I have a theory on the UFO phenomenan; they are demonic


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
I'm going to posit a theory. For the sake of discussion, let's assume that the UFO's are real and are, indeed, super-advanced craft.

They're not from some far-away planet. They're from here. They're also humanoid in appearance, but they're not humans; they're demons.

Luke 10:18
King James Version
18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

There is a misnomer that Satan is in Hell. You need to understand that Satan has never been to Hell. In fact, nobody is in Hell. Satan visits Earth but spends most of his time in Heaven. Yes, Satan is in Heaven. However, his days are numbered and God is going to expel him from Heaven. He will be ejected and sent to Earth.

In the aforementioned verse, I believe Jesus was speaking about the future when he said that "he saw" Satan "as lightning falling from Heaven".

Perhaps the increase (allegedly) in UFO activity are demons preparing for their lord to be cast into the Earth.

Once Satan comes to Earth, the aliens will reveal themselves to us. Satan will, of course, remain behind the scenes, so to speak. The leader of the aliens will look just like us. He will be an extraordinarily charming, witty, handsome, man and an incredible orator. He will tell the world that they come from afar and that they have been observing us for thousands of years. He will say that they are concerned for our well-being and that they want to help us to evolve and to be advanced like them. He will promise to wipe out war, disease, famines, and make every day glorious. He will perform amazing acts that are, on the surface, miracles. The world will be mesmerized and the world will fall in line to follow him. He is the anti-Christ.



I've long wondered if the UFO cult will be the source of the "strong delusion" Christ warns of in the last days:

1 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
In Christian eschatology, the Antichrist, or anti-Christ, refers to people prophesied by the Bible to oppose Christ and substitute themselves in Christ's place before the Second Coming. The term Antichrist (including one plural form)[1] is found five times in the New Testament, solely in the First and Second Epistle of John.[2] The Antichrist is announced as the one "who denies the Father and the Son."[3]

The similar term pseudokhristos or "false Christ" is found in the Gospels. In Matthew (chapter 24) and Mark (chapter 13), Jesus alerts his disciples not to be deceived by the false prophets, who will claim themselves as being Christ, performing "great signs and wonders".[4] Two other images often associated with the Antichrist are the "little horn" in Daniel's final vision and the "man of sin" in Paul the Apostle's Second Epistle to the Thessalonians.[5]
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I've long wondered if the UFO cult will be the source of the "strong delusion" Christ warns of in the last days:

1 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

Great post!
I've long wondered if the UFO cult will be the source of the "strong delusion" Christ warns of in the last days:

1 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

Great post!

I'm going to posit a theory. For the sake of discussion, let's assume that the UFO's are real and are, indeed, super-advanced craft.

They're not from some far-away planet. They're from here. They're also humanoid in appearance, but they're not humans; they're demons.

Luke 10:18
King James Version
18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

There is a misnomer that Satan is in Hell. You need to understand that Satan has never been to Hell. In fact, nobody is in Hell. Satan visits Earth but spends most of his time in Heaven. Yes, Satan is in Heaven. However, his days are numbered and God is going to expel him from Heaven. He will be ejected and sent to Earth.

In the aforementioned verse, I believe Jesus was speaking about the future when he said that "he saw" Satan "as lightning falling from Heaven".

Perhaps the increase (allegedly) in UFO activity are demons preparing for their lord to be cast into the Earth.

Once Satan comes to Earth, the aliens will reveal themselves to us. Satan will, of course, remain behind the scenes, so to speak. The leader of the aliens will look just like us. He will be an extraordinarily charming, witty, handsome, man and an incredible orator. He will tell the world that they come from afar and that they have been observing us for thousands of years. He will say that they are concerned for our well-being and that they want to help us to evolve and to be advanced like them. He will promise to wipe out war, disease, famines, and make every day glorious. He will perform amazing acts that are, on the surface, miracles. The world will be mesmerized and the world will fall in line to follow him. He is the anti-Christ.

A few simple words and he can't stay near you.He'll go to DC where his throne is
I'm going to posit a theory. For the sake of discussion, let's assume that the UFO's are real and are, indeed, super-advanced craft.

They're not from some far-away planet. They're from here. They're also humanoid in appearance, but they're not humans; they're demons.

Luke 10:18
King James Version
18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

There is a misnomer that Satan is in Hell. You need to understand that Satan has never been to Hell. In fact, nobody is in Hell. Satan visits Earth but spends most of his time in Heaven. Yes, Satan is in Heaven. However, his days are numbered and God is going to expel him from Heaven. He will be ejected and sent to Earth.

In the aforementioned verse, I believe Jesus was speaking about the future when he said that "he saw" Satan "as lightning falling from Heaven".

Perhaps the increase (allegedly) in UFO activity are demons preparing for their lord to be cast into the Earth.

Once Satan comes to Earth, the aliens will reveal themselves to us. Satan will, of course, remain behind the scenes, so to speak. The leader of the aliens will look just like us. He will be an extraordinarily charming, witty, handsome, man and an incredible orator. He will tell the world that they come from afar and that they have been observing us for thousands of years. He will say that they are concerned for our well-being and that they want to help us to evolve and to be advanced like them. He will promise to wipe out war, disease, famines, and make every day glorious. He will perform amazing acts that are, on the surface, miracles. The world will be mesmerized and the world will fall in line to follow him. He is the anti-Christ.

These ufo's seamed to be confined to certain areas. I've never seen
anything over here in Burley, idaho
So I think it's something different than what's being reported on the news
let's assume that the UFO's are real and are, indeed, super-advanced craft.

