If Libs Want to LEGITIMATELY Criticize Trump, Start HERE:

Try telling the whole story....

Nugent was paid the same type of APPROPRIATE visit by the Secret Service as did Griffin.

Threats against ANY President, even in 'jest', is UN-Acceptable....because there are nut jobs all over the country, supporters of both parties, who are encouraged to take action, as did the GOP shooter not long ago.

As far as his visit to the WH, not my call. A President can invite anyone they want to the WH, as did the Obamas.
Trump clearly supports anyone who makes threats against his opponents.

Didn't you see the pic he took with Ted in the oval office? That was ted's reward for threatening a president. So fuck yourselves bitches.
Trump Meets With Goldman’s Cohn as Dinner Set With Critic Romney

"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration."


"But he’s also donated more than $225,000 to Republicans, with most of the money coming in recent years. In 2015 he sent cash to Kelly Ayotte’s Senate campaign in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton’s in Arkansas. He donated to Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination but not Trump’s, records show.

After a campaign in which he decried the influence of big banks and international financial institutions, Trump has leaned heavily on Wall Street executives as he prepares to take office. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, campaign finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, who is said to be a contender for Treasury secretary, and transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci are all Goldman Sachs alumni."

(Merry Christmas & You're welcome, Snowflakes. :p )

I'm going to wait and see what he does before criticizing him.
If he sells out I'll be the first to say fuck him.

Now thats something I never expected... a "winner" from Franco.
Are you Franco? Did you forget to switch to your alt? I don't see a Franco response???

Go back to 2016 for the answer.....
Trump clearly supports anyone who makes threats against his opponents.
Nice opinion from someone who didn't even know advocating / calling for the overthrow of the govt or the assassination of a President is ILLEGAL... :p
Trump Meets With Goldman’s Cohn as Dinner Set With Critic Romney

"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration."


"But he’s also donated more than $225,000 to Republicans, with most of the money coming in recent years. In 2015 he sent cash to Kelly Ayotte’s Senate campaign in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton’s in Arkansas. He donated to Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination but not Trump’s, records show.

After a campaign in which he decried the influence of big banks and international financial institutions, Trump has leaned heavily on Wall Street executives as he prepares to take office. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, campaign finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, who is said to be a contender for Treasury secretary, and transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci are all Goldman Sachs alumni."

(Merry Christmas & You're welcome, Snowflakes. :p )

I'm going to wait and see what he does before criticizing him.
If he sells out I'll be the first to say fuck him.

Now thats something I never expected... a "winner" from Franco.
Are you Franco? Did you forget to switch to your alt? I don't see a Franco response???

Go back to 2016 for the answer.....
Umm, I'll pass and take your word for it.
there is plenty of legit material to criticize trump about....two things that prevented me from voting for him were his silence on the patriot act, and his willingness to take away the second amendment rights from those on the terror watch list. Also, some of his comments tend to make me think he is a bit tannenesque and I dont think he has appropriate respect for the division of power on the fed level(but then again, neither did clinton, bush or obama). Reason.com seems to have the most well thought out criticisms of the trump admin that I have seen.
Trump clearly supports anyone who makes threats against his opponents.
Nice opinion from someone who didn't even know advocating / calling for the overthrow of the govt or the assassination of a President is ILLEGAL... :p

Yea that's right. I didn't know. Fucking idiot! Why do you think we don't know this? What do you want to do? Do you want to lock Ted up next to Kathy and Johnny Depp? I don't give a fuck do it!!! But don't invite one of them to the White House.

Maybe Trump didn't know either. Remember that is the excuse Republicans give when Trump fucks up?

