I Shoulda Saved This For Sunday...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"God The Father Bugging Rest Of Trinity With Dad Jokes
February 19th, 2020

HEAVEN—According to sources from on high, God the Father insists on telling God the Son and God the Holy Spirit dad jokes for all eternity.

"Hey, do you know how you can tell that I like baseball?" He reportedly asked God the Son shortly after creating the universe.

Jesus sighed. "How, Father?"

"In the big inning! Get it? Ha!"

Nobody laughed. But the Father was just getting started. "Hey Jesus, remember when we created everything under there?”

The only begotten Son replied “Under where?” causing the angels to burst out in laughter.

When Cain committed humanity's first murder, the Trinity was watching from on high. "Hey guys," the Father said. "Why couldn't Cain please God? Because he wasn't Abel!"

He also made a joke about how Abraham and Isaac built a computer together and God provided the RAM.

“Hey, guys, who else besides me doesn’t have any parents?” the Father asked at one point during the conquest of Canaan.

Jesus rolled his eyes: “Who?”

“Joshua Son of Nun! Classic!" The Father also confirmed He named Joshua Son of Nun specifically so he could tell that joke.

This has been going on for all eternity, according to sources, and reportedly will continue for all eternity future.

Sources also confirmed Jesus came to earth primarily to get away from all the dad jokes."
God The Father Bugging Rest Of Trinity With Dad Jokes
A man was walking along a beach and talking with God one day.

At one point after a few minutes of pondering in silence, the man asked God, "God, how long is a million years to you?" God replied, "Just a second."

They continued to walk in silence for a few more minutes, and then the man asked God, "God, how much is a million dollars to you?" God replied, "A penny."

They continued to walk in silence for a few more minutes, and then the man asked God, "God, can I have a penny?"
God replied, "Of course.....in just a second."

:p That's one of my all-time favorites. It reminds us that OUR time and GOD'S time are not the same, that we have to remember that when we get impatient waiting on him.
A preacher fresh out of the seminary was asking the senior priest for some tips before giving his first sermon, as he said he felt very nervous about his first one.

The senior preacher said no problem, instead of putting water in your glass, fill it halfway with vodka. Will take the jitters right away and you should be okay.

Well, the Sunday after the new priest gave his sermon, he asked the senior priest how he did.

The senior priest said it was okay, but for a couple of mistakes....................First off, there are 10 commandments, not 12, and there are 12 disciples, not 10. And, the Holy Trinity is God the Father, Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit, not Big Daddy, Junior and the Holy Spook.
I'm reminded that God has a sense of humor every time I look into a mirror.
A jewish man was walking on a beach with his grandson when a huge wave washed the kid out to sea. The man dropped to his knees begging for God to return his grandson, pleading even. A moment later another huge wave washed ashore returning the grandson no worse for the wear. The man dropped to his knees and gave thanks to God for the miraculous return of the boy. "but," he continued, "he had a hat."

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