I worked on the US drone program. The public should know what really goes on

Better not to kill a child standing next to a terrorist...let the terrorist live...and allow the child to grow and become a terrorist. That makes sense.
If we have superior weaponry we should use it...otherwise what is the sense in having it?

Yeah baby, who do you want to start using nuclear weapons against? We have ballistic submarines which are the most superior weapon ever created and we have yet to use one.
If you think those are the only options then you're just stupid.
It's true that we could send troops in harms way or, we could just get on our knees and bend over I suppose. I guess you would prefer the latter.

And I guess you would prefer just killing random people and pretending they're terrorists.

Would it make you feel better if they were bombed by a B-52 or strafed by an F-16 or shot by an M-4? Would you rather our soldiers be put in harm's way? I'd rather we just declared victory and gtfu of Afghanistan, but if we have to be there, is it not better to put fewer of our people in danger?
Are you drinking earlier than usual, because we have had folks on this forum divided on the issue forever but not because of political affiliation.

I supported Bush on this. I support Obama. There are righties and lefties who oppose that on the Board.

Kill the bad guys from the next continent if we can without risking our folks.

this should just be extended to those who play the knock out game. Shoot them save a lot of time and money. Maybe a napalm strike on an inner city. Nah, let's just keep exporting our bombing de jour. I am surprised the faith that those on the left place in the same CIA that they were excoriating for water boarding. But it makes sense. The left screamed about water boarding and what happens? They just start killing them.

The far left often builds these types of conundrums with their anti-anything not far left rhetoric.

It is typical of the far left as they do NOT care as long as they get their way.

An excellent description of the far right reactionaries as well.
If we have superior weaponry we should use it...otherwise what is the sense in having it?

Peace through superior firepower.

It was what the far left used to mock Reagan with in the 80's.

It is what we did in Vietnam with Kennedy, LBJ, and RMN, left to right.

This is not one sided. But your attack dog far right tactics is obvious that you don't care.
And I guess you would prefer just killing random people and pretending they're terrorists.

People are not killed at random. That would be a war crime.
we're not doing war crimes.
What you ignore is that these combatants with cowardice, use civilians as shields.
Would you prefer tea and cookies?

Read what the actual drone pilot wrote. That is why I provided the link.
Good advice.

"But here's the thing: I may not have been on the ground in Afghanistan, but I watched parts of the conflict in great detail on a screen for days on end. I know the feeling you experience when you see someone die.

"Horrifying barely covers it.

"And when you are exposed to it over and over again it becomes like a small video, embedded in your head, forever on repeat, causing psychological pain and suffering that many people will hopefully never experience.

"UAV troops are victim to not only the haunting memories of this work that they carry with them, but also the guilt of always being a little unsure of how accurate their confirmations of weapons or identification of hostile individuals were.

Of course, we are trained to not experience these feelings, and we fight it, and become bitter..."

I worked on the US drone program. The public should know what really goes on | Heather Linebaugh | Comment is free | theguardian.com

Some leftist worry about the possibility of killer drones being turned loose on Mexican drug cartels.

Would US conservatives who endorse the killing of Muslims on the other side of the planet flap the flag for killing innocent Americans in Michoacan?
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People are not killed at random. That would be a war crime.
we're not doing war crimes.
What you ignore is that these combatants with cowardice, use civilians as shields.
Would you prefer tea and cookies?

Read what the actual drone pilot wrote. That is why I provided the link.
Good advice.

"But here's the thing: I may not have been on the ground in Afghanistan, but I watched parts of the conflict in great detail on a screen for days on end. I know the feeling you experience when you see someone die.

"Horrifying barely covers it.

"And when you are exposed to it over and over again it becomes like a small video, embedded in your head, forever on repeat, causing psychological pain and suffering that many people will hopefully never experience.

"UAV troops are victim to not only the haunting memories of this work that they carry with them, but also the guilt of always being a little unsure of how accurate their confirmations of weapons or identification of hostile individuals were.

Of course, we are trained to not experience these feelings, and we fight it, and become bitter..."

I worked on the US drone program. The public should know what really goes on | Heather Linebaugh | Comment is free | theguardian.com

Some leftist worry about the possibility of killer drones being turned loose on Mexican drug cartels.

