I have two bones to pick with you guys. One for the left and one on the right.

STILL trying to figure out why Obama was wrong to apologize.

I heard 1% of Muslims are radical....which doesn't mean they're terrorists....OBVIOUSLY. Even after BOOOSH.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-iM6TIROHk&feature=related]Westboro Baptist protesters run for their van - YouTube[/ame]
Welcome to the "Grampa is fucking nuts" thread. It's where "I" get my ass handed to me while others talk about sacred flowers and skate off scott free. Lol
Let's NOT go that far old top...YOu aren't that crazy.

Apparently you haven't read the tag lines. They are in my every thread.

I am loved. Lol
On a personal level? I like you.

You address subjects I sometimes dare not.

Kudos to you.
There are over a billion muslims. Supposedly only 10% of them are radaical. What's 10% of a billion? Get the picture. That's one hell of a lot. 100,000,000 More than the population of most of our states, and the combined population of several. Think about it. Most people have the picture of a tiny miniscule group of people who are 'radical islam.' But this is not a tiny group. They walk among us. They post among us.

my point still stands......if you dont pull out or control the weeds in your garden....then the weeds will take over....and there is nothing sadder then to see Flowers to scared to bloom....because of the weeds....
The weeds are already taking over...the main propagstor is Obama...HE will be weeded out this year.

you better get one hell of a weeder then....because the plants trying to move him out of the way may get weeded out themselves.....they may not have what it takes....
Sunshine....EVERYONE who has a job is selling their services unless they do it for nothing.....and if you notice not once in what i said did i say i was disappointed in what i was paid or benefits i received.........my injuries and Weather conditions are all part of the life of a Letter Carrier....i GAVE my body ....and they paid for the injuries....and when im done....then its my turn to receive and their turn to give.....

Your employer covers those injuries...worker's comp...health insurance....you GAVE nothing. LOL. You could get a dog bite. I could have gotten a needle stick in my days of staff nursing and died of AIDS, or could still get assaulted by a patient and be disabled for life, but that is still covered as much as it can be by my employer. When I did get stabbed by a patient, I didn't go around playing the martyr and whining 'I GAVE my body to this job. Sniff. Sniff.' You sound silly. Change your MO.

thats right.....they give every fucking day im on the job.....but so do i.....and like i said....pretty soon i wont be giving them shit....but they will still be giving to me....and i can see why Gramps and few other people here think your a bitch.....geezus Christ go smoke a joint or something....Sunshine my ass.....more like Acid Rain.....
C'mon now Harry...he's really OK. She is making quite a few think on thier feet for a change...refreshing...I for one appreciate it.
my point still stands......if you dont pull out or control the weeds in your garden....then the weeds will take over....and there is nothing sadder then to see Flowers to scared to bloom....because of the weeds....
The weeds are already taking over...the main propagstor is Obama...HE will be weeded out this year.

you better get one hell of a weeder then....because the plants trying to move him out of the way may get weeded out themselves.....they may not have what it takes....

But an Herbicide will be deployed...YOU just don't know it yet...

neither party is powerless to do squat about it.
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There are over a billion muslims. Supposedly only 10% of them are radaical. What's 10% of a billion? Get the picture. That's one hell of a lot. 100,000,000 More than the population of most of our states, and the combined population of several. Think about it. Most people have the picture of a tiny miniscule group of people who are 'radical islam.' But this is not a tiny group. They walk among us. They post among us.

my point still stands......if you dont pull out or control the weeds in your garden....then the weeds will take over....and there is nothing sadder then to see Flowers to scared to bloom....because of the weeds....

scared flowers?:confused:
Weeds? U talking about hemp? :eusa_eh:

you got any?.....:smoke:
McVeigh was a registered Republican when he lived in Buffalo, New York in the 1980s, and had a membership in the National Rifle Association while in the military.[82] McVeigh was raised Roman Catholic.[83] During his childhood, he and his father attended Mass regularly.[84] McVeigh was confirmed at the Good Shepherd Church in Pendleton, New York, in 1985.[85] In a 1996 interview, McVeigh professed belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."[83] In the 2001 book American Terrorist, McVeigh stated that he did not believe in Hell and that science is his religion.[86][87] In June, 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying as agnostic.[88] Before his execution, McVeigh took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.[89]

McVeigh claimed that the bombing was revenge for "what the U.S. government did at Waco and Ruby Ridge."[90] McVeigh visited Waco during the standoff, where he spoke to a news reporter about his anger over what was happening there.[82]

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What the fuck Lakhota, you're using THIS to try to say McVeigh was a Christian? Really?
It says the opposite of what your insinuating. Are you stoned tonight or WHAT?
We'll start with the left.

