EXCLUSIVE Money From Ted Lieu's Campaign Was Sent to Wife's School Board Campaign Then to Lieu Personally


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
I'm sure he and the wife will be indicted soon, eh.

Then again, they have a 'D' after their name and are useful idiots who don't rock the boat (unlike Menendez who angered both Øbama and then Biden). 🤔

He's still at it.

Since 2019, RedState has broken numerous stories about Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu's potentially illegal habit of spending campaign funds on expenses that personally benefit him and his family, such as $10,000 to the Torrance Education Foundation, which sponsors his sons' robotics team, $15,000 to his wife's school board campaign, and a $50,000 contribution to the university at which his eldest son matriculated a couple of years later (Stanford).

Those stories garnered national attention, but he doesn't care. He kept right on sending money from his donors to these causes, without his donors' knowledge or consent. A review of FEC records shows that Ted Lieu for Congress has now donated $25,000 to Betty Lieu's school board campaign and $17,000 to the Torrance Education Foundation.

In addition, Ted had his political allies funnel contributions to Betty Lieu from their campaign accounts. The amounts of these contributions aren't insignificant. In 2023, every dime received by Betty Lieu for School Board was from either Ted Lieu for Congress or Asian American Forward PAC, a PAC founded and controlled by one of Ted's donors.


Out of the $140,329 in monetary contributions Betty Lieu for School Board received between 2018 and 2023, 33 percent is from the campaign accounts of Ted Lieu and a handful of California politicians:

  • $5,000 Asian American Forward PAC
  • $13,000 Former CA State Treasurer John Chiang
  • $2,500 CA Asm. Evan Low (who's now running for Congress)
  • $3,400 Former CA Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon
  • $500 CA Asm. Ben Allen
  • $22,913 Ted Lieu for Congress
Betty Lieu for School Board doesn't have to file contribution reports for 2024 until after June 30; from FEC records we know that Ted Lieu for Congress contributed another $2,000 to his wife's campaign in January 2024, bringing his campaign's total transfers to $24,913.


That little marxist runt and Schitt are lifetime members of the Ed Buck Fan Club.... that makes it practically untouchable, 100% above the law.

lieu hands.jpg
I'm sure he and the wife will be indicted soon, eh.

Then again, they have a 'D' after their name and are useful idiots who don't rock the boat (unlike Menendez who angered both Øbama and then Biden). 🤔

He's still at it.
Since 2019, RedState has broken numerous stories about Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu's potentially illegal habit of spending campaign funds on expenses that personally benefit him and his family, such as $10,000 to the Torrance Education Foundation, which sponsors his sons' robotics team, $15,000 to his wife's school board campaign, and a $50,000 contribution to the university at which his eldest son matriculated a couple of years later (Stanford).
Those stories garnered national attention, but he doesn't care. He kept right on sending money from his donors to these causes, without his donors' knowledge or consent. A review of FEC records shows that Ted Lieu for Congress has now donated $25,000 to Betty Lieu's school board campaign and $17,000 to the Torrance Education Foundation.
In addition, Ted had his political allies funnel contributions to Betty Lieu from their campaign accounts. The amounts of these contributions aren't insignificant. In 2023, every dime received by Betty Lieu for School Board was from either Ted Lieu for Congress or Asian American Forward PAC, a PAC founded and controlled by one of Ted's donors.
Out of the $140,329 in monetary contributions Betty Lieu for School Board received between 2018 and 2023, 33 percent is from the campaign accounts of Ted Lieu and a handful of California politicians:
    • $5,000 Asian American Forward PAC
    • $13,000 Former CA State Treasurer John Chiang
    • $2,500 CA Asm. Evan Low (who's now running for Congress)
    • $3,400 Former CA Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon
    • $500 CA Asm. Ben Allen
    • $22,913 Ted Lieu for Congress

Betty Lieu for School Board doesn't have to file contribution reports for 2024 until after June 30; from FEC records we know that Ted Lieu for Congress contributed another $2,000 to his wife's campaign in January 2024, bringing his campaign's total transfers to $24,913.

I bet Betty supports liberal causes that groom children

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