Letting sixteen year olds vote is a foot in the door to end childhood early - or eliminate it altogether

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
No one paying attention can miss that Democrats are pushing for childhood, as we know it, to end early, if not be abolished.

By "childhood," I mean the legal and societal protections have been afforded for young people prior to adulthood. Throughout history, there have been protections for children, if not provided by law, provided by parents. This has been universal in every known society existing or in the past.

Except . . . in socialist dictatorships.

In socialist dictatorships, such as Nazi German, Communist China, and the Soviet Union, and smaller socialist dictatorships, children were openly called "property of the state." Children had the same rights as adults, because adults had no rights at all. Children were also "fair game" for conscription and combat. Children were expected to fulfill the same political obligations, such as attending meetings and rallies, reporting dissent to authorities, and reciting the approved socialist slogans.

In the U.S., the moves to end childhood are more subtle and ad hoc, but all leading to the same goal. If children get to vote at sixteen, lowering the age of consent is an obvious next step. So is allowing them to make all medical decisions for themselves. The proponents of lower voting age may not have thought of this, but they will also soon be allowed to sign contracts that bind them as adults.

Meanwhile for children under sixteen, protections will also be eroded. Those protections have come from law and from parental oversight. When it comes to transgender "treatment," government, in the forms of schools and CPS, are already moving to take this oversight away from parents. Not by passing a law cutting parents out of the process, because that would never - ever - be passed by elected officials. The aim is to normalize gender dysphoria, which is a recognized mental disorder, then "identify" as many confused kids as transgender as they can.

Again the aim is children with the same rights as adults, which they achieve through taking rights from adults and giving rights to children. They will say that a ten year old can decide to start hormone treatments after being identified as transgender by a school counselor, but they will never say that a seventeen year old can decide to carry a pistol when going home from her job at McDonalds after dark. The former, they want for everyone from birth to death, and the latter they want for no one.

Transgender Porn is a growth industry.

If nothing else, transgender porn is becoming a hot seller. GameLink, an online porn provider, says its sales of transgender porn have increased 14 percent in the past year, and now make up 10 percent of its overall revenue.

Perhaps even more surprising than the numbers is who’s watching it. California and New York were the top two states—accounting for 17.6 and 7.3 percent of transgender porn sales on GameLink last year. Not a big surprise, given the generally liberal leanings of both states. And Illinois’ entry at No. 3—with 5.6 percent—may not surprise some people.

A large group of confused and depressed boys who think they can achieve happiness through medical and surgical treatment to resemble girls clearly has a lot of appeal to many progressives. For those who find that idea appealing, starting the treatments at an early age is vital, so that the boys don't change their minds, and so that puberty doesn't make it more difficult for them to achieve the desired (by progressives) feminine look on a male body.

Absent that motivation, the actions of transactivists toward children in the U.S. would make no sense at all.
No one paying attention can miss that Democrats are pushing for childhood, as we know it, to end early, if not be abolished.

By "childhood," I mean the legal and societal protections have been afforded for young people prior to adulthood. Throughout history, there have been protections for children, if not provided by law, provided by parents. This has been universal in every known society existing or in the past.

Except . . . in socialist dictatorships.

In socialist dictatorships, such as Nazi German, Communist China, and the Soviet Union, and smaller socialist dictatorships, children were openly called "property of the state." Children had the same rights as adults, because adults had no rights at all. Children were also "fair game" for conscription and combat. Children were expected to fulfill the same political obligations, such as attending meetings and rallies, reporting dissent to authorities, and reciting the approved socialist slogans.

In the U.S., the moves to end childhood are more subtle and ad hoc, but all leading to the same goal. If children get to vote at sixteen, lowering the age of consent is an obvious next step. So is allowing them to make all medical decisions for themselves. The proponents of lower voting age may not have thought of this, but they will also soon be allowed to sign contracts that bind them as adults.

Meanwhile for children under sixteen, protections will also be eroded. Those protections have come from law and from parental oversight. When it comes to transgender "treatment," government, in the forms of schools and CPS, are already moving to take this oversight away from parents. Not by passing a law cutting parents out of the process, because that would never - ever - be passed by elected officials. The aim is to normalize gender dysphoria, which is a recognized mental disorder, then "identify" as many confused kids as transgender as they can.

Again the aim is children with the same rights as adults, which they achieve through taking rights from adults and giving rights to children. They will say that a ten year old can decide to start hormone treatments after being identified as transgender by a school counselor, but they will never say that a seventeen year old can decide to carry a pistol when going home from her job at McDonalds after dark. The former, they want for everyone from birth to death, and the latter they want for no one.

Transgender Porn is a growth industry.

If nothing else, transgender porn is becoming a hot seller. GameLink, an online porn provider, says its sales of transgender porn have increased 14 percent in the past year, and now make up 10 percent of its overall revenue.

Perhaps even more surprising than the numbers is who’s watching it. California and New York were the top two states—accounting for 17.6 and 7.3 percent of transgender porn sales on GameLink last year. Not a big surprise, given the generally liberal leanings of both states. And Illinois’ entry at No. 3—with 5.6 percent—may not surprise some people.

A large group of confused and depressed boys who think they can achieve happiness through medical and surgical treatment to resemble girls clearly has a lot of appeal to many progressives. For those who find that idea appealing, starting the treatments at an early age is vital, so that the boys don't change their minds, and so that puberty doesn't make it more difficult for them to achieve the desired (by progressives) feminine look on a male body.

Absent that motivation, the actions of transactivists toward children in the U.S. would make no sense at all.
Libs will argue that if children can vote at 16 then they can decide to have sex at that age also
No one paying attention can miss that Democrats are pushing for childhood, as we know it, to end early, if not be abolished.

