Idiot Trump Blames the Constitution for His Failed First 100 Days

‘In an interview with Fox News to mark the 100-day mark, he declared himself “disappointed” with congressional Republicans, despite his many “great relationships” with them.

He blamed the constitutional checks and balances built in to US governance. “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”’

Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days

No, Trump and Congressional Republicans are ‘really a bad thing’ for the country.

Congressional republicans had 7 years to get their shit together on maobamacare and couldn't do it. Everyone is disappointed in them and it will show in 2018 if they don't get it done.

Oh? And your other option is?


‘In an interview with Fox News to mark the 100-day mark, he declared himself “disappointed” with congressional Republicans, despite his many “great relationships” with them.

He blamed the constitutional checks and balances built in to US governance. “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”’

Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days

No, Trump and Congressional Republicans are ‘really a bad thing’ for the country.
Breaking Update:

The media misquoted Trump. He never said the Constitution was archaic. Here's the transcript.
Why do you lie? Watch the video, he calls the system "archaic" twice. From his own orange lips....

Donald Trump blames the 'archaic' and 'really bad' US Constitution for his problems
There is no $12K deductible, dope.

Thank you for sharing that you are one of the fine folks specifically described by Jonathan Gruber.

Out-of-Pocket Maximums and Deductible Limits For 2017
Each year the ACA sets new limits for out-of-pocket maximums and deductibles. Here are the limits for 2017 plans for individuals and families.

  • For 2017, your out-of-pocket maximum can be no more than $7,150 for an individual plan and $14,300 for a family plan before marketplace subsidies.
read more: Out-of-Pocket Maximums and Deductible Limits for 2017 Health Plans - Obamacare Facts
before marketplace subsidies.

I wonder what they are after?

Who pays the subsidy and why?

‘In an interview with Fox News to mark the 100-day mark, he declared himself “disappointed” with congressional Republicans, despite his many “great relationships” with them.

He blamed the constitutional checks and balances built in to US governance. “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”’

Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days

No, Trump and Congressional Republicans are ‘really a bad thing’ for the country.
Breaking Update:

The media misquoted Trump. He never said the Constitution was archaic. Here's the transcript.

From the very first sentence of your link......................

This is a rush transcript from "The First 100 Days," April 28, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MARTHA MACCALLUM, FOX NEWS CHANNEL THE FIRST 100 DAYS HOST: Just breaking in the last couple of hours, North Korea has fired off another ballistic missile, this test like many that came before has failed. The missile crashed into the Sea of Japan after traveling 25 miles through the air.

In the italics at the top of the article it says it's a rush transcript, and that it may not be in its final form and may be updated.

In other words...............they left that part out for now.
‘In an interview with Fox News to mark the 100-day mark, he declared himself “disappointed” with congressional Republicans, despite his many “great relationships” with them.

He blamed the constitutional checks and balances built in to US governance. “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”’

Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days

No, Trump and Congressional Republicans are ‘really a bad thing’ for the country.

Congressional republicans had 7 years to get their shit together on maobamacare and couldn't do it. Everyone is disappointed in them and it will show in 2018 if they don't get it done.

Oh? And your other option is?


Ok. Then all the luck.
The constitution was deeply flawed. It took 26 amendments to make it better.

Or perhaps the constitution wasn't flawed in that it allows for the constitution to be amended, so it can move with the times. It's not the constitution that has the flaw, but the people.

The constitution was deeply flawed. It institutionalized slavery and didn't protect any rights of the people. BUT, like an AI program, it had the ability to learn from its mistakes, and could correct it's flaws.
/---- So why didn't Obozo and the Dems use the power of Constitutional Amendments to repair the "flawed" Constitution when they had all three branches of power?

This is where someone tells you what is required to change the constitution.
The only thing required is to appoint 2-3 judges who have the correct agenda.
And there it is, Trump actually says out loud "the Constitutional checks and balances are bad for the country". And where are the Republicans in Congress? Nowhere. If president Obama had even uttered such a thing Republicans would have gone to impeachment proceedings immediately AND RIGHTLY SO. Any president that would claim the Constitution archaic and 'bad for the country' needs to be removed from office immediately.-

You have Trump in violation of his oath of office, to support protect and defend the constitution of the united states,.