All the hate and mockery topics about Santorum and his religious beliefs. You scream about tolerance in all areas until a devout Christian speaks his mind. He has made it clear they are his beliefs and that is the extent of it. But you all post hate topics non stop. I'm not a believer but I am of the mind that to each his own. Many of you on the other hand can't seem to grasp the hypocrisy of your positions.

Now the right....

We have both soldiers and captives (in Egypt) in harms way. Yet many of you are all to happy to jump on the Obama is a fuck up bandwagon and critique or even slam the way he is dealing with the holy book situation. Lives are at stake and NO ONE knows if the way he is handling it may end up saving lives or torture of captives. We have plenty of reasons to want Obama out and this isn't one of them.

Playing in the mud can be fun on here but to me both of these issues are over the top when they are addressed in such a frivolous manner.
That depends on the philosophy.

When you pussy foot around any action is inflammatory. It happens when you try to kill people and be civil about it.

They kill two, we kill 20. They attack a platoon you take out an entire city.

It ends quickly.
STILL trying to figure out why Obama was wrong to apologize.

I heard 1% of Muslims are radical....which doesn't mean they're terrorists....OBVIOUSLY. Even after BOOOSH.

when are you going to apologize Frankie?....lots of kids died in Vietnam Asshole....and they were not "Thugs".....you fucking Hemorrhoid riddled Rectal Cavity....
STILL trying to figure out why Obama was wrong to apologize.

I heard 1% of Muslims are radical....which doesn't mean they're terrorists....OBVIOUSLY. Even after BOOOSH.

when are you going to apologize Frankie?....lots of kids died in Vietnam Asshole....and they were not "Thugs".....you fucking Hemorrhoid riddled Rectal Cavity....
Lighten up a bit will ya? He was prolly one of the mind that General Patton slapped (and rightfully so)...Have mercy...;)
We tried to elevate the culture of this board.

You saw how far it went.

Members here are human, all too human. Maybe someone will be a bit more adult for a second after reading this. But I am not holding my breath

To what end? Do we also have to pretend that all this "opinion" matters? The few serious posters..God only knows why they bother... don't get trashed as far as I can see as long as they don't challenge anyones stupid hack beliefs. The peeps that go toe to toe as their way of making a point are just here to yell and get stuff out of their system OR have serious self worth issues and need to validate their superficially gained opinions.

Bottom line is that no one comes to this place to LEARN anything. I have yet to see a "lib" see a christian fuckwit neo con post and say.."Ya know I was full of shit but thought I was right...and..since ya put it THAT way I see how wrong I was.." Never happened!

True story!

Ever seen one of the christian funadamentalist idiots stand up and declair.. "Maybe it is possible to think for myself.. I don't need to be validated by a sky fairy or people that believe in sky faries!".

Nope..won't ever happen...these idiots are goin to their graves with that nonsense and the sad part is when the light switch gets turned off they will have learned nothing cuz nobodies home.

So here we are with lives less interesting than the time we spend on a internet Message board.

Some escape this hell ..not many...EZ got married and rightfully has no more time to waste here.. GOOD FOR HER!! Most just get butt hurt and go on looking for someone that will agree with their point of view... and to punctuate the meaninglessness of it all we are all here anonomously.. No one has to be accountable for anything good or bad they say. And if ya kiss enough ass and make enough "friends" :lol: ya get enough rep to throw it around like ya are all about something.

Nice try My Knocking Bacon ... Maybe you are having buyers remorse having been given the keys to the employee bathroom and found that since you are obligated to actually read more posts...and not just the one's that interest you.. all of a sudden quality is an issue... :lol:

Get laid...get drunk...get out more..

Or you could be like Gunny and just fuck with all the zombies and no life stooges..

If you ever get a handle on this cat herding trick...pattent it.

We tried to elevate the culture of this board.

You saw how far it went.

Members here are human, all too human. Maybe someone will be a bit more adult for a second after reading this. But I am not holding my breath

To what end? Do we also have to pretend that all this "opinion" matters? The few serious posters..God only knows why they bother... don't get trashed as far as I can see as long as they don't challenge anyones stupid hack beliefs. The peeps that go toe to toe as their way of making a point are just here to yell and get stuff out of their system OR have serious self worth issues and need to validate their superficially gained opinions.

