If modern-day Democrats were like they used to be would you vote Democrat?

LOL, you sound more like a conservative person than a democrat, at least in some respects. They say that a lot of democrats (millions) have left that party, although I think most of them still voted for democrats in the recent mid-terms. Which puts you kinda in the same boat with a whole lot of other people who are dissatisfied with the conduct of both parties but are stuck with the binary choice. We are left with trying to decide which is the least-worse option, which is quite unfortunate. That's what I've been doing for most of the last 50 years, voting more against a person or party rather than for someone. And now it could be the ultimate Gordian knot: do I vote for a man I despise or a party that I believe would be ruinous to this country?
some of my views may sound conservative but I am pro union, pro raising the min wage, against the death penalty, for bringing in some number of refugees may be many of them.

I believe by the way that the refugees from Central and South America will bring traditional values Catholic values they will be against abortion and I want that.

Where I disagree with some Democrats is the pro BLM views where they are OK with destroying statues of people that they don’t like …Where they are OK with having racial hiring quotas, kneeling for the anthem. Having the view that the police are systemically racist.

Who did you vote for In 2016 and 2020 when it came to the presidential election? What do you think about BLM? What do you think about Donald Trump?
we need the people like Elon musk and Jeff Bezos or perhaps new tycoons to be able to create industries that lead to a stronger middle class.

That kind of thinking will get you ostracized from democrat circles, and in some places you could get fired for writing that. Anyway, creating new industries takes time and a LOT of money; you have to convince the big-monied investors that the enterprise will succeed, which means the risk has to be much less than rewards. Hence the problem: most democrats these days want to raise taxes on the big-monied investors, which means they have less money to invest and also as a result the cost/benefit analysis gets skewed away from being a good idea. So, new businesses and expansion of existing businesses get squelched somewhat, and that adds up to lower economic growth in general with fewer jobs. Incentives matter, as does disincentives.
FDR was a totalitarian POS. LBJ was a statist.
No, I wouldnt vote for them. Or any other Dems. Of that time or now.
I am a REAL liberal. I have nothing in common with that corrupt political party.
FDR was the great American hero according to all the World War II veterans I have talked with. It’s an image thing you know the site of Franklin Roosevelt having his cigarette his glass of whiskey projecting constantly projecting strength in the face of Adolf Hitler and Toho from Japan. And it’s the site of the physically fit American man and woman of the 1940s working at the factories these are blue collar Democrats this is such a beautiful American site. And the undeniable facts you know what 3+3 = 6 it’s also a fact that the US military was not number 1 in power before World War II but became number 1 after World War II and our economy also became number one in the world after World War ….II it wouldn’t have been that way if we would’ve had poor leader ship or weak countrymen that couldn’t fight. But we had blue colored Americans who could pick up a rifle and also work at a factory.

I interpret that above as traditional blue collar Democrats, that is the site of America what we see above. It’s the site of economic prosperity we don’t have it today and I want it back(we might not get the steel jobs back but we need more union jobs that pay well). And I think Democrats were responsible for our previous successes.

But brother to each their own where do you stand at BLM. Did you vote for Donald Trump in 2020?

What is your vision for America? Maybe I am somewhat of a reactionary because I want to go back to how things were back in the day the 40s 50s 60s when we had more union jobs when we had more dignity. Again 35% union jobs back then compared to 10% now. People out of high school back then could get a good job at the steel factory or at a place like Ford or General Motors those jobs dont exist anymore that’s the issue at hand. And it’s my opinion and the opinions of the millions of Americans that it was the Democrats like John F. Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt that were the heroes of America so again to their own do you want to disagree go right ahead….. but there’s a lot of Americans who want leader ship that we used to see from people like Franklin Roosevelt.
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FDR was the great American hero according to all the World War II veterans I have talked with. It’s an image thing you know the side of Franklin Roosevelt having his cigarette his glass of whiskey projecting strikes constantly projecting strikes in the face of Adolf Hitler and Toho from Japan. And it’s the site of the physically fit American man and woman of the 1940s working at the factories these are blue collar Democrats this is such a beautiful American site.

I interpret that above as traditional blue collar Democrats, that is the site of America what we see above. It’s the site of economic prosperity we don’t have it today and I want it back(we might not get the steel jobs back but we need more union jobs that pay well). And I think Democrats were responsible for our previous successes.

But brother to each their own where do you stand at BLM. Did you vote for Donald Trump in 2020?

