IDs should be mandatory in order to vote

It should be required. The govt should issue everyone a free id.
I’d go a step further. Make it a federal program. Put it into every post office. During the census, have people go door to door to the shut ins and elderly and get them the ID they need.

Once you’ve gotten everyone, make it required.
are you saying some people are to stupid to get their own id's??

cause that looks like what youre saying,,
It should be required. The govt should issue everyone a free id.
I’d go a step further. Make it a federal program. Put it into every post office. During the census, have people go door to door to the shut ins and elderly and get them the ID they need.

Once you’ve gotten everyone, make it required.
Don’t derail the thread, leftist
not so much racist classism...poor people dont have ids...cant drive...why bother with a state id..that they charge for? if the gop is serious about voter id...establish center where people can get ids...but then how to they prove who they are? again a paper trail that can be impossible for some...home births should be registered but often are not...home schooled kids etc...the paper trail is thinning daily

myself i am not pro or con on this...i carry an id at all times..due to the oppressive nature of police in the usa and also cause i am pretty sure i need it to buy certain items...
Bullshit... in ths day and age nobody can live life without an ID.
No excuses not matter how poor you are
Listen up, filthy humans, The Pale Orc is speaking. Why would you not show an ID to vote? Doesn't make any sense? You need an ID to drive, buy alcohol, get married but not elect an official that impacts how we live, spend, etc.? Doesn't make any sense. And to call it racism is bullshit (see below).

This should be mandatory in EVERY state. I have zero qualms in showing my ID. Why do you? My ID is below:

View attachment 474229

And for the filthy humans that dare play the race card, Candace Owens is black.

Anyone except CHEATING FILTH has no problem with providing ID before casting a vote. If they think HR1 is going to be allowed without a brawl, they're simple-minded. They're about to see where the boundaries lie...
not so much racist classism...poor people dont have ids...cant drive...why bother with a state id..that they charge for? if the gop is serious about voter id...establish center where people can get ids...but then how to they prove who they are? again a paper trail that can be impossible for some...home births should be registered but often are not...home schooled kids etc...the paper trail is thinning daily

myself i am not pro or con on this...i carry an id at all times..due to the oppressive nature of police in the usa and also cause i am pretty sure i need it to buy certain items...
Grade a bullshit.
Without an ID you can't do any important functions from banking to getting meds to buying booze to LOTS OF SHIT.

Being poor does not preclude you from obtaining an ID.

You're a brainwashed lemming
not so much racist classism...poor people dont have ids...cant drive...why bother with a state id..that they charge for? if the gop is serious about voter id...establish center where people can get ids...but then how to they prove who they are? again a paper trail that can be impossible for some...home births should be registered but often are not...home schooled kids etc...the paper trail is thinning daily

myself i am not pro or con on this...i carry an id at all times..due to the oppressive nature of police in the usa and also cause i am pretty sure i need it to buy certain items...
Grade a bullshit.
Without an ID you can't do any important functions from banking to getting meds to buying booze to LOTS OF SHIT.

Being poor does not preclude you from obtaining an ID.

You're a brainwashed lemming

Poor people need ID to get gummit bennies
I'd suggest a couple steps further.
First, that ID better show you are a citizen and legal to vote (such as not a felon). As it is now, in my state, when you get a driver's license or ID there is "motor voter" and the DOL will register you to vote, no proof of citizenship required, just an affidavit swearing you are a citizen and legal to vote. Quite a few "illegal aliens" are able to get a driver's license and registered to vote this way.

Ironically, when seeking an enhanced driver's license, which is required proof to fly commercial airlines and cross the border into Canada, etc.; I have had to show a birth certificate or passport to prove I'm a citizen. And pay an additional fee.

My state, Washington, also went to mail in voting years ago and that furthers the avenues for voting fraud and abuse.

Second, I don't consider voting a Right, rather it is a privilege and one major factor should be that you've paid more in taxes to the government than you have received from the government in form of payments and benefits, such as welfare. Some exceptions would be for active or retired military, LEO, and fire/EMT. Also for those on Social Security when it's a case of them having paid into during their working career.

One major concern of our nation's founders was that when the populace realized they could vote themselves a share of the national treasury, freedom and our nation would be on the down-slide to oblivion.

BTW, in most states, if poor you can get a free ID, or at most one that barely costs more than a six-pack of beer, which many "poor", whom have TVs, cell phones, cars, etc. can likely afford. If you're too poor to afford an ID you likely shouldn't be voting anyway.

Basis of this nation is an informed and involved citizenship at the ballot box.

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