If Alfie Evans were Muslim, Would the EU still be Starving Him To Death?

No, he could have had a normal life if he had some new treatments done, and why wouldnt the EU allow it if it is not at their expense and duly credentialed professionals are saying it is a plausible cure?

Maniacal wannabe murderers dont want their little precedent get away from them.

Uh, dude, where did you get your medical degree from, a cracker jack box?

The baby had 70% brain damage. In the very unlikely event he lived, he'd have been a vegetable his whole life.
It is a sad, heartbreaking story. I am hoping for a miracle.

The part that troubles me most is that the UK court is preventing Alfie's parents from taking him to Italy for treatment. Why do they have any say at all?

Apparently in the UK, the state owns your children. That should frighten us all.

It is because the child has rights and they transcend the rights of the parents,the doctors and the rest. There was no treatment on offer in Italy. Just palliative care.It would not have been in the childs best interests to go to Italy.

The doctors made the case and various courts agreed with them,based on the evidence. The parents deserve our sympathy because they have been used and exploited by religious and political schemers. I hope they find some peace some day.
He is a terminally ill vegetable who is going to die either way.

No, he could have had a normal life if he had some new treatments done, and why wouldnt the EU allow it if it is not at their expense and duly credentialed professionals are saying it is a plausible cure?

Maniacal wannabe murderers dont want their little precedent get away from them.

No he was a vegetable at the end of a terminal genetic condition. There was no normal life and new treatments that would saved him. Sure he could have been a human lab rat for a bit if he had gotten there sooner, but the end was inevitable
No he was a vegetable at the end of a terminal genetic condition. There was no normal life and new treatments that would saved him. Sure he could have been a human lab rat for a bit if he had gotten there sooner, but the end was inevitable

Experts who, unlike you, know what the hell they are talking about say otherwise.

You just repeat this notion the kid was a vegetable to sooth your evil bastard conscience which is about dead already.
Uh, dude, where did you get your medical degree from, a cracker jack box?

The baby had 70% brain damage. In the very unlikely event he lived, he'd have been a vegetable his whole life.

No, it merely makes him a Frenchman.

Meet The Man Who Lives Normally With Damage to 90% of His Brain
There are several instances and studies online about brain cell regeneration. I can't seem to find the one that is the best documented with xray pics and all of a toddler that's brain has almost fully regenerated from just a sliver of what was left of his original brain after a devastating disease. It is out there and if I come across it I'll post it.

On the brighter side:
Looks like the people may get some relief over there concerning parental rights. People should be considering the same here before another medical kidnap case happens.

British MP proposes “Alfie’s Law” to restore parental rights in medical situations
British MP proposes "Alfie's Law" to restore parental rights in medical decisions
Sarah Palin has been completely vindicated regarding the Socialist genocidal maniacs running their health care system.

Even if it costs them nothing, no precious resources, and allowed the child to be cared for by others who volunteered to care for the child and pay the costs, THE EU BLOOD SUCKERS STILL WANT THE CHILD DEAD.

But I cant help but wonder, 'What if he was Muslim instead of Christian?

Exclusive - Sarah Palin: The 'Diabolical' Treatment of Alfie Evans Shows Our Future if We Ignore 'Death Panels' Warning

Alfie Evans is a critically ill toddler who was recently removed from life support against the wishes of his parents by order of the British government, following a United Kingdom High Court decision on April 11. British authorities also denied the parents’ request to transfer their child to a Vatican-owned children’s hospital for treatment at the invitation of Pope Francis and Vatican officials who offered to cover the child’s healthcare and travel expenses.

Palin said, “The hospital and quote-unquote ‘health care providers’ won’t listen to the parents of Alfie, and of course the parents want to take all these offers from others to help their special needs child who will die under the care of this hospital that is adhering to the socialized rationed health care rules.”

