I have a complaint...

I think the stock boys are angry little whore-monal bastards, and that they purposely threw my apples around.
Sir Evil said:
well better take care of them in the future and they won't pinch your apples!


I'll take care of them alright... :bat:
Since this is a complaint thread, what's your complaint (When you're finished picking on my apples, of course)?
no1tovote4 said:
I'll get them for you!


My hero! My knight in shining armor!

Oh, look.. A couple of freakin sourpusses. Hmph.
Ok. Because you're only allowed one complaint per night..
manu1959 said:
yes dear............ *cowers in corner* :smoke:

Pfft.. Like anyone cowers from me.. I'm all of 5'3" with shoes on.
manu1959 said:
are they spiked heals? *he asks hopefully*

No. That would make me 5'7" with shoes... But I have some in the closet if you want to borrow them.. Oh, and a pair of what I call "bitch boots".

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