What is your vision for America? Maybe I am somewhat of a reactionary because I want to go back to how things were back in the day the 40s 50s 60s when we had more union jobs when we had more dignity. Again 35% union jobs back then compared to 10% now. People out of high school back then could get a good job at the steel factory or at a place like Ford or General Motors those jobs or exist anymore that’s the issue at hand. And it’s my opinion and the opinions of the millions of Americans that it was the Democrats like John F. Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt that were the heroes of America so again teach their own do you want to disagree go right ahead.

Great American heroes dont throw American citizens into internment camps for the color of their skin. Nor they do try to manipulate the courts. Nor do they try to take over free markets and liberty.
BLM is a scam.
No, I didnt and I never would vote for trump.
My vision is for the federal government to leave everyone the hell alone and let people live their life.
I aint hurtin anyone, stop destroying my liberties.
Who did you vote for In 2016 and 2020 when it came to the presidential election? What do you think about BLM? What do you think about Donald Trump?

I voted for Trump both times, not because I liked him but because I believed and still believe the policies of the current democratic party are potentially disastrous. I saw him as the least-worse option compared to Hillary and Joe. Still do. But make no mistake: I do not like DJT, but his policies are IMHO more likely to lead to better outcomes for most of us.

I am pro union, pro raising the min wage

I think it is obvious that unionized companies cannot compete with cheaper foreign products unless their products are that much better. Once they were, back in the 50s when stuff coming in from Japan and Korea was junk. But that is no longer true, much of their stuff is now better and cheaper than what we make here in the US. So, unionized companies just cannot compete if their labor costs are so much higher than what foreign workers get. So what happens? Automation! Machines and computers replacing employees. Or companies move offshore or out of the country, like Mexico. Or they move to RTW states where they don't have to pay the higher union wages. That's the economic reality, and the middle class that was once strong isn't anymore.

The min wage is another issue where forcing employers to pay their workers more for doing the same thing they were doing leads to some bad outcomes. Employers will raise their prices if they can to offset the higher costs of labor, or they automate, or they move to a lower min wage state. Maybe they cut benefits and the number of employees or the number of hours or something. They try one way or another to absorb the higher labor costs, but if they can't then small businesses and franchises close up. Bottom line - when you raise the min wage, the money to pay that higher wage has to come from somewhere.
Well, first off, the term "woke" is a term weaponized by the right wing to further their reliance on culture wars. The original meaning came out of (oddly enough), the shooting death of Michael Brown which brought BLM to the forefront. I'm sorry, if there was mutual respect and tolerance, then the term "woke" wouldn't exist. Right wingers and members of the alt-right use the term as a weapon for denying such respect and tolerance and using it to encourage violence against anyone who doesn't look like them, think like them, or believe what they believe. History and the raising of statues are ultimately written and done by the victors or the dominant race. Most of those statues honoring less than reputable Civil War officers, weren't even put up until the Klan became dominant in the 1920's.

What is it with Italians and Christopher Columbus? I'm always reminded of the conversation between Tony Soprano and Silvio about the butthurt of Columbus Day. You do know from history that Columbus coming here wasn't all that awesome for the people who already lived here, right? :auiqs.jpg:
Well my issue here and what so many people in the world would say is that slavery was always a worldwide issue. And so when white people owned Black people in America there were Black people in north Africa that owned white people. Some of the north African powers would go and slavery to the southern Europe. That’s why I oppose BLM and therefore hundred years of slave argument. It’s against mutual respect everyone of us who live today are descendants of slaves and slave owners. By the way here’s an interesting debate on the history of slavery from our British friends across the sea….

My issue is with the destruction of statues of people like Christopher Columbus and St. Louis and even other people that have nothing to do with the confederate states. But that said we have Americans who live in the south whose ancestors fought for the confederate states and I think that they have a right to be proud of them. There are people who are black today whose ancestors were kings in Africa who may have owned slaves they were men of their times ……and there is respect for these people. So we need to look at these things in the correct matter and we should have mutual respect.

Christopher Columbus has been criticized by some but he has also been praised. It was Columbus who said of the Taino people that they were the most beautiful and honorable people of the world he told that to queen Isabella. But here’s something so there’s statues of Mansa Musa throughout the world he was an African leader said to be the richest man of all history. BLM are not tearing down statues of Mansa Musa so they are hypocrites for tearing down the statues of Christopher Columbus. They should realize that Christopher Columbus was a man of his time and they should also look into not only the writings that criticize Columbus but also that point out his accomplishments. Yes brother I saw the Sopranos episode talking about Christopher Columbus it was pretty entertaining. !

