I worked on the US drone program. The public should know what really goes on


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Whenever I read comments by politicians defending the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Predator and Reaper program – aka drones – I wish I could ask them a few questions. I'd start with: "How many women and children have you seen incinerated by a Hellfire missile?" And: "How many men have you seen crawl across a field, trying to make it to the nearest compound for help while bleeding out from severed legs?" Or even more pointedly: "How many soldiers have you seen die on the side of a road in Afghanistan because our ever-so-accurate UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] were unable to detect an IED [improvised explosive device] that awaited their convoy?"

Few of these politicians who so brazenly proclaim the benefits of drones have a real clue of what actually goes on. I, on the other hand, have seen these awful sights first hand.

I knew the names of some of the young soldiers I saw bleed to death on the side of a road. I watched dozens of military-aged males die in Afghanistan, in empty fields, along riversides, and some right outside the compound where their family was waiting for them to return home from the mosque.

I worked on the US drone program. The public should know what really goes on | Heather Linebaugh | Comment is free | theguardian.com

Interesting take from an actual drone pilot. Turns out they're not as precise as the government would have us believe, as if there was any doubt, and they don't simply target militants since they sometimes have no idea who they're targeting at all. Again, as if there was any doubt.
As general Patton said, "The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his.".

"Country" might be an outdated concept in some conflicts, but drones are the best way to reach that objective. If you think missiles from a fighter jet or bomber are going to cut down on "collateral damage", you're just stupid.
As general Patton said, "The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his.".

"Country" might be an outdated concept in some conflicts, but drones are the best way to reach that objective. If you think missiles from a fighter jet or bomber are going to cut down on "collateral damage", you're just stupid.

If you think those are the only options then you're just stupid.
If you think missiles from a fighter jet or bomber are going to cut down on "collateral damage", you're just stupid.


But we also need to ask ourselves what our objectives are, and whether we are achieving them.
As general Patton said, "The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his.".

"Country" might be an outdated concept in some conflicts, but drones are the best way to reach that objective. If you think missiles from a fighter jet or bomber are going to cut down on "collateral damage", you're just stupid.

If you think those are the only options then you're just stupid.
It's true that we could send troops in harms way or, we could just get on our knees and bend over I suppose. I guess you would prefer the latter.
As general Patton said, "The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his.".

"Country" might be an outdated concept in some conflicts, but drones are the best way to reach that objective. If you think missiles from a fighter jet or bomber are going to cut down on "collateral damage", you're just stupid.

If you think those are the only options then you're just stupid.
It's true that we could send troops in harms way or, we could just get on our knees and bend over I suppose. I guess you would prefer the latter.

And I guess you would prefer just killing random people and pretending they're terrorists.
Unless there are some major changes in the near future, drones may sharply decrease in use as their pilots leave the military in droves.

Other nations will not have a similar problem as they will recruit expert gamers and put them at the control stick without their being required to be qualified fighter aircraft pilots.

The USA only uses commissioned officer. Other nations use Noncoms and pay them a bit extra to fly the things.
The far left only cared about the collateral damage before Nov 2008. Now they could care less.

Although this was the excuse given by Clinton on why he would not order a drone strike to take out Bin laden.
The far left only cared about the collateral damage before Nov 2008. Now they could care less.

The far left still cares about collateral damage. They are very angry at Obama.
The far left only cared about the collateral damage before Nov 2008. Now they could care less.

The far left still cares about collateral damage. They are very angry at Obama.

No they don't

Here, learn a little:
"That Woman Is Worth Paying Attention To": Medea Benjamin Explains Why She Disrupted Obama?s Speech | Democracy Now!

Less than 24 hours after she interrupted President Obama’s major speech on the future of the secret drone war and Guantánamo, CodePink co-founder Medea Benjamin describes why she repeatedly interrupted Obama’s address.

And I didn’t do what I did to embarrass the president. I did it because I feel that he needs to be pushed more, that it has been over four years now of policies that have been killing innocent people with drones.
The far left still cares about collateral damage. They are very angry at Obama.

No they don't

Here, learn a little:
"That Woman Is Worth Paying Attention To": Medea Benjamin Explains Why She Disrupted Obama?s Speech | Democracy Now!

Less than 24 hours after she interrupted President Obama’s major speech on the future of the secret drone war and Guantánamo, CodePink co-founder Medea Benjamin describes why she repeatedly interrupted Obama’s address.