By "childhood," I mean the legal and societal protections have been afforded for young people prior to adulthood. Throughout history, there have been protections for children, if not provided by law, provided by parents. This has been universal in every known society existing or in the past.

Except . . . in socialist dictatorships.

Let's ignore the fact that child slavery was a thing in this country at its Founding and child labor laws weren't a thing until the the 20th century and only then because of a push for progressive labor reform.

Let's ignore the fact that child slavery was a thing in this country at its Founding and child labor laws weren't a thing until the the 20th century and only then because of a push for progressive labor reform.
No, no. Let's not ignore that.

Let's never lose an opportunity to distract from current atrocities by talking about something that happened 80 years ago.

Let's also remember that child labor laws are the exact kinds of protections of children that today's progressives seek to end.

They are advocating now for an open border that allows traffickers to smuggle children in to be forced sex workers.
No, no. Let's not ignore that.

Let's never lose an opportunity to distract from current atrocities by talking about something that happened 80 years ago.
Current atrocities being perpetuated by who? I'm guessing any of your modern examples are going to be authoritarians and dictators or capitalists entities operating in countries ran by authoritarians and dictators. That's going to be your common thread right there.
Let's also remember that child labor laws are the exact kinds of protections of children that today's progressives seek to end.
Which progressives? Do you have any examples?
They are advocating now for an open border that allows traffickers to smuggle children in to be forced sex workers.
So no. Just ridiculous cosplay and hyperbole. 😄
No one paying attention can miss that Democrats are pushing for childhood, as we know it, to end early, if not be abolished.

By "childhood," I mean the legal and societal protections have been afforded for young people prior to adulthood. Throughout history, there have been protections for children, if not provided by law, provided by parents. This has been universal in every known society existing or in the past.

Except . . . in socialist dictatorships.

In socialist dictatorships, such as Nazi German, Communist China, and the Soviet Union, and smaller socialist dictatorships, children were openly called "property of the state." Children had the same rights as adults, because adults had no rights at all. Children were also "fair game" for conscription and combat. Children were expected to fulfill the same political obligations, such as attending meetings and rallies, reporting dissent to authorities, and reciting the approved socialist slogans.

In the U.S., the moves to end childhood are more subtle and ad hoc, but all leading to the same goal. If children get to vote at sixteen, lowering the age of consent is an obvious next step. So is allowing them to make all medical decisions for themselves. The proponents of lower voting age may not have thought of this, but they will also soon be allowed to sign contracts that bind them as adults.

Meanwhile for children under sixteen, protections will also be eroded. Those protections have come from law and from parental oversight. When it comes to transgender "treatment," government, in the forms of schools and CPS, are already moving to take this oversight away from parents. Not by passing a law cutting parents out of the process, because that would never - ever - be passed by elected officials. The aim is to normalize gender dysphoria, which is a recognized mental disorder, then "identify" as many confused kids as transgender as they can.

Again the aim is children with the same rights as adults, which they achieve through taking rights from adults and giving rights to children. They will say that a ten year old can decide to start hormone treatments after being identified as transgender by a school counselor, but they will never say that a seventeen year old can decide to carry a pistol when going home from her job at McDonalds after dark. The former, they want for everyone from birth to death, and the latter they want for no one.

Transgender Porn is a growth industry.

If nothing else, transgender porn is becoming a hot seller. GameLink, an online porn provider, says its sales of transgender porn have increased 14 percent in the past year, and now make up 10 percent of its overall revenue.

Perhaps even more surprising than the numbers is who’s watching it. California and New York were the top two states—accounting for 17.6 and 7.3 percent of transgender porn sales on GameLink last year. Not a big surprise, given the generally liberal leanings of both states. And Illinois’ entry at No. 3—with 5.6 percent—may not surprise some people.

A large group of confused and depressed boys who think they can achieve happiness through medical and surgical treatment to resemble girls clearly has a lot of appeal to many progressives. For those who find that idea appealing, starting the treatments at an early age is vital, so that the boys don't change their minds, and so that puberty doesn't make it more difficult for them to achieve the desired (by progressives) feminine look on a male body.

Absent that motivation, the actions of transactivists toward children in the U.S. would make no sense at all.

The Democrats' real motto is 'Sex Before 8. Before It's Too Late'.
Libs will argue that if children can vote at 16 then they can decide to have sex at that age also

Their Heroic Martyr Mathew Sheppard, who was murdered by his drug dealing meth head faggot buddies while the media still keeps claiming he was killed by Evul Xian Fundies n stuff,, had an arrest record involving 8 year old boys, so it's clear they think 8 year olds are fair prey.
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Their Heroic Martyr Mathew Sheppard, who was murdered by his drug dealing meth head faggot buddies while the media still keeps claiming he was killed by Evul Xian Fundies n stuff,, had an arrest record involving 8 year old boys, so it's clear they think 8 year olds are fair prey.
Are you hallucinating your bigot wet dreams and mistaking them for reality again?
Maybe it does take white wing logic to think of preventing 16 year olds from voting as a protection rather than a restriction. 😄

tell me. At what age does the frontal lobe of the brain fully develop? and what is the significance of that? do you know?
The disconnect I see in all this is progressives are saying you can't choose to smoke, drink or use guns before 21, but you can vote and decide to mutilate yourself via surgery or medication before 21, sometimes way before 21.
Libs want it both ways
Libs will argue that if children can vote at 16 then they can decide to have sex at that age also
Not just Libs; but anyone who respects the meaning of "age of majority". To include gun purchasing, and the buying, and consumption of alcohol. Either a person is of age, or they aren't. Sure the Libs want their votes, and (currently) underage sex. But I bet they won't put it all on the line, and insist that they can now purchase an AR15...

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