My great grandfather came from Italy I know about the Italian community and Christopher Columbus and most of us still like Columbus. Course we do it’s no different than African people black Americans respecting their ancestors. So yeah it’s about mutual respect that’s the way for equality should definitely prevail. We don’t have room in America for race division I believe it was John F Kennedy who said we don’t need race in America.
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Great American heroes dont throw American citizens into internment camps for the color of their skin. Nor they do try to manipulate the courts. Nor do they try to take over free markets and liberty.
BLM is a scam.
No, I didnt and I never would vote for trump.
My vision is for the federal government to leave everyone the hell alone and let people live their life.
I aint hurtin anyone, stop destroying my liberties.
When we look back at World War II wrt to how America acted on the foreign and domestic front we were arguably the most humane. Look at who we were fighting the third Reich and the empire of Japan these were fierce opponents they had power all over the world that they had to be checked.

So maybe like me you voted for Gary Johnson back in 2012?
The assumption that democrats "used to be better" is invalid unless you depend on legend instead of history. Democrats lied to America when former Princeton professor Wilson had a debilitating stroke. They wheeled him out for photo ops and pretended he was healthy while God only knows who was running the government. FDR was elected in '32 to deal with a recession and under his leadership or lack of it in his first two terms, it turned into "the Great Depression". The democrat party ran a sick old man for a 4th term and lied to the American public that he was healthy. Elected in November FDR was dead by April.

If modern-day Democrats were like they used to be would you vote Democrat?​

That depends on candidate and on time period. When they were the original Party of slavery and Jim Crow and the KKK (vestiges of which they still cling to), I’d say, “no way.”

But, assuming to a limited extent that they’ve changed (and Brandon is proof that they really haven’t), I could support a couple of them if they were alive today. Like Bobby Kennedy, maybe.
When we look back at World War II wrt to how America acted on the foreign and domestic front we were arguably the most humane. Look at who we were fighting the third Reich and the empire of Japan these were fierce opponents they had power all over the world that they had to be checked.

So maybe like me you voted for Gary Johnson back in 2012?
Oh goodness no. I would never vote for him. I think he has an extra chromosome. lol
Man, I dont like 99% of pols. Im a strict liberal constitutionalist, and liberty is my number one political stance.
No one represents me.
I voted for Trump both times, not because I liked him but because I believed and still believe the policies of the current democratic party are potentially disastrous. I saw him as the least-worse option compared to Hillary and Joe. Still do. But make no mistake: I do not like DJT, but his policies are IMHO more likely to lead to better outcomes for most of us.

I think it is obvious that unionized companies cannot compete with cheaper foreign products unless their products are that much better. Once they were, back in the 50s when stuff coming in from Japan and Korea was junk. But that is no longer true, much of their stuff is now better and cheaper than what we make here in the US. So, unionized companies just cannot compete if their labor costs are so much higher than what foreign workers get. So what happens? Automation! Machines and computers replacing employees. Or companies move offshore or out of the country, like Mexico. Or they move to RTW states where they don't have to pay the higher union wages. That's the economic reality, and the middle class that was once strong isn't anymore.

The min wage is another issue where forcing employers to pay their workers more for doing the same thing they were doing leads to some bad outcomes. Employers will raise their prices if they can to offset the higher costs of labor, or they automate, or they move to a lower min wage state. Maybe they cut benefits and the number of employees or the number of hours or something. They try one way or another to absorb the higher labor costs, but if they can't then small businesses and franchises close up. Bottom line - when you raise the min wage, the money to pay that higher wage has to come from somewhere.
To your points which are valid I would say the big question is if we keep on losing jobs to automation then who in America will be able to buy the goods that the companies produce?

It seems without a strong middle class that we’re going to continue to get worse as opposed to better. And it seems that in order to have a strong middle class we have to have a situation where folks can make a middle-class living out of high school? We need to have a situation where workers are protected historically speaking unions have been necessary to protect from for example children having to work at sweat shops or folks having to work long hours without overtime pay.