Paul Ryan says Trump is 'new at this' to explain President pressuring Comey to drop investigation

Maybe Griffin didn't know she was breaking the law. Maybe we should lock her up next to Donald and Don Jr.???
there is plenty of legit material to criticize trump about....two things that prevented me from voting for him were his silence on the patriot act, and his willingness to take away the second amendment rights from those on the terror watch list. Also, some of his comments tend to make me think he is a bit tannenesque and I dont think he has appropriate respect for the division of power on the fed level(but then again, neither did clinton, bush or obama). Reason.com seems to have the most well thought out criticisms of the trump admin that I have seen.
You sound like a rwnj.
Yea that's right. I didn't know. Fucking idiot! Why do you think we don't know this?
...because of your and other snowflakes' defense of the treasonous reactions to Hillary's loss of the election....and of acts like those of Griffin.

The Constitution's Freedom of Speech does not cover calling for the overthrow of the US govt or calls for / promoting the assassination of the President, no matter who it is.

Before the election was even held Democrats - Hillary's own campaign - was caught funding violence against Trump supporters AT TRUMP Rallies - meaning they were paid to go to Trump rallies and engage in illegal activity. Throughout the entire process, from prior to the election through after the election, Democrats have engaged in illegal activities, from physical attacks on others,to terrorism - blowing up a GOPHQ and physically threatening Electoral College voters in an attempt to alter the election outcome, to attempted murder by some radicalized snowflake who tried to kill Republican representatives.

Democrats have escalated their hatred to subversive, seditious, and even treasonous levels, all because they have been unable to accept that their candidate - the most corrupt, criminal candidate in US history - lost an election.

And instead of REBUKING that activity snowflakes such as yourself have DEFENDED such activity on this board - made excuses for it, justified it.

Barak Obama himself said it best when he declared, 'Elections have Consequences'. It's about damn time snowflakes accepted that, accepted that Hillary lost the election. No one stole it from her. No one forced her to ignore Wisconsin and run one of the worst campaigns ever.

By all rights she should never have even been in the race come election time because she should have been forced out of it due to being under multiple FBI investigations of crimes, which included Espionage, illegally mis-handling classified, Influence Peddling, etc - some of which we now know she DID commit.

"So fuck yourselves bitches."

No, how about you and all the other little disgruntled, reality-denying snowflakes grow the F* up?!
My major complaint would be that once becoming president you are there to represent the whole country, not just one party. major heads of government should be picked for there expertise in the departments they head, this is not the case in many of the choices made.
My major complaint would be that once becoming president you are there to represent the whole country, not just one party. major heads of government should be picked for there expertise in the departments they head, this is not the case in many of the choices made.
I am not defending Trump for not doing so, but you really think Barry did? He refused to even speak to Republicans for almost an entire year after he won, told the GOP they could 'come along but would have to get in the back of the bus', illegally spied on Americans, and illegally used the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives....

As the saying goes, those in glass houses....

(Not affiliating YOU personally with any one party...just saying)
Yea that's right. I didn't know. Fucking idiot! Why do you think we don't know this?
...because of your and other snowflakes' defense of the treasonous reactions to Hillary's loss of the election....and of acts like those of Griffin.

The Constitution's Freedom of Speech does not cover calling for the overthrow of the US govt or calls for / promoting the assassination of the President, no matter who it is.

Before the election was even held Democrats - Hillary's own campaign - was caught funding violence against Trump supporters AT TRUMP Rallies - meaning they were paid to go to Trump rallies and engage in illegal activity. Throughout the entire process, from prior to the election through after the election, Democrats have engaged in illegal activities, from physical attacks on others,to terrorism - blowing up a GOPHQ and physically threatening Electoral College voters in an attempt to alter the election outcome, to attempted murder by some radicalized snowflake who tried to kill Republican representatives.

Democrats have escalated their hatred to subversive, seditious, and even treasonous levels, all because they have been unable to accept that their candidate - the most corrupt, criminal candidate in US history - lost an election.

And instead of REBUKING that activity snowflakes such as yourself have DEFENDED such activity on this board - made excuses for it, justified it.

Barak Obama himself said it best when he declared, 'Elections have Consequences'. It's about damn time snowflakes accepted that, accepted that Hillary lost the election. No one stole it from her. No one forced her to ignore Wisconsin and run one of the worst campaigns ever.

