If Obama's Goal Was To Make Bush Problems Worse, Then Mission Accomplished


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Every single time that the Obama Administration is caught doing something terrible the response is always the following:

We just heard about this problem through the news......
We're mad as hell about it......
This was a Bush program......
The GOP cut funding........

Usually, when it is an extremely touchy subject, Obama doesn't comment on it much in public. He'll run to the cameras at the mention of any sports figure coming out, or the hint of any white on black crime, but not something that he is directly responsible for. Instead, he sends out spokespersons to do his talking for him. When this happens it's because he knows the jig is up. The pattern is first not to comment, then send out someone to say they're really angry, then they mention that the problem existed before he took office. Eventually, over time, it becomes a fake scandal invented by the GOP for political purposes.

Obama is even captured on video years ago telling us that each and every one of these problems are well in hand and that he's doing everything in his power to deal with them. Trust him. He's on the job.

Truth is, he feels his job is to make them worse and then use them against the GOP in some manner.

Obama wasn't elected to solve the problems he claimed were in existence in 2008. He's in the White House to sow the seeds of descent, and to drive a wedge between us. He never intended on fixing anything. He's only a world classed troublemaker.

Everyone should have expected this when they elected a "Community-Organizer", which essentially is just a professional race-baiter/trouble-maker.

One of the aspects of big government that is inherent in the system is it is unwieldy.

The bigger it becomes, the worse off we are.

Obama believes in bigger government because that is the Democrat Party's bread & butter.

If you think that a big government can solve all of your problems, you're crazy. Big government causes problems, never solves them. The IRS scandal is a prime example.


Unfortunately, Obama is making everything much worse than it already was through neglect and the following coverups that this neglect caused. It's difficult to say if all of this is intentional, but the neglect, at times criminal neglect, is hard-wired into this administration.
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Obama knows how to campaign. He knows how to divide people and make them angry at someone else. He has no idea how to govern. He appoints people because they are even less capable than he is, and he doesnt want to look bad by comparison.
He is the biggest failure of a president ever.
I really don't think Obama means for these things to happen he just isn't smart enough or surrounded with smart people to realize the consequences of his actions or inactions.

The VA hospitals have had problems for quite some time. But my dad uses them often and they don't seem that bad to me.

I am giving Obama the benefit of the doubt. His first term was a learning time. He had no experience and he had no education in what to do as president. But this second term is as bad as the first with no prospect of improvement, unless you are a liberal who has fallen in love with trickle down and the stock market. Damn 1 percenters.
I think Obama is a pawn who's controlled by a more powerful handler. George Soros?

Regardless, Obama is a Socialist. His books, speeches, quotes, associations, and actions scream Socialism. Obama & Co. will continue to force their will and their worldview upon America and the globe unless and until a freedom-loving people put a stop to it. Will that happen? Doubtful. We'll all sit back and watch as federal judges dictate state law and overturn the vote and will of the people of those states. We had a chance to defund Obamacare but our "conservative" representatives caved in like burnt marshmallows and melted into the woodwork.

So ... we get what we fail to prevent.
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Obama's a corporate tool just like his predecessors and whatever puppet follows him into the Oval Office; you can't change that fundamental truth of US politics by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in the voting booth.

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