If capitalism works why are you all getting government handouts ?

So was the boot we put in the USSR's ass.

View attachment 372436
How did the transition to the market economy and "democracy" affect infant mortality and life expectancy in Russia and Eastern Europe when "socialism" failed?

It didn't fail, America kicked its ass.

There seem to be double standards at work here. I do think that it is the role of government to help out when capitalism fails but so many of my fellow posters seem to be happy decrying "Venezuela" whilst gorging themselves on the government teat.

Are you all going to give the money back ?

The amusing thing here is you think you're relevant.

Michigan's at 21% unemployment because Gretche Whitler shut the state down. That's not "capitalism"
Yet another stupid fuck blaming the States for Trump's COVID failure.

You really think that without the shut downs that people would be flocking to bars & restaurants, etc when the infection rates would be so much higher without the shut downs?
prove it. pull the benchmark data that agrees with your post. You can't, but you're condescension will have you insult me.
There is lots of data on the option that did not happen. Not.

You think the only reason people did not go out to eat was because there were closed. Lots of people would no go because of the virus. Lots of people only venture out now when absolutely necessary because of the virus. Withiout the shutdown, we could have tens of millions more infections, lots more deasrth & lots mopre people staying home.
In 1979 I made $5 dollars an hour, today I make 35 dollars an hour. that isn't 11.6. just saying, you're wrong. And by the way, there are tens of millions of me
How does 1979 GDP compare with today?
Do you understand why that matters?

An Annual Review of the U.S. Economy Since 1929
It is just simple referencing when gauging the past with the future, but policy is what adjust the outcomes of our present conditions. The Democrats have had the wrong policies, and they have hurt so many because of their wrongheadedness, and to the point that we can't even reference the Democrat periods in respect to the future, and do it from within the future once we get there.

Look at Clinton 's economy vs Bush's.

Compare Obama's wiuth Trump's.

Democrats build kit up & Republicans fuck it over.

At least it took 7 years for GW to bring on his recession. Trump took only 3 years.

Michigan's at 21% unemployment because Gretche Whitler shut the state down. That's not "capitalism"
Yet another stupid fuck blaming the States for Trump's COVID failure.

You really think that without the shut downs that people would be flocking to bars & restaurants, etc when the infection rates would be so much higher without the shut downs?
prove it. pull the benchmark data that agrees with your post. You can't, but you're condescension will have you insult me.
There is lots of data on the option that did not happen. Not.

You think the only reason people did not go out to eat was because there were closed. Lots of people would no go because of the virus. Lots of people only venture out now when absolutely necessary because of the virus. Withiout the shutdown, we could have tens of millions more infections, lots more deasrth & lots mopre people staying home.
In 1979 I made $5 dollars an hour, today I make 35 dollars an hour. that isn't 11.6. just saying, you're wrong. And by the way, there are tens of millions of me
How does 1979 GDP compare with today?
Do you understand why that matters?

An Annual Review of the U.S. Economy Since 1929
It is just simple referencing when gauging the past with the future, but policy is what adjust the outcomes of our present conditions. The Democrats have had the wrong policies, and they have hurt so many because of their wrongheadedness, and to the point that we can't even reference the Democrat periods in respect to the future, and do it from within the future once we get there.

Look at Clinton 's economy vs Bush's.

Compare Obama's wiuth Trump's.

Democrats build kit up & Republicans fuck it over.

At least it took 7 years for GW to bring on his recession. Trump took only 3 years.

clinton's economy was reagan's economy. he just managed to not fuck it up, primarily because gridlock stopped him.

Michigan's at 21% unemployment because Gretche Whitler shut the state down. That's not "capitalism"
Yet another stupid fuck blaming the States for Trump's COVID failure.

You really think that without the shut downs that people would be flocking to bars & restaurants, etc when the infection rates would be so much higher without the shut downs?
prove it. pull the benchmark data that agrees with your post. You can't, but you're condescension will have you insult me.
There is lots of data on the option that did not happen. Not.

