for the added 5% profit they make from Chinese products.

Liberal poppycock!

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