Palin recalled her 2009 Facebook post in which she coined the term “death panel” to warn of the dangers of the Democrats’ push for a government-controlled healthcare system. She wrote:

The Democrats promise that a government health care system will reduce the cost of health care, but as the economist Thomas Sowell has pointed out, government health care will not reduce the cost; it will simply refuse to pay the cost. And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course. The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their “level of productivity in society,” whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.

Health care by definition involves life and death decisions. Human rights and human dignity must be at the center of any health care discussion.

Palin reminded listeners that she had been “mocked” and “just about run out of town” for warning about “death panels” during the months leading up to the passage of Obamacare.

Left-wing PolitiFact described her “death panels” comment as its 2009 “Lie of the Year.” The comment inspired such heated debate that President Obama addressed her criticisms in a special joint session of Congress, where he said the idea “that we plan to set up panels of bureaucrats with the power to kill off senior citizens” is a “cynical and irresponsible” lie. However, in the years following the passage of Obamacare, left-wing pundits and Democrats like Howard Dean have openly admitted that Palin was correct that the denial of live-preserving treatment is inevitable within a system of rationed government-controlled health care.
And of course, Alfie isnt the only one being deliberately murdered by EU authorities.

Alfie, Isaiah, Charlie: The Ill Children Mandated to Die by Hospitals Against Their Parents' Wishes | Breitbart

The fight for Alfie Evans’ life appears to be at a close as his father, on behalf of the family, signalled that he would be working with the hospital “on a plan that provides our boy with the dignity and comfort he needs” and asked his supporters to return to their everyday lives.
The ill toddler joins a list of other children removed from life support against their parents’ wishes, whose stories have touched the hearts of people around the world and whose fight for their short lives found the support from high-profiled figures such as Pope Francis, Polish President Andrzej Duda, European Parliament President Antonio Tajani, and U.S. President Donald J. Trump.

Death Panels: Will Politifact Award Howard Dean 'Lie of the Year' | Breitbart

Palin Echoed by Hard Leftists | Breitbart

Four Times Obamacare Advocates Admitted It Will Kill Old People | Breitbart

When Big Brother kidnaps children as in this case, we now have what we said would happen.
In the comments on that article link John R. Bloxson Jr. tells his horror story about doctors wanting to pull the life supports away from him here is the US. He is on facebook if anyone is interested in looking at what he has gone through with Obamacare.

I also can't say it enough times my son was also diagnosed brain dead thirty-eight years ago. If I had given up as doctors and others encouraged me to do I would have missed the pleasure of having my son with me and having the pleasure of meeting my son's beautiful son.

I also recall when my grandfather was hit by a car and was on life support. He pleaded with my aunt to not let them take away life support after doctors told family members in his hospital room that he was totally brain dead. No one listened to my aunt relating grandpa's request to stay alive. Grandpa had what was supposed to be the best insurance possible, Bluecross Bluesheild that was bought and paid for by his union that he retired from several years previously.
In the comments on that article link John R. Bloxson Jr. tells his horror story about doctors wanting to pull the life supports away from him here is the US. He is on facebook if anyone is interested in looking at what he has gone through with Obamacare.

I also can't say it enough times my son was also diagnosed brain dead thirty-eight years ago. If I had given up as doctors and others encouraged me to do I would have missed the pleasure of having my son with me and having the pleasure of meeting my son's beautiful son.

I also recall when my grandfather was hit by a car and was on life support. He pleaded with my aunt to not let them take away life support after doctors told family members in his hospital room that he was totally brain dead. No one listened to my aunt relating grandpa's request to stay alive. Grandpa had what was supposed to be the best insurance possible, Bluecross Bluesheild that was bought and paid for by his union that he retired from several years previously.
Did MRI’s show most of his brain destroyed and replaced by fluid? You don’t recover from that and this child has had a team of experts keeping him alive and trying to stop the progression. Every case is different, but at what point do you decide it is time?

How did your grandfather plead not to take away life support? It sounds like gross medical malpractice for them to ignore him.

IMO...they should have allowed the parents to take the child to Italy if it was on their own dime and possible to do. It would at least give them closure, that they had tried everything.

