If Libs Want to LEGITIMATELY Criticize Trump, Start HERE:

Trump Meets With Goldman’s Cohn as Dinner Set With Critic Romney

"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration."


"But he’s also donated more than $225,000 to Republicans, with most of the money coming in recent years. In 2015 he sent cash to Kelly Ayotte’s Senate campaign in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton’s in Arkansas. He donated to Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination but not Trump’s, records show.

After a campaign in which he decried the influence of big banks and international financial institutions, Trump has leaned heavily on Wall Street executives as he prepares to take office. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, campaign finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, who is said to be a contender for Treasury secretary, and transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci are all Goldman Sachs alumni."

(Merry Christmas & You're welcome, Snowflakes. :p )

I'm going to wait and see what he does before criticizing him.
If he sells out I'll be the first to say fuck him.

Have you said it yet? If not, why not?
Trump Meets With Goldman’s Cohn as Dinner Set With Critic Romney

"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration."


"But he’s also donated more than $225,000 to Republicans, with most of the money coming in recent years. In 2015 he sent cash to Kelly Ayotte’s Senate campaign in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton’s in Arkansas. He donated to Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination but not Trump’s, records show.

After a campaign in which he decried the influence of big banks and international financial institutions, Trump has leaned heavily on Wall Street executives as he prepares to take office. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, campaign finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, who is said to be a contender for Treasury secretary, and transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci are all Goldman Sachs alumni."

(Merry Christmas & You're welcome, Snowflakes. :p )

I'm going to wait and see what he does before criticizing him.
If he sells out I'll be the first to say fuck him.

Thinking it happened long ago. People with souls don't go that far in government.
Trump Meets With Goldman’s Cohn as Dinner Set With Critic Romney

"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration."


"But he’s also donated more than $225,000 to Republicans, with most of the money coming in recent years. In 2015 he sent cash to Kelly Ayotte’s Senate campaign in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton’s in Arkansas. He donated to Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination but not Trump’s, records show.

After a campaign in which he decried the influence of big banks and international financial institutions, Trump has leaned heavily on Wall Street executives as he prepares to take office. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, campaign finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, who is said to be a contender for Treasury secretary, and transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci are all Goldman Sachs alumni."

(Merry Christmas & You're welcome, Snowflakes. :p )

I'm going to wait and see what he does before criticizing him.
If he sells out I'll be the first to say fuck him.

Have you said it yet? If not, why not?

Why would I?
Elaine Chau for Transportation? Sure, she's an experienced bureaucrat, but she's married to Turtle McConnell, and is as establishment as you can get.

So much for draining the swamp.


Yeah, to bad your queen Hillary diddnt get there to clean it all up huh, ya schmendrik
Trump Meets With Goldman’s Cohn as Dinner Set With Critic Romney

"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration."


"But he’s also donated more than $225,000 to Republicans, with most of the money coming in recent years. In 2015 he sent cash to Kelly Ayotte’s Senate campaign in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton’s in Arkansas. He donated to Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination but not Trump’s, records show.

After a campaign in which he decried the influence of big banks and international financial institutions, Trump has leaned heavily on Wall Street executives as he prepares to take office. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, campaign finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, who is said to be a contender for Treasury secretary, and transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci are all Goldman Sachs alumni."

(Merry Christmas & You're welcome, Snowflakes. :p )

I'm going to wait and see what he does before criticizing him.
If he sells out I'll be the first to say fuck him.

Have you said it yet? If not, why not?

Why would I?

Because as an American pleb you are supposed to be outraged and pissed off 24/7. Say, you hear about Matt Patrik?
Trump Meets With Goldman’s Cohn as Dinner Set With Critic Romney

"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration."


"But he’s also donated more than $225,000 to Republicans, with most of the money coming in recent years. In 2015 he sent cash to Kelly Ayotte’s Senate campaign in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton’s in Arkansas. He donated to Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination but not Trump’s, records show.

After a campaign in which he decried the influence of big banks and international financial institutions, Trump has leaned heavily on Wall Street executives as he prepares to take office. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, campaign finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, who is said to be a contender for Treasury secretary, and transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci are all Goldman Sachs alumni."