What will the future of the American middle class be?
What is your vision for America? Maybe I am somewhat of a reactionary because I want to go back to how things were back in the day the 40s 50s 60s when we had more union jobs when we had more dignity. Again 35% union jobs back then compared to 10% now. People out of high school back then could get a good job at the steel factory or at a place like Ford or General Motors those jobs dont exist anymore that’s the issue at hand.

But the world is in a different place now than it was then, and the situation has drastically changed. Understand, please: those days are gone and they ain't coming back. There is no possible way any American company can pay somebody so much more per hour than some other company somewhere in east Asia or elsewhere can. In the 40s and 50s, the rest of the world was recovering from the effects of WWII, and they did not have the capability to export much of anything to us. And we in fact did have the ability to export stuff to them, hence the rise of US economic dominance. But it didn't last, as the rest of the world recreated their economies and began to compete with us, but with much lower labor costs. There's no getting around that, even today; American consumers are not going to pay a higher price for an American product when a cheaper foreign product is available that is just as good. And there is nothing the US Gov't can do about that, unless they subsidize our products or put tariffs on the foreign stuff. And that is how you end up with soaring inflation and a lower standard of living that leads to lower economic growth and recessions/depressions.
How they used to be?


Well, the party goes back to being the Democratic Republican party, one of the oldest ones in the country - if they held the limited government values of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison instead of wearing the skinsuit of their party, sure.

Since they're federal authoritarians worse than anything Hamilton could have ever dreamed up, fuckin' nope.
Limited government that bought the Louisiana purchase and greatly increased government and gave free land to settlers.
Brother I would tell you I am a Catholic. And an American… that’s kind of how my hero Roosevelt identified as a Christian and a American. Well Roosevelt was the mark of American strength and dignity. There’s a lot with my post do you agree or disagree that the site of the American steel worker the strong physically fit American man able to have a family of 4 to 8 able to send his kids to college this was the American dream? What do you think about that partner.

I am a Democrat. I am a liberal as well. I don’t believe in talking down to or personally attacking people it is the action of the uncivilized barbarian. Some of my heroes are the union leader Walter Reuther but also the great industrialist Henry Ford who was at one time antiunion but became pro union. I believe in great wealthy men like Henry for who not only wanted to better himself but also his country America.

We should have universal healthcare it is in line with Christian values. We should not have a death penalty. We should not have abortion. We should have a good minimum wage. We should have a strong middle-class. We should respect our police and firefighters these are some of my views in line with traditional Democrats in line with traditional American Christian values

The American steel worker had a union job making up to $100,000 a year adjusted for inflation. And used to be in America you could get those jobs right out of high school. Now the economic opportunities have dwindled in this country.

And now look at the middle class in America today it’s nothing we have inflation union jobs have gone from 35% to 10%. Americans are more obese and fat than they have ever been. The site of strength and dignity the side of American muscle replaced with laziness. Unacceptable. If we had Democrats though like we used to back in the 1940s and 1950s we would change for the better.
I'm sorry you have so obviously & fundamentally misunderstood Jesus' teachings on charity.
When did he tell His followers to direct the govt to forcefully take money from people to give to others for anything?
Never happened. What He taught was an individual responsibility to willingly give to help others in need, whether medical care or food for a widow, orphan or just a stranger in need.
Big fail there but not surprising since collectivists have been misrepresenting His words for centuries.

Minimum wage laws distort the free market & end up hurting the workers through reduced work hours, replacement with automation, fewer jobs/opportunities & overall inflation since businessses must charge more to pay those increased wages.

Roosevelt was a socialist & a big fan of Stalin, or "Uncle Joe" as he called that murdering communist tyrant.
His New Deal policies & Keynesian economic philosophies prolonged the Great Depression & he had to get us into a war in Europe to reverse the devastating effects his agenda perpetuated.
His own friend & Secretary of the Treasury fully admitted none of their ideas actually worked:
“We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.”

“I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises.”

“I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot!”

He was a totalitarian who tried to pack the SCOTUS when his unConstitutional power grabs were rebuffed.
He also was responsible for this bit of drivel where he espouses his socialist vision of America:
"Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle." Franklin D. Roosevelt
Sounds an awful lot like "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" doesn't it?

Henry Ford was an infamous anti-Semite that inspired many other like minded individuals in the country.
Adolf Hitler was also heavily influenced by Ford's thoughts on the Jewish people & even complimented him by name in Mein Kampf.

Back to what I said before, you are a collectivist Democrat advocating more govt controls.
Just because you are ashamed of what has happened to your party does not change that fact.