By all rights she should never have even been in the race come election time because she should have been forced out of it due to being under multiple FBI investigations of crimes, which included Espionage, illegally mis-handling classified, Influence Peddling, etc - some of which we now know she DID commit.

"So fuck yourselves bitches."

No, how about you and all the other little disgruntled, reality-denying snowflakes grow the F* up?!
You are unhinged. LOL Snowflake.
Snowflake, a flake of snow, especially a feathery ice crystal, typically displaying delicate sixfold symmetry.

Why it is used as a pejorative is anyone's guess, that its use is stupid is beyond a doubt.

Risking being attacked by posting fake news, here is what I found about the word:

Apparently a snowflake is not just a little white speck of a winter flurry that we wish for on Christmas day. Lately the term has been used as a slang insult, often used in a derogatory way to suggest that people — often, but not always, young people — who take offense to anything from political policy changes to offensive comments are as weak and vulnerable as a speck of snow.

But the slang term isn’t new — and its use has evolved quite a bit.

In Missouri in the 1860s, a “snowflake” was a person who was against the abolition of slavery, according to Merriam-Webster.

Snowflakes during that time period valued white people over black people and wanted slavery to continue after the Civil War.

Been called a 'snowflake'? The 'it' new insult

And from an other dictionary source:

"In Missouri in the early 1860s, a 'snowflake' was a person who was opposed to the abolition of slavery."

Clearly "snowflake" does not describe those of us who supported President Obama and continue to consider him an effective leader on the world stage. It is more appropriate in describing a Trump supporter and the New Right.
Clearly "snowflake" does not describe those of us who supported President Obama and continue to consider him an effective leader on the world stage. It is more appropriate in describing a Truue Leader.
Thank you for demonstrating the definition of a delusional 'snowflake'...

...unless your definition of a 'true leader' includes illegally spying on Americans, Congress, and the USSC...includes illegally using the IRS as a political weapon against Americans...includes treasonously aiding and abetting terrorists his entire time in office...includes violating both Constitution and Law...
He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Trump has also been waging his own personal missile war....

The results are in: Add another 9 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as not a UN-sanctioned war, could this make Trump a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Trump's war has killed 116 civilians...
Clearly "snowflake" does not describe those of us who supported President Obama and continue to consider him an effective leader on the world stage. It is more appropriate in describing a Truue Leader.
Thank you for demonstrating the definition of a delusional 'snowflake'...

...unless your definition of a 'true leader' includes illegally spying on Americans, Congress, and the USSC...includes illegally using the IRS as a political weapon against Americans...includes treasonously aiding and abetting terrorists his entire time in office...includes violating both Constitution and Law...

I suppose dropping a drone on a terrorist is in your mind "aiding and abetting terrorists"? I wonder how well you understand Art. I, Sec 9, clause 8? What do you think (lol) about Trump's recent promise to fund candidates to defeat incumbent Senators who vote against his will? How does that comports with the checks and balances established in COTUS? Does that comport in your little mind with Art. II, Sec. 1, clauses 7 & 8?

Are you intentionally running for the award of dumbest hack of the year? It sure seems so.
Yea that's right. I didn't know. Fucking idiot! Why do you think we don't know this?
...because of your and other snowflakes' defense of the treasonous reactions to Hillary's loss of the election....and of acts like those of Griffin.

The Constitution's Freedom of Speech does not cover calling for the overthrow of the US govt or calls for / promoting the assassination of the President, no matter who it is.!

And liberals in general support the arrest and conviction of anyone promoting the assassination of a President.

As far as for 'calling for the overthrow of the U.S. Government'- Trump's Birther's called for that for years- and Trump himself worked to undermine the government of the United States by casting doubt on our electoral process, and the legitimacy of our sitting President.

No one should be calling for the assasination of any President- unfortunately too many loons did call for Obama's assassination- and have called for Trump's- they should be prosecuted.

But you snowflakes believe that any criticism of Trump is calling for the overthrow of the U.S. Government- and Trump himself seems to believe that the media is treasonous if they report anything critical of him.

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