Bottom line is that no one comes to this place to LEARN anything. I have yet to see a "lib" see a christian fuckwit neo con post and say.."Ya know I was full of shit but thought I was right...and..since ya put it THAT way I see how wrong I was.." Never happened!

True story!

Ever seen one of the christian funadamentalist idiots stand up and declair.. "Maybe it is possible to think for myself.. I don't need to be validated by a sky fairy or people that believe in sky faries!".

Nope..won't ever happen...these idiots are goin to their graves with that nonsense and the sad part is when the light switch gets turned off they will have learned nothing cuz nobodies home.

So here we are with lives less interesting than the time we spend on a internet Message board.

Some escape this hell ..not many...EZ got married and rightfully has no more time to waste here.. GOOD FOR HER!! Most just get butt hurt and go on looking for someone that will agree with their point of view... and to punctuate the meaninglessness of it all we are all here anonomously.. No one has to be accountable for anything good or bad they say. And if ya kiss enough ass and make enough "friends" :lol: ya get enough rep to throw it around like ya are all about something.

Nice try My Knocking Bacon ... Maybe you are having buyers remorse having been given the keys to the employee bathroom and found that since you are obligated to actually read more posts...and not just the one's that interest you.. all of a sudden quality is an issue... :lol:

Get laid...get drunk...get out more..

Or you could be like Gunny and just fuck with all the zombies and no life stooges..

If you ever get a handle on this cat herding trick...pattent it.


Someone needs a hug.

Awe, fuck it. Who ever made that line up needs a dildo in the ass.

New line, get bent.
We tried to elevate the culture of this board.

You saw how far it went.

Members here are human, all too human. Maybe someone will be a bit more adult for a second after reading this. But I am not holding my breath

To what end? Do we also have to pretend that all this "opinion" matters? The few serious posters..God only knows why they bother... don't get trashed as far as I can see as long as they don't challenge anyones stupid hack beliefs. The peeps that go toe to toe as their way of making a point are just here to yell and get stuff out of their system OR have serious self worth issues and need to validate their superficially gained opinions.

Bottom line is that no one comes to this place to LEARN anything. I have yet to see a "lib" see a christian fuckwit neo con post and say.."Ya know I was full of shit but thought I was right...and..since ya put it THAT way I see how wrong I was.." Never happened!

True story!

Ever seen one of the christian funadamentalist idiots stand up and declair.. "Maybe it is possible to think for myself.. I don't need to be validated by a sky fairy or people that believe in sky faries!".

Nope..won't ever happen...these idiots are goin to their graves with that nonsense and the sad part is when the light switch gets turned off they will have learned nothing cuz nobodies home.

So here we are with lives less interesting than the time we spend on a internet Message board.

Some escape this hell ..not many...EZ got married and rightfully has no more time to waste here.. GOOD FOR HER!! Most just get butt hurt and go on looking for someone that will agree with their point of view... and to punctuate the meaninglessness of it all we are all here anonomously.. No one has to be accountable for anything good or bad they say. And if ya kiss enough ass and make enough "friends" :lol: ya get enough rep to throw it around like ya are all about something.

Nice try My Knocking Bacon ... Maybe you are having buyers remorse having been given the keys to the employee bathroom and found that since you are obligated to actually read more posts...and not just the one's that interest you.. all of a sudden quality is an issue... :lol:

Get laid...get drunk...get out more..

Or you could be like Gunny and just fuck with all the zombies and no life stooges..

If you ever get a handle on this cat herding trick...pattent it.


Someone needs a hug.

Awe, fuck it. Who ever made that line up needs a dildo in the ass.

New line, get bent.
Huggy talks too much...He's never heard of Shakespere and Brevity...soul of wit, and it shows...
STILL trying to figure out why Obama was wrong to apologize.

I heard 1% of Muslims are radical....which doesn't mean they're terrorists....OBVIOUSLY. Even after BOOOSH.

when are you going to apologize Frankie?....lots of kids died in Vietnam Asshole....and they were not "Thugs".....you fucking Hemorrhoid riddled Rectal Cavity....

I was talking about Diem, Ky, and Thieu and our other guys in VN, obviously not our soldiers, MORON.

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