(Merry Christmas & You're welcome, Snowflakes. :p )

But... but... but RUSSISAH!!

They aren't going to get to the legitimate criticism of Trump during this millennia.
Trump Meets With Goldman’s Cohn as Dinner Set With Critic Romney

"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration."


"But he’s also donated more than $225,000 to Republicans, with most of the money coming in recent years. In 2015 he sent cash to Kelly Ayotte’s Senate campaign in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton’s in Arkansas. He donated to Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination but not Trump’s, records show.

After a campaign in which he decried the influence of big banks and international financial institutions, Trump has leaned heavily on Wall Street executives as he prepares to take office. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, campaign finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, who is said to be a contender for Treasury secretary, and transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci are all Goldman Sachs alumni."

(Merry Christmas & You're welcome, Snowflakes. :p )

I'm going to wait and see what he does before criticizing him.
If he sells out I'll be the first to say fuck him.

Have you said it yet? If not, why not?

Why would I?

Because as an American pleb you are supposed to be outraged and pissed off 24/7. Say, you hear about Matt Patrik?

Yeah I saw that.
Guy was pretty much an icon in Houston.
Trump Meets With Goldman’s Cohn as Dinner Set With Critic Romney

"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration."


"But he’s also donated more than $225,000 to Republicans, with most of the money coming in recent years. In 2015 he sent cash to Kelly Ayotte’s Senate campaign in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton’s in Arkansas. He donated to Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination but not Trump’s, records show.

After a campaign in which he decried the influence of big banks and international financial institutions, Trump has leaned heavily on Wall Street executives as he prepares to take office. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, campaign finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, who is said to be a contender for Treasury secretary, and transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci are all Goldman Sachs alumni."

(Merry Christmas & You're welcome, Snowflakes. :p )

I'm going to wait and see what he does before criticizing him.
If he sells out I'll be the first to say fuck him.

Have you said it yet? If not, why not?

Why would I?

Why wouldn't you? Trump is a disaster. His next act will include going after each Republican Senator who won't vote the way he has told them to vote, and have them defeated in a primary. Nice effort to support and defend our CONSTITUTION built on checks and balances.
No it's used because it's accurate. :lmao:

How so, snowflake?

'Snowflake': 'A term adopted by DEMOCRATS to make fun of DEMOCRATS (like YOU) who are easily offended and who can not accept reality.'

Democrat Snowflakes came up with 'safe spaces' because they are easily offended and used violence to shut down 'offensive' Constitutionally protected Freedom of Speech.

Hillary LOST the 2016 election...Donald Trump won. Democrat Snowflakes can not embrace that reality. After Hillary conceded snowflakes publicly burst into tears, created a fake web page that pretended Hillary had won, and immediately began treasonously calling for military coups and assassinations. To this very day they are still throwing false accusation after false accusation of 'collusion' out in hopes of overthrowing the newly elected President.

You claim Conservatives are 'snowflakes' because they can not accept reality. They are not the ones who clung to the idea Hillary should be President because she won an insignificant 'Popularity Contest', claiming a 'majority of the country voted for Hillary' when the fact is almost half of the country did not even vote.

Conservatives are not denying reality, they just keep pointing it out to snowflakes every time they debu8nk another false claim from the over-the-edge leftists.

So HOW is snowflakes' unoriginal attempts to insult Conservatives by calling THEM snowflakes 'accurate'?

Sorry charlie
I'm not a Democrat and I do not use the term for cons.
I don't see much snowflakes at all in cons ,they can actually deal with reality quite well.
That's why you don't see them out there destroying things while protesting.
For all the snowflakes who don't like us criticizing Trump...
1. Stop exposing your ignorance: As proven in the past, the term 'snowflake' was adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe other DEMOCRATS who were easily offended and who would not accept reality. You just make yourself look uneducated when you try to apply the term to Conservatives.