Why would we do that? For that matter, why would we assume demons are real. Where is the physical evidence.
let's assume that the UFO's are real and are, indeed, super-advanced craft.

Why would we do that? For that matter, why would we assume demons are real. Where is the physical evidence.

The Holocaust, for one.

The Holocaust wasn't perpetrated by demons. It was perpetrated by men (and women). Normal men and women who had jobs, family, paid their bills, and went to church.

Normal, mundane, men and women who came to believe a vile ideology and allowed that ideology to do make them do vile things.
let's assume that the UFO's are real and are, indeed, super-advanced craft.

Why would we do that? For that matter, why would we assume demons are real. Where is the physical evidence.

The Holocaust, for one.

The Holocaust wasn't perpetrated by demons. It was perpetrated by men (and women). Normal men and women who had jobs, family, paid their bills, and went to church.

Normal, mundane, men and women who came to believe a vile ideology and allowed that ideology to do make them do vile things.

I believe that they were under extreme demonic influence which in no way excuses the horrific choices that they made.
let's assume that the UFO's are real and are, indeed, super-advanced craft.

Why would we do that? For that matter, why would we assume demons are real. Where is the physical evidence.

The Holocaust, for one.

The Holocaust wasn't perpetrated by demons. It was perpetrated by men (and women). Normal men and women who had jobs, family, paid their bills, and went to church.

Normal, mundane, men and women who came to believe a vile ideology and allowed that ideology to do make them do vile things.

I believe that they were under extreme demonic influence which in no way excuses the horrific choices that they made.

Here's the thing, humans are fully capable of making horrific choices and performing heinous acts without any demonic influence.

It's one of our defining attributes.
Here's the thing, humans are fully capable of making horrific choices and performing heinous acts without any demonic influence.

It's one of our defining attributes.

The bible is very clear that Satan and demons exist. Of course, not everyone believes that the bible is authentic.

Normal humans don't engage in what the Nazis did. That type of evil takes demonic influence.
I'm going to posit a theory. For the sake of discussion, let's assume that the UFO's are real and are, indeed, super-advanced craft.

They're not from some far-away planet. They're from here. They're also humanoid in appearance, but they're not humans; they're demons.

Luke 10:18
King James Version
18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

There is a misnomer that Satan is in Hell. You need to understand that Satan has never been to Hell. In fact, nobody is in Hell. Satan visits Earth but spends most of his time in Heaven. Yes, Satan is in Heaven. However, his days are numbered and God is going to expel him from Heaven. He will be ejected and sent to Earth.

In the aforementioned verse, I believe Jesus was speaking about the future when he said that "he saw" Satan "as lightning falling from Heaven".

Perhaps the increase (allegedly) in UFO activity are demons preparing for their lord to be cast into the Earth.

Once Satan comes to Earth, the aliens will reveal themselves to us. Satan will, of course, remain behind the scenes, so to speak. The leader of the aliens will look just like us. He will be an extraordinarily charming, witty, handsome, man and an incredible orator. He will tell the world that they come from afar and that they have been observing us for thousands of years. He will say that they are concerned for our well-being and that they want to help us to evolve and to be advanced like them. He will promise to wipe out war, disease, famines, and make every day glorious. He will perform amazing acts that are, on the surface, miracles. The world will be mesmerized and the world will fall in line to follow him. He is the anti-Christ.

You say that like it's a bad thing.
Here's the thing, humans are fully capable of making horrific choices and performing heinous acts without any demonic influence.

It's one of our defining attributes.

The bible is very clear that Satan and demons exist. Of course, not everyone believes that the bible is authentic.

Normal humans don't engage in what the Nazis did. That type of evil takes demonic influence.
Much if not most of that influrnce came from the papist clergy who preached Jew hatred for hundeds of years....

Hitler was brought up in the catholic church and never left it.
The bible is very clear that Satan and demons exist. Of course, not everyone believes that the bible is authentic.

Normal humans don't engage in what the Nazis did. That type of evil takes demonic influence.
The UFO phenomena is about visitors from another sphere of higher intelligences, what you call angels, otherworldly interdimensional living beings. Terrifying to most underdeveloped humans.

And of course Satan and demons exists. They are the scumbags that fucked up ding s mind for life when he was just a tender and supple little boy.

That being said, in the kingdom of God there are the living and the dead, the children of God, the children of the devil, angels, serpents, demons, prophets, teachers, beasts, birds, vultures, fish, donkeys, bulls, wolves, sheep, goats, cattle, lions, tigers, bears, dogs, swine that do not ruminate, teeming vermin who go down on all fours, leeches, maggots, parasites, bottom feeders, ghouls, goblins, brown nosed dorks, and creepy things that creep, etc..

Every described creature is a metaphor which reflects the heights and depths of human potential.

Everyone alive must contend between a spirit of truth and a spirit of perversity within themselves. People make choices. Some people make evil a deliberate choice.

In the hierarchy of hell the higher you climb the lower you get. The abyss has no bottom.

It's as simple as that.
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Much if not most of that influrnce came from the papist clergy who preached Jew hatred for hundeds of years....

Hitler was brought up in the catholic church and never left it.

In the hierarchy of hell the higher you climb the lower you get; the lower you get the higher you climb.

That's why the most deceitful, pretentious, duplicitous, hypocritical, sanctimonious, pusillanimous, godless lying son of a bitch they can find becomes the Pope, a lily white cur.
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