Jasmine Crockett's Clash With Marjorie Taylor Greene Sparks Wave of Jokes

"I'm just curious. To better understand your ruling, if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleached blonde, bad-built, butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?" Crockett asked.

Meanwhile, other social media users also took to Twitter to react to the exchange.

"Jasmine Crockett's fake eyelashes are smarter than Marjorie Taylor Greene," one person wrote on X.

'I'm really surprised that Marjorie Taylor Greene didn't try to take out AOC and Jasmine Crockett with one of those Jewish Space Lasers after she started (and lost) the war of words," another person said, referencing previous comments made by Greene where she suggested that the California wildfires were started by "Jewish space lasers."

"Waking up to Jasmine Crockett calling Marjorie Taylor Greene bleach blonde bad built butch body and I may just go back to bed. We aren't topping that one today, friends," a third person said.

Oh MTG got her ass handed to her on that one.

She got the right one today.
Crockett handed it to her. She really returned it and nailed Greene. Crockett also used the term “butch” to describe a woman. Is that acceptable or is the LBGTQ just not having an issue because a Black woman said it?

Black Privilege.
"I'm just curious. To better understand your ruling, if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleached blonde, bad-built, butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?" Crockett asked.

Meanwhile, other social media users also took to Twitter to react to the exchange.

"Jasmine Crockett's fake eyelashes are smarter than Marjorie Taylor Greene," one person wrote on X.

'I'm really surprised that Marjorie Taylor Greene didn't try to take out AOC and Jasmine Crockett with one of those Jewish Space Lasers after she started (and lost) the war of words," another person said, referencing previous comments made by Greene where she suggested that the California wildfires were started by "Jewish space lasers."

"Waking up to Jasmine Crockett calling Marjorie Taylor Greene bleach blonde bad built butch body and I may just go back to bed. We aren't topping that one today, friends," a third person said.

Oh MTG got her ass handed to her on that one.

She got the right one today.
If I created a thread lik this it would be declared a "bait thread" and moved to the basement.

I'll sit here and watch and see what happens. Pretty sure I know
"I'm just curious. To better understand your ruling, if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleached blonde, bad-built, butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?" Crockett asked.

Meanwhile, other social media users also took to Twitter to react to the exchange.

"Jasmine Crockett's fake eyelashes are smarter than Marjorie Taylor Greene," one person wrote on X.

'I'm really surprised that Marjorie Taylor Greene didn't try to take out AOC and Jasmine Crockett with one of those Jewish Space Lasers after she started (and lost) the war of words," another person said, referencing previous comments made by Greene where she suggested that the California wildfires were started by "Jewish space lasers."

"Waking up to Jasmine Crockett calling Marjorie Taylor Greene bleach blonde bad built butch body and I may just go back to bed. We aren't topping that one today, friends," a third person said.

Oh MTG got her ass handed to her on that one.

She got the right one today.

Ms. Crockett wiped the floor with Moscow Margie and did not raise a sweat.
Ms. Crockett wiped the floor with Moscow Margie and did not raise a sweat.

All Moscow Margie is and all she will ever be is bleach blond bad built butch body poor white trailor trash.

And Bleach Blond Bad Built Body Trash is all MTG will ever be.
"I'm just curious. To better understand your ruling, if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleached blonde, bad-built, butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?" Crockett asked.

Meanwhile, other social media users also took to Twitter to react to the exchange.

"Jasmine Crockett's fake eyelashes are smarter than Marjorie Taylor Greene," one person wrote on X.

'I'm really surprised that Marjorie Taylor Greene didn't try to take out AOC and Jasmine Crockett with one of those Jewish Space Lasers after she started (and lost) the war of words," another person said, referencing previous comments made by Greene where she suggested that the California wildfires were started by "Jewish space lasers."

"Waking up to Jasmine Crockett calling Marjorie Taylor Greene bleach blonde bad built butch body and I may just go back to bed. We aren't topping that one today, friends," a third person said.

Oh MTG got her ass handed to her on that one.

She got the right one today.

They all looked stupid.

That you are to racist to see that just shows how they get into office to begin with. They obviously have voters that can't pass the G.E.D.
My gosh, I went to a high school a few months ago to donate one of my old keyboards and these girls were asking me questions about how to use it. Every one of them had false eyelashes that stuck out an inch! I had a hard time not laughing, it really looked silly.

If I had to venture a guess, at least a few were 50 lbs beyond what they should have been.

I went to a H.S. football game several years ago with some friends and the opposing schools dance team came out with bare mid-drift outfits. There were rolls hanging out all over the place.

I thought...."Really ?"
If I had to venture a guess, at least a few were 50 lbs beyond what they should have been.

I went to a H.S. football game several years ago with some friends and the opposing schools dance team came out with bare mid-drift outfits. There were rolls hanging out all over the place.

I thought...."Really ?"
The times they are a-changin'. :oops:
Oh, now you are worried about members of Congress, never hear any of you say a damn word about MTG's behavior.
that’s right, because politicians say some stupid stuff, all of them, but when they do what they did in that hearing, it’s not good for the country to see that.
If I had to venture a guess, at least a few were 50 lbs beyond what they should have been.

I went to a H.S. football game several years ago with some friends and the opposing schools dance team came out with bare mid-drift outfits. There were rolls hanging out all over the place.

I thought...."Really ?"
Everybody has a story to tell.
Everybody has a story to tell.
If it is pure political then there are potential questions. Experiencing a lot of things even with my flaws I would not follow that for survival. African American men at a higher percentage has already rejected it.

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