2. By all means criticize Trump...just stop with the lies, Fake News, unsubstantiated accusations, subversion, sedition, treason, and attempted assassinations of Republicans.
1. The term snowflake applies to conservatives too. Who cares who made it up and who it was first used on? I admit we have liberal snowflakes. The head of the GOP is the king of all snowflakes. He gets angry and tweets. Why would it make me look uneducated when I apply the term to cons? Now I agree you guys sound stupid when you try to call us fascists. Maybe this is what you are thinking but its not the same thing. A snowflake is someone who gets got and melts easy. Lots of Republican snowflakes out there.

2. What lies? Looks like there's more to this russia story than you guys were willing to admit. So will we drop the russia investigation? Why would we? Are you afraid we're going to find out even Ivanka met with russian spies?

Treason? Assassinations? Now you're being a snowflake.
The term snowflake applies to conservatives too.
Why? Because you unimaginative, unoriginal, propaganda-parroting snowflakes say so?

So you are arguing that an American citizen promoting / calling for the assassination of the President of the United States or the overthrow of the US govt isn't sedition / treason? Let me educate you my ignorant snowflake friend:

18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government

"Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government;..."

Following the loss of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election, snowflakes DID KNOWINGLY AND WILLINGLY CALL FOR THE OVERTHROW OF THE US GOVT through military coups and KNOWINGLY AND WILLINGLY called for the assassination of Donald Trump, the newly elected President.

For this CRIME, those persons:

"Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction."

Had any of these people who called for military coups and / or assassinations been imprisoned for 20 years and fined thousands of dollars it would have been JUSTICE for the crimes they publicly committed.
Trump Meets With Goldman’s Cohn as Dinner Set With Critic Romney

"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration."


"But he’s also donated more than $225,000 to Republicans, with most of the money coming in recent years. In 2015 he sent cash to Kelly Ayotte’s Senate campaign in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton’s in Arkansas. He donated to Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination but not Trump’s, records show.

After a campaign in which he decried the influence of big banks and international financial institutions, Trump has leaned heavily on Wall Street executives as he prepares to take office. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, campaign finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, who is said to be a contender for Treasury secretary, and transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci are all Goldman Sachs alumni."

(Merry Christmas & You're welcome, Snowflakes. :p )

I'm going to wait and see what he does before criticizing him.
If he sells out I'll be the first to say fuck him.

Have you said it yet? If not, why not?

Why would I?

Because as an American pleb you are supposed to be outraged and pissed off 24/7. Say, you hear about Matt Patrik?

Yeah I saw that.
Guy was pretty much an icon in Houston.

I could not stand the dude, but I met him working on the red neck country club. Huge dude nice dude. I digress, forgive me.
Trump Meets With Goldman’s Cohn as Dinner Set With Critic Romney

"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration."


"But he’s also donated more than $225,000 to Republicans, with most of the money coming in recent years. In 2015 he sent cash to Kelly Ayotte’s Senate campaign in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton’s in Arkansas. He donated to Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination but not Trump’s, records show.

After a campaign in which he decried the influence of big banks and international financial institutions, Trump has leaned heavily on Wall Street executives as he prepares to take office. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, campaign finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, who is said to be a contender for Treasury secretary, and transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci are all Goldman Sachs alumni."

(Merry Christmas & You're welcome, Snowflakes. :p )

The ACA stuff. Trump knew it would never go away, yet he lied about repealing it. So the least he can do is twist republicans arms on a bill that makes ACA work. Instead he kisses their bits and fucks around with the media.

Which brings me to the second thing. The media is discredited 100%. He spent all last year beating them and so far all of this year beating them. The media is a nonissue. His inability to STOP THE STUPID TWEETS is very annoying.

The third thing is his supporters. Not so much now, but during the primaries and campaign they were quite annoying.

But other then that Hillary is left crying in her room and not pissing in our faces from the Oval Office. For that alone Trump is awesome, although a dead cat would have been just as awesome.
Last edited:
The term snowflake applies to conservatives too.
Why? Because you unimaginative, unoriginal, propaganda-parroting snowflakes say so?

So you are arguing that an American citizen promoting / calling for the assassination of the President of the United States or the overthrow of the US govt isn't sedition / treason? Let me educate you my ignorant snowflake friend:

18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government

"Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government;..."