Would US conservatives who endorse the killing of Muslims on the other side of the planet flap the flag for killing innocent Americans in Michoacan?

Another reason to keep women out of combat roles...there is enough whining coming from the lib pols...
Nah, the whiskies were as violent as the mikes. Don't ever kids yourself the ladies can't dish it out and take it.
this should just be extended to those who play the knock out game. Shoot them save a lot of time and money. Maybe a napalm strike on an inner city. Nah, let's just keep exporting our bombing de jour. I am surprised the faith that those on the left place in the same CIA that they were excoriating for water boarding. But it makes sense. The left screamed about water boarding and what happens? They just start killing them.

The far left often builds these types of conundrums with their anti-anything not far left rhetoric.

It is typical of the far left as they do NOT care as long as they get their way.

An excellent description of the far right reactionaries as well.

Well I image to a far left Obama drone like you, sure!
If we have superior weaponry we should use it...otherwise what is the sense in having it?

Peace through superior firepower.

It was what the far left used to mock Reagan with in the 80's.

It is what we did in Vietnam with Kennedy, LBJ, and RMN, left to right.

This is not one sided. But your attack dog far right tactics is obvious that you don't care.

Actually no it is not, but keep posting far left propaganda and show how much you care being a far left Obama drone.
Better not to kill a child standing next to a terrorist...let the terrorist live...and allow the child to grow and become a terrorist. That makes sense.

Yeah, here's the better idea: Kill the kid and watch as his whole family becomes "terrorists."
If you think missiles from a fighter jet or bomber are going to cut down on "collateral damage", you're just stupid.


But we also need to ask ourselves what our objectives are, and whether we are achieving them.

Well, we have been sold a bill of goods stating that our objective is to stop the terrorists from attacking us again. For the life of me how sending nearly 7000 Americans to die in foreign lands and having another 50,000 come home maimed could be considered beneficial to our freedom is beyond me. On top of that, all the money spent, or should we say borrowed, could have been put to much better use.
Read what the actual drone pilot wrote. That is why I provided the link.
Good advice.

"But here's the thing: I may not have been on the ground in Afghanistan, but I watched parts of the conflict in great detail on a screen for days on end. I know the feeling you experience when you see someone die.

"Horrifying barely covers it.

"And when you are exposed to it over and over again it becomes like a small video, embedded in your head, forever on repeat, causing psychological pain and suffering that many people will hopefully never experience.

"UAV troops are victim to not only the haunting memories of this work that they carry with them, but also the guilt of always being a little unsure of how accurate their confirmations of weapons or identification of hostile individuals were.

Of course, we are trained to not experience these feelings, and we fight it, and become bitter..."

I worked on the US drone program. The public should know what really goes on | Heather Linebaugh | Comment is free | theguardian.com

Some leftist worry about the possibility of killer drones being turned loose on Mexican drug cartels.

Would US conservatives who endorse the killing of Muslims on the other side of the planet flap the flag for killing innocent Americans in Michoacan?

Another reason to keep women out of combat roles...there is enough whining coming from the lib pols...
Have you attended any weddings lately?

"The peace group CODEPINK unequivocally condemns the killing of 15 innocent civilians –– all part of a wedding convoy–– by a US drone in Yemen today.

"The group calls on President Obama to apologize to the families and pledge to immediately put an end to these strikes that have led to the death of so many noncombatants.

"CODEPINK has long criticized the Obama administration’s drone policy as being contrary to international law, immoral, and ineffective in combating terrorism."


Maybe we should look for ways to tax for-profit combat into extinction?
If you think missiles from a fighter jet or bomber are going to cut down on "collateral damage", you're just stupid.


But we also need to ask ourselves what our objectives are, and whether we are achieving them.

Well, we have been sold a bill of goods stating that our objective is to stop the terrorists from attacking us again. For the life of me how sending nearly 7000 Americans to die in foreign lands and having another 50,000 come home maimed could be considered beneficial to our freedom is beyond me.
Therein lies the beauty of the drone. Have you heard of any killed or maimed drone "pilots"? Sorry, killing these assholes saves lives. Even our socialist president agrees.

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