And I didn’t do what I did to embarrass the president. I did it because I feel that he needs to be pushed more, that it has been over four years now of policies that have been killing innocent people with drones.

So are you admitting to code pink as being a far left organization? or this another lame attempt by you to just post random info and claim it supports your assertions when it does not?
Here's another far leftie angry at Obama for collateral damage:

Scahill stated “the most dangerous thing” the US is doing “besides murdering innocent people in many cases is giving people in Yemen or Somalia or Pakistan a non-ideological reason to hate the United States, to want to fight the United States.” Hayes told Scahill calling it murder is a “provocative” way of describing what is happening and he wanted Scahill to defend using the word murder.

HAYES: Jeremy, you used the word “murder” before when you talked about the people who have killed by these strikes who are not combatants we can establish? And obviously that’s al oaded word because it carries certain legal and moral ramifications. Why do you use that word?

SCAHILL: If someone goes into a shopping mall in pursuit of one of their enemies and opens fire on a crowd of people and guns down a bunch of innocent people in a shopping mall, they’ve murdered those people. When the Obama administration sets a policy where patterns of life are enough of a green light to drop missiles on people or to use to send in AC-130s to spray them down —

JACOBS: That isn’t the case here (cross-talk)

SCAHILL: If you go to the village of al Majala in Yemen where I was and you see the unexploded cluster bombs and you have the list and photographic evidence as I do of the women and children that represented the vast majority of the deaths in this first strike that Obama authorized on Yemen, those people were murdered by President Obama on his orders because there was believed to be someone from al Qaeda in that area. There’s only one person that’s been identified that had any connection to al Qaeda there and twenty-one women and fourteen children were killed in that strike and the US tried to cover it up and say it was a Yemeni strike and we know from the WikiLeaks that David Petraeus conspired with the president of Yemen to lie to the world about who did that bombing. It’s murder. It’s mass murder when you say we are going to bomb this area because we believe a terrorist there and you know women and children are in the area. The United States has an obligation to not bomb that area if they believe women and children are there.
pax orbis terrarum: Barry O?Bomber
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No they don't

Here, learn a little:
"That Woman Is Worth Paying Attention To": Medea Benjamin Explains Why She Disrupted Obama?s Speech | Democracy Now!

And I didn’t do what I did to embarrass the president. I did it because I feel that he needs to be pushed more, that it has been over four years now of policies that have been killing innocent people with drones.

So are you admitting to code pink as being a far left organization? or this another lame attempt by you to just post random info and claim it supports your assertions when it does not?

Of course Code Pink is a far left organization. You claimed the far left is not angry about collateral damage, so I showed you that you are quite wrong.

So are you admitting to code pink as being a far left organization? or this another lame attempt by you to just post random info and claim it supports your assertions when it does not?

Of course Code Pink is a far left organization. You claimed the far left is not angry about collateral damage, so I showed you that you are quite wrong.

And so far you have failed.
Here's some more far lefties angry at Obama over collateral damage:

Brian Becker discusses criminal U.S. drone strikes

International ANSWER is a front organization for the WWP. It does not get more far left than that.

They were the organizing force behind the largest street protests against the Iraq war during the Bush Administration. Those protests you saw of tens of thousands in the streets? That was ANSWER's handiwork.

As you can see, they are now pissed off at Obama over his drone strikes.

March in Washington, D.C., demands an end to drone warfare.
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Yes you are just going to post random info/spam once again and claim it supports your assertion.


It hurts to be proven wrong, eh? :lol:

Was not proven wrong! Except in the far left mindset.

The far left is NOT upset with the collateral damage if they were they would have enacted laws to prevent it. Instead they have been silent and could care less now.

Code pink is not the entire far left, maybe in your in mind.
Here's some more far lefties angry at Obama over collateral damage:

Brian Becker discusses criminal U.S. drone strikes

International ANSWER is a front organization for the WWP. It does not get more far left than that.

They were the organizing force behind the largest street protests against the Iraq war during the Bush Administration. Those protests you saw of tens of thousands in the streets? That was ANSWER's handiwork.

As you can see, they are now pissed off at Obama over his drone strikes.

March in Washington, D.C., demands an end to drone warfare.

Yes I see that you have nothing and are going on spamming spree again.

Oh well it is your MO.

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