You do realize the only ones that don't want a strong manufacturing base & the strong middle class jobs that go with it are the Dems & RINOs of the UNiparty that are wholly controlled by the NWO globalists responsible for closing down our industrial base & shipping those good jobs overseas?
the big question is if we keep on losing jobs to automation then who in America will be able to buy the goods that the companies produce?

Automation has been going on for a century or more in some industries, and as the cost of labor goes up the need or desire for automation goes up with it. It's the price of progress one might say. Is the country better off as a result? Some people are out of a job, no doubt about that. But that job was already in jeopardy anyway, as we saw in auto manufacturing. What once took hundreds of employees to make a car now takes a fraction of that to operate the computers/machines that do the work that people once did. But consumers get a better-made car that is cheaper than the ones built by union labor. The only answer I have is to incentivize innovation and entrepreneurship and take whatever measures make sense to increase economic growth. And that cannot happen with union labor.

And it seems that in order to have a strong middle class we have to have a situation where folks can make a middle-class living out of high school?

I think those days are gone forever. There aren't many jobs like that anymore, where you don't need some kind of specialized training. And on top of that, we have millions coming across our southern border that adds to the labor supply of unskilled workers, thus driving down wages. We probably need to have some programs that train high school kids in specific industrial functions/areas to equip them with some skills to get a job. I hate to say it, but from what I see, we've got a bunch of dumbasses coming out of high school that can't do shit.

We need to have a situation where workers are protected historically speaking unions have been necessary to protect from for example children having to work at sweat shops or folks having to work long hours without overtime pay.

We've pretty much already got that. I think what you want is protection from RTW laws where a person has the right to work for whatever wage he/she is willing to accept. These days a decent paying job is hard to find if you don't have marketable skills; I do not accept that the answer is gov't forcing employers to pay more for the same amount of work. The answer is for the individual to make his/her labor more valuable AND have an economy with workers have more than one choice.
But the world is in a different place now than it was then, and the situation has drastically changed. Understand, please: those days are gone and they ain't coming back. There is no possible way any American company can pay somebody so much more per hour than some other company somewhere in east Asia or elsewhere can. In the 40s and 50s, the rest of the world was recovering from the effects of WWII, and they did not have the capability to export much of anything to us. And we in fact did have the ability to export stuff to them, hence the rise of US economic dominance. But it didn't last, as the rest of the world recreated their economies and began to compete with us, but with much lower labor costs. There's no getting around that, even today; American consumers are not going to pay a higher price for an American product when a cheaper foreign product is available that is just as good. And there is nothing the US Gov't can do about that, unless they subsidize our products or put tariffs on the foreign stuff. And that is how you end up with soaring inflation and a lower standard of living that leads to lower economic growth and recessions/depressions.

Maybe on the economic side the issue is not as bad as I think it is. But before that I think the social justice issues are a greater concern at least with regards to how poorly that the Democrats handle those issues…

Frankly I almost never hear Democrats talk about issues that matter to me like a better minimum wage, better wages in general, national healthcare, more union jobs. It’s all “white privilege , Black Lives Matter Russia Ukraine”. It’s an insult to me and I’m very upset with many democrats of today I don’t think Franklin Roosevelt would agree with what’s going on with the Democratic Party today….

So we might disagree on some things about unions and the direction of the country but my point is that the reason I don’t vote Democrat is because I don’t even hear Democrats talking about national healthcare or raising the minimum wage if they were talking about that I probably would be voting for them. But I need them to talk about that and act on it but also I demand them to oppose BLM in order for them to get my vote.

OK I want to get your opinion though on one topic. A further opinion. People getting jobs out of high school what do you think about this topic. Now we talk about the wages that companies are able to pay…. what top dollar amount do you see a high school graduate making. Do we want to live in a country where a high school graduate with no college can never make more than $25 an hour?

And where do we see the American middle class 10 years or 30 years from now?
I'm sorry you have so obviously & fundamentally misunderstood Jesus' teachings on charity.
When did he tell His followers to direct the govt to forcefully take money from people to give to others for anything?
Never happened. What He taught was an individual responsibility to willingly give to help others in need, whether medical care or food for a widow, orphan or just a stranger in need.
Big fail there but not surprising since collectivists have been misrepresenting His words for centuries.

Minimum wage laws distort the free market & end up hurting the workers through reduced work hours, replacement with automation, fewer jobs/opportunities & overall inflation since businessses must charge more to pay those increased wages.

