I have a question

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
Jesus walked around a corner and a demon almost walked right into Him. The demon was shocked to see Him, and asked Him what He was doing here before His time. Christ silenced the demon so the demon couldn't alert the others. 'Before His time' means the demons know He's coming after them, down here, on earth. They know how this all ends.

Did they not know about the cross? Was that an end around by God and Christ that the demons didn't even see coming? I'd love it if that's how it happened, the best strategic move ever! But I find it a little hard to believe that the demons didn't know the plan.

God told Adam to replenish the earth.
Replenish means to make full or complete again. From the root word plenir - to fill. Adam was to refill the earth.
So what filled it before Adam was told to redo it?
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Jesus walked around a corner and a demon almost walked right into Him. The demon was shocked to see Him, and asked Him what He was doing here before His time. Christ silenced the demon so the demon couldn't alert the others. 'Before His time' means the demons know He's coming after them, down here, on earth. They know how this all ends.

Did they not know about the cross? Was that an end around by God and Christ that the demons didn't even see coming? I'd love it if that's how it happened, the best strategic move ever! But I find it a little hard to believe that the demons didn't know the plan.

God told Adam to replenish the earth.
Replenish means to make full or complete again. From the root word plenir - to fill. Adam was to refill the earth.
So what filled it before Adam was told to redo it?

Since the Devil is as powerful as God, the demons probably knew.
Jesus walked around a corner and a demon almost walked right into Him. The demon was shocked to see Him, and asked Him what He was doing here before His time. Christ silenced the demon so the demon couldn't alert the others. 'Before His time' means the demons know He's coming after them, down here, on earth. They know how this all ends.

Did they not know about the cross? Was that an end around by God and Christ that the demons didn't even see coming? I'd love it if that's how it happened, the best strategic move ever! But I find it a little hard to believe that the demons didn't know the plan.

God told Adam to replenish the earth.
Replenish means to make full or complete again. From the root word plenir - to fill. Adam was to refill the earth.
So what filled it before Adam was told to redo it?

What Does ?Replenish the Earth? Mean? - Answers in Genesis
If you think about it, Genesis 1 is about the beginning so if the translation says "replenish" then it isn't the beginning.
Jesus walked around a corner and a demon almost walked right into Him. The demon was shocked to see Him, and asked Him what He was doing here before His time. Christ silenced the demon so the demon couldn't alert the others. 'Before His time' means the demons know He's coming after them, down here, on earth. They know how this all ends.

Did they not know about the cross? Was that an end around by God and Christ that the demons didn't even see coming? I'd love it if that's how it happened, the best strategic move ever! But I find it a little hard to believe that the demons didn't know the plan.

God told Adam to replenish the earth.
Replenish means to make full or complete again. From the root word plenir - to fill. Adam was to refill the earth.
So what filled it before Adam was told to redo it?

Since the Devil is as powerful as God, the demons probably knew.

But the Devil is not as powerful because he is a created being made by God and the devil cannot be in more than one place at one time because we see him traveling through the earth in the book of Job and he isn't omni-present.

Job 1:7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.
Jesus walked around a corner and a demon almost walked right into Him. The demon was shocked to see Him, and asked Him what He was doing here before His time. Christ silenced the demon so the demon couldn't alert the others. 'Before His time' means the demons know He's coming after them, down here, on earth. They know how this all ends.

Did they not know about the cross? Was that an end around by God and Christ that the demons didn't even see coming? I'd love it if that's how it happened, the best strategic move ever! But I find it a little hard to believe that the demons didn't know the plan.

God told Adam to replenish the earth.
Replenish means to make full or complete again. From the root word plenir - to fill. Adam was to refill the earth.
So what filled it before Adam was told to redo it?

These are the translations that use "replenish" and it is not a lot so there are more translations on Bible hub that use the word "fill":

Webster's Bible Translation,
English Revised Version
American Standard Version
King James

Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
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Jesus walked around a corner and a demon almost walked right into Him. The demon was shocked to see Him, and asked Him what He was doing here before His time. Christ silenced the demon so the demon couldn't alert the others. 'Before His time' means the demons know He's coming after them, down here, on earth. They know how this all ends.

Did they not know about the cross? Was that an end around by God and Christ that the demons didn't even see coming? I'd love it if that's how it happened, the best strategic move ever! But I find it a little hard to believe that the demons didn't know the plan.