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Where's Congress? This is how you know the democracy is in jeopardy, this man would do this and the party he belongs to does nothing. There is no debate any longer, the Republicans put their political party before all else even the Constitution.

You are expecting us to believe that you respect the Constitution, that any snowflake respects the Constitution? You must be joking. You express your contempt for it every day. You defended those ANTIFA thugs. I can't imagine any evidence that you despise the Constitution.
And there it is, Trump actually says out loud "the Constitutional checks and balances are bad for the country". And where are the Republicans in Congress? Nowhere. If president Obama had even uttered such a thing Republicans would have gone to impeachment proceedings immediately AND RIGHTLY SO. Any president that would claim the Constitution archaic and 'bad for the country' needs to be removed from office immediately.-

You have Trump in violation of his oath of office, to support protect and defend the constitution of the united states,.

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Where's Congress? This is how you know the democracy is in jeopardy, this man would do this and the party he belongs to does nothing. There is no debate any longer, the Republicans put their political party before all else even the Constitution.

You are expecting us to believe that you respect the Constitution, that any snowflake respects the Constitution? You must be joking. You express your contempt for it every day. You defended those ANTIFA thugs. I can't imagine any evidence that you despise the Constitution.

Well work on your imagination Pickles.
‘In an interview with Fox News to mark the 100-day mark, he declared himself “disappointed” with congressional Republicans, despite his many “great relationships” with them.

He blamed the constitutional checks and balances built in to US governance. “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”’

Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days

No, Trump and Congressional Republicans are ‘really a bad thing’ for the country.

You have to give credit to where credit is due.

At least Trump does not dismiss the Constitution and ignore it or make Executive Orders that defy it.

Yep, nary a one has been halted by the courts. :laugh2:

They've been temporarily halted by a few cherry picked judges. The SC will overrule them.
This is part of the script. It was Bush before it was Trump disliking the Constitution. After Trump in 2024, it will be the republican president after him. Probably Pence.
It [US Constitution] was a product of its times and its politics.

The problem right now is that the people don't want to fix the problems it is causing to present day society.

The purpose of our Constitution is to protect the people from the government.

Specifically, what problems are being caused by the Constitution?

I think the biggest problem is the inability to enforce the Constitution when it is violated.

The Constitution has become like the Ten Commandments. Most people just ignore them. It's more of a warning than the law of the land.

That is a terrible flaw.

Seems to be a terrible flaw in the PEOPLE, not the Constitution.
It [US Constitution] was a product of its times and its politics.

The problem right now is that the people don't want to fix the problems it is causing to present day society.

The purpose of our Constitution is to protect the people from the government.

Specifically, what problems are being caused by the Constitution?

I think the biggest problem is the inability to enforce the Constitution when it is violated.

The Constitution has become like the Ten Commandments. Most people just ignore them. It's more of a warning than the law of the land.

That is a terrible flaw.

Seems to be a terrible flaw in the PEOPLE, not the Constitution.

Exactly, people treating the law as a suggestion instead of the law. That would include many judges sitting on every level of the State and federal benches.

Trump is a self made billionaire who kicked the shit out of Hillary and your entire party.

It took Trump two loans, and an inheritance of $200 million,

Do you not know how much several billion dollars is? Go back to grade school and pay attention this time.

Trump was a billionaire before he inherited $200 million. That's a little slight of hand the douche bags play with the facts.

Really? He was a billionaire before his dad gave him 200 million? Link please.
Trump is a self made billionaire who kicked the shit out of Hillary and your entire party.

It took Trump two loans, and an inheritance of $200 million,

Do you not know how much several billion dollars is? Go back to grade school and pay attention this time.

Trump was a billionaire before he inherited $200 million. That's a little slight of hand the douche bags play with the facts.

Really? He was a billionaire before his dad gave him 200 million? Link please.
The pos was born on 3rd base and thought he hit a triple Been ripping people off his whole life Now he gets his biggest fish AMERICA

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