Roosevelt was a socialist & a big fan of Stalin, or "Uncle Joe" as he called that murdering communist tyrant.
His New Deal policies & Keynesian economic philosophies prolonged the Great Depression & he had to get us into a war in Europe to reverse the devastating effects his agenda perpetuated.
His own friend & Secretary of the Treasury fully admitted none of their ideas actually worked:
“We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.”

“I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises.”

“I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot!”

He was a totalitarian who tried to pack the SCOTUS when his unConstitutional power grabs were rebuffed.
He also was responsible for this bit of drivel where he espouses his socialist vision of America:
"Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle." Franklin D. Roosevelt
Sounds an awful lot like "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" doesn't it?

Henry Ford was an infamous anti-Semite that inspired many other like minded individuals in the country.
Adolf Hitler was also heavily influenced by Ford's thoughts on the Jewish people & even complimented him by name in Mein Kampf.

Back to what I said before, you are a collectivist Democrat advocating more govt controls.
Just because you are ashamed of what has happened to your party does not change that fact.

You do realize the only ones that don't want a strong manufacturing base & the strong middle class jobs that go with it are the Dems & RINOs of the UNiparty that are wholly controlled by the NWO globalists responsible for closing down our industrial base & shipping those good jobs overseas?
What’s up brother. I am a Catholic and I am a Democrat. I do not consider myself to be on the far left in as an a communist or socialist. How do you identify as a Democrat, as a Catholic as both. If I can ask of your background my friend I certainly am interested.

I can go on for days with you about FDR. But supporting me are World War II veterans people who lived during those times and the facts. So I don’t know what you’re talking about with the Great Depression getting prolonged. The great depression started in the 1930s(after the roaring 20s) under Herbert Hoover but ended because of the leader ship of Roosevelt and the work of the common American the work of Republicans and Democrats alike. it’s the Internet no need to get personal everyone has a different opinion. I’m not a “collectivists” I don’t label people with names so I collectivist or republican I go by what people labeled them selves ass. So that’s why I’m interested to see if you’re a republican are you a democrat, are you Jewish are you Muslim maybe are you Christian?

Please forgive any grammar errors I’m physically disabled due to a brutal spinal cord injury. They told me I might not be able to walk but at least was able to walk after a year in a wheelchair so. Just bear with me brother OK

Before World War II the US economy was not number one after World War II it was number one. And before World War II our military was right around the strength of Romania but after World War II our military became number one.

And there’s other things like the golden oil reserve our manufacturing capabilities. We did not have to win World War II and this is something the very few people who criticize Roosevelt don’t understand. This is another point so I get it you might not like it there that’s fine but according to the American people he’s consistently ranked as a top three president. I have never heard really this anti-FDR approach mainly because Ronald Reagan for example the Republican idol is praised by Republicans to this day and he admired FDR.

Henry Ford had a newspaper that made antisemitic comments of which Henry Ford apologize for that a lot of people know that. Now Donald Trump one said I think Islam hates us but the first country he ever visited as president with Saudi Arabia. There are Jews in Israel who say terrible things about Christians some of them ask for forgiveness others doubt. Point is Henry Ford like many men said things they later regretted he certainly was and will always be an American hero. Because of him my dad my uncle millions of other Americans got a good middle-class job. Henry Ford is a hero Along with Walter Reuther the UAW leader. So that’s what is missing in this country today employers like Henry Ford, union leaders like Walter Reuther who had the forefront and skill to negotiate with employers he was able to convince Henry Ford to join the UAW during World War II. You know Ford Motor Company was one of the last big companies to unionized my friend.

I don’t know what do you think about American history but I think there’s a lot we agree on. I admire the American men and women of the 1940s who worked at the steel factories who pumped out the iron that we sent to our Soviet and British brothers to crush the third Reich. When we look back at World War II we look back at the most honorable time in American history. Wow what a beautiful sight all those factories popping out the iron all those men and women putting on muscle being physically fit, we showed the Germans we showed the Italians we showed the Empire of Japan who the winners are the allies of World War II the Americans.

It’s the American public, the American actors the American baseball and football players of the middle of the 20th century. I am making the argument that this was the best generation of all Americans. And yes we were led by Democrats those days. I feel American television was more civilized, educational and better in the middle of the 20th century that it is today surely we agree on a lot more than we disagree on brother.

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