You have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

The 'demon' was probably just some smart ass guy in synagogue wearing a prayer shawl with a box on his head who heard about the 'crazy' claims Jesus was making about being the messiah when anyone who was worth a shekel knew that the messiah was going to come down from the sky with a host of fiery winged angels to poof the Romans out of existence.

He was just mocking Jesus by saying 'have you come to destroy us before our time'. Jesus just told him to shut the fuck up and chased him out....

There were no invisible disembodied entities speaking from the ethers.

you are nuts.
Since the Devil is as powerful as God, the demons probably knew.
The devil is portrayed as a powerful adversary but he is not God’s equal; otherwise God is not all powerful. In fact, God created the devil…the fallen angel who rebelled against God.
In the bible, Jesus said he was going to return "soon", and it's been over two thousand years.

That shows how the truth, and human perception of it, is so different.

A lot of "christians" "believe" that the world is only seven thousand years old (from the Scopes Monkey trial), according to the bible. If "soon" is over two thousand years, then a day to God could be a billion years.
Jesus walked around a corner and a demon almost walked right into Him. The demon was shocked to see Him, and asked Him what He was doing here before His time. Christ silenced the demon so the demon couldn't alert the others. 'Before His time' means the demons know He's coming after them, down here, on earth. They know how this all ends.

Did they not know about the cross? Was that an end around by God and Christ that the demons didn't even see coming? I'd love it if that's how it happened, the best strategic move ever! But I find it a little hard to believe that the demons didn't know the plan.

God told Adam to replenish the earth.
Replenish means to make full or complete again. From the root word plenir - to fill. Adam was to refill the earth.
So what filled it before Adam was told to redo it?

Your question is an interesting one. The answer is contained in the link below. This book, The Mystical City of God, is a phenom. Written by a nun in the 1600s, Mary of Agreda, --- she claimed many visits to her by the Virgin Mary and was instructed to write down all that was told to her. It is essentially an autobiography of the Virgin Mary and many accounts with her son Jesus. It is no less than 2,600 pages coming from a nun who was not scholarly at all. It was reviewed and scrutinized by the universities and theologians of her time and almost in total was reported as being almost exclusively without any opposition to the Scriptures or to faith and morals. Very little to criticize about it, in other words. It received a number of imprimaturs from bishops. It is heralded as something of great value.

This link below is an excerpt of that book speaking directly to your question about whether Satan was aware of the cross and its meaning. The demons were forced to witness the crucifixion!

The victory of Christ over hell, by Mary of Agreda
Since the Devil is as powerful as God, the demons probably knew.
The devil is portrayed as a powerful adversary but he is not God’s equal; otherwise God is not all powerful. In fact, God created the devil…the fallen angel who rebelled against God.

God created "evil" Lucifer chose to embrace it, and became the devil.
Since the Devil is as powerful as God, the demons probably knew.
The devil is portrayed as a powerful adversary but he is not God’s equal; otherwise God is not all powerful. In fact, God created the devil…the fallen angel who rebelled against God.

God created "evil" Lucifer chose to embrace it, and became the devil.

I think he coveted the position of Christ which he was covering or protecting and Lucifer had full knowledge of God and decided to depart from the will of God.
The devil is portrayed as a powerful adversary but he is not God’s equal; otherwise God is not all powerful. In fact, God created the devil…the fallen angel who rebelled against God.

God created "evil" Lucifer chose to embrace it, and became the devil.

I think he coveted the position of Christ which he was covering or protecting and Lucifer had full knowledge of God and decided to depart from the will of God.
Yep, jealousy was the first negative act. That one act begat all the others we have today. But since God knew Lucifer would go to the dark side, it must have been part of his plan. God also knew Satan would tempt Adam and Eve. He also knew they would fail to resist the temptation. Evil was created to give us choice. Without choice, there is no free will. Evil seems to be a learning tool. For Adam and Eve made their choice out of ignorance. They didn't know anything about evil or Satan. Like a mom tells a baby, don't touch the fire, it's hot. The baby disobeys mom, and learns fire is hot. Ignorance is NOT bliss.
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Jesus walked around a corner and a demon almost walked right into Him. The demon was shocked to see Him, and asked Him what He was doing here before His time. Christ silenced the demon so the demon couldn't alert the others. 'Before His time' means the demons know He's coming after them, down here, on earth. They know how this all ends.