Following the loss of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election, snowflakes DID KNOWINGLY AND WILLINGLY CALL FOR THE OVERTHROW OF THE US GOVT through military coups and KNOWINGLY AND WILLINGLY called for the assassination of Donald Trump, the newly elected President.

For this CRIME, those persons:

"Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction."

Had any of these people who called for military coups and / or assassinations been imprisoned for 20 years and fined thousands of dollars it would have been JUSTICE for the crimes they publicly committed.

So when are you going to lock Donald Trump up?

Donald Trump says “Second Amendment people” may need to stop Hillary Clinton

Funny you snowflakes care about what Johnny Depp or Kathy Griffin say but you fucking elected a nut job. Wow. I mean WOWY WOWY WOW WOW what a fucking hypocrite.

I can't defend Depp or Griffin and I certainly wouldn't vote for either of them. But you? You're a fucking joke.
The term snowflake applies to conservatives too.
Why? Because you unimaginative, unoriginal, propaganda-parroting snowflakes say so?

So you are arguing that an American citizen promoting / calling for the assassination of the President of the United States or the overthrow of the US govt isn't sedition / treason? Let me educate you my ignorant snowflake friend:

18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government

"Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government;..."

Following the loss of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election, snowflakes DID KNOWINGLY AND WILLINGLY CALL FOR THE OVERTHROW OF THE US GOVT through military coups and KNOWINGLY AND WILLINGLY called for the assassination of Donald Trump, the newly elected President.

For this CRIME, those persons:

"Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction."

Had any of these people who called for military coups and / or assassinations been imprisoned for 20 years and fined thousands of dollars it would have been JUSTICE for the crimes they publicly committed.

Ted Nugent’s repeated calls for Obama’s death didn’t stop Trump from hosting him at the White House

This is what you get for threatening a presidents life.

So when are you going to lock Donald Trump up?

Donald Trump says “Second Amendment people” may need to stop Hillary Clinton

Funny you snowflakes care about what Johnny Depp or Kathy Griffin say but you fucking elected a nut job. Wow. I mean WOWY WOWY WOW WOW what a fucking hypocrite.

I can't defend Depp or Griffin and I certainly wouldn't vote for either of them. But you? You're a fucking joke.
Nice RANT...I would be embarrassed, too, and want to distract from that as quickly as possible if I was busted for not knowing that calling for military coups and assassinations were treasonous crimes.

You throw out Griffin, who posed with a mock bloody decapitated Trump head in an ISIS-esque photo op in some kind of demented rant - you still don't get it, do you. What she did could be looked at as a threat or promoting the idea of an assassination....which is why the Secret Service paid her a prolonged visit.

Of course you blow it off as nothing...because you obviously did not know that democrats / snowflakes calling for military coups and assassinations were actual CRIMES against the United States....and have defended snowflakes for doing so.
Trump Meets With Goldman’s Cohn as Dinner Set With Critic Romney

"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration."


"But he’s also donated more than $225,000 to Republicans, with most of the money coming in recent years. In 2015 he sent cash to Kelly Ayotte’s Senate campaign in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton’s in Arkansas. He donated to Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination but not Trump’s, records show.

After a campaign in which he decried the influence of big banks and international financial institutions, Trump has leaned heavily on Wall Street executives as he prepares to take office. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, campaign finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, who is said to be a contender for Treasury secretary, and transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci are all Goldman Sachs alumni."

(Merry Christmas & You're welcome, Snowflakes. :p )

I'm going to wait and see what he does before criticizing him.
If he sells out I'll be the first to say fuck him.

Now thats something I never expected... a "winner" from Franco.
Are you Franco? Did you forget to switch to your alt? I don't see a Franco response???
Try telling the whole story....

Nugent was paid the same type of APPROPRIATE visit by the Secret Service as did Griffin.

Threats against ANY President, even in 'jest', is UN-Acceptable....because there are nut jobs all over the country, supporters of both parties, who are encouraged to take action, as did the GOP shooter not long ago.

As far as his visit to the WH, not my call. A President can invite anyone they want to the WH, as did the Obamas.

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