But it is wrong to say the doctors killed him or the state. His disease killed him.
Can you cite any cases where any individual with over 70% of his brain destroyed and replaced by spinal fluid has had a normal life or even regained consciousness?

Man with tiny brain shocks doctors
A man with an unusually tiny brain manages to live an entirely normal life despite his condition, which was caused by a fluid build-up in his skull.

Scans of the 44-year-old man’s brain showed that a huge fluid-filled chamber called a ventricle took up most of the room in his skull, leaving little more than a thin sheet of actual brain tissue (see image of the patient’s brain, above left).

“It is hard for me [to say] exactly the percentage of reduction of the brain, since we did not use software to measure its volume. But visually, it is more than a 50 to 75 per cent reduction,” says Lionel Feuillet, a neurologist at the Mediterranean University in Marseille, France.​

Feuillet and his colleagues describe the case of this patient in The Lancet. He is a married father of two children, and works as a civil servant.

No wants to murder him.

roflmao, you use semantics to evade the obvious; yes, when hideous people in power want to kill an innocent child who could live, it is MURDER.

The article, an interesting one btw, also states:

Brain adaptation
The findings reveal “the brain is very plastic and can adapt to some brain damage occurring in the pre- and postnatal period when treated appropriately,” he says.

“What I find amazing to this day is how the brain can deal with something which you think should not be compatible with life,” comments Max Muenke, a paediatric brain defect specialist at the National Human Genome Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, US.

If something happens very slowly over quite some time, maybe over decades, the different parts of the brain take up functions that would normally be done by the part that is pushed to the side,” adds Muenke, who was not involved in the case.
No, he could have had a normal life if he had some new treatments done, and why wouldnt the EU allow it if it is not at their expense and duly credentialed professionals are saying it is a plausible cure?

Maniacal wannabe murderers dont want their little precedent get away from them.

Uh, dude, where did you get your medical degree from, a cracker jack box?

The baby had 70% brain damage. In the very unlikely event he lived, he'd have been a vegetable his whole life.
It was more than that by Feb 2018, and all their attempts to slow or halt the disease had failed. These doctors also don’t work in isolation, they consult with experts around the world, and the Vatican could have sent their doctors there I would think.
In the comments on that article link John R. Bloxson Jr. tells his horror story about doctors wanting to pull the life supports away from him here is the US. He is on facebook if anyone is interested in looking at what he has gone through with Obamacare.

I also can't say it enough times my son was also diagnosed brain dead thirty-eight years ago. If I had given up as doctors and others encouraged me to do I would have missed the pleasure of having my son with me and having the pleasure of meeting my son's beautiful son.

I also recall when my grandfather was hit by a car and was on life support. He pleaded with my aunt to not let them take away life support after doctors told family members in his hospital room that he was totally brain dead. No one listened to my aunt relating grandpa's request to stay alive. Grandpa had what was supposed to be the best insurance possible, Bluecross Bluesheild that was bought and paid for by his union that he retired from several years previously.
Did MRI’s show most of his brain destroyed and replaced by fluid? You don’t recover from that and this child has had a team of experts keeping him alive and trying to stop the progression. Every case is different, but at what point do you decide it is time?

How did your grandfather plead not to take away life support? It sounds like gross medical malpractice for them to ignore him.

IMO...they should have allowed the parents to take the child to Italy if it was on their own dime and possible to do. It would at least give them closure, that they had tried everything.

But it is wrong to say the doctors killed him or the state. His disease killed him.
You let the parent(s) of the child make the call of the child's care not some know it all asshole doctor or technician.

The parents were told their was initially nothing wrong with the child. This timeline doesn't have the vaccines dates in it but it should have. Perhaps my friend who did the outline will include the date the baby was shot up with vaccines later. If she does I will repost it. No it is not wrong to say the state killed the child when the state determined that they would not allow the child's parents to seek help elsewhere.
Grandpa told my aunt "*****, please don't let them kill me". Doctors and another family member ignored what she related to them he said.