You think the only reason people did not go out to eat was because there were closed. Lots of people would no go because of the virus. Lots of people only venture out now when absolutely necessary because of the virus. Withiout the shutdown, we could have tens of millions more infections, lots more deasrth & lots mopre people staying home.
In 1979 I made $5 dollars an hour, today I make 35 dollars an hour. that isn't 11.6. just saying, you're wrong. And by the way, there are tens of millions of me
How does 1979 GDP compare with today?
Do you understand why that matters?

An Annual Review of the U.S. Economy Since 1929
It is just simple referencing when gauging the past with the future, but policy is what adjust the outcomes of our present conditions. The Democrats have had the wrong policies, and they have hurt so many because of their wrongheadedness, and to the point that we can't even reference the Democrat periods in respect to the future, and do it from within the future once we get there.

Look at Clinton 's economy vs Bush's.

Compare Obama's wiuth Trump's.

Democrats build kit up & Republicans fuck it over.

At least it took 7 years for GW to bring on his recession. Trump took only 3 years.

clinton's economy was reagan's economy. he just managed to not fuck it up, primarily because gridlock stopped him.
Sure it was.

Michigan's at 21% unemployment because Gretche Whitler shut the state down. That's not "capitalism"
Yet another stupid fuck blaming the States for Trump's COVID failure.

You really think that without the shut downs that people would be flocking to bars & restaurants, etc when the infection rates would be so much higher without the shut downs?
prove it. pull the benchmark data that agrees with your post. You can't, but you're condescension will have you insult me.
There is lots of data on the option that did not happen. Not.

You think the only reason people did not go out to eat was because there were closed. Lots of people would no go because of the virus. Lots of people only venture out now when absolutely necessary because of the virus. Withiout the shutdown, we could have tens of millions more infections, lots more deasrth & lots mopre people staying home.
In 1979 I made $5 dollars an hour, today I make 35 dollars an hour. that isn't 11.6. just saying, you're wrong. And by the way, there are tens of millions of me
How does 1979 GDP compare with today?
Do you understand why that matters?

An Annual Review of the U.S. Economy Since 1929
It is just simple referencing when gauging the past with the future, but policy is what adjust the outcomes of our present conditions. The Democrats have had the wrong policies, and they have hurt so many because of their wrongheadedness, and to the point that we can't even reference the Democrat periods in respect to the future, and do it from within the future once we get there.

Look at Clinton 's economy vs Bush's.

Compare Obama's wiuth Trump's.

Democrats build kit up & Republicans fuck it over.

At least it took 7 years for GW to bring on his recession. Trump took only 3 years.

clinton's economy was reagan's economy. he just managed to not fuck it up, primarily because gridlock stopped him.
Sure it was.

yep. massive boom, though most of the reagan years and nearly all of the bush years. slight recession and then booming back, well before clinton took office.

bill inherited a booming economy and it defined his entire administration.
Capitalism works, yes. Government handouts don't change that fact.

Bail outs.....if it worked there would be no bail outs.
Capitalism works when left to its own devices. When government interferes and shuts down the economy, suppressing capitalism (and charity), then maybe some people have no other alternative.

None of that happened when the banks demanded and got billions from the taxpayers.

Michigan's at 21% unemployment because Gretche Whitler shut the state down. That's not "capitalism"
Yet another stupid fuck blaming the States for Trump's COVID failure.

You really think that without the shut downs that people would be flocking to bars & restaurants, etc when the infection rates would be so much higher without the shut downs?
prove it. pull the benchmark data that agrees with your post. You can't, but you're condescension will have you insult me.
There is lots of data on the option that did not happen. Not.

You think the only reason people did not go out to eat was because there were closed. Lots of people would no go because of the virus. Lots of people only venture out now when absolutely necessary because of the virus. Withiout the shutdown, we could have tens of millions more infections, lots more deasrth & lots mopre people staying home.
In 1979 I made $5 dollars an hour, today I make 35 dollars an hour. that isn't 11.6. just saying, you're wrong. And by the way, there are tens of millions of me
How does 1979 GDP compare with today?
Do you understand why that matters?

An Annual Review of the U.S. Economy Since 1929
It is just simple referencing when gauging the past with the future, but policy is what adjust the outcomes of our present conditions. The Democrats have had the wrong policies, and they have hurt so many because of their wrongheadedness, and to the point that we can't even reference the Democrat periods in respect to the future, and do it from within the future once we get there.