Did they not know about the cross? Was that an end around by God and Christ that the demons didn't even see coming? I'd love it if that's how it happened, the best strategic move ever! But I find it a little hard to believe that the demons didn't know the plan.

God told Adam to replenish the earth.
Replenish means to make full or complete again. From the root word plenir - to fill. Adam was to refill the earth.
So what filled it before Adam was told to redo it?

If you read the prophecies as literal writings, you WILL be deceived by them and ask stupid questions because of your literal belief system.

Adam wasn't required to do anything but experience what God put in His mind to experience, like all God's created invisible "beings".
Jesus walked around a corner and a demon almost walked right into Him. The demon was shocked to see Him, and asked Him what He was doing here before His time. Christ silenced the demon so the demon couldn't alert the others. 'Before His time' means the demons know He's coming after them, down here, on earth. They know how this all ends.

Did they not know about the cross? Was that an end around by God and Christ that the demons didn't even see coming? I'd love it if that's how it happened, the best strategic move ever! But I find it a little hard to believe that the demons didn't know the plan.

You have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

The 'demon' was probably just some smart ass guy in synagogue wearing a prayer shawl with a box on his head who heard about the 'crazy' claims Jesus was making about being the messiah when anyone who was worth a shekel knew that the messiah was going to come down from the sky with a host of fiery winged angels to poof the Romans out of existence.

He was just mocking Jesus by saying 'have you come to destroy us before our time'. Jesus just told him to shut the fuck up and chased him out....

There were no invisible disembodied entities speaking from the ethers.

you are nuts.

This was early on in Christ's mission, not when He was being mocked as the King of the Jews. So you believe Jesus told him to shut up, but you don't believe the rest. Instead you made up a story to replace the one in the Bible. If only your version made as much sense.......

How did the smart ass know Christ was there "before it was time? What did the smart ass know about when the right time was?
If everyone worth a shekel knew the Messiah was coming to crush the Romans, if not then, when? Wouldn't being overrun with Romans be exactly the right time?
And why would a Jewish smart ass refer to the Romans as "us"?

The Jews in the synagogue didn't "hear" about Jesus, they listened to him teach there. They were well aware of his abilities, and watched Him execute miracle after miracle.

You may question whether demons exist, but I assure you, "they" did not. They watched Jesus confront demons, and cast them out. They knew more then, than you know now.

Because it was methodical, even people who were not followers of Christ used His methods and achieved success in casting out demons.
The guys in the synagogues didn't even bother to question Christ's capabilities. They condemned Him for "working" on the sabbath.

You are right though about there being no invisible disembodied entities.
Demons never had bodies to begin with. :eusa_angel:

So, my question to you is, "How many demons can invade the body of a man who doesn't know they exist?"
Legions Hob, and most don't even know they're in trouble.
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Jesus walked around a corner and a demon almost walked right into Him. The demon was shocked to see Him, and asked Him what He was doing here before His time. Christ silenced the demon so the demon couldn't alert the others. 'Before His time' means the demons know He's coming after them, down here, on earth. They know how this all ends.

Did they not know about the cross? Was that an end around by God and Christ that the demons didn't even see coming? I'd love it if that's how it happened, the best strategic move ever! But I find it a little hard to believe that the demons didn't know the plan.

You have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore.

The 'demon' was probably just some smart ass guy in synagogue wearing a prayer shawl with a box on his head who heard about the 'crazy' claims Jesus was making about being the messiah when anyone who was worth a shekel knew that the messiah was going to come down from the sky with a host of fiery winged angels to poof the Romans out of existence.

He was just mocking Jesus by saying 'have you come to destroy us before our time'. Jesus just told him to shut the fuck up and chased him out....

There were no invisible disembodied entities speaking from the ethers.

you are nuts.

This was early on in Christ's mission, not when He was being mocked as the King of the Jews. So you believe Jesus told him to shut up, but you don't believe the rest. Instead you made up a story to replace the one in the Bible. If only your version made as much sense.......

How did the smart ass know Christ was there "before it was time? What did the smart ass know about when the right time was? .

It was a dominant belief still current in certain sects, that the Messiah would appear at the end of time.

According to that belief anyone who claimed to be the messiah would seem crazy since it was obviously not the end of time.

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