Timeline: Alfie Evans's life and the court battle surrounding him
May 9. 2016 - Alfie is born

Alfie is born in a three-bedroom property in Dingle - his uncle's home. He spends the first few months of his life there

December 2016 - Alfie admitted to Alder Hey

Alfie is rushed to Alder Hey hospital after he slopes back in a chair and begins to make jerking movements. His condition deteriorates at Alder Hey, with Alfie suffering seizures and then slipping into a coma.

Late 2016 - Alfie taken to doctors several times

After the first few months of his life where Alfie seemed healthy and smiley, parents Tom and Kate become concerned after noticing he was very weak - taking him to the doctors several times.

June 2017 - parents fear court battle

Dad Tom Evans tells the ECHO he fears Alder Hey could mount a legal battle to switch Alfie's life support off, as it is not clear Alfie can recover.

June 2017 - Alfie's Army offers support - and fresh hope

Thousands of people join 'Alfie's Army' online, with messages of support flooding in after the ECHO first reported the story. A change (dot)org petition backs the parents and Alfie's parents say they have new hope of a diagnosis in the USA.

August 2017 - parents turn to doctor who offered to help Charlie Gard

Charlie's parents turn to Dr Michio Hirano, the US neurologist who offered to provide revolutionary treatment to help Charlie Gard. They also say doctors in Utah and Italy have said they may be able to help

December 2017 - Alder Hey applies to switch off life support

Alfie's parents say they are in a "living nightmare" as the hospital says they have exhausted all options. In a letter to the parents, Alder Hey say they are opposing a proposed move to an Italian children's hospital - and applying to the High Court to switch off life support

January At the request of the parents Dr Izabela Pałgan a pediatrician, hematologist and oncologist specialist from Poland examines Alfie at the request of the parents and she does not believe Alfie is brain dead nor does she believe that his case is hopeless.

February 1 - High Court case begins

Liverpool civil and family court is the venue as High Court judge Mr Justice Hayden hears evidence from lawyers and doctors on behalf of Alder Hey on Alfie's condition. Tom Evans speaks on behalf of Alfie and the family, along with mum Kate. There are emotional scenes as the hearing goes on for seven days.

February 20 - Judge says life support should end

Alder Hey doctors had been giving Alfie Midazolam and Fentanyl which would shorten Alfie’s life by chemically suffocating him.

Judge Mr Justice Hayden ruled that little Alfie's life support should not be continued, despite his parent's determination to move their son to another specialist children’s hospital in Italy to see if they can diagnose and treat his condition.

Alfie's parents vow to fight decision

Dad Tom: "My boy is strong, my boy is comfortable. This isn't over, this is just the start... I'm not giving up. My son ain't giving up."

March 6 - Appeal fails

Appeal Court judges uphold the decision but Mr Evans vows to fight this in the Supreme Court

March 20 - Supreme Court refuses case

Supreme Court justices refused to hear the case in London. On March 28 the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg also decline to look at the decision.

April 11 - Date set for withdrawal of life support

After the family and doctors fail to agree an end of life care plan for Alfie, the hospital are legally obliged to seek a date from the High Court for Alfie's life support to be withdrawn. Mr Justice Anthony Hayden sets a date and time - which cannot be reported for legal reasons.

April 12 - Emergency order granted

As hundreds gather outside the hospital to protest the decision, the court issues an emergency order paving the way for a further hearing at the Court of Appeal.

April 16 - appeal denied

Appeal Court justices rule against the parents at a Court of Appeal hearing. The family indicates they are set to seek to lodge further proceedings in the Supreme Court

April 18 - Tom Evans meets Pope Francis

Alfie's dad, Tom Evans, met Pope Francis at The Vatican in Rome to plead for help in his son's case.

In a message believed to have been delivered to The Pope, he claimed that his son was 'not dying, and does not deserve to die.'

He said: "Our child is sick, but not dying and does not deserve to die. He is not terminally ill nor diagnosed.

"We have been trying our best to find out his condition to treat or manage it."