Look at Clinton 's economy vs Bush's.

Compare Obama's wiuth Trump's.

Democrats build kit up & Republicans fuck it over.

At least it took 7 years for GW to bring on his recession. Trump took only 3 years.

clinton's economy was reagan's economy. he just managed to not fuck it up, primarily because gridlock stopped him.

To be fair, Gore invented the internet.

Michigan's at 21% unemployment because Gretche Whitler shut the state down. That's not "capitalism"
Yet another stupid fuck blaming the States for Trump's COVID failure.

You really think that without the shut downs that people would be flocking to bars & restaurants, etc when the infection rates would be so much higher without the shut downs?
prove it. pull the benchmark data that agrees with your post. You can't, but you're condescension will have you insult me.
There is lots of data on the option that did not happen. Not.

You think the only reason people did not go out to eat was because there were closed. Lots of people would no go because of the virus. Lots of people only venture out now when absolutely necessary because of the virus. Withiout the shutdown, we could have tens of millions more infections, lots more deasrth & lots mopre people staying home.
In 1979 I made $5 dollars an hour, today I make 35 dollars an hour. that isn't 11.6. just saying, you're wrong. And by the way, there are tens of millions of me
How does 1979 GDP compare with today?
Do you understand why that matters?

An Annual Review of the U.S. Economy Since 1929
It is just simple referencing when gauging the past with the future, but policy is what adjust the outcomes of our present conditions. The Democrats have had the wrong policies, and they have hurt so many because of their wrongheadedness, and to the point that we can't even reference the Democrat periods in respect to the future, and do it from within the future once we get there.

Look at Clinton 's economy vs Bush's.

Compare Obama's wiuth Trump's.

Democrats build kit up & Republicans fuck it over.

At least it took 7 years for GW to bring on his recession. Trump took only 3 years.

clinton's economy was reagan's economy. he just managed to not fuck it up, primarily because gridlock stopped him.
Sure it was.

yep. massive boom, though most of the reagan years and nearly all of the bush years. slight recession and then booming back, well before clinton took office.

bill inherited a booming economy and it defined his entire administration.
Bill got the .com boom
Capitalism works, yes. Government handouts don't change that fact.

Bail outs.....if it worked there would be no bail outs.
Capitalism works when left to its own devices. When government interferes and shuts down the economy, suppressing capitalism (and charity), then maybe some people have no other alternative.

None of that happened when the banks demanded and got billions from the taxpayers.
Still no argument against capitalism.
Capitalism works, yes. Government handouts don't change that fact.

Bail outs.....if it worked there would be no bail outs.
Capitalism works when left to its own devices. When government interferes and shuts down the economy, suppressing capitalism (and charity), then maybe some people have no other alternative.

None of that happened when the banks demanded and got billions from the taxpayers.
Still no argument against capitalism.

The argument is that we do not have capitalism.
Capitalism works, yes. Government handouts don't change that fact.

Bail outs.....if it worked there would be no bail outs.
How? Explain how forced shutting down businesses was good for the economy

I never said it was but honesty isn't your strong point.
It’s the only point. Forcing businesses to close will stop money flow. So your post isn’t worth the dog shit I cleaned up today. There’s that
Capitalism works, yes. Government handouts don't change that fact.

Bail outs.....if it worked there would be no bail outs.
Capitalism works to a large degree, but now and again it goes wrong due to corruption, so along comes the bailouts. We also have the emergency problems where FEMA kicks in, but the other is usually due to corruption, mismanagement, ideology, trends, and even a change in choices or culture. Maybe there should be a scale with everything listed, and then the percentages listed on the side to determine how much percentage of one activity over another is causing the bail out problems. Keep records
Capitalism works, yes. Government handouts don't change that fact.

Bail outs.....if it worked there would be no bail outs.
Capitalism works to a large degree, but now and again it goes wrong due to corruption, so along comes the bailouts. We also have the emergency problems where FEMA kicks in, but the other is usually due to corruption, mismanagement, ideology, trends, and even a change in choices or culture. Maybe there should be a scale with everything listed, and then the percentages listed on the side to determine how much percentage of one activity over another is causing the bail out problems. Keep records

That would be good with me. We won't. We will continue to make taxpayers "bail out capitalism".

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