"I am now here in front of your holiness to plea for asylum, our hospitals in the UK do not want to give disabled children the chance of life and instead the hospitals in the UK are now assisting death in children.

April 20 - Supreme Court turns down appeal again

Judges at the court, the highest court in the UK, rejected the family's legal team's request for permission to appeal there once more. A spokesperson for the Supreme Court said: "Having considered submissions from the parties 'on paper', in the usual way, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom has refused permission for the parents to appeal."

April 23 - European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights (EHCR) ruled that the family's latest appeal would be denied for a second time.

In delivering the news, they said their case was 'inadmissable.'

A statement read: "The European Court of Human Rights has today rejected the application submitted by the family of Alfie Evans as inadmissible."

April 23 - Alfie granted Italian citizenship

Alfie is granted Italian citizenship in a last-ditch attempt to move him to Rome.

The Italian foreign office confirmed the seriously-ill youngster was granted citizenship in the hope he could be moved to Italy.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy announced they'd granted the 23-month-old citizenship after a conservative politician in the country petitioned them to do so.

April 23 - 'Last-ditch' Alfie appeal dismissed by High Court judge

A High Court judge dismisses a "last-ditch appeal" by Alfie's parents.

Mr Justice Hayden considered a request from the little boy's parents Tom and Kate at a hearing in the Family Division of the High Court late on Monday.

Their appeal for a delay was refused by the judge who gave doctors the go-ahead to stop treatment and bring Alfie's life to an end.

9.17pm, April 23 - Ventilation is withdrawn but Alfie defies the odds

Early the next morning Alfie's dad Tom tells TV cameras his son has been breathing unaided after his life-support was withdrawn.

Speaking outside Alder Hey Hospital he told reporters his son was breathing by himself within minutes of the ventilation being taken away.

He said: "It's actually come to the point where his mum is asleep next to him. She can actually go to sleep next to him. She feels comfortable with him."

April 28 - Alfie Evans dies after long-running legal battle comes to an end
The heartbroken family of Alfie Evans announced the 23-month old died after a long-running legal battle.

On Facebook, dad Tom Evans wrote: "My gladiator lay down his shield and gained his wings... absolutely heartbroken."
No, he could have had a normal life if he had some new treatments done, and why wouldnt the EU allow it if it is not at their expense and duly credentialed professionals are saying it is a plausible cure?

Maniacal wannabe murderers dont want their little precedent get away from them.

Uh, dude, where did you get your medical degree from, a cracker jack box?

The baby had 70% brain damage. In the very unlikely event he lived, he'd have been a vegetable his whole life.
It was more than that by Feb 2018, and all their attempts to slow or halt the disease had failed. These doctors also don’t work in isolation, they consult with experts around the world, and the Vatican could have sent their doctors there I would think.
The parents had to sneak Dr. Izabela Pałgan in to see Alfie so she could give a private assessment.
The article, an interesting one btw, also states:

Brain adaptation
The findings reveal “the brain is very plastic and can adapt to some brain damage occurring in the pre- and postnatal period when treated appropriately,” he says.

“What I find amazing to this day is how the brain can deal with something which you think should not be compatible with life,” comments Max Muenke, a paediatric brain defect specialist at the National Human Genome Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, US.

If something happens very slowly over quite some time, maybe over decades, the different parts of the brain take up functions that would normally be done by the part that is pushed to the side,” adds Muenke, who was not involved in the case.

And maybe Alfie could have similarly adapted to his situation but his body was never given the chance.

The brain is still a very mysterious organ and it is constantly surprising us and disproving 'facts' all the time that we think we know about it.
It was more than that by Feb 2018, and all their attempts to slow or halt the disease had failed. These doctors also don’t work in isolation, they consult with experts around the world, and the Vatican could have sent their doctors there I would think.

Could the doctors have been incompetent and refused to cooperate with release of the child so that their incompetence could not be documented by outside sources?

Other experts were saying that the little boy was treatable and could have a normal life, but